Title: 6 months after first child
Name: Amanda 21 years old, 1 pregnancy
Story: I got pregnant at 2 years old and gave birth shortly after turning 21. Its been 6 months since I gave birth to my 9lb son naturally, in water. I’m still striving to make peace with my body. I know I should be happy with myself, i created a very handsome baby boy! I am a single mom and dating is hard, I am afraid I will be turned down because of my shape.I have had a cracked nipple ever since I started breastfeeding. It heals and then my son damages it again, its frustrating.
Child’s age/PP: 6 months
9 Years Ago (Elle)
9 years ago I was 18 years old. I had just finished high school and was happy. My plan never included children. I met him on a warm night in August. I became pregnant a few weeks later. I lost my child at 22 weeks gestation. It was depressing and sad. I was a mess. I thought then that I wanted another child. I conceived my daughter on my 19th birthday. I was 170lbs. I gained 23lbs while I was pregnant and gave birth at 193lbs. I breastfed a short time before I was forced to go back to work. That is when I started gaining weight. I was 270lbs 2 years ago. I looked awful. I felt awful. The stretch marks, the saggy boobs, the flabby belly, I was disgusted with myself. I worked little by little in small ways to change the way I looked. I exercised a little more, ate a little better, went out of my way to walk an extra few feet everywhere I went. Today, I am 217lbs. I am still very much overweight, but I am so much healthier and happier than I was this time last year. I took some photos of myself just to see the difference in front of me. I don’t keep mirrors in the house that reflect below the waist. I am so surprised that I am a large sexy woman. I have a beautiful child that I woudn’t trade for the world and I thought she ruined me. I thought she turned me into a stagnant blob. Thank goodness I was wrong! I couldn’t be more pleased and this just makes me want to try that much harder to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight.
I am a few weeks shy of 27 years old
I have had 2 pregnancies and 1 birth
I am 7 years postpartum
plus sized mom
Trying to Cope With My Shape as a New Mother (Revae)
Trying to cope with my shape as a new mother!!!!!Please help!!!
My name is Revae and Im 22 yrs old first time mom. I am currently 14 weeks postpartum, and Im having a really hard time coming to terms with my new body. I had my beautiful little angel Jan 18 2009 and I love being a mommy. Ok here goes nothing, my pre pregnancy weight was 170 and I am 5’9, I got up to 225 when I was pregnant alot of the weight just fell off and Im now 183lbs and I love the way my new size 16 jeans look on. But when Im naked I feel disgusted with my apperance, My husband says he likes my new look and that he thinks that’s the way a mother is supposed to look. But I just feel so unsexy when we make love ya know all the jiggly jello just makes me uncomfortable PLEASE HELP ME COME TO TERMS WITH MY NEW LOOK I NEED THE SOME ADVICE AND NEW MOMMY FRIENDS!!!!
1st pic 8 months preggo
2nd pic Me
3rd pic 14 weeks postpartum
4th pic 14 weeks postpartum
5th pic 14 weeks postpartum
6th pic 14 weeks postpartum
7th pic 14 weeks postpartum
8th pic 14 weeks postpartum
9th pic C- Section scar
Still Trying to Adjust (Emily)
Age 19- Mother of One Beautiful13 month old boy Aleckzander
I was 17 When I found out I was pregnant. My fiance now my husband and I had decided that we were ready to start our lives regardless of what anyone thought even though a lot of people thought we were crazy we were just living our dreams and running on faith and love. I married my amazing husband in December of 2007, and our son was Born April 12, 2008. This had to be the best day of our lives! Aleckz defiantly gave us a run for our money. I went into labor officially at Midnight on April 12, all though I later found out that I had been having contractions since about 10 o clock the previous morning! At 10 am the Dr’s told me it was time to push 4 hours went by and sure enough with the help of a vacuum my beautiful son was born weighing in at 6 lbs 4 oz and 19 in long. He was immediately taken to the NICU because they said he wasn’t breathing right. I got to see him 4 hours later. He was perfect. That night they had to put in a feeding tube because he wouldn’t eat but he ripped it out. My little man sure was a fighter.
Now at 13 months he is full of life, running around, laughing, and making everyone he meets ogle over his beautiful blue eyes, blond hair, and bright smile. I am reminded daily when I look in the mirror that my body may not be perfect but my son is =) I went from weighing 145 too on the day of labor 198 I’m done to one 160 but still not happy with my body, the stretch marks alone remind me of the battle that’s ahead of me =) All in All, I would take the stretch marks over anything to see my son Smile every single Day. He is the love of my life and the stretch marks remind me of the battle that he came from =)
18 Months Postpartum, Update (Anonymous)
I submitted here when my daughter was 12 months old.
I’d like to say that I’ve reached my weight loss goal over the last six months, but the truth is that the scale has barely budged a pound. I’ve been running three times a week, though, and have started to really enjoy it. I’m noticing some changes in my body, my clothes are definitely fitting better, and I’m learning that exercise isn’t just about losing/maintaining weight, but that it also has a huge mental health component. Like most women who post on this site, I struggle with body image. What frustrates me the most is that, when I am feeling stress about anything, I take it out on my body and attack myself.
