Uterine Prolapse (Tosha)

2 pregnancies 2 births
13 months PP

I am a 22 year old wife and mother to a great husband and 2 wonderful little boys. I have never been extremely happy w/ my body even though I’ve always been on the small side it makes me sick to look @ old pics b/f kids when I thought I was so fat. I found out I was pregnant w/ my 1st son when I was 18 and I threw up every day all day for the 1st 4 months but after that it was a breeze. I had to be induced at 40 weeks b/c I couldn’t go into labor on my own on August 16 2010 I had my 1st boy Isaac he was 7 pounds 13 oz. and very handsome lol When he was 2 my husband & I decided we were ready for another baby & on December 15 2009 we welcomed our 2nd boy Wyatt he was 8 pounds 6 oz. the pregnancy was much better this time so I was prepared for round 2 lol but it didn’t quite go as planned. Once again I had to be induced at 40 weeks b/c I didn’t go into labor on my own & everything went fine until it was time to push… I gave birth to my beautiful son and then came the afterbirth & then came my uterus- yes my uterus I instantly knew something was wrong & asked the dr. what happened & he told me my uterus came out! I was freaking out the nurse was making calls & asked if I could @ least hold my baby b/f they took me to surgery they let me touch & glance @ him then told my hubby to take him to the nursery. The dr. wrapped up my uterus & we headed to surgery. The last thing I remember is them putting me on the table ( I passed out from blood loss) I had to have 4 units of blood & I was so weak I couldn’t even sit up. I am so thankful for my dr. for being trained on what to do in this rare situation. Anyway sorry this is such a long post thank you for taking the time to read my story. I still have a way to go to fully love myself & appreciate my body but I wouldn’t trade my boys for anything! I have recently started Insanity so I hope I will get some great results & post some amazing after photos! Once again thanks for reading my story and thank you Bonnie for creating this site :)

The 1st 4 pics are of me now 13 months pp & the last one is a pic of my handsome boys :)

Updated here.

My Kids Are What Matters (HayleyK)

I struggled for 5 years to get pregnant in the first place. After two surgeries and 3 rounds of fertility treatments (all the while dealing with my husband’s deployment to Iraq), we got pregnant with our first born. The pregnancy was easy, the birth hard. But we had our miracle. Then miraculously we got blessed with another child one year later. Hard pregnancy, easy birth, but some post-partum issues. Now, we are all healthy, and though I may not be much to look at anymore, my kids love me, and so does my hubby. For that, I am beyond happy!

Your Age: 31
Number of pregnancies and births: 2 pregnancies and 2 births.
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 2 and 1 (15 months post-partum).

Will I ever have the confidence to show myself? (Anonymous)

Age 20
2 children – 11 months PP

Hello! I am 20, I have two children, my eldest is 3 in May, my youngest is 1 in Feb… I have recently split with their dad and it has left me feeling very self consious. I don’t know how any man will ever find me attractive!! My belly has stretch marks all over it, and my belly button is now deformed : ( Since having my daughter I have lost 46 pounds, I am now at 144. I would still like to loose another 14. I feel very embarrassed about the way I look, I don’t think any man would ever want to come near me, i dont look too bad with clothes on but i cant imagine having the confidence to show myself to another man, especially as I am only 20! What do you all think? Do you think surgery is the only option for me?

I Need Some Help (Shannon)

Previous entries here:
Missing My Baby Boy
5 Weeks PP
2.5 Months PP
6 Months PP
15 Month PP

I have posted on here 4 times already…and my last post was just a 1.5 months ago…but I need some help from you fellow Mamas…I feel so horrible about my body. I want to love it for giving me my boys, but I can’t. I cry about it all the time, and then I cry for crying about it because it gave me Connor and Liam. I just can’t help it. I feel so ugly…I don’t understand how my husband could find me attractive (I usually don’t even trust/listen to him when he tells me I am), I do not see a pretty girl at all. I see a fat, saggy, gross girl every time I look in the mirror. I know I am a good mother, I am just not a pretty mother. I hate my body so much that it is not healthy. If there is nudity in a movie I am watching with my husband I feel horrible, like he would want someone with a body like that instead of mine. I am fat, saggy, and stretched. I want to feel beautiful when I look in the mirror…I love my body for what it did…but not the way it looks. Please help…I exercise and eat healthy, and I am still gross…any exercise advice would be great…Sorry for the vent…I know there are worse things in life (trust me, I know) I just hate living like this…I want to feel pretty

Updated here.

