38 Weeks and Growing (Katie)

Hi all! I love this website as I have always been so curious to see what other pregnant bellies look like. It is so fascinating to see the many different ways we grow as women during our pregnancy journeys. I agree with the philosophy of the woman who created this site, that the changes motherhood bring should no longer be kept a secret, rather celebrated. It is also so refreshing to see women band together to support one another with kind words. This is my second pregnancy, I am 38 weeks pregnant in this photo and at the point of feeling like I’m ready to deliver. I live in a very hot hot hot climate so going outdoors has become a challenge- plus I have a 3 year old little monster to chase! I will include that I am 5’8” and prepreg. weight was 128-ish, now I’m 160. I will definitely include a postpartum update with photos. Good luck to all of you!

~Age: 33
~Number of pregnancies and births: second pregnancy
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: this is my second child, I have a 3 year old daughter

2 Boys, 1 Stretchy Belly (Becky)

Age: 25
Kids: 2 Boys, aged 4.5 and 2.5

I am not going to get into a huge, long story. Many other women have been through a lot more, and deserve to be heard. I just want to say…I LOVE MY BODY!
It took me 5 years total to get to this point, and I wanted to celebrate by participating in SOAM :)

I didn’t work out, didn’t diet. I just put on a smiley face, lived my life and reminded myself every day that each of those awful stretch marks gave me my two wonderful sons.
I’d much rather have the marks AND the boys than neither!

So when the going gets tough, I tell it to P!$$ off and go play with my kids, complete with sprinkler and bikini ;)

I love SOAM! It has helped me overcome my negative feelings towards my stretch marks. I hated them for a long, long time and even cried over them. I honestly owe my new found self esteem to this site and am so SO glad it exists! =D I’ve been reading it for over a year and been in tears so many times, I just wanted to maybe help others like I’ve been helped =D

Learning to Surrender (Anonymous)

30 years old, two pregnancies one birth.
Currently 8 months pregnant. 15 month old daughter.

I used to be a dancer and circus performer and suffered with eating disorders, self harmed and abused alcohol for many many years. By the time I reached 25 I had recovered and was able to maintain a normal and healthy weight at 128lbs and 5ft 7 although I still had issues with alcohol. I worked as a stripper part time which believe it or not was part of my recovery. I learnt to accept my naked body for what it was, although in the back of my mind I still had weight issues. I ended a ten year relationship and began to date my husband in 2008. I am very lucky that he likes curvy ladies and didn’t like my thinness at all. I fell pregnant in 2009 and had to accept the changes that were happening to me. I struggled at first with the weight gain and exercised alot through my daughter’s pregnancy swimming up to five times a week. Towards the end I began to relax and was able to accept and submit to the changes that were going on in my body. I gained 32lbs and had no stretch marks.

After a long difficult , but peaceful birthing using hypnobirthing, my daughter entered the world via forceps delivery. The pictures show my body 3 days after the birth and a week after the birth. My breasts became engorged with milk and I can truly say I felt the most beautiful I have ever been. I did lose the postpartem weight within six months (much to my husband’s regret) and had a wonderful if sleepless experience of breastfeeding my lovely daughter for 13 months during which time I fell pregnant again.

This time round I have submitted to my body allowing it to do what it needs to do without forcing it to exercise or maintain ridiculous standards of healthy eating and exercise. I am currently 8 months pregnant and on track to gain exactly the same as before WITHOUT THE HOURS IN THE POOL! My body knows what to do, my baby knows what to do and I can honestly say I am the happiest I have ever been. I might not be able to fit into my old showgirl and circus costumes, but my 15 month year old now has the best dressing up box out of all her little friends!

Find peace in yourselves ladies. Our bodies are miracle workers.

Hating My Body (Anonymous)

2 Births
6 weeks Postpartum

Hey everyone. First of all let me just say I LOVE this website. It helps to see everyone else is struggling with their body image and acceptance just like I am.

