I am 34 years old, and this is my belly during and after my 4th pregnancy. All my children are born with a caeserean. The postpartum pics are 5 months after birth.
Feel alone, but trying to stay positive. (Sophia)
Its been 4 months since i had my baby boy , hes my everything my whole world, But i cant help feeling so upset about my body now and could really use somone to talk to, Im 18 years old and had my boy by c section its left me whole body in a state i feel disgusting, i look at other mothers and see that i look the worst out of any of them and i just wonder if i will ever look okish again, I am no longer with my babys dad and i just wonder if anyone could ever love somone who looks so hideous, I plaster my face in make up and have hair extensions just to make some part of me look decent at all, i used to be so outgoing but now i just think people are staring and i get so worried about it, I just want to feel confident again. I love my little boy and i wouldnt change a thing, just want to feel happy in my own skin and not want to be desprate for surgery. :(
Mother of one
Learning (Trying Really Hard) to Accept and Love Myself (Rebecca)
i am 21 and i have had 2 pregnancies and one birth.
this is my body 1 year post pregnancy/c section.
i was a self harmer before baby, so i have some scars mainly to my thighs, i had almost come to accept them when i got pregnant.
the babys father left when i was 6 weeks pregnant, one of the biggest issues i have with my body, is that the last time anyone saw it, it was perfect (bar the scarring) and i am scared because the next person to see it wont like it. i was happy with what i had, neat breasts, toned tummy, hourglass figure, size 14, i’m now trying (and getting close) to being happy with my size 16, lived in tummy, pear?shaped figure, and the boobies that have nourished my child for 1 year…and show it.
my c section scar is uneven, as it was an emegency section due to arriving at hospital 9cms dilated, waters bulging, with baby in transverse lie with the cord covering the cervix which would have meant cord prolapse if my waters broke. my c section scar is a constant reminder that i didn’t get the birth i desired also.
but this is me, i do love my body for how it grew my son and got him into the world. i’m just learning to love how it looks.
Age: 29
# of pregnancies: 3
Age of children: 10, 6, 4
There are a few things I have learned these past 10 years about motherhood:
#1. Creating life is the one experience that brings us the closest to God yet can make a women feel the most disconnected from herself.
#2. Things don’t always go the way we hope or plan.
#3. What bothers you at 20 will change when your 25.
#4. There is attraction in flaws and beauty from ashes, intrigue in scars.
I have 3 wonderful children, my 1st pregnancy 10 years ago was EASY! I was 18 going on 19 and felt great, my birth went quick and smooth, it was a vaginal birth, 7 hours of labor and done, lost the weight fast and absolutely no signs on my body (other than being bustier) that I had given birth… I have always been a scrawny girl, small hips and breasts and super thin waist. After my 1st I went back to exactly that. My 2nd pregnancy was tougher, it was 4 years later… I had my little girl 9 weeks early by csection and felt like a failure! Not only did I feel like I let her down for having her early, but I had to have her cut out surgically- needless to say my birth plan went out the window…this pregnancy I got some stretch marks on my hips and breasts and one on my right abdomen… But again I bounced back quick, the marks faded, you couldn’t even hardly see my c/s scar… Then came #3, he was not planned, but perfect! And he was such a great pregnancy, I went to term without any intervention, 2nd c section… I did not breast feed my 3rd, gained the most with him… Took me about a year to get down to my goal weight, but I managed to hang onto bigger breasts :) which was a plus, I have some loose skin on my abdomen, my abs are no longer “defined”, I have a small hernia in my belly button, previous stretch marks etched a little deeper, my nipples are more oval than circles, I have a “Lip” above my c/s scar which I HATE but it won’t go away no matter what I try, I am still petite but I have some curvier breasts and hips (which I happen to like and my husband says my curves drive him crazy)… Some days I feel super confident and sexy and others I feel insecure and wish I could change some things… But no matter what, those three little people were worth it… Every line, every soft spot, every dimple, every sag connects to a place in my heart :) each day I love myself more and more, I am in better shape than before I ever had kids, I eat healthy, workout 5 days a week and love how my body feels womanly :) bring on my 30s I am ready!!
My body has changed, but I feel better with myself. (Silvia)
Age: 27
Nr. of pregnancies and births: 1-1
Age of my baby girl: 3 months
When I learned I was pregnant, I tried a mix of emotions, fear, happiness, surprise … I thought it was a miracle, because I thought I could not get pregnant due to some problems. I was frightened by the thought of giving birth, the change of my body. I always used to be slim, with breasts not too big but very nice. Let’s be sincere, a woman is always asking what will happen to its appearance after pregnancy. Day after day I began to see the changes, the larger belly, the breast as well, the pink nipples become almost blacks and larger … but it is true, the thought of having a life inside you is stronger than everything. I had a caesarean because of eye problems. Julia was born May 23, 2011, and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen until then. In the end I did not care how my body would be, but I prayed to hear the words “your baby is healthy.” I was lucky, I have to admit .. After less than a month already I was almost like before, and after 3 months as before. I chose to breastfeed, at the beginning it was hard, but now it’s been three months julia just takes my milk. My breast has changed, it’ s different than before, but I do not care, I now have a new priority … and everything else, including me, has gone into the background …
Genetics is Everything (Anonymous)
I am 31 years old, my little one was born about 15 month ago, in May, 2010. Before my pregnancy my belly was absolutely flat, I was so proud of it. Although we needed c-section, because my baby’s head did not find its way out and my doctor did not want to risk anything after the water broke, my uterus became relatively small right after the delivery. Fortunately my skin could retain its flexibility, too, so unless one stares at my belly so closely, it is not obvious that I have a son.
