Well this is me so far, I am 37 weeks pregnant and I am soo excited to be having my baby boy soon!! I Have gained 25 pounds already i guess i am all belly because my belly is HUGE lol! So far ive not gotten any stretch marks but its genetic in my family to get them and i know they will be coming in the next week or two its very depressing i have also have VERY low self esteem and im so afraid im going to suffer from baby blues very bad!! I probably wont “bounce back” i have a feeling ill have trouble losing weight due to a thyroid problem its hard to main tain my weight or even lose it which is why i suffered from an eating disorder for 3 years but thank god my husband rescused me from myself, or atleast helped a great deal in the end i was the only one who could help myself.. when i get stretch marks im going to have to look at them in a differnt light, i read someone on here say your son is only young once and you have the rest of your life to worry about your body… which made me smile i wish i knew who said that she was very smart and very true!! I have been 1 cm dilated for 2 weeks now im wondering when im going to have him.. i really hope i dont go to 40 weeks.. i know he would be absolutley fine and developed now he is “full term” and if i had him now i know i wouldnt suffer from self esteem problems hearly as bad as i will if i go 3 more weeks or even over due date cause everyone says they wake up the next morning and have stretch marks.. i just wish i could hold him now and look at him.. :) im getting so anxious!!
im including my pregnanct pics so far one at 6 months, 7 months, 8 months 8 1/2 months 9 months and 2 this morning at 37 weeks( all in order)

:) Being 1cm dialated at 37 weeks means nothing as far as predicting when you’ll deliver. Doctors shouldn’t even bother with cervical checks after 35 weeks; it causes too much anxiety.
If you’re worried about depression, talk to your doctor now—delivering the placenta causes such a hormonal shift, it’s equivalent to a complete hysterectomy. You can start meds right at delivery. Or, for now, try taking a good Omega 3 supplement, and 1000mg of Vitamin D, as well as a good B12 supplement. Those really helped my emotional well being and most women are deficient in those.
You look great!!
you look beautiful. i wish you a fast, easy, and safe delivery. if you are feeling blue now, please let your doctor know asap, they can help you plan on post-partum medicine. i began taking zoloft the day my son was born and it helped tremendously (long history of depression) and kept me from having really bad post partum depression. plus, it is totally safe for breastfeeding (which also helps fight depression). best of luck and do not be afraid to ask for help!
You look beautiful!!!!! :D
And Tracy’s right. I was 1 1/2 CM dilated at 36 weeks. I delivered on time… I actually had to be induced.
Good luck to you, honey! Keep updating us! ;)
try to remember that some babies need more than the highly generalized 40 weeks. some babies aren’t ready until 42 weeks! your baby is full-term when labor begins, until then just treat yourself well, enjoy your full, beautiful shape & definitely let your provider know how you’re feeling now. because what is to come will be so much more challenging if you’re not mentally & emotionally cared for. i wish you well.