Just Wanted to Share (Karla)

Hi! I have been a visitor for years now, I have never writen my story…but one day I will! today I just wanted to share something with all my shapeofamother friends…

I was reading The Velveteen Rabbit (by Margery Williams) to my 5 year old today. I have read this story before, but just as other great stories, you can always find something new every time you read them. I came upon this wonderful quote:

*The Rabbit is talking to the wise and old skin horse about being REAL. This is the skin horse’s explanation: “It doesnt happen all at once. You become. It takes a long time. That is why it doesnt often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things dont matter at all, because once you are REAL you cant be ugly,except to people who dont understand.” WE are REAL, we are beautiful.

Update: 7 Weeks Postpartum, 7 Pounds to Go (Anonymous)

Previous entry here.

Well I am now 7 months postpartum and have managed to get ride of the last 7 pounds. I am now realizing that I am lucky to have lost all of my pregnancy weight so quickly and to have gotten most of my old body back. Breastfeeding has certainly taken a toll on my breasts but I am totally fine with it. I also realize that I had put a lot of pressure on myself when I wrote my first post. My body looked great even at 7 weeks pp and I should have given myself a break.
I am now definitely giving myself a break. Baby and I are staying active but I am not back at the gym or running, we are salsa dancing, swimming and walking.
I am loving being a mommy and I now realize that all the sacrifices we women do to become mommies are all worth it.
I love my body more than ever because it has served a purpose and it created a miracle. It now tells the story of my son’s birth and all the love that I have for him.

In Better Shape – Update (Anonymous)

Previous entry here.

Age :31
1 pregnancy/1birth
a Baby girl,, 4 mo pp

I posted on here for the first time a month ago,, grateful for this site,, but a mite obsessed with getting back into shape as quickly as possible. And even though im still not where i want to be physically,, the condition of my heart, mind and soul are much improved,, causing me to almost change shape in my own eyes. For the first time in my life , i feel ‘womanly’ ,, ive had a moment or two in the past where i felt ok about my figure,, even a tad appreciative.. but not as strongly as i do now. My body brought forth an adorable, healthy, smart baby girl who gives all those around her joy! It went through an unplanned C section, and healed quickly with no complications! and even though i wasnt able to continue breastfeeding past the first two weeks,, It still provided my daughter with those first vitamins she coudnt get from any store! I still plan on eating healthy and getting exercise (and yes,, not too happy with the added cellulite lol) but im not going to lose precious sleep and time with my daughter trying to get six pack abs or a rock hard body,, i actually think my husband enjoys me new softness. He s like a little juiciness anyways lol :) So to all of you struggling with body image, self esteem and PPD, know it can be overcome through surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people,, prayer and meditation and little bit of kicking yourself in the rear to get in gear and appreciating your body for the miracle it produces!! Be Blessed all!

Pics: Pre- pregnancy,, 36 weeks and laying out…bath time!,, reading with mom… now, four months pp

Upset With My Body at 21 (Anonymous)

Hello everyone!! Im so glad I found this site where I can post pictures of my body and no one will be negative about it. After 9 long months I reached 38 weeks and nothing…No contractions, Cervix was closed, So on my 40th week appoiment My doctor gave me and iduction date. However a few days before my induction date I had a appoiment to check on the babys heartbeat. Her heartbeat started slowing down everyfew mins…I went so down that nurse quickly sent me to Labor and delivery. There, I started calling family and telling them. Doctors did a few different things with me to speed up the process. However my cervix didnt go past 3centimeters. They decided to wait a bit longer….They gave me the epidural and told me to try to sleep for a while. I fell asleep for like 5mins and all of a sudden like 5 or 6 doctors rushed into my room saying the babys heartbeat dropped really low and they moved me into different positions to get the baby to move. I was taken out the room by bed and was told I needed an Emergency C-section…As I was being brought into the Csection room I stated feeling cold, So cold that I started shaking a lot. I felt dizzy and felt like my body was just leaving…I started throwing up….About 30 minuted later my baby was out my stomach. I however didnt felt any better to hold her. I was shaking a lot and they cover me with blankets but that didnt worked…As soon as I saw my daughter I felt like I didnt want her, like I didnt loved her…I was taken into recovery room and I felt like crying, I really didnt feel like a mom because I believed my body failed since I wasnt able to give birth.. Even after being sent home I still felt like I wanted my baby.. I cried all the times because I didnt feel an attachment towards her…I wanted my baby delivered vaginally and wasnt able…Now Im 3 weeks PP and I feel so close to my babygirl….I love her dearly..Now my problem is my body..I hate it…I feel like my boobs have sagged a bit.. I think one is bigger thanthe other…I hate my strechmarks….and most of all I hate how my stomach hangs over my csection….I just hope im able to exercise all this away…..Thanks everyone…..