I have had 2 awesome kids. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and now a 6 week old son. I got ZERO stretch marks with my first pregnancy and with my second ugh!!! I got them in the worst possible place, the ones on my sides I couldn’t care less about, those are never seen and they are expected where they are. The ones on my chest are terrible, they are deep and none of my clothes will work anymore because of how high up they are on my chest. I have a hard time being intimate with my husband and although he wont admit it, I think it bothers him. I had the perfect perky C size breast before my daughter and they were just lovely. I never could have imagined the pancake stretch mark things I have now. I am thinking about a breast lift or augmentation… or both!? I also am considering laser treatment on my stretch marks but right now I am now well so it would be really hard. I am happy about my stomach size though, especially since I am unable to exercise due to a autoimmune disorder I have which causes me to be almost completely bedridden most of the time. I think that’s why I obsess about my body, I am so un-happy about my life. I have to have help with my kids because I cannot take care of them by myself. There is no treatment for what I have either so I am stuck feeling/living this way for God knows how long. Both of my kids were unplanned and we were using birth control as well. I am SO happy I have them though, they truly keep me going and get me through each day. I just wish I could keep the body I had before with the kids I have now… that’s life though.

Updated here.

I feel like a stranger in my own skin! (Anonymous)

I am 24, and I really dislike my body! I don’t feel like the same person,I feel like a stranger in my own skin! It is always on my mind. Its my saggy breasts that feel “deflated!”and my striped jelly belly. I hide my belly, my butt, my thighs, almost everything from my husband and I am absolutely terrified I will always feel that way! My husband says I am beautiful, but I cant see it at all! I need to lose about 50 lbs I was PP 125lbs (5’4”) and currently struggling to get under 170lbs. To make matters worse My husband is an ex marine and a bodybuilder! He has a near perfect physic! I feel like I don’t match up with him anymore! When I am pregnant I watch my body change into an alien while his just slowly improves! Its not fair! My husband says he is happy and he proves it, but it is still in the back of MY mind that he deserves a better looking wife! Any advice on how to love yourself again?

~Age: 24
~Number of pregnancies and births:2 Pregnancies : 2 Births
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 years, 5 months Boys!

First Picture is Before I had any Pregnancies and The second and third picture is 5 months Post Pregnancy with my second.

It’s the Journey (Anonymous)

“It’s the journey” is what I tell myself.

I’m 27 years old and feel so…old. I have a four year old and a 15 month old and have been breastfeeding for a total of four years now. When I was a young girl, middle school age, I remember women telling me (lots of women) to enjoy ‘what I have’ now while I have it. I recall them telling me I’ll never know how good I’ve got it until it’s gone. At the time I thought these were the stories of crazy “old” women who were likely blind because, I was fat. My belly was rounded out and my hips were curved and I was teased with the name ‘torpedo tits.’

Sure, I could still feel sexy (given the guy I was with found me sex-worthy).

Secretly, I’ll admit, if I was home alone and looking into the mirror I felt fucking HOT. I loved my curves and my fleshy bits.

Two children later and I feel soft. Stretched. Saggy. Old.

My first pregnancy at 22 was amazing. I never felt so confident, so sexy, so attractive. My belly was adorable and adorned with only a few light stretch marks and I only gained 25 pounds. My home birth with that baby was amazing and left me feeling in awe of my postpartum body and all of its wonders.

This was a short- lived feeling.

My partner and I were not prepared for the life of an unmarried, postpartum, needing to grow up some more couple. However, we were dedicated and smoothed our lives and our routines and did our much needed growing up. Then we decided to try for number two.

It took sixteen months to conceive our second child compared to a month to conceive the first. This secondary infertility was hard on our psyches and eventually we decided to give up ‘trying’ and started to plan a wedding instead. I was pregnant a week later.

