Size 3.
125 pounds.
16 years old.
That was then..
Size 11.
145 pounds.
17 years old.
This is now..
My life changed when the pregnancy tests [all 5 of them] came back positive. I was 16 years old, a junior in high school, an athlete. I loved my body.
People said I was too young to be a mother. I was told that I was a slut [even though I had only been with one guy.] I was told that I was just another typical teen mother who would make my mom raise my kid. According to them, I was selfish..
My daughter was born on January 12, 2009. She had to be delivered with forceps. I had an episiotomy, hemorrhaged, and lost so much blood that my doctor ordered one of the nurses to find out my blood type in case I was to need a transfusion. Thankfully, I didn’t.
My breasts, stomach, butt and thighs are no longer what they used to be. I have stretch marks on my breasts, butt, and thighs.
I gained 50 pounds. When I delivered, I weighed 175 pounds.
Breastfeeding has helped me to lose 30 pounds in three weeks. Now, I’m stuck at 145 pounds.
But you know what? Even though my stomach is much looser, my legs are much thicker, my boobs are much bigger, and I have stretch marks, I know I’m beautiful. I’m happy with my body.
My body is beautiful because I’m a mother. No one can take that away. So go ahead, call me fat – I don’t care. I’m happy and I’m beautiful, regardless of what people say….