Postpartum Psychosis Survivor (Pinay Mom NYC)

Hearing things that weren’t there was bad; keeping silent about it was worse.

For months after my daughter was born via C-section, I felt miserable and pathetic. I had been so independent prior to giving birth at 31; then I saw myself as this needy, ugly thing, financially dependent on a husband who was suffering through his own depression. I feared he didn’t love me. With my family 3000 miles away, I watched the laundry and dishes pile up. Worst of all, I heard things.

Not voices, per se, but laughter–a quiet, but biting mocking laughter that seemed to arise whenever I was tired, alone, and trying to breastfeed my baby. I also sensed a hand pressing down on top of my head, as if trying to break in through my skull. I’d scream, waking my baby and alerting my husband to something terribly wrong. Eventually, I told him. A neuroscientist by training, he was familiar with what was happening to me and assured me that I wasn’t “crazy.” I did some internet research and found that I was experiencing post-partum psychosis. Well, great, I thought. Now let me get back to adjusting to motherhood, thank you very much.

Only the adjustment to this new role, this new body–this new life–still shook the very core of my sanity. And I kept trudging through, silently. I loved my daughter. I hated my life.

When she was 10 months old, I tried to kill myself using the unused painkiller meds prescribed for me after my C-section. A fight with my husband triggered off what I had been quietly plotting to do for months. I swallowed four pills before he wrested the remaining meds out of my hand and flushed them down the toilet. We talked throughout the night. I decided to seek professional help. I decided to live.

Searching for a care-provider that took my insurance was humiliating. The bureaucratic run-around and telephone-tag belittled my condition, making me feel even more guilt and shame for my experience. Did no one realize that post-partum depression with psychosis required immediate medical attention? I went to the one place that could definitely spot a life-threatening condition when they saw one. I checked into the ER with a simple note: I am going to kill myself. That was the beginning.

It’s been 9 months since I voluntarily committed myself for a three-day stay as a psychiatric patient in the very same hospital in which I had given birth. 9 months of reflecting, re-prioritzing, and cleaning-up. 9 months of getting to know my daughter and getting re-acquainted with my husband and myself. The last 40 weeks haven’t always been easy. But they’ve helped me to acknowledge and accept my husband’s love, and to nurture my family, my career and my needs–no matter how difficult. I love my daughter. I love my life.

I urge everyone out there to question why the physical and psychological toll of motherhood should bring about so much shame, so much silence. It needn’t be this way. Stigma and silencing are often just symptoms of ignorance. Most people don’t recognize that we mothers can love and adore our children and still feel intense pain transitioning into our new lives. Transition can be brutal. But what hurt me and my family more was keeping quiet about it until it was almost too late. Who benefits from maintaining the stigma–the ignorance–around post-partum psychosis? What false ideas of motherhood does this stigma uphold? If people took seriously the personal and medical havoc brought on by motherhood, imagine how we might change maternity policies, healthcare, career-planning—our idea of womanhood, itself.

My daughter is napping in my arms as I write this. Soon she will wake, and the silence will be over. I can only hope.

Thank you for reading.

pic 1: Me a couple months before my 30th birthday, and about 8 months before getting pregnant.
pic 2: A week before giving birth.
pic 3: I took-up pole-dancing as a way to reclaim my body. Here I am attempting a (flawed) outside leg-hook, 15 months post-partum.
pic 4: My little monkey!