Ups and Downs (Anonymous)

31 years old
kids ages 5 and 3

I am 5’2 and 125 currently.Previous to kids my weight was about 120-125.I am happy with my weight finally after 3 years! My first pregnancy I was all day sick for the first 3 months but after that things went well.Had a 7Ib 12oz baby but vaginal prolapsing after which is uncomfortable I guess you would say. Felt pretty good about myself a year after and 1 1/2 years after 1st baby got pregnant again. Second pregnancy went better but I was huge by the end and felt like I would have a bigger baby for my size.Second baby was 9Ibs 4 oz and here is where all my issues really begin.After my second I had hemorrhaging,vaginal prolapsing,internal tearing and 4th degree tearing through my rectum plus stretch marks and a sagging stomach-what a mess.I had a surgery 9 months and many embarrassing moments after the birth to repair the internal tearing and had an anal sphincter repair.I spent one year in physio therapy trying to regain vaginal and rectal muscle-let me tell you you put ALL modesty aside when you go through this.I was also booked in to have a tummy tuck because I hate how the skin hangs off my belly like pizza dough but my husband didn’t want me to go through anymore and at this point I guess I don’t either.Things are better yes but I know I will never be the same.I wonder sometimes why this all happened to me and I still get frustrated. Then I also think about how I have 2 beautiful children that I love so much and I am grateful, there are worse things because really I am healthy and I am able to do most everything still.I just really wish that there was someone else to talk to that went through the same things as me as I feel that no one understands how greatly this all has effected my life.

My Ever-Changing Body (Ashley)

Age 24
3 pregnancies 2 births
Children- 4.5 and 16 months

It all started when I was 19 years old. I found out I was pregnant with our daughter sometime during the end of August 2005. I was around 140-145 before I got pregnant with her and gained 51 pounds during my pregnancy, she was 10 days early. It took me awhile to start to lose weight. My daughter was around 18 months old when I finally started to exercise, I don’t know why I didn’t start sooner. I manged to get back down to my pre pregnancy weight and also lost an extra 13-15 pounds on top of that, putting me around 125-127. I was really happy with were I was at weight wise and I felt wonderful. Mind you, my daughter was about 2-2.5 by this point so it took a little while. I basically just walked a lot, became a vegetarian and eat really healthy whole foods as much as possible. My husband and I decided it was time for another baby, it happened faster then we thought, 2 months after trying we got our positive test but I miscarried that baby at 6 weeks. In those 6 weeks I gained 5lbs. So I went up to about 130. I was determined to get pregnant again, the next cycle we got another positive. I was scared but excited. I felt better with this pregnancy, it felt different. I was able to eat a good diet and drank lots of water and continued to exercise. I really didn’t want to gain another 50 pounds. My pregnancy went really well! A lot easier then the 1st and 2nd. I only gained 37lbs. Putting me at 167ish. About a week after my son was born I had already dropped 20lbs. I honestly thought it would be easier this time but I was wrong. I exercised as much as a could with 2 kids. My daughter was only a 3 years 3 months when brother was born. She still needed a lot of my attention and I was still breastfeeding her. I tandem nursed for 3 months. Then she was done. So my son is now 16 months old and a little more independent, still breastfeeding. I managed to get down to 132 and was really happy about that, but my thyroid is acting up and I’m back up to 139-140. It seems that my waist line and other measurements are going up .5 inch as well. I’m going to see my midwife on Thursday to discuss some things. I have been exercising and eating well and gaining weight. Very discouraging! It all started to go downhill after my father passed away in November 2010. I just started to wear my pedometer yesterday and I will be trying to walk 10,000+ steps a day and see if that helps.
I have always been very self conscious, it is so hard. I love having children and watching my body grow, but hate having to fit for it back :) Our plan is for me to get back into shape and start trying for our next in a couple months if God is willing!

