Update – 20 months postpartum and I want another baby (Anonymous)

Your Age: 22
Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies, 1 birth
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 20 months pp
Original entry here.

It has been 9 months since my previous post, and some things have happened. At 15 months we stopped breastfeeding. I’m still a little sad, I thought we would breastfeed longer than that but we gave my daughter whole milk after she turned 12 months and by 15 months she just wasn’t interested in me anymore. Once my milk dried up I noticed all of these little tiny white stretch marks surrounding my nipples. I hate them! My right boob has more than my left and they are bigger and deeper too. I think that is because she always preferred my right breast. I’m not happy with the way my boobs turned out at all! But on a positive note I am completely fine with the rest of my body. My tummy still sticks out a tiny bit but that’s okay. I have been running for 2 months now and I can really see a difference in my muscle tone! I also became pregnant shortly after we stopped nursing but at 5 weeks had a miscarriage. I would love to have another baby, I loved being pregnant and breastfeeding, but my husband wants to wait awhile. So right now I’m just trying to enjoy my body while I have it and hope in the next couple years we have another little one on the way!

3 photos of me and 2 of my boobs at 20 months postpartum.

So it doesn’t really matter after All (Deineria)

First, I love this site. I think it provides immeasurable comfort to moms from all walks of life, and I also feel it is a reality check for those who initially believe what they see in magazines represents a fair picture of most women.

I had my first son when I was 19. I was a size 8, 34D bra size then, and I weighed about 155 lbs. I delivered him at 38 weeks vaginally, and I weighed 205 lbs at that point. I wore a 40DDD bra when I first started breastfeeding (though that did settle into a 38DD as time went on). I weighed around 165lbs and wore a size 8/10 for the first year or so, and overall, I felt pretty “frumpy,” but honestly, it did not bother me much. I breastfed him until he was 22 months old!

I did not really mind the weight because I did not start out what most people consider thin, and my size just was not on my mind. I was married and outside of that, I did not consider my appearance.

When my son was 16 months old, my then husband and I separated and filed for a divorce, and suddenly, my appearance mattered once again – and it mattered a GREAT DEAL, and I essentially cut my eating in half, and I went down to 135lbs. At nearly 5’9”, this put me in a size 2/4. I admit, I was pleased with how I looked more so at 21 through about 23 than I had ever been as a teenager. My family is pretty vain in general, and the weigh loss brought it out in a big way in me. I was so happy to be thin, the fact I went from a 36D bra to a 34B bra was wonderful as well.

I met the man I married in the winter of 2004, and eventually, a complacency set in, and gradually, the weight crept back up, but honestly, he did not and does not mind, and I realized that the fight with food just was not worth it. By the time we married in 2006, I was in a size 6-8 and weighed about 155 lbs.

After the heartbreaking loss of my three younger siblings in a fire, any concern about weight and appearance drained totally out of me, and I went up to about 170lbs. Then, in March of 2008, I became pregnant with my second son after a miscarriage only the month before, and in October of 2008, weighing 200 lbs at 33 weeks, I had an Emergency C-section following multiple hospital stays for severe pre-eclampsia. Blood flow to the baby was severely compromised, and when they got him out, he was in the last 24 hours babies usually have of life upon blood flow being cut that strictly, but after 2 weeks in the NICU, he came home and has done so well! I pumped for quite sometime to keep milk for his IV, and then breastfed him until my milk supply went away with this current pregnancy when he was 9 months old.

My weight stayed around 168-170, wearing a size 10, thanks to breastfeeding until I found out I was pregnant in May of 2009. This will be my third BOY, and at 22 weeks, I now weigh 187lbs. My dad died in June this year, right after I found out I was pregnant, and soon after, I was diagnosed with a very enlarged aortic root valve which may dissect during pregnancy and needs replaced following pregnancy, at any rate. My blood pressure problem makes this condition worse, and I am considered about as high risk as a one can be, and the doctors have told me this has to be my last baby.

I suppose worries about the health of this baby, which will almost certainly be quite early, and how the pregnancy will effect my heart, all adds to the larger weight gain this time, but when you realize this is your last child, like it or not, weight gain as a result of a pregnancy is so trivial.