~Age: 32
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies, 1 birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 1 daughter, 19 months

No Comparison (Anonymous)

We hear so often that celebrities aren’t comparable to real people because they have things we regular mortals can only dream of: trainers, laser treatments, personal chefs, plastic surgeons on site, maternity fashion stylists, spa treatments, etc. And I guess all of that’s true. And I guess I can accept that and not compare myself to them. But what about when your best friend glides through pregnancy in high heels, skinny jeans and with fabulous hair? What about when she walks out of the hospital thinner and less scarred then you were before you ever even thought about having kids? What about when everyone says she must have had such a great pregnancy/post pregnancy body because she had her kid at 23 and nursed. And you did those same things (but at 21!!) and your body looks like a horror story? I wish I could say that I didn’t compare. I wish I could just be happy that not everyone has to go through the mental agony over their bodies that I did after my baby was born. I wish I could realize that maybe others have their own personal trials and not glorify my own image issues so much. Everyone has problems, no one is perfect. I say it to myself every day. Jealousy is wrong because it makes us focus on what we don’t have and takes away our focus from all that we are blessed with. I know this! And yet, I have a very hard time not comparing myself to others. Especially other mothers. I had my baby 2 and half years ago. My best friend had hers three weeks ago: Not a stretch mark, not a drop of extra skin, back in size 2 pants. The stats shouldn’t matter but they do. Everyone has problems, no one is perfect. Everyone has problems, no one is perfect. How bad am I that that thought comforts me? I don’t want my best friend to have problems, but if she doesn’t my own flaws seem so incredibly magnified. It is so easy for me to see the beauty in others. Which might be considered a good trait, except that I use their found beauty to tarnish my own. I’ve worked so hard and the weight was gone quickly but my skin is ruined. I wish someone had told me. I told my friend. She laughed it off and she was right, for her it was a joke. Pregnancy did nothing, she’s said so herself. (In a sweet way, she’s really kind. these issues are my own and not hers, just wanted to make that clear.) I want to be a better person. I want to see others AND myself as beautiful. I want to stop apologizing for my scars. I want to stop feeling like I failed. Everyone has problems, no one is perfect.

I’m 24.
I’ve been pregnant once.
I have one son.
My son is 2 and half years old.
I’ve worked so hard to get here! These pictures might not show that but they’re where I am today:

Mommy to Three Boys (Anonymous)

Pregnancies: 3
Age: 20
Months PP: 5 months

I was just barely 16 when I got pregnant with my first son. I was 100 pounds when I got pregnant with him, and gained 50 pounds. My A cups went to C cups and I got stretch marks on my breasts. I had no stretch marks on my belly until a week before my due date. ( I got them on my belly, upper thighs and breasts)I had a wonderful pregnancy and my family was very supportive. Shortly before my graduation from high school I became pregnant with my second son, I was also 100 pounds and gained 35 I believe. He came 5 weeks early and was a tiny guy! He spent only 2 weeks in the NICU. I got married to my wonderful husband in June 2010. I had my third son this past summer at the end of June. I weighed 120 pounds when I became pregnant and gained 32 pounds with him. He is 5 months old, so I am 5 months PP. With my last pregnancy I aquired stretch marks AFTER I had him, down by my knees! This shocked me, because it was like 3 or 4 weeks after I delivered him. All my births were induced with pitocin, and I have never had pain medication with them. I have breastfed all my kids! I have always been able to get back down to my Pre-pregnancy weight within 6 weeks, something I credit to breastfeeding. I always loved to go swimming and loved to buy and wear swimsuits before I got pregnant. After having my kids I am more self consious about it, although my husband says that I cant wear a one-piece until I’m 60! I feel so blessed to have my three boys and my awesome husband I just am trying to accept my body the way it is now.

Don’t Buy the One-Piece Swimsuit (Kyla)

I am 23 years old, my daughters are 18 months and 3 1/2 months. I was very lucky to have two, as my midwife said, ‘boring’ pregnancies without any complications or issues. I gained just under 20 lbs in each pregnancy, and it was all baby-weight and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight very quickly. I had my first daughter six weeks after I wrote my last exam in my undergrad and my second 15 months later, neither of them were planned. these girls are the center of my world – in both good and bad ways!