Although I feel and know that my body is not exactly the same anymore (there are some tiny white stripes around my waist; there is a little bit more skin on my belly than there should be and in a way I am wider than I was before), those who do not see me naked cannot tell that I have already been pregnant.
I feel so lucky that I take after my mother, who has two children and still looks amazing. Thanks Mum, I love you!
No of pregnancies and births: 1
Pic 1: The change that 37 weeks of pregnancy brought
Pic 2: My belly from my perspective in the 37th week
Pic 3: My belly after 6 weeks
Pic 4: The scar after 6 weeks
Pic 5: After 15 weeks in clothes ;)
Update, 15 Year Old Mother (Terressa)
Previous entry here.
This is an update from my first submission here on SOAM. When I first typed this I had this whole long story about what I’ve been through the past year, but I realized it would be a VERY long story. So here’s a summary of my first year of motherhood (although it’s still fairly long):
I had my c-section on September 3rd last year, it was horrible and I never want to have another c-section in my life. EVER. The first few months were the hardest, especially after my daughter’s father had to leave to go back to Tennessee. I had hardly any help and was trying to do school work as well. Once my daughter got older and started crawling and sleeping through the night things were much easier. My mother went into a coma in March, and passed away in April. This was when I said “Away with you self-esteem problems!” What’s the point of wasting my life thinking about how much I want a perfect body. It won’t ever happen so I got over it. I can still live a fantastic life without a perfect body. At the time, me and my boyfriend were broken up, but he was still there for me after my mom died even though he also had another girlfriend at the time. After her death it was hard to pick myself back up. I was depressed constantly, I cried easily, I got pissed off at everyone for no reason, I stopped exercising and eating healthy, I wasn’t doing my school work. I reverted to self-harming, and my family saw it, but didn’t bother to ask why or get me any help. I picked myself up finally and I’ve been catching up on my school work (I’m about 5 months behind), I’ve been exercising daily again, and I’m just happier overall. My daughter was my only real motivation to pick myself up again, and without her I don’t know where I would be today. My boyfriend and I are back together, we’ve broken up several times (mostly because he still lives in Tennessee, long-distance relationships are hard to maintain), he’s found several different girls to replace me (all of them of course being much more gorgeous than myself, further plummeting my self-esteem), but in the end we always found ourselves going back to one another. He’s been there for me through everything, even if we weren’t together and even if we hated each other’s guts at the time. SO I’m hoping that things will only get better between us once he moves back to Florida this month. My daughter is almost one now and she’s hitting all of her milestones, she’s perfect, healthy, and happy. Everyone told me that because I was a 15-year-old mother I wouldn’t be able to properly raise her. Well this is my big SCREW YOU to who ever doubted me. I’ve raised this baby girl BY MYSELF for this whole year. My parents did NOT raise my daughter, I did. So every one who thinks that age defines your ability to be a parent can now admit how wrong they are.
For anyone wondering about my weight loss, by the end of my pregnancy I was 175lbs (which is HEAVY when you’re only 5’1″.) I was about 145lbs last time I submitted, I was a size 12, and a D-cup. Now I am about 120lbs, I am a size 7, and a B-cup. I’m very proud of how much weight I’ve lost, now I’m just hoping to tone up my body again and get rid of my still-pregnant looking tummy. My stretch marks have faded and are silver, but I have a wrinkly looking belly and that is the only thing I wish I could change.
Another side note: To any teen mothers out there struggling, there is hope. Life may seem bad, you may be behind in school, living in a crappy place, struggling with your appearance, dealing with a screaming child day after day after day, dealing with relationship problems, but just a take a few minutes each day to look at your child and remember why you’re going through everything. Without my daughter I don’t know what I’d do to stay sane. If you ever need advice, encouragement, or just to vent you can always email me at terressagallup AT gmail.com
Photos 1&2: Me now at 1 year PP.
Photo 3&4: Me & my daughter when she was first born/ Me & my daughter now.