I do not think of pregnancy as something that breaks down the body, makes a woman incapable of even upholding the “ideal” body women as “supposed” to present because in my experience, life events outside of child birth, both good and tragic, led to my body changing and the insignificance of my weight, though I am aware of the changes and all, is amplified with it all.

Do not get me wrong, my weight bothers someone, actually quite a few people – even my 8 year old son and 5 year old sister make comments, as do my grandmother and mother, but I think the healthiest mindset is one that just shrugs it off as the minor thing that it is.

I am aware that I do not get attention from the opposite sex like I did at 135-140lbs, but at this point in my life, it just does not matter, and whether I have to look a bit longer for jeans and shirts that suit me is not something on my “worry” list. I would not say I am nearly as confident in my body and image at this size, overall, but I am confident as a person in ways beyond that.

I am 14 year vegetarian, so I obviously want to be healthy, but I think I can be okay at 170lbs, if that is what I weigh without having to worry over what I am eating.

Yes, I got stretch marks, varicose veins, floppy boobs (mainly because mine become SO very huge) and with effort on my part, it all looked pretty dang good while I worked to maintain it – – – it is just that the life I have been dealt in general has made all of the time put into that seem a bit wasted and the “end result” seems rather unimportant now, and maybe that is the better perspective in the first place. I love my boys, love eating things I enjoy and my husband really does not mind if I squish here and there. :)

Feeling better about my body (George)

Age: 26
3 pregnancies, 1st was a extremely preamture vaginal birth, 2nd was a catastrophic c-section, 3rd one I lost.
My first girl should’ve been 9 years old now, she died almost 6 weeks old. My second girl is soon 6 years old, and I just lost my third child in the first trimester 3 weeks ago.

Because of this page, and all you wonderful mamas, I’m feeling better about my body.
Before I saw all the gorgeous pictures here, I was feeling quite bad about myself. Particularly my belly and c-section scar.

I had my first child just over 9 years ago, vaginal birth, but in week 23, she was 17.5 oz and 11.9 inches. Traumatic and dramatic birth, and I watched them work on her after she was out, intubate her etc. She lived for almost 6 weeks before she couldn’t go on anymore, due to critical and serious illnesses. Long, heartbraking weeks in the NICU with a very sick baby who was in pain a lot.
Loosing her was the total loss. I still wake at night because every cell in my body is screaming for her, screaming that one of the people I loved the most is gone. I miss her more than words can say. The pain and grief vibrates with amplifiers in my bone marrow.Still.
She is with me in my heart and thoughts every day. I love her more than anything.

My second child was born 6 years ago in november. She was born in week 30. That was a catastrophic c-section. She was out less than 10 minutes after I woke up bleeding heavily. She wasn’t breathing and didn’t have a heart rate when born. My placenta had ruptured totally. But they managed to bring her back to me. I am so greatful for that, every day. She was 2.6 lbs and 15.8 inches. I was very sick with HELLP-syndrome, and luckily in the hospital when this happened, or she wouldn’t have made it.
That was a very dramatic and traumatic birth, again. This time though, I was so sick, and lost so much blood, I almost died too.
We were both very critical the first few days.
I didn’t get to see my baby until she was 40 hours old. I don’t even have the words to describe the pain in that.
She pulled through, came home after 7 weeks in the NICU. The next few years she struggled with a lot, they were filled with illness, hospitals, tests, doctors, meds etc.
But she’s doing great now.
My joy and pride, my beautiful, amazing, strong, miracle-girl. I love her more than anything.

Then I got pregnant again, and I was very happy about that. But this time, I lost my child, just three weeks ago, in the first trimester. I am sure she was a third girl. I’ve never felt so empty in my life, this emptiness is filling me up. I didn’t know that a loss like this could be so terrible, so painful.
I dreamed last night, that my baby was gone, and even in my sleep the pain was so real and so overwhelming.
I’m scared I wont be able to carry more babies.
I wanted this baby with all my heart. I miss her so terribly much.

So, that’s my story, longer than I thought it would be.
My contribution to the page.
It is kinda scary this, putting yourself out there like that.
But I’m hoping others can feel better from looking at this page too, so I’m going to do it.
Best wishes to all the beautiful mamas out there, and thanks a lot for this page!