First pregnancy..
3 weeks PP

Don’t Call Me “Lucky” (Anonymous)

I am 10 months postpartum from my second daughter’s birth. She was a c-section after I had complications following a (successful) home birth with my first daughter. I am happy with my postpartum body but it frustrates me to no end that people assume that I just got lucky with my postpartum body, as if there are only two categories of moms – – lazy lucky ones that look good and lazy unlucky ones that don’t. I worked really, really hard following the c-section – I didn’t snap back like people assume! I got my doctor’s approval and was at the gym 6 days a week (30 minutes on the elliptical machine, he said it was okay because it was no impact) two weeks after my c-section. Åt 6 weeks, I got the okay to start running again. I gained 48 pounds with my last pregnancy and 50 with my first. I am happy to say that I have lost all the weight — and you can, too …. even if you aren’t one of the “lucky” ones that don’t have to make an effort :P I wasn’t!

The first pictures are me 2 days after my c-section, taken the day I got home. You can see the yellow glue still on my side from the spinal. The next pictures are 4 weeks postpartum, and the last picture is 8 months postpartum. I’ve made some more small improvements since the last picture but feel it’s representative enough to post!

~Your Age: 24
~Number of pregnancies and births: 6 pregnancies / 2 births – one vaginal / one c-sesction(4 miscarriages)
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 year old and 10 month old

Let Me Out of Here (Angele)

Hi everyone, this is my third entry; my first 2 can be seen here and here. A little recap. I am 29 years old and I have 2 daughters, ages 8 and 4. I recenlty gave birth to a third daughter in April 2010; but she was not mine to keep, I was a surrogate! :) I had decided long ago after the birth of my second daughter that one day I would have a tummy tuck and get my diastasis recti and lax skin fixed!! I did it!! I am 5 weeks post surgery and recovering slowly but surely.

As I was looking through some pictures, I was amazed at what I saw. I had always joked that when I was pregnant, it felt as though the girls were trying to claw their way out of me!!Well, it looks like they almost suceeded! I outlined the clawmarks aka: stretchmarks on my belly so it could be easier for you all to see!! LoL 10 silver clawprints !! I have to say, I am so happy that I still have these! I love them!! Would a smooth belly be prettier to look at? Possibly but not to me! I may have altered my mommy belly, but I cherish my childrens permanent finger paintings! :)


Lost and sad (Anonymous)

Age: 20
Number of children: one
I am 13 months post postpartum.

Hello, currently i am struggling with body image. I had my child 13 months ago, and my body has slightly improved since then. I am 5 ft 4 and weigh 130 lbs. I gained 96 lbs during my pregnancy and had pre-clampsia. I was 130 lbs before i was pregnant so i lost all my baby weight within one year by hard work. But for some reason, i do not look the same. Nor do i look just as thin as i was before. I got stretch marks all over my stomach, my thighs, back of legs, underarms, breasts and hips. I destroyed my body by caring for a beautiful life. I never want to get pregnant again and just want to enjoy my daughter and whats left of my body to enjoy. I feel bummed out. I am still trying to lose weight and i look way better clothed than i do naked. My boyfriend does not mind one bit and tells me he loves my body. I do not understand that. How can some women be so flawless, and all i did was get pregnant and my body went through a major change. My breasts actually lost a cup size (34B) after i gave birth and are not perky anymore. My belly looks like oatmeal and the only gorgeous thing i can stand is my face. Since that is what others see and compliment. My childless-friends even freak out when they see my stomach. But reassure me it will go away. I know it won’t and i think i have tried everything to fix it. I am not considering plastic surgery, so instead, i pretend i am a goddess dressed in a white robe and imagine that every women years ago knew that this destroyed body was actually beautiful. So i should love it too, since it is spectacular in its own unique way. But i do feel sad, and lost. I can not stop myself from criticizing every part of me.

Mother of 6: Story and Photos UPDATE (Stacy)

Previous entries here and here.

~Age: 29
~Number of pregnancies and births: 6
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 11, 7, 5, 4, 2, 18 months

I have come along way in my acceptance of myself as a vibrant, powerful human with a purpose. I have discovered that purpose is to love myself, and others. My body acting merely as an expression of that love, marred by marks, like nails through the palms, to indicate sacrifice and willingness. I love what I have been given so much, that I have no choice but to express it in every way possible; including being comfortable enough in my own skin to expose it.