I always had body image issues since I hit puberty and I had just reached a point where I was beginning to feel comfortable with myself when I got pregnant. I felt better than ever in both my pregnancies, I was so proud of my belly. Baby bellies are viewed differently in this society than they used to be even one generation ago, when women felt they had to cover up their bellies and wear long circus-tent type clothing, but now the thinking is to flaunt and show off your belly, and big bellies are revered and praised. But the post-partum belly is not socially acceptable in our culture, we are taught to hide our bodies now. Going from the one extreme to the other is a big gap for any woman to jump.

After my first daughter was born I ‘bounced back’ pretty quickly and everybody was praising me on how great I looked. I didn’t feel great and I didn’t want them to praise me. When somebody said to me “oh you look great! Look how fast you bounced back to normal!” it made me fear for the other women who don’t go back to their pre-pregnancy size or shape, because the people who praised me are helping to set that unwritten standard of whats okay to look like and whats not okay to look like. I don’t want to be praised because this only helps cement this divide and illuminate the repression of other body shapes. I don’t think women need any more reason to compare themselves to one another or feel like they aren’t good enough. I feel like, in this culture, once you have stretch marks and a post-baby belly, you have suddenly become a lower class of person because you don’t have a body that looks like a La Senza ad.

Even though people praised me, I hated my stomach. I had some stretch marks on my stomach and breasts and the elasticity of my skin and muscle is gone, and I blamed my daughter for ‘ruining’ me. Before pregnancy I used to model but I couldn’t go back to this because I had become ‘undesirable’ now. I stopped swimming, I awoided mirrors, I even had a period of time, after both pregnancies, where I wouldn’t let my partner see or touch me. I tried not to see my own body. I tried not to let anybody else see my body. I felt like (and still do feel this way) nobody could find me attractive again. I don’t beleive my partner when he tells me that not only am I still attractive, but I am now more attractive than ever because my belly brought him his daughters.

We went to Florida when my first daughter was 8 months old and this was the first time that i was going to be in a swimsuit in public. I couldn’t do it – I had a bikini and I wore it under my clothes but I couldn’t bring myself to take off my shirt and expose my skin. I felt like I shouldnt put other people – strangers – through seeing my stomach, like I should follow this unwritten rule that now I had a baby, I should buy that one-piece swimsuit and never subject my ugly, ruined ‘not a La Senza ad’ body to anybody. I had never felt so ashamed of my body before as I did on that day I sat on the beach and watched everybody else swim. Later I cried about how ugly I was.

I feel like there is this game that women are taught to play which is based on ever-changing rules of opression. I am calling this the ‘one-piece swimsuit game’ because as soon as you have a baby, you are supposed to go buy that one-piece swimsuit because you are taught that you are suddenly too ugly, having lost the shape, look and elasticity of your pre-baby body. I dont know who taught us that was something we had to do, that now we needed to hide, but whoever it was needs a good kicking. I feel like every woman has followed this stupid rule so dutifully and unquestioningly that nobody has ever raised enough fuss to make us wake up and realize that we don’t need to do it at all. It shouldn’t be painful like this. I shouldn’t have been taught this hurtful game, and neither should any of you. I don’t want to watch my daughters and your daughters fall into this game either.

And in the same way that people praising me for ‘bouncing back’ is hurtful for other women who don’t ‘bounce back,’ I don’t want to contribute to teaching other women either that they need to play the one-piece swimsuit game by starting to wear the one-piece swimsuit myself. I don’t want that one-piece swimsuit, I don’t want to show other woman that I too, felt the need to hide myself cause it will teach other women and young girls how to play this game of oppression as well. I don’t want my daughters to feel like when they grow up and have their own children, they need to suddenly switch to a one-piece swimsuit, too.

So I’ll make a promise if you will too – I want out of this female oppression game so I will not play the ‘one piece swimsuit game’ anymore if you wont either. you hear that? I’m opting out, I can only loose at this stupid game and its never been fun anyway, so I’m not playing anymore.