Photo 5 : My babygirl <3 Photo 6: A picture of me & my mom when I was a baby, I realize that this doesn't have much to do with my post but I want to include it because my mother was the strongest woman I've ever known and if I can be even a fraction as strong as she was I'll be happy. ~Age: 16 ~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 Pregnancy/ 1 Birth ~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 1 year. [gallery]
My Amazing Weird Body (Anonymous)
Hi! Your website is so wonderful- thank you for encouraging moms to appreciate and accept the bodies God gave them and their amazing ability to give birth to His precious children! I am the proud mommy to four beautiful boys! I’m posting today becasue I’ve not yet seen anyone on the site that has my same umm, er.. ‘unusual’ shape. I hope my pictures will help those ‘skinny girls with a tiny pooch’ appreciate what they have! And the meatier ones realized they’re not alone. My oldest (now 7) was a vag delivery at 9 lbs. 2 oz.; then came twins (emergency c-section) at 3 lbs. 7 oz. and 5 lbs. 13 oz. and the baby just turned a year in May (another c-section) 7 lbs. 2 oz.! Yes, I am chubby, saggy, have TONS of stretch marks, an ugly apron of fat and my butt is, well..weird and beyond description! LOL! But, my family is so worth it. I just have to do my best everyday to keep telling myself I am an amazing creature! I gave life to FOUR people with this body. And I realized (thanks to this website) that I have nice boobs! They made milk and sustained life for all of my boys- and they still look ok- not too shabby! Ladies- you are all wonderful and beautiful! Be proud of your uniqueness and love yourselves :)
45 pounds up, 40 pounds down. learning to love my new body… saggy skin and all! (Ruth)
25 years old, first (and only) pregnancy, cesarean, baby boy
Pre-pregnancy weight: 110 lbs. (best shape of my life!)
Weight gained in pregnancy: 45 lbs.
Current Weight at one year postpartum: 115 lbs (5 lbs to go!)
Before baby, I was working out sometimes 2 hours a day (don’t worry, I ate a lot to make up for it!) and as I continued in my pregnancy, all the things I used to do (I ran, swam, biked, yoga-ed, weights, pretty much anything and everything) went by the wayside and all I could do was walk and swim the last few months of my pregnancy. I continued to eat what I wanted and craved which was mostly healthy, but still A LOT to pack onto my small 5′ 1″ frame.
After some craziness (20 hours of labor), the little guy was suffering too much to go through more labor and I had a c-section. I wish I had done a better job to mentally prepare myself for it, because it was a SHOCK. 6 weeks I could basically do nothing, not even carry my baby in his carrier. Even though I was working full time as an art teacher at the local high school, I set about for 530am workouts to lose the weight. I breastfed/pumped for 8 months. Even with the stress of working full time, I lost just about all of it within 7 months and was so happy!!!
BUT…. nobody told me what would happen to my body and I was in for a HUGE shock. When people told me my bikini days would be behind me, I told them of course it wouldn’t be, in my mind, if I lost the weight (ate right, and worked out REALLY hard), everything should go back to normal, right??? wrong.
Then someone pointed me to this site.
And I was humbled. And left in awe. Some of these women have bodies that were so much more affected than mine.
And yet these bodies really are beautiful. This site is wonderful and I just wanted to add my voice to it.
I wish someone would have sat me down and told me a few things.
And if there are any other pre-baby girlies out there who are in need of some post-baby advice:
1) Its a LOT of work to get back to your pre-baby figure, but it is MUCH easier if you are in good shape BEFORE you get pregnant (I won’t be getting pregnant again till I lose those last 5 pounds!)
2) Breastfeeding is a GREAT way to burn more calories… but be forwarned that it will make you SUPER hungry 24/7
3) If you eat well and work out, your body may go down to size within 9 months (9 months up, 9 months down) but expect about a year.
4) Extra skin. Its a sad truth. But hopefully it goes away after all the kids?
Photos are
(me in black shirt) Pre-pregnancy, the day I found out I was pregnant
(me in green shirt) 40 weeks pregnant
all the other photos are 10 months postpartum, different angles of the saggy skin I never knew I would have to keep! and the c-section scar that my doctor told me would DISSAPPEAR in 3-6 months (it DIDNT)
and my little man :)
I also have a blog about my life, baby, and everything that came along with it if any one is interested in contacting me!
My Body (Stephanie)
I have a love hate relationship with my body. I was obese or morbidly obese pretty much all my life, since the time I was 11. At least my mother kept telling me I was fat from that point on. I just lived up to her expectations I guess.
I took surgical measures to finally lose weight and lost 150 pounds and counting. I’ve weighed as much as 325 pounds and as little as 165 pounds. I’m 180 pounds and hoping to get to 150 pounds.
My body has carried 9 children within it, but only 8 survived.
My body has been sliced open to give birth once, and then I took control to give birth 7 more times without surgery. 6 of those births were in the comfort of my own home.
My body has nourished or tried to nourish all of my babies through my now saggy breasts.
My body has been ridiculed and adored. It has been loved and it has been hated. My body provides a safe place for my children to cuddle up on. In the future I hope my body will provide a safe place for other people’s children as a foster parent.
I may not have smooth skin, washboard abs, or perky breasts, but my body has a story because it’s been on a journey and that journey has really only begun.
~Age: I am 36 (1975 birth year)
~Number of pregnancies and births: 9 pregnancies, 1 miscarriage, 1 c/s, 1 hospital VBAC, 5 Unassisted Water Births, 1 Unassisted Home Birth.
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are:
G-12, G-11, B-9, B-8, B-6, G-5, B-3, G-1