Updated here.


im a 29 old mother of 2 boys.my first one is 4 years and second is 12 weeks.first pregnancy started at 63 kg,i put on 30 kg and by the time my son was 1 year old i lost all the weight(brestefeeding for 6 months and cambridge diet after that) skin on my tummy remain wrinkly and a bit sag,anyway.. my second pregnancy started at 70 kg and by the end i was about 97.now,12 weeks on im 89 and nothing going down:-( im brestfeeding so cant diet yet,and not doing any sport or anything.im to be honest diguisted with myself,i cant watch myself in mirror,i feel sooooo ashamed when my husband is looking at me,i wish i can be slimmer.i now i will be,i do everything to loose that fat,just not yet.at the moment i just want to past that stage when im brestfeeding and to start losing. anyway,my body will NEVER be ok for bikini again,second pregnancy as you can see on the pictures did too much damage:-( i just hope to be able to wear decent clothes and look ok. just want to add thet i love that site,im adicted to it. /////// AGE-29 2 CHILDREN- 4 YEARS AND 12 WEEKS

Take 3: Getting There (Anonymous)

Previous entries here and here.

1 Pregancy & 1 birth
9 months postpartum

I’ve purposely left it till today to do this post; I’m exactly 9 months post-partum. Don’t they all tell you, it takes you 9 months to put it on and 9 months to lose it??!!! Well I’ve lost it all, in fact I’m even slimmer than before I had my beautiful little boy, but I’m not what you’d exactly call ‘back to normal’, if there is such thing as ‘normal’?? I refer to myself as slimmer than before, but slightly wobbly round the edges :-) I can actually smile about this now (well ish). I’m coming to terms (again I say ‘ish’) with my ‘new’ body!!

Since I last posted I was just about 5 months postpartum, which when I look back now, my body had barely had a chance to even begin to recover and I was so down on myself when I should have been really really enjoying those first few precious months with my baby. Which I will never get back again. My more positive attitude comes from the lovely and positive comments that I got from all the ladies that visit this site and also the fact that I decided to stop moaning and get my ass in to gear n do something about it!!

I actually (n can’t believe I’m going to say this) quite like my derrière!! All the ladies that commented on my post, commented on it and it really did make me re-think my attitude to my behind!! Yes, it’s not small and its not perfectly round (one cheeks higher than the other now, don’t know why) but it’s womanly and sexy!! I however, can’t say the same for the rest of my body!! My belly is still covered in horrid stretch marks!! But it is getting flatter, well when I stand up, but when I sit down I get this awful apron!! N my breasts are soooo saggy. This really does bother me, so much so that I’m actually contemplating a boob job! But by the time I’ve saved I may have come round and maybe even love my new droopies!!

The one thing that I’m really really struggling with is still being naked in front of my partner. It’s been 9 months and I STILL haven’t undressed in front of my partner or had sex with him unless the lights are dimmed/off or candles are lit! I’m just so afraid that he’ll see what I see and just think ‘my god’! I feel sorry for him, I really do. I am not what he originally signed up for and that’s what makes me feel this way. I’m not that person anymore that he first got with. He tells me I’m gorgeous, but he hasn’t actually seen ‘ME’, unless it’s in a darkened room, so how can he say this!! N when we do it, I’m just so self-conscious all the time. It’s awful, so awful. I wouldn’t wish this self-loathing on anyone! We want more kids, but I’m scared of what I will look like and I’m also scared that if we were to have a girl I’d pass my body image issues on to my little girl! I need to sort myself out, I’ve actually thought about counselling, but don’t think I could sit moaning to someone about my figure for an hour, it just seems so painful for the person that would have to listen to me rant on!!

Plus side – I’m getting there, I’m exercising and eating well (well sometimes, I can’t help myself from eating takeaway pizza’s) and have developed a healthy approach to my weight loss. I’m doing sit-ups and hoping that in time my tummy will tone and my stretch marks will fade. We’re planning a family beach holiday for us next year and I’m determined to rock a bikini, not a one piece, but a little two piece bikini! Stretch marks and all.

I’m still loving this site and the fact that it brings strength to so many people who need it. Anyone that hasn’t yet posted, but is thinking about it, shouldn’t definitely do it.

My pictures – me 9 months to this day and my little boy!!