This time, I gained 50 pounds and a highway of stretch marks, deep purple and red on my belly, thighs, and hips. My breasts ballooned as did the rest of me. The pulling forward weight of pregnancy seemed to bring out my Great Grandma Helen Hump on my neck. This birth was hard, baby presented with a nuchal hand and I was in much more pain than I had anticipated based on my first birth experience. I felt disappointed and let down with my body after this birth (despite it doing what it needed to in the end, delivering a healthy baby at home in under 6 hours).

15 months postpartum I have my good days and many bad. I have two amazing daughters that I want to be an equally amazing role model for.

I don’t shave. Razors are CRAZY expensive and it’s completely unnecessary. If my body was born and made this way then THIS is a woman’s body- bushy hair and all. I am worthy of love, respect, and dignity just as I am, without painting, plucking, and tweaking.

This is what I’m trying to teach my girls. Ah, there’s the rub. I am also teaching myself. I don’t feel this way and yet this is what I am trying to teach by living the example. I never ever verbalize that I feel fat and gross most days. I try hard to be naturally confident and therefore beautiful but I don’t feel sexy to my partner and I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin or hair or clothes.

We’ve resumed wedding plans. I knew I didn’t feel good but it wasn’t until shopping for a wedding dress that I realized how BIG I’ve gotten. At 22 when I got pregnant with my preschooler I weighed 135 pounds. Two children and 5 years later I’m a soft, apple shaped 172. My breast are huge and pendulous, my nipples like the erasers at the end of those giant pencils (my loving partner pointed this out),my arms are fleshy, my belly skin sags down onto itself, my thighs rub so much they chafe in the heat of the summer.

It’s hard to be an example physically and not be quite “there” yet mentally.

But I’m trying, I’m learning.

I’ll keep telling myself, ‘it’s the journey.’

My Story (Anonymous)

23yrs old –postpartum 8 months.
Angel Jae born to heaven, mum of girl and boy, step mum of girl and boy.

I found myself thinking back as I watched my sick child in deep slumber in the early hours of this morning. I couldn’t remember the life I had before one, then three, then four little lives were following in the footsteps of my own life and experiences. Waking after the little amount of sleep I got that night has brought me to the place I am right now. A million memories running through my heart and my mind. My story is one of emotion, happiness in the birth of my children, the horror, abuse and fear of my past and the excitement and wonder of where my life is going.

I am a mother of an angel and four… well sort of.

I suppose to do this correctly I need to start from the very beginning. I am a young mother. This is Jae’s story. I was almost 17 when I had the flutter of nerves and excitement waiting for that pregnancy test to say yes or no. In my head if it said yes I was already a mother. I come from a good home with loving parents and I was in a stable relationship that I had been in going on 5 years by this stage. So a baby was not something I was scared of, in fact I wanted nothing more. There it was those two little lines ‘Pregnant’. What do I do? Who do I tell first? How will they react? My fiancé… Anger, rage, hurt. 19 weeks in, we’re having a boy. He snaps. He’d hit me before, I should’ve known he’d do it again. Three broken ribs, two black eyes, a broken wrist and My precious Angel Jae watching over me forever more. I still think about him and miss him each and every day. The pain is still as raw as if it were new.

He was sorry, He didn’t mean to hurt me. He wouldn’t leave, I couldn’t escape.

One year later, I’m late. Crying, alone and terrified at the possibility. I was in the dirty bathrooms at the local shopping centre, my hands shaking as I ripped off the wrapper. The next five minutes seemed to last for an eternity. There they were, clear as day… those two little lines, ‘pregnant’. This is Rose’s story. He is furious this time, “Get rid of IT before I do”. 14 weeks, My escape! He’s a cheater as well as a woman beater. The ‘other woman’ probably saved my life. I’m petrified with every strange feeling and my ever expanding belly. He found me. The threats and torment continued from him right through my pregnancy, “I will get you. I will kidnap and kill it rather than pay for it”. The stress bringing on contractions and high blood pressure, but my Rose she is strong and she is safe. She was born by emergency caesarean after complications weighing almost 10pounds. She is a beautiful child living with a disability. She is the reason I ate, slept, moved. She is the reason I survived.