Three Babies in Four Years (Natalie)

I am 27 years old, and just had my third baby, a little girl, May 11th. That makes me about three months post-partum, give or take a couple of days. I also have a little boy that was born November 14, 2005, and another little girl that was born January 9, 2007. I absolutely loved being pregnant, it was the only time in my life that I truly loved my body and felt completely comfortable in my own skin. The joy of creating and nurturing a new life and mothering my three gorgeous children has been and is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever experienced. Now that I’m done having babies, its been a little hard to accept the changes that my body has gone through, and the end result. I’ve never been a thin person, and right now I am at my pre-pregnancy weight, but I still notice things that I don’t like. I want to be able to look at my soft, round body and love it, but its hard sometimes. I want to be able to look at my belly, at the roundness and extra skin, and be able to see it as the beautiful place that was home to all three of my children. I want to see myself as my children’s father says he sees me, as someone beautiful, someone extremely sexy…and sometimes I’m able to, but not always. I could blame the media I guess, as inaccurately portraying real beauty, but to be honest, I think that the way I feel about myself ultimately has to come from within, and can only really be changed by me. I think this website is a wonderful place for women to come, at least I know it has been for me. I can look at women that are similar to me, and I see them as beautiful. It makes me feel like if I can see them as beautiful, maybe I can learn to see myself that way too.

All the pictures of me pregnant are from this last pregnancy, and any of me not pregnant are from within the last three months. My children’s father has taken all the pictures, and as you can tell, he loves taking pictures of me, and is very good at it :)

2nd Baby, 8 Wks Postpartum (Kristin)

Previous entry here.

Hello my name is Kristin, and i am 21 years old. I got married when i was 19, and my hubby was 23 in nov.2006. We got pregnant in March 2007 n lost the baby, which was very hard. We got pregnant again by the end of April. I started out at around 115lbs, but went down to about 100lbs because of morning sickness. By the time i went into labour i was at 140lbs. I gave birth to my baby boy Timothy on Jan 30,2008. He weighed 8lbs 11ozs. We found out we were pregnant again when Timothy was just about 7months old. This time i started out weighing only 105lbs, but went down to 99lbs because of morning sickness. I again went up to 140lbs by the time i went into labour. I gave birth to my baby girl, Eden on April 26,2009. She weighed 7lbs 15ozs. Now i am weighing at 120lbs. Which i guess is ok but i do want to be more around 100-110lbs. I am 5f5 so i guess 120 is ok but i am really wanting lower. I dont like my body, i get really depressed about it, my hubby tells me i am sexy and beautiful but i just dont belive him. My hips are too big and my belly sticks out with stretch marks and loose skin. Tho i love my family more then life itself and i would NEVER trade my family for my old body but i do miss it. My family means the world to me and i always wanted children and now i got two n they are my everything. My body is not perfect, damn probly far from it but i am a mommy with two great n healhty kids with a loving husband. I wouldnt want it any other way. Tho i do wish i could convince myself that i am beautiful like my hubby says but right now i dont see it. Anyways thanks for this site, it has really help me. All you ladies are beautiful inside and out :) Oh and my son is now 17months old and my daughter is 2months old. Thanks for reading!

1,2:The first two photos is me now, 2months postpartum
3rd pic: is my baby girl Eden at 2months
4th pic: my baby boy Timothy at 17 months.
5 pic: is me 39wks pregnant with Timothy(brown top, green pants)
6 pic: 40wks pregnant with Eden

Updated here, here and here.

Transmogrification (Valentine)

Here I am 6 weeks post-partum. I’ve spent my entire life in one extreme or another…first I loved myself to the point of narcissism. Then I couldn’t stand to look at myself, to the point where the extent of my self-loathing would bring me to tears. Now? I still find myself unattractive, but I know that SHE was worth every moment of discomfort, every stretch mark (who gets stretch marks on their legs, anyhow???), the ruined tattoo, the drooping breasts and every ounce of flab. She has been there in my subconscious for my entire life and now she is my reality. I know now that I was meant to be a mother. Also, that weird dark scar underneath my belly button? It stands as a reminder that while piercing yourself with a safety pin SEEMS like a good idea in jr high, the reality is, well…..LOOK at it!

