Plus Sized Mummu

2pregnancies, 2 births, 2 boys.
13 months pp.
22 yrs old.

I was told from about 16 that I would never fall pregnant, due to scarring on my uterus and falopian tubes from PCOS. Id had my period since I was 13, and was producing 3-4 eggs per month, but none of them would implant, thats what the doctor had told me.
At 17, fresh out of highschool I found myself pregnant. I weighed 98kgs when I fell pregnant and was a size 16 jeans, 16 D bra. After leaving an abusive relationship, going into early labour and suffering through preaclampsia, gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, I was induced 2 weeks after my due date. 3 hours of very easy labour later I delivered a beautiful baby boy, 7 pound 9. I weighed 110kgs
I met mhy now husband in highschool, when we were 14, but we never stayed together long enough t fall in love. I saw him in July 2007, when my son was 8 months old, and we fell in love. He moved in 3 weeks later, and we got engaged in december of that year. We got married in August of 2008, and after struggling to fall pregnant, we found out we were expecting on our wedding day! I weighed 135 kgs the day we got married. The weight gain was due to my PCOS getting worse, and the medcation.
In April, 2 weeks after my due date, I travelled 900kms by myself to the only hospital in my state that will deliver women with a BMI of 41 or over. I was induced, and 12hrs of hard labour and one shot of morphine later, I had held the most beautiful baby boy in my arms for a split second before the doctors took him away because he wasnt breathing. I rang my husband 5 minutes later to tell him our baby wasnt breathing, that he was slipping away from us, and when he answered, our baby screamed for the first time! So daddy got to hear hos first breath. He is aour little miracle baby, and though he was nearly taken from us again at 8 months old when he choked, he is here with us still, and 13 months old. He was born 9pound 8. I weighed 116kgs a week PP, but quickly put the weight back on when I went on the pill. Im not 127.9kgs, and following a calorie controlled diet and exercise regime. This is my body, and while I dont love it, I am not ashamed! I am proud and greatful that I got to experience something I techinocally never should have!

Question (Anonymous)

Hi there. I’m absolutely in love with this website, and all the open minded and supportive women!
I’m currently looking into a tummy tuck and breast augmentation. I’m looking for personal experiences, pictures, cost info payment plan ect…
Also, I have 2 children that would be (around) 1 And 3 (maybe a little older?) I would have help at home but is it even possible at that age? And how long does it take to heal enough to care for 2 toddlers?
ALL Thoughts are welcome as I’m not set on it nor against it, just something to think about. Thank you!

Births on Lost – Via Unnecesarean

My friend Jill, who is completely awesome in every way, put together a retrospective of the births portrayed on the TV show Lost. (*sniff* NOW what will I do with the next six years of my life???) I shared this on Facebook the other day, but wanted to share it here, too, just in case someone had missed it. What did you think of the way birth was portrayed on Lost? And what about all those birth mysteries that were never solved? Shame on you, Darlton!

Birth on Lost

Awesome Husband (Halley)

My husband is currently working on an Art degree and for one of his assignments he had to draw a live person, and that person was me. At the time he drew these it was my first pregnancy and I was probably about 8 or 9 months pregnant. These really helped me boost my self esteem and helped me see how he saw me, I thought I would share them with other some moms.
~Age: 23
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2/2
~Age of children and how far postpartum: 14 months/5 weeks, five weeks postpartum

The Curves of My Road (Anonymous)

~Age: 24
~Number of pregnancies and births 1/1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are 11 months postpartum

Ever since I can remember the shape of my body has been on my mind.

Memories from childhood echo with self-consciousness, fear of being different, and separation.

From the outside I grew up fairly normal. I had one of those childhoods filled with Kool-aid, Macaroni and Cheese, and baloney. In our house hold, love was food and vise versa. And so, as I matured into a woman those connections proliferated and became my identity, the way I expressed emotion, the way I hid, the way I self-medicated. My existence.

I began struggling with my weight off and on in grade five. I had a tummy. A couple of lovable rolls really. As the years went by, my self-consciousness was deep-rooted and my teen-age self knew no different. I remember being 125 pounds in grade 9 and thinking I was a boat. At a small 5’3 I wasn’t over weight by any standard. During that period of my life, my home life became complicated and ridden with upheaval. I ended up moving away from my mother’s house and moving in with my pizza and pop loving uncle. Goldmine! I had thought. Years of neglect and self-doubt were appeased with delicious food and an endless supply at that.

I struggled. By the time I moved away on my own at the age of 17, I was a 150 pounds. Those first few months of self-dependence meant many of evenings hiding out in my little apartment with food, alone with my first true love. I lived to eat. I ate for fun.I ate for love. I ate for pleasure.

I eventually met my husband, we began dating when I was 19 and he was 24, and boy did he also love food. While neither of us were big people, we could really pack in a good evening of eating. The catch was that he had a physical job, he could burn off those calories, while mine dove me deeper into a struggle. When I was 22 we got engaged. The normal head-over-heels excitement that a newly engaged young woman normally feels was on the back-burner for me. I was worried about my weight. I managed to get to a whopping 192 pounds and I had to find some way to make the train wreck come to an end.

After over a year of exercise and weight loss groups, I got down to 158 pounds. Over joyed with my progress, our sex life exploded. Two months before our long awaited wedding date, I got pregnant. My body had finally started to feel healthy again, so much so that it took literally one instance of unprotected sex with my fiance to get pregnant. I was shocked, happy, scared, hopeful. But secretly, relieved. This to me meant that I now had permission to stop dieting.