We call my stretch marks “Mummy Marks” and believe you me I have mummy marks all over! And my “Smile” is a little bit wonky but Rose says that it’s the smile God gave me because the one on my face wasn’t big enough to show how much I loved her. My “smile” is My Breasts – the eyes that in her eyes only a mummy has. My stretched and misshapen belly button is the nose, which she loves to tickle and finally my wonky caesarean scar makes my smile. The smile that God gave me in the hands of the surgeon that brought my child safely into the world and is a permanent reminder of the memory that makes me smile and fill to the brim with so much love that the smile on my face just wasn’t enough.

Time kept passing as it always has. I met a man. Could I trust him? Will he hurt me? Will he understand what I’ve been through? Most importantly… Will he accept my child?

He has children too… two of them. A girl, Mary and a boy, Robert. Slowly and cautiously things move forward. He proposes, a carefully planned event with all the children playing a part, at my favourite restaurant in front of a full house of diners. Just like from the start of our relationship he was treating me as if I was the most important thing in the world, as if I were a princess. We move in together and almost immediately there they are again those two little lines ‘Pregnant’ but this time it’s different. It’s exciting and happy and I can share it. What a valentine’s present that news was!

We’re having a boy. 22 weeks in, there’s a car accident, where is the bleeding coming from? Is my baby alright? Phillip’s story. 23 weeks and we are in birth suite being told to get ready. 4cm dilated, Wait – Stop everything! My body and I believe the grace of God stopped everything. We heard the galloping of 10000 horses and we cried together. He’s alright, he’s safe tucked in tight beneath my heart. I stayed in hospital and every day got longer and longer and it was hard to cope. 8 trips to birth suite, drugs… oh the drugs steroids for baby, blood thinners, pain killers, dyes, contrasts, anaesthetics and last but not least epidural and caesarean. We made it! 35 weeks. 5pounds of amazing baby boy in my arms.

It’s funny you know, for as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a mother. I have always wanted four children. I could never in my wildest imagination describe what it feels like inside when I look at my children. All four of them, because they are mine each and every one of them. I love them. The shape of a mother to me is not only the physical but the emotional. What makes a mother whole – her children. They are a part of her living independently outside of her own body.

I don’t know if this is a story for this site, but it is my story. I am a woman and I am strong. I am a survivor. I am a mother and I live for my children. I’m not ready yet to let my face be seen. There is always fear in the back of my mind and my greatest concern is protecting my daughter from the threats made against her.

Mommy Belly (Sarah)

I’m 26 with 3 pregnancies, 2 births. I have a 4 year old son and 5 months and 2 week old daughter. I was 21 when I had my first child and I weighed 150 pre pregnancy, I wasn’t the skinniest I have ever been but I liked the way my body looked. I wore form fitting clothes and bikinis and didn’t even think twice about it. I gained 50lbs during my first pregnancy and postpartum I weighed 180lbs then gained back 10lbs a few months after the pregnancy, 40lbs over my pre pregnancy weight. It took me about 2 years to start loosing weight. I lost 35lbs but I still had my mommy belly with stretch marks and flabby skin. About 8 months after loosing my weight I became pregnant with my daughter. I had a difficult pregnancy with my daughter, I Went in to preterm labor with her at 32 weeks and was in the hospital till I gave birth at 36 weeks via repeat c-section. I only gained 25 lbs with my daughter. Postpartum I weighed 170lbs and currently still do, weighing 15lbs over my pre 2nd pregnancy weight.

I loved being pregnant and having a baby belly, I get baby belly fever in stead of baby fever! I miss having that cute little round belly with my sweet lil baby in side kicking and squirming around! I wish having a mommy belly was a fun as having a baby belly! I am working on losing 25 more lbs right now but what ever I do, I cant loose this mommy belly and I’m having trouble losing this post pregnancy weight again! My husband is currently deployed over seas and will be home in October. I am trying my hardest to lose this weight and my mommy belly with it but it just isn’t working that well! I want to surprise him when he gets home, I know he doesn’t care if I have mommy belly or a tight skinny belly. But It bugs me and I want to look good for him! I have been stressing over this for the last few weeks and I know I shouldn’t stress about it but I do….