Photo 1- 7 weeks pregnant with 3rd pregnancy
Photo 2- 41 weeks pregnant day of induction
Photo 3- 16 months postpartum
Photo 4- 16 months postpartum

My Fiancee Loves My Womanly Body – Update (Anonymous)

Original post here.

It has been almost 4 weeks. I am doing much better about tracking my foods and being realistic on what I want vs what I need. It is difficult but empowering when I say no to eating at 10 pm with my fiancé. He has been very supportive though and says he doesn’t really want me to
Lose weight but he will love me no matter how I look. It’s got to be a lifestyle change for me though or it won’t last. Now is the time to do it- I’m almost done with my bachelors degree, just bought my first home and don’t want to spend anymore time positioning my clothes each time I sit or stand. I have not lost any pounds yet but my mom noticed my tummy was looking more trim. The most difficult part for me Is exercise. I need motivation! I joined a challenge at work so i hope that will help. If I can get healthy again I can do anything. My goal is to be running my own office from home by the time my kids start school- I really want to be available for my fiancé and kids. Our world is so complicated when 2 people must work full time and come home to a messy house with groceries needing bought, supper still needing to be made and kids needing help with homework. It’s the way it is though. Anyways I’d love some encouragement from my fellow do- it-all and do it with a smile moms! Sorry about the grammar and typos- I’m using my itouch!

22 and 2 Kids Later (Jenny)

My children are definately the best things to ever happen to me. I first got pregnant right before my 19th birthday and had a beautiful 8 lb baby boy. Before i got pregnant i only weighed 97 lbs and ended up 139 lbs when i gave birth. After i had him it didnt take too long to get back into shape. Everything went back to normal, other than a few strtch marks but nothing major. I could not have been happier. Then at 21 i got pregnant again. I was a little worried this time things wouldnt go back the same. I started this pregnancy out at 105 lbs and ended at 132 lbs. I gained less weight but my belly was so big. Then on August 31th 2010 i gave birth to another beautiful boy. This one only weighing 7 lbs 10 oz. Even though i am only 4 months pp things are not going back the same. I actually only weigh 98 lbs right now but my stomach is horrible. I dont know if you can fix wrinkled skin. Its something im having a very hard time dealing with. My fiance cares alot about appearence and even though he says it doesnt bother him, i feel like it does. Which makes me not want him to look at me naked. I’m glad i found this site. It has helped me feel alot better about myself and enough so that i wated to share my story. Maybe hearing strangers opinions might help. Thanks,

Age- 22
Number of pregnancies and births- 2
Age of children- 2 ( will be 3 in march) and 4 months
Post Partum- 4 months

1st picture- Pregnant with first child
2nd picture- After first child. About a year PP
3rd picture- Pregnant with second child
4th picture- Before children
5th picture- Now, 4 month PP

Loving my babies and hating my body (Anonymous)

PREGNANCIES/BIRTHS: 2/2 (currently 10 weeks PP)

I have two beautiful kids. My daughter is 19 months and my son is 2.5 months. I love them more than anything else in the world, and I would never trade them for anything. That being said, I absolutely hate my body. I can’t even look in the mirror anymore. My husband says he loves me just the way I am. He calls my body “his artwork.” Maybe this is totally wrong, but sometimes I feel resentful toward him because I feel like I sacrificed so much to have our kids, and he didn’t really have to give up anything. I know that is part of being a mom and I shouldn’t be so selfish, but I just can’t help it. I feel disgusting and can’t afford plastic surgery or anything like that. I feel so alone sometimes in feeling like this, but I know that I am not. I just want to feel pretty again.