Our wedding date came and I squeezed into my wedding dress. I already managed to gain ten pounds by our wedding date, so it took a real foot in the rear to get it on, but I did. I have stinging memories of people whispering. Family that hadn’t seen me in a decade were wondering why I was “heavy”. I remember sitting in the bathroom at the reception of my wedding, I was parked on a toilet, wedding dress and all, trying to over come early pregnancy nausea. In the stall next to me were my notoriously very thing cousins. I heard them giggling and then talking. First about the cocktails, and then about me. She’s totally pouring out of that dress! One of them said. She’s gotten so… big? The other one retorted. I froze. I wanted to die right there on the spot.

Months passed and as my pregnancy progressed I’d encounter my weight again. There it was, a reoccuring topic it sprung up at a midwife appointment like a thug in a dark back alley. Well, you’re over weight so we’re going to have to do some invasive procedures during the last of your labour, one of the midwives said. It came up, again and again, and I began to feel guilty. Like I was some how abusing my baby before she ever even got here, just because I didn’t enter pregnancy slim.

Half way through my pregnancy, I decided that wanted to get a doula. I spent so much time reading about the benifits, and with us not having any family close by, I really needed the support. That doula turned out to be the medicine I needed. She advised me, guided me, supported me, and assured my that I’m perfectly fine just the way I am. I needed to hear that desperately.
The baby came in late spring, healthy as can be. The labour was long, and my birth plan blew right out the window almost immediately, but my little baby girl was born at a normal 7 pounds 11 ounces. She wasn’t the mammoth baby that nearly everyone was predicting.

I went home from the hospital weighing 223 pounds. Despite exclusively breastfeeding my baby, my weight barely fluctuated. My eating while emotional tendency was probably helping that to remain that way too. I was a wreck. I loved my little girl from the get go but those hormones did a number on me. I could no longer blame the pregnancy on being fat. I was officially back on my own and back on the wagon.

My baby girl is 11 months old now. She has taught me more about myself than anything in the whole world. She loves me regardless of my waist size. She loves to nurse regardless of the appearance of my breasts. She loves her mommy, even if mommy doesn’t love herself. In the last four months, something inside of me clicked. I began understanding that if I don’t take care of this body, I won’t be able to care for her. Once she started crawling I knew I’d have to get into shape or else. I am now down to 185lbs, and I’m a work in progress. I appreciate my body for all the things it has allowed me to do, experience and all that it allows me to love. It’s high time for all mothers to love the bodies that made their babies. I am breaking out of this shell that other people in my life have put together for me, piece by piece, day by day. I refuse to allow myself a lesser standard of life just because I’m not thin. In the mean time I’m learning to take care of myself, to be healthier, and happier. I’m on a journey, and one day I’ll be able to say I’m at a healthier weight, but for now, I’m okay with being on this windy road, full of curves, bumps, and hills.

19 years old, 5 months post partum (Ashley)

Before I got pregnant I was a slim 135 pounds, at 5’7″. I felt my greatest and was so happy that I could shop and wear just about anything, all the way down to a bikini in the summer. I got pregnant in March and gained a total for 55 pounds! I got so many stretch marks, and extra weight around my hips that i’m finding impossible to get off. I had to have a C-section the day of my due date, so that’s another scar that I will have for the rest of my life. However, I am not looking at the scars as a bad thing. From all this I have a GORGEOUS baby boy and my fiance doesn’t love me any less than before, actually, I think he likes the extra junk in my trunk ;o)

~Age: 19
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5 months


Confidence?.. what’s that? (Suzanne)

I became pregnant with my eldest when i was 19, before i had her i had a great figure (i couldn’t see it at the time but now i do!) i was slim but had curves, my breasts were always small but they were perfect, round, firm and wonderful. Since having my second daughter 8 months ago my confidence has dissapeared, i no longer see anything attractive when i look in a mirror, i was lucky in that i only have the odd one or 2 stretch marks, my stomach has remained pretty much the same as before, i seem to have acquired an unusually flat flabby bum, which seems unfair considering i’m so bony everywhere else, i could at least have a nice perky bum :P and my breasts.. well, not only are they still small but now they sag, and my nipples are darker, they don’t look ‘sexy’ at all anymore. I’ve always had a very slim figure but since having my girls my weight has plummeted and i am left with NO curves, i would do anything for a bit of weight on me, i just want to feel feminine again!

I have uploaded some recent photos (and yes there appears to be an ‘orb’ on the photo of my bum! :P) and i am a little scared of getting negative comments, not about the changes to my body due to having children but more my weight, i have some health issues at the moment that means i really cannot put on weight, i would do almost anything for a few curves here and there! ;) i am always jealous of curvy ladies, women on this website who upload photos saying they feel ‘fat’ or ‘flabby’ all i see is CURVES! beautiful soft curvy bums and boobs.. and i’d give anything to have some of them! :D

Anyway, i have been browsing this wonderful website for months now, and every body i see looks beautiful, i’m just hoping to see myself in the same way i see every other mother one day, your all stunning, i never notice the stretch marks or the sagging skin, all i see is a woman who is a mother, a woman who has experienced the most amazing thing in the world, creating life! nobody should EVER feel anything less than stunning after having a child, you no longer have the body of a girl, you have the body of a woman, that should be celebrated and adored, it’s a real shame the media have made so many mums out there feel inadequate, we all have amazing qualities, we are all beautiful in our own ways and variety is the spice of life :)

Age 24
2 pregnancies and 2 births.
Almost 3 year old daughter and an 8 month old daughter.