~Your Age: 21
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies–3 abortions, 1 birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 6 weeks post partum

Learning to Love My Body After a Loss (Lissa)

I’m mom of 2 living Children and 1 child who died shortly after birth. My youngest and last child was born at 30 weeks. She was a preemie. And I spent many weeks in the hospital prior to giving birth. I felt like my body failed her for the longest time. I was so uncomfortable in my own body. I felt hideous and disfigured. Why could so many women have all their children with no problem and my body led to my child’s death.

I started getting comfortable in my own body recently. And I’ve shed all worry about what other’s think of my body. I’m a mother to 2 beautiful children on Earth and 1 Breathtaking Angel in Heaven who lived for 23 days. I’m happy with my body now. It’s been 2 years since my daughter died.

I truly believe EVERYONE is beautiful. I’ve got huge stretch marks on my stomach, they are my badges and they show my love for my children. My breasts are sagging from nursing and from pumping while my baby was in the NICU. I’m pock marked from acne and I’ve got numerous large moles but I AM beautiful. No matter what anyone else says. I truly don’t think anyone in the world is ugly. I see beautiful in all people, big or small.



~Your Age: 24
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3- 2 living children
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5, 3, and 2 years

The Doctor Said I Need a Breast Lift, WHY? (Anonymous)

Age: 27
Pregnancies: 3
Five months PP

I consulted a cosmetic surgeon about having cosmetic surgery. I wanted breast implants to plump them back up a bit as they are a bit smaller than they were before baby number three, but was told that I needed a breast lift too. I don’t mind about implant scars, as they are in the arm pit, and tiny. But I feel that an uplift operation involves too much obvious scarring, and would make me look worse, not better!!!!!!

I personally don’t think I need them lifting anywhere, unless he wants to put them on my shoulders!!! I may be wrong, I don’t know!

So, I got to thinking, is there a need for me to have this done, or is this man trying to make as much money as he can from vunerable women who feel so bad about them selves after having a baby that they get procedures carried out just because a doctor said they need it done?

I can see a need for a breast lift operation for some people, as the results can be amazing, but I question if cosmetic surgery is being offered to readilly, and to people who don’t really need it. It’s like people have become customers, not patients.

In the early stages after having a baby (I’ve had three), I always get down about the way I look, but I am kind of offended that the doctor I consulted seems to be taking advantage of this.

So, please beware if you are seeking any surgery after child birth!!!!

And, needless to say, I won’t be having a breast lift operation (although the implants still sound good if I can find another doctor)

Mama of Three Under Five (Anonymous)

I have three kids under age five.
I enjoy this site and believe that all mothers are united by that bond of knowing what only a mother knows- that you helped create this life with your flesh and bone – nurtured and grew it, protected and fed it, thrilled in its movements and spent sleepness nights with worry over one who would eventually reveal him/herself as an amazing little boy or girl. All mothers’ bodies are beautiful for this reason alone.
My first child, a daughter, was born 8 pounds, 15 oz., born two days early (vaginal delivery but with pitocin and epidural)… I had a small tear that didn’t heal well and that coupled with trouble breastfeeding caused me so much angst and pain! If only someone had told me that it does pass, it is worth it, and it did, and it was. I had a linea negra mark on my belly and I hoped it would stay, but as you can see from my pictures it vanished. I thought it was a beautiful “mother’s mark.” I think my swimming-pool-sized belly button suffices for that though. ;)
My second child, also a daughter, was born 8 pounds, 6 oz., induced one day after my due date. Things went so much more smoothly after this one. Breastfeeding was easier in general because I knew things would get easier, which they did. At about 6 weeks I developed mastitis once (my only time getting it), but with some good antibiotics the pain and fever were gone in hours. I also developed late-onset post-partum anxiety around 9 months, but that went away a few months later with time, patience, and meds. Both pregnancies themselves were uneventful in a good way… I was pretty active and didn’t have any morning sickness to speak of.
My third child, a boy, was born 9 pounds 6 oz., induced one day before his estimated due date. Another awesome, easy delivery (thank you epi!) and breastfeeding and everything else was the easiest yet. I haven’t had trouble eventually losing the 50 to 60 pounds I gained with each pregnancy because of breastfeeding I guess, and also just being tall and predisposed to slenderness. I don’t eat terribly but I don’t diet, and I’m active but I never “work out.” Having three kids keeps you busy in general. Heck, having one busy kid does that!
I’m finding motherhood a joyous if incredibly stressful journey, riddled with peaks of happiness and valleys of fear and occasional despair, all just the typical patchwork of mothering emotions for us all. I feel like I was a successful enough person before having kids, but boy, the experience of raising these children is my greatest triumph, and it so far surpasses anything in my past that those great adventures pale in comparison. In this, we mothers are all united, and I think we are all in on some great and wondrous little secret. ;)