Is that a football in your belly? No, it’s just extra skin. (Erin)

My age: 34
# of pregnancies and births: 2, both by c-section
Children ages: almost 4 and almost 2

I’m not a tall woman. I stand at only 5′ 1/2″. I feel like I’ve always struggled with my weight. I have always worn C-D bra sizes, so I’ve always been pretty “gifted” in that area. As for everything else, I have always felt a little “fluffy”. Looking back at my “younger” pictures, I only now realize that I used to have a nice body… Hindsight – it’s a double edged sword, isn’t it…

I gained just about 29-35’ish lbs with both of my sons’ pregnancies. I BELIEVE my starting pre-pregnancy weight was around 135-140… I remember weighing in at 146 when I got pregnant the second time. I held at a pretty consistent 157-158lbs after the second son was born (up until a couple of weeks ago).
I have what I call a “fanny pack” – the nice loose skin that so many mothers talk about. Like I said, I call it a fanny pack, even though it kind of has the shape of a football… Neither create positive mental pictures.

I had started exercising, minimally and not consistently, and easily burnt out because the semi-dedication did not lead to the desired results… Who knew, right?

Over the past few weeks. I’ve invested in a stationary bike, which I try to ride at least for a little while each day, I’ve started walking about 2 miles per day, I use our in-home gym each night for minimal weightlifting, and then I close the day with various stretches. I’m trying to find a happy medium, something that will get me results and that will not lead to mental or physical burn out. As of right now, I’m weighing in at 152.8lbs and feel like I’ve started to tone up. I feel like it’s a good step, but I’m not sure if I’m going about things right or doing what I should be doing to see the maximum results for my efforts.

Oh, did I mention that I suffer from depression, anxiety, and multiple sclerosis? I was thinking that if I was exercising, I could probably get rid of my depression due to the extra endorphins, but that isn’t happening (found that out the hard way after just missing one “happy pill”). My doc tells me that the depression, though it might get a little better with the exercising, is probably here to stay due to the MS. Lovely… The multiple sclerosis also impacts overall energy – so if I over do something, I have difficulty walking and functioning for a good time afterwards. I am trying to incorporate new technologies (e.g. cooling vests) to hopefully prolong my energy during exercise, but it’s still in the experimental stages for me. Also with the MS, I have to take daily/nightly injections – rotating the “lucky” location each day. So each leg, arm, and hip, along with the stomach gets a turn to be tortured. The shots can range from not too bad to really quite painful and the affects can last for either hours or sometimes days. Also, because of the daily shots, there is a greater possibility of tissue loss – wonderful, huh? So, not only has pregnancy and childbirth played twister with my body, but now the shots are, too? Ugh… Just something else to look forward to…

I say all of the at to say that I really am trying now to lose weight an start to feel better about myself. I believe my mindset is finally where it needs to be to push myself to be able to see results, but I fear the mysterious uphill journey that I’m on is not as consistent as I’d like it to be. Again, I don’t want to do too much or become so overly obsessive, so that I can’t function or have a harder time functioning and staying true to a goal. I also don’t want to burn out, either mentally or physically, and just get so disheartened by the whole process. I want to see results, and I would LOVE to see the person I KNOW is possible to be reflected back to me in a mirror.

People used to find me attractive, and now, I even wonder if my husband, when asked/prodded, says he finds me attractive, pretty, and sexy only because he’s bound to think that by the matrimony vows we took, as well as because he’s a good guy. Would I do me? Nah, I don’t think so – not unless the room was very dark and I was laying 100% of the time on my back to call less attention to the fanny pack.

This past week, I made a consultation appointment with a plastic surgeon in town. He tooted his horn, telling me he could take 5-6″ off of my waist and by the time the tummy tuck and lipo procedures were done and healed from, I would be within 1-2lbs of my ideal weight… He told me I could have a flat stomach. That is something I’ve NEVER had – it’s just never been in my genes… To me, that would be the icing or the gravy – my main concern is my fanny pack… I want that GONE! I was really quite pleased that he complimented my hips and thighs – saying they would need no work, but then he threw out a “you have boy hips” comment. What the heck is that all about? I don’t want to look like some magazine super model girl, I just want to look like me – with less of a tummy!!!! So, after the consultation, I learned to that the cost of everything he wants to do to me is $8000!!!!! OUCH!!!!!

So, now I’m somewhat back to square one, looking for anything (suggestions, positive reinforcement, guidance) to help me feel better about myself and get to a happy place weight wise…
