Number of pregnancies -2
Number of births- 2 Births
Age of my children- 8 & 5
Age- 31
I have visited this site numerous times over the years and shared it with many moms. I love seeing all the different stories and struggles because it makes you feel somewhat normal.
I gave birth to my son when I was 23 and had my daughter at 26. I gained 50 pounds with each of my kids. Before I became pregnant I had a cute little figure at 5’3″ and 123 pounds. After I had my son and saw my body go through so many changes, I thought I was done. For years I struggled with my body image. I finally discovered clean eating and weights. I used to be a cardio junky (still sort of.) I love to run in half marathons (maybe a full one someday) and try new things. I have to mix things up. I am very self conscious about my belly area. I love to wear a bikini to the pool to get tan on my tummy because I think it will look better. I feel like people will look at me like I’m gross for even considering a bikini. I’ve come to the point in my life where I feel a little more confident but still have a long way to go. I’ve been trying to find every solution out there to avoid plastic surgery. I have loose skin (like majority of us do) and no exercise will ever take that away. I’m back to my 123 pound figure but through the journey its not the same. I feel that my marks are my constant reminder of the 2 beautiful children I carried. I hate that moms have to feel shame in this. I want every mom to wear a bikini and be proud of their marks! If we all did it would seem normal to show it off like a battle wound. My husband loves me very much and tells me I’m beautiful and with that I feel very blessed. Life is too short to worry but its so hard not to.

Hey! You look awesome! I’m 23 with two children also. Two boys ages 2 1/2 and 10 months. My stomach went back to it’s original size and the stretch marks don’t bother me, it’s the gap between my ab muscles that i don’t know how to tighten. I just don’t know the proper exercises because i know if you don’t do them right then it can make your gap worse or have a hernia. That’s the only thing i’m self concious about and also because if i eat a big meal i look 5months preggo again and it also causes back pain due to those loose muscles. Anyways! Just wanted to let you know that i think you look great and your stomach looks very toned!
You go girl! You look beautiful and fit and you’ve worked hard for it! Good job!! :D
I’m currently pregnant with my second and I’m afraid that new stretch marks might cover the ones I got with my daughter – I love them and the reminder of carrying her. I’d rather get new ones elsewhere than cover the ones I got with her. I think they’re beautiful. Like you, I am sad that women feel shame for these.
OMG you look so amazing! If you have any loose skin I totally cannot see it! WOW! I would LIVE in a bikini if I looked like you! Congrats on ur kids & body!
Hey, you look really amazing and all that weight lifting totally shows. You are so tanned and fit! I would wear a bikini with pride!
You’re smokin’ hot!
Any lose skin or stretchmarks aren’t noticable in your pic! You look great, you should definitly be in a bikini! I was REALLY into lifting after my 1st, I’m trying to get back into it after my second now :)
Holla! You look FABULOUS!
for megan:
you can do a specific series of rehab exercises for diastisis –
i too have a separation (even got a hernia from having very large babies) after my kids
its really helpful and you see improvements quite fast – i am impressed so far.
btw kirsty you look amazing and fit! congradulations.