~Your Age: 35
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 4.11, 3.2, 11 mos

Out in Left Field (Lisa)

Name: Lisa
Age: 26
Number of pregnancies: 2 complete, currently pregnant with #3
Current Weight: 130-ish
Dress Size: 6-8

Ultimately, I have always been my own worst enemy. As a teen, I worked perhaps a little TOO hard on showcasing my body. I got a lot of attention (both good, and bad). When I married my husband in 2005 – we started trying for a baby. At that time I was 112 lbs. and was a size 4 respectively. I had a cute belly, complete with sparkly navel jewelry. I wore cute clothes, sassy heels, I took care to look my best.
Pregnant with my first, I loved my pregnant physique. I liked my big round tummy, and felt womanly and special. After she was born, and I came home to find that no size 4, size 6, size 8 or size 10 pants would fit…..a change in my body perception forever changed. I was a size 12. 2 weeks after birth, I was weighing in at 146 pounds. “It will come off, it takes time” was what my mother said. But it wasn’t just that. My skin was saggy, stretched, lose. I looked in the mirror – and I didn’t recognize myself. Here I was, a new mother who was madly in love with my child…but I couldnt look in the mirror. When I showered, I hung a towel across the mirror. I didn’t even want to catch a glimpse of my reflection.
My husband waited, patiently, for the time to come when we could be intimate again. I think he felt I was scared…..but it wasn’t that. Under my clothing was a COMPLETELY different body than what he’d fallen in love with, what he’s married, what he’d last seen prior to a baby being housed inside. What was he going to think? What if he took one look and lost all desire? I did the best I could to cover myself, without being obvious. I felt awkward when he reached out to touch me.

I started reconnecting with old friends during my first few months of motherhood. People I’d gone to school with. People who were the same age. Looking at their photos, everyone looked…..the same. The beautiful girls were still beautiful. Now, I really WAS all alone. The first of my “group” to marry, then to have children, and then to completely “let herself go”. I felt disassociated with myself. With the world. My husband took a job working out of town 5 days a week, so it was just me and the baby. It was during this time that I made bad choices with my eating habits. Skipping breakfast, skipping lunch, and picking at dinner. The weight came off. I went back to 120lbs. But nothing really changed. There was still sagging and bagging….but I was happIER than I had been before. Then, the shock of my life when we found out quite unexpectedly just as my daughter was turning a year that we were pregnant….again. I was overtaken with joy, and excitment. But the next thought was, “I didn’t even get my body back. NOW what’s going to happen to me?”

I gained more with my second. 55 pounds. Pregnant, I looked ok. My sizable belly made it difficult to notice where all that weight was. Then, I gave birth, and i was staring, yet again, at someone I didn’t feel I knew. The stretchmarks were bigger, brighter and had spread. I had cellulite and sagging in places I didn’t even realize you COULD get cellulite and sagging. I was ashamed. I stopped wearing tank tops, or skirts, even shorts. I wore my black maternity pants for as long as possible. I tried to hide what I didn’t like.

What took place in me over the next few months was an acceptance of what I was, in a sense. I knew the stretch marks would never go away. I knew that my breasts would never look the same. I knew that losing the extra weight had to come with time. What I couldn’t accept then, or now, is that despite having two exquisite children and loving my role as their mother – I feel less like a woman than I ever have. I feel a loss of confidence, sexuality and femininity. In social settings with girls my age…I feel alone. I make up for a complete lack of pride in myself by making jokes about my forever changed body. “Yep, I have pregnancy service stripes” or, “sometimes I feel a stinging sensation and realize Im standing on my own titty”. It works, in the moment, to help make light of it.

I guess ultimately, all I really want is to turn that acceptance of myself into an actual LOVE for myself. My husband still tells me I am beautiful. One day, I want to see that too.

The photos below are from today…..2 babies in 2 years, and 9 weeks pregnant with my third.