I have always had body issues, as many women do. I always thought I was fat, even when I wasn’t. I never felt that I had a beautiful body, I had too many stretch marks, my tummy was too big, etc. When I became pregnant with my daughter, I weighed 180 lbs. I was 20 lbs. more then I felt ‘okay’ at. I had some morning sickness through the first 4 months and only gained 3 lbs. Then, the morning sickness subsided, and I started to eat. I loved being pregnant. I loved the way my body looked. I felt beautiful. I loved feeling my big tummy and feeling my daughter move. I loved how large and full my breasts became. I was in love with every inch of my body. By the time I went to my final check up, two weeks late, I weighed 238 lbs. The number scared me a little, but I was pregnant and didn’t even consider that at a moment very soon, I would no longer be pregnant. When my daughter was born, and the few weeks afterward, I didn’t have the time or energy to criticize my body. I was also so proud of how strong I was to be able to carry and deliver a life. There finally came a moment where I looked in the mirror and realized that I was huge, and no longer pregnant. For a moment, I hated my body. But I realized that I didn’t want to be that kind of role model for my daughter. I knew she would be more likely to hate and criticize her body if she watched me do the same. I also realized I wanted to be a good example of health, including having healthy eating habits. When my daughter turned 6 weeks old, I joined Weight Watchers and between that and breast feeding, I was able to get down to 152. While my body is not ‘perfect’ by the standards of our media, I love it more now then I ever have before. I finally came to realize how strong and capable my body is, how strong and capable I am. I was able to carry and nourish a life outside of my own. And this website also helped. I was able to look at other women, whose bodies are not that much different than mine, and see how beautiful all of these women are. Thank you.
-31 years old
-2 pregnancies, 1 birth
-1 daughter, 3 1/2 years old, 3 1/2 years PP