Not Even Halfway (Anonymous)

19 years old. 1st pregnancy. 17 weeks.

I’m only seventeen weeks and I have been struggling with my weight gain. My doctors and family say its completely normal, I know I haven’t a lot to be so upset about I’m not gaining more weight than I’m supposed too. But I’m very stressed, I was in a relationship that had me so wrapped up. We broke up. Then I find out I’m a month pregnant. I did even want to tell him, and hadn’t planned on doing so, he broke my heart, and I just didn’t want to be more of a burden on him. But I tell him since all my close friends agreed that he needed to know. Once I told him it seemed like all friendship we had left over from our relationship was drained. The reaction I expected. He’s a year and six months older and already has a child. I just made his life even harder. I have been going through this whole pregnancy alone. With his first son. I wanted him to at least with our child. But it has now come down to being fully single and completely alone. Now I’m growing which is ultimately difficult, I never was a “skinny” girl always had curves and was kind of thick. I’m only 5’3. But before I became pregnant I was the smallest I had been since middle school. A shapely 2. Now I’m a four, and in maternity pants because I’m carrying so low. Every day is a new day and another one conquered. I’m working on my body issues, I just wish people would quit pointing out that in clothes I just look like I’ve gained weight not “showing”.

Update (Elivert)

Original post here.

AGE: 21

After my first post I have had many changes in my life, I have a beautiful baby I love and a wonderful husband that every day brings more smiles and joy in my life and supports me unconditionally with my new body and outlook on life , because we are now parents and husband and wife.

I feel changes every day and sometimes I feel as sexy as before my pregnancy, but I look in the mirror and says, “wake up from that dream, hellooooo” and so are sometimes but I say, every woman has her charm and I’m happy with my life, my husband and my daughter that changed my life forever. Thank God Dagny is a healthy baby from birth, and it was what she loved most in my pregnancy and measures the effects on my body and so what would happen next LOL My fatty national of 10 Lbs. cesarean and every day agradesco for my baby and my husband to make me really alive and forget for a few hours of vanity. Of course the inside completely changed my life and my body is part of it too, as time goes by my appearance is improving and I am more satisfied and used to my stretch marks, I’m almost at my pre-pregnancy weight and a longer maybe lose more before another baby, but I’m still terrified, I think it will wait for the next 5 years LOL

Mothers here I leave my recent photos of my wonderful body hahaha LMAO Just kidding, but it has served to give life and show it proudly :)

Feel alone, but trying to stay positive. (Sophia)

Its been 4 months since i had my baby boy , hes my everything my whole world, But i cant help feeling so upset about my body now and could really use somone to talk to, Im 18 years old and had my boy by c section its left me whole body in a state i feel disgusting, i look at other mothers and see that i look the worst out of any of them and i just wonder if i will ever look okish again, I am no longer with my babys dad and i just wonder if anyone could ever love somone who looks so hideous, I plaster my face in make up and have hair extensions just to make some part of me look decent at all, i used to be so outgoing but now i just think people are staring and i get so worried about it, I just want to feel confident again. I love my little boy and i wouldnt change a thing, just want to feel happy in my own skin and not want to be desprate for surgery. :(

Mother of one

Irish twins and a body that will never be the same (Anonymous)

Age: 24
Number of Pregnancies: 2, Births 2

I have always been very skinny, being a gymnast I basically lived in a gym. I did gymnastics in college, which is were I met my husband. I got pregnant with my first child my jr year of college. She was a surprise as I had an IUD (copper), My body rejected it and I had to get it removed. I found out a month later I was 6 weeks pregnant with my peanut. I had a very stressful pregnancy, my husband was in the middle of a messy divorce, I was trying to finish school, and working. The pregnancy was very hard on my body, I was so sick the first three months I vowed to never have another child again. Before I got pregnant I was 118 pounds at 5’6 inches tall. I gained 54 pounds with my daughter most of which was water. I didn’t get a single stretch mark till after I had her, in a matter of a few days about 5 to be exact I lost 40 pounds my stomach shrank to quickly that I got shrink marks. ( as my husband calls them) After I had my daughter I was in love, I had never felt that instant love with someone before. I could hold her and stair at her for hours, she was my baby, and I loved her.

