
Thank you for all the years of showing the world how perfect all bodies already are! This site is now closed for submissions, but don’t stop sharing your stories on social media – just tag them #TheShapeOfAMother

2 thoughts on “Participate

  • Sunday, July 20, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    I found a link to this site on a BabyCenter forum. This site has given me a little more confidence in myself. First off, my pre-pregnancy size was 132lbs, 5’3″, size 3 or 5 jeans, and I was modeling. During my pregnancy I didn’t by any maternity clothes. A friend recommended the TummySleeve to me and I love it. It goes over your pants so you can just leave them unbuttoned and continue to wear them through out your pregnancy. I didn’t gain much weight until 7 months. I was stretch-mark free until 8 months. I don’t regret my pregnancy because it has given me a gorgeous baby girl! However, when I had my little one I was at 41-weeks, 184lbs (+52lbs), and a size 14 jeans. I only lost 12lbs when I had her. At my 6-week post-partum check up, I weighed 157lbs, and was only down to a size 10. My little girl is now 9 weeks old, I am still in a size 10 jeans, and I dare not weigh myself. My biggest issue is not the weight, it’s my hips. I could probably fit into a size 7 right now, only my hips refuse to go past a size 10.
    I hope one day to wear my old clothes again, as all I can wear are sweat pants and stretchy shorts. My husband tells me I’m still beautiful, but I refuse to wear a 2-piece swim suit, or have sex without clothes (a teddy, robe, or something else covering my stomach) on. I hope one day to feel beautiful and confident enough to let him see me again.
    I have attached photos of 30-weeks, 2 weeks post-partum, and today.

  • Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 9:28 am

    Did you email me your submission? Only those I receive via email will get shared. Directions above. :)

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