I’m 23 now. I currently weigh 165 lbs. I hated my body 5 years ago when I weighed a whopping … ready for it … 115 pounds and stood 5’9″ tall. Yeah. A lot has happened in 5 years. Three babies, one marriage, and tons of God’s AMAZING grace later I am stronger and happier than I have ever been. I have gone up and down with my weight throughout the years. My attitude toward my body was ALWAYS a negative one, until I got pregnant with my third child. Matthew was a “whoopsie”! He will be 5 in January. Noah was planned and will be 2 in a week. And Cadence was a “not-planned-not-prevented” when Noah was 8 months and she just turned 6 months old. I breastfed Noah until he was 6 months (he quit on me after I started him on solids) and I am exclusively breastfeeding Cadence until she’s closer to a year old (she has gained exactly 9 pounds in 6 months so the doctor recommended it). I love being a mother even if at first I honestly did NOT want to be. I believe now that this is God’s calling for my life. My body may not look perfect to everyone else. But it carried LIFE for crying out loud. Three of them in fact. God gave me the gift to carry life inside this imperfect body, and to Him it IS perfect, so to me it is perfect. Every curve, dimple, stretch mark, and flabby place. Confidence really IS everything. Me pregnant with Cadence Me today at 6 1/2 months PP My family!

You look great! You have great curves and zero stretchmarks! Your family is so cute.
I love your post! I never really thought about it that way before! Your curves are way sexy! You look great!
You looked beautiful pregnant and you look beautiful now :-)
yes i agree with megan you have a beautiful body and NO stretchmarks you look great for having 3 kids!
i have never commented on this site before but i had to tell you that your body is gorgeous
You really have a great body and look after it. I have 2 and our bodies are very similar…shame we can’t correspond…would love to exchange experiences!! Nika, UK.
I love the curves. I’m straight up and down. :(
wow ou give me hope..im five ten and right now weigh 120, im about 3 week preg and seeing your body gives me hope, you have a great belly and no stretch marks…
wow you have a great body. I’m not saying this because you had three kids..you have an amazing shape lol. I like girls with meat on them! awesome breast btw. I hope to look that good after I give birth!
Your pregnancy photos are amazing. You look great. Beautiful!
Hi there. I just popped in to have a look and just HAD to comment on your photos. I think you look absolutely amazing. Good on you for having the confidence to bare your body and soul for the world to see. I was lucky enough to lose my baby weight in a month thanks to good genes, but id give anything to have just a little of your confidence and attitude! And sexy curves like yours as well! xx
What a great attitude and confidence. You look amazing! I wish I could feel that comfortable in my skin. :)
Was just checking this site out and read your post. Thank for all you said. It was inspiring to me and actually brought tears to my eyes. You have a wonderful take on these imperfect bodies that God uses to make beautiful miracles!
You look great and have a beautiful family! God Bless!
you have an AMAZING, woman’s, body. it’s so beautiful. you are a Goddess!
you are a pretty girl
Wow – that first pic is like a pin-up model! Very beautiful! You’ve got a beautiful family and an amazing attitude about your body. Congratulations!
i have to say that you have giving me some hope. i have my days were i feel ugly and then i have good days. You are soo beautiful and i should start to think that way about myself. I think we have close to the same type of body, however i do think you look better then i do but our curves are the same. I need to look at myself the way i look at others. . it is slowly coming in time :D
Stunning! You look amazing and gorgeous… and your babies are adorable.
Well done mama!
That last shot where you’re bending over relieved me. I was really starting to hate my tummy for falling forward and feeling all squishy, but I guess that’s just gravity. You look great. :)
wow! such a good looking mum!
All I can say is wow! You look amazing. Sooo pretty. Great bumm. And smile. Cheers! scififan65@yahoo.com
Hun, you are gorgeous!
I want to say it again – you are gorgeous!