At 8w 3d I found out I was having twins. Something no one can ever be prepared for. Two of everything! Two cribs, two bikes, two high chairs, two carseats, two hugs, two kisses, twice the work, twice the fun! I had my fraternal twin boys at 37 weeks via c-section and they’ve been the most amazing, most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me!

Updated here.
I used to have kitty shoes like that! I had totally forgotten. I wish I still had them, but they never fit me the same after my first pregnancy. Darn.
Just had to say that. :)
You look beautiful, thanks for contributing!
As if..was my first reaction! Then WOW! You look outstanding! Go Hot mommy Go!
Wow, you are simply gorgeous! Enjoy your twins – I am having twin boys in March too! :)
Wow, you look great!
I myself am having a single baby and am at 36 weeks.
If you can look good with having two babies, I hope I can too with just having one!
Have you ever been told you resemble Jennifer Garner?
You look great!! Congrats on the twins!
Thanks! My hubby won’t let me get rid of those kitty shoes! They still fit, but I feel like I’m too old to be wearing them… lol
You look great! :D Congratulations on TWINS!!! :D
How long after you had them did you take those last 2 pics? You look so good!!!
Jennifer Garner-I’ve never been told that, but after looking at a pic of her, we both share the same big forehead! Haha :)
Last two pics were taken about 6 months after I had my boys.
WOW! You look great!
you look great! i too bounced back from twins (mine are fraternal girls!) and noone believes you can, LOL!
WOW you look awesome, i hope i end up looking like you when i satrt to show!
You look great, and I hope you are enjoying your twins. Though, I would say that they are more than twice the work of my singleton. They are also more than twice the fun! :-)
wow!!!!!!!! you look awesome!
Wow, you look amazing? How did you do it???
Hey, I had those kitty shoes too!
Um. Are these “Before” or “After” photos??? You look wonderful! Go, mama!
I just watched what I ate and exercised. I’m still tryting to get rid of the small pooch on my lower stomach, but I think at this point, it’s permanant! :-/
Wow, I had twins in July and my stomach is still huge and puffy. I’ve been working out so hard but don’t look nearly like your stomach does. So jealous. You gave me more inspiration to keep at it.
Wow you look awesome! Good job momma! You give me hope!
Wow. You look amazing. You’d never know you had twins!
you posted on my post and i just had to look u up haha…you look wonderful you give me sooooo much hope i was so scared i’d never have my pre twins-post singleton tummy back!! and now there’s hope yay!! your such an inspiration way to go!!! i hope i look like that 6 mos postpartum with my girls my update should be posted soon at 5 weeks pp w/ my fraternal twin girls…again you look AMAZING!!!
Thanks Sierra! I still don’t like my stomach, but I’m getting use to it. :)
i don’t see why you don’t i wish my stomach would hurry up and look like that!! and yes i do have a facebook i’ll post the link here…