My husband an I are considering a second pregnancy at the moment, and I really struggle with the idea of being pregnant before I reach my post-partum weight. What frightens me more, however, is that I suffered from depression during my first pregnancy and afterwards, and though it was treated fairly early on and I’ve recovered wonderfully, I am terrified of going through it again. I am speaking with a counselor at the moment about my fears, and am trying to accept my body the way it is and to stop wanting to change it. Life is too short, I think all of the time. I wish I could just shut off the part of my brain that focuses on hating my body. I have a daughter I love so much, and the idea of her suffering in this way just makes me want to weep. I know that I need to learn to love my own body before I can teach her that she is perfect just the way she is (even though of course I will teach her that.) I want to be a role model for her– of someone who might not fit the ridiculous physical ideal of our culture, but who loves herself inside and out. Thanks to everyone on here for posting their stories. We are all beautiful.
These photos are of me 18 months post-partum.
Updated here.
What Happened to my Body (Texas)
i am 35 and have a 2 almost 3 yr old.i gained about 70 lbs with her.i was always a sexy full woman.i was a 10-12 now12-14.i hate my ugly body so much my wonderful hubby never gets to see me naked.i feel like Norbits wife(in the movie Norbit).when she goes to the pool and they ask her if she’s wearing bottoms and has to lift her belly…lol..i used to have great boobs, now they are still big but one nipple points down and the other one points wherever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my daughter is the love of my life i dont regret her . but what did she do to body!!!!!!!!!!!!i had a 10lbs baby and lost 20 right away and i have lost alot but now i have the “dunlap” belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what gives.i look awful naked..i wanna love it again…texas
2nd Pregnancy and still loving it – 21 weeks preggo (Rachel)
Previous entry can be seen here.
Here I am at 21 weeks with our second child. I would be happy to keep you guys posted on this pregnancy with progression pic submissions from this point out but I just don’t want to steal space from others. I’d like to invite all to shoot me an email to chat at rachelsigfried@yahoo.com.
Updated here.
Wondering How My Postpartum Body Will Look? (Colorado Mama To Be)
First off, this site is truly amazing. What incredible women you all are! My situation: I am 27 and just found out I am pregnant. It was a total accident, but I love my boyfriend and am not entirely opposed to having a baby. But we are both currently unemployed, which makes for a VERY scary situation bringing a baby into this world.
As many of you were, I’m terrified of the stretch marks and loose skin associated with pregnancy. I was an athlete in a Division-I college, and although that was eight years ago, I have since lost the definition and strength that I once had. This has resulted in a negative self-image. I know this may be impossible to tell, but I’m wondering how my body will react to pregnancy. Does anyone have similar skin and/or stomach/breast shape? I know we’re all different, but I’m just trying to get an idea of how I might look postpartum, and whether I can handle that emotionally. I am 5’5 and 152 pounds. My mother had average stretch marks that faded over time. Thanks so much for any input =)
9 Months PP (Rochelle)
When I was 14 I was raped by my father (who is now in jail for it) and life just seemed to have left me after that. One night I went for a walk to clear my head like almost every night and ran into someone who changed everything. I was only 15 when I got pregnant with my beautiful son. I was afraid but I trusted his father to be by my side. At about 8 months pregnant he had cheated on me which caused the relationship to end. With all the bad times I was facing I cried nearly every night. Every time I cried or just got mad at the world my son would kick and move around as if to let me know someone was there. Even though i got back with his father a couple months after he was born he left to another city so the past seven months i raised him myself. He will be back soon to help though!! I live with my mom on the agreement that I do chores and babysit when needed. Other then that I haven’t went out once on my own since his father moved.
My breasts are now completely covered in stretch marks and have headed south I’m afraid. (I also breastfed & still am!) They were once a very perky 34D. I also got stretch marks on my butt & thighs, but i didn’t get stretch marks on my stomach til the last few weeks. I think that when i decide I’m through with children and a bit older i’ll get a breast lift. I hate the fact I can’t wear the clothes I use to without embarrassment of the stretch marks or that I can’t go braless. I was thinking to maybe try to wear a bikini though after I find some more empowerment. Thankfully I have a high metabolism. 111 lbs prepregnancy, 143 near the end, & currently 103 at 5’3″. Also he was 8lbs & 3oz & I love him more then anything else.
Age: 16
PP: 9 months
Number of Pregnancies: 1
1.) Before
2.) Day of Birth
3.) Tummy 9month pp
4.) another tummy
5.) boobs
6.) inner thigh
7.) outer thigh
8.) After (9 month pp)
9.) the most precious gift in the world
When did it ever feel like my body? (Anonymous)
Thinking about it today, I never felt my body was mine. I have kept losing weight and putting it back on ever since I can remember. 2 years after postpartum I am about 75 kilos, and that’s much less than I was before. It feels more like my body today than it used to before I had my son. I guess motherhood has been very empowering, but I have only just started feeling my body is mine again recently. I don’t really look at my body in mirrors so this is a weird experience.
I am still breastfeeding my child and so I think of my breasts in a different light. After feeling they were there to attract, they’ve been drank out for nearly 2 years. At first it felt as if my body wasn’t mine at all, it was just performing all these things for my child. Today it feels like my breasts. They are used but it is my choice and they look a bit different from before. But that’s ok.
I really enjoyed reading the stories on the website. And I do find the women on it beautiful.