Has any one had trouble with losing weight and your mommy belly after pregnancy? also does any one have tips on how to tighten and tone my stomach so its not so flabby. I do crunches and a ton or ab work outs but its not working. Most my friends have returned to their pre pregnancy weight and body’s with in 6 months of there pregnancy. I so wish it was that easy for me! How long after pregnancy did it take any of you to get back to your pre pregnancy weight and body?

1st pic- pre pregnancies, 2nd pic- first pregnancy, 3rd pic-after first pregnancy, 4th pic- second pregnancy, 5th and 6th pics- what my tummy is now

Mom of Two (Kirsty)

Number of pregnancies -2
Number of births- 2 Births
Age of my children- 8 & 5
Age- 31

I have visited this site numerous times over the years and shared it with many moms. I love seeing all the different stories and struggles because it makes you feel somewhat normal.

I gave birth to my son when I was 23 and had my daughter at 26. I gained 50 pounds with each of my kids. Before I became pregnant I had a cute little figure at 5’3″ and 123 pounds. After I had my son and saw my body go through so many changes, I thought I was done. For years I struggled with my body image. I finally discovered clean eating and weights. I used to be a cardio junky (still sort of.) I love to run in half marathons (maybe a full one someday) and try new things. I have to mix things up. I am very self conscious about my belly area. I love to wear a bikini to the pool to get tan on my tummy because I think it will look better. I feel like people will look at me like I’m gross for even considering a bikini. I’ve come to the point in my life where I feel a little more confident but still have a long way to go. I’ve been trying to find every solution out there to avoid plastic surgery. I have loose skin (like majority of us do) and no exercise will ever take that away. I’m back to my 123 pound figure but through the journey its not the same. I feel that my marks are my constant reminder of the 2 beautiful children I carried. I hate that moms have to feel shame in this. I want every mom to wear a bikini and be proud of their marks! If we all did it would seem normal to show it off like a battle wound. My husband loves me very much and tells me I’m beautiful and with that I feel very blessed. Life is too short to worry but its so hard not to.

Is My Weight Loss on Track?? (Krissy)

Hi other moms! Well I guess the best way to start is always at the begginning…

When I was 20 I got pregnant with my first child. My prepregnancy weight was 125 and was a barely even A cup… when i went in to have our daughter i was 206 pds. (I carried 4 weeks over for some hard to explain reasons) and was a DD cup. I was right on track with my weight loss and just as i started to look like my old self I found out I was pregnant again. When I found out I was pregnant I was at 145 my daughter was 6 months old at the time. When I went in to have my second child I was 215 pds. (I had ALOT of water weight that time). My second child just turned six months today. I just wanted everyones opinion about whether or not my weight loss is on track since having two kids so close together seems to make things harder. Also my husband has started making it seem like i just “let myself go” he hasnt said anything but i can def tell he feels that way since I am not losing the “baby weight” as fast as i did with our first child. We were always the inshape kind of couple constantly doing athletics and things like that so being out of my normal shape has been really difficult for me. My current weight is 150, and i think toning is my biggest struggle with my body since our kids were born.

I just dont know how fast Im suppose to be losing weight and ppl keep telling me too fast is unhealthy but at the same time I of course feel like getting back in shape couldnt come fast enough… I guess i just wanna know what other people think of the way I look at this point in time.

PS I took some of these for my husband, I will be gone for our wedding anniversary so i thought it would be a good idea, but am unsure if I actually want to give them to him or wait and take more when i get into better shape.

AGE: 22
# OF PREG.: 3
CHILDREN: Daughter 2 in july, Son 6 months (TODAY : D )