Previous entry here.
I posted back in July when I was blessed with the exciting news that I would be having twins. I had been bleeding and had to go in for an emergency ultrasound. We found out at that time that we were gonna be in for a wild ride. Surprisingly I only gained 35 pounds during the pregnancy (honestly was still 60 pounds heavier than before my 2 year old)….But my stomach was beyond huge. At 35 weeks pregnant my uterus measured 57 1/2 cm and could no longer hold the pressure of my babies. The twins were 5 weeks early weighing 7 1/4 and 5 1/2 pounds. I am now 5 weeks postpartum…And though I am yet another victim of the “twin skin dilemma”….I am beyond proud of the 3 beautiful children that thsi body has given to me….And I wear my stretchmarks proudly….As should all of you beautiful mommies….. The pictures below are of my belly at 32 weeks pregnant…. The 2 beautiful babies that came from that big o belly…. the proud big brother…. 8 days postpartum and 5 weeks postpartum.