Original entries here and here.
24 years old
1 Child-14 months old
Gained-61 Pounds
Weight before pregnancy-137
Weight at the end of pregnancy-198
Weight 14 months PP-139
Clothing size before pregnancy
Pants size 9
Bra size 36 C…Sometimes D
After pregnancy
Pants size 3 and 5’s
Shirts medium
Bra size 36 D…
I am now doing P90X after losing all my weight I decided I needed to get fit. My 61 year old mother was on a walk with my daughter and me…I couldn’t make it up a hill and she wanted to keep going. I decided I needed to get healthy, even though I lost my weight I was out of shape and P90X is completely reshaping my body and my curves are coming back…No matter how much I worked out before I was preggo I was NEVER able to achieve abs or tone my arms and after two weeks that is possible now…It really is an AMAZING workout and for only an hour a day!!! Eating healthy and working out is a hard change but it’s easy when you are doing it for your child! My previous entries will tell you how I lost the weight and I check my stories from time to time to see if anyone is asking for advice…It wasn’t easy and it was discouraging at times but you push yourself and remember that you want to stay fit, happy and healthy for your child and that is what keeps me focused. Breastfeeding also helped…I am trying to wean as she is 14mo old but the girl has a mind of her own!!! Every single time she had a growth spurt and wanted to feed a lot I would lose weight and my stomach would suck up. I hope my story helps mommies because it really did work for me and I know it wont work for others as well but it’s worth a try!…:)
Picture 1-Before I got pregnant
Picture 2- During pregnancy
Picture 3- After I had my daughter
Picture 4-14mo PP
Picture 5-Day before P90X (Left) Day 6 of P90X (Right)
Picture 6-Day 10 of P90x