When she was three months old, my husbands company got sold and he was laid off. Three weeks before he was laid off I found out I was pregnant again, even though I was on birth control. My family wanted me to get an abortion since I was in my senior year of college and he had lost his job. I made the appointment but couldn’t go through with it. I have always felt that God has a plan, and he never gives me anything I can not get through. Even though I went through alot. We ended up moving from NC, to NJ where he finally got a job. He moved 2 months before I did, because I had to finish up my last semester in college. I was so stressed out, caring for a baby, being pregnant, finishing up school, applying for grad schools, having to pack our whole house, and move us alone. It was a lot. When I got to NJ, I didn’t know anyone. It was Dec 1st and freezing. I quickly joined a gym, as I have always loved to work out. With my son I gained 30 pounds. My delivery was pretty funny. I actually kicked the doctor out of the room b/c he wanted to give me a C-section for his own selfish will. I had a baby 11 months prior I knew what I was doing. I’m not sure if anyone else has exspeanced NJ doctors, but they are not the brightest of the bunch. The doctors did not listen to me when I said I needed to push, they told me it was two soon and they just checked me I was only 5 CM and that he wasn’t ready yet. I yelled at the nurse and told her he was coming, she tried to prove me wrong by checking to tell me I was still only 5 cm, and his head was crowning. She told me not to push, b/c the doctor was getting an OR. When your baby is right at the end you can not, not push, it is physcially impossible. He was out two seconds later, I pulled him out and held him right away. He screamed and latched on to feed before he was even cleaned off. He was my baby boy.

After I had my son I was ready to get back in the gym, with my daughter I was able to work out 2 days after she was born, but I felt so sick and run down with an almost 1 year old, and a newborn. IT took about 2 weeks before I got back into the gym. I did and still do work out 2 hours a day, 6 to seven days a week. It is Me time. With two babies, two step children, a house, husband, and grad school, I need me time, or I will explode… I’m only 24, that is a lot to take on. My sisters have been angry with me for working out, they don’t understand the good feelings that I get from working out. I don’t drink, I don’t go out, I don’t party, or do anything that my friends my age do. Yet they think it would be more exseptable to drink everyday then to go to the gym. NOw I don’t workout for the satisfactory of looking good, I just really enjoy working out. It makes me feel great, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I lost all my baby weight after about 3 months. Went back to a size zero, and started to look like my old self again. However, my boobs have dropped, they use to be “porn star” like according to my husband and they now look like tear drops. My stomach skin will never go away, when I bend over it makes a gross feeling flap. I have stretch marks on my stomach, which I have grown to love because they are my daughter, when she gets older I can tell her that they are for her. I hate that my body will never be the same. I know I look good for having two babies back to back, but i’m so use to a different body.

Two pics are me 40 weeks pregnant with my son
One pic is from when I was 6 months PP

Growth (Anonymous)

Previous post here.

Age: 32
Number of pregnancies and births: Three pregnancies. Two births.
Number of Children: Two children. Ages 4.5 and 1.5
All photos have been taken 16 months after the birth of my second child.

I feel compelled to post here again because of how the site has grown.
Because of how I have evolved.
Because of how we-as women, as peers, as supporters of one another-have strengthened in mind and numbers.

My home is full of noise and I am full of pride.
My two beautiful children continue to teach me:

To slow down.
To listen.
To breathe.

I continue to tell myself to accept myself.
And I am. I am trying.

This thanksgiving may we all give thanks for the network we have created.
That we are creating.

Be kind to one another.
Fight for one another.
Love one another.

Love our children.
Love our children.
Love our children.