My name is Erin im 17 years old and have a beautiful baby girl jade star she is four months old i have had many problems though out my life to start growing up my parents were drug addicts they arent anymore but it was a hard time in my life my grandma passed away when i was 14 and left to us my mentally disabled aunt and uncle they have fragile x known to most people as special ed this ment we had to move our three bedroom one bath house was too small for six peopl let alone eight so we moved and took them in right after my parents gave up their nasty habit they had a few slip ups but they have been clean for nearly two years right after we moved i had to join the independent studies program to help take care of my aunt and uncle this meant school only once a week and bing the only person in the class i was a very social person and this was very hard for me the summer of that year my dad got a better paying job which meant my mom could quit and i could go back to school that summer my sister “came out” she was a lesbian not a big surprise also that summer i met the most amzing guy i have ever me before him i was sooo innocent all that changed after 2 months with him i lost my virginity in the bback of his truck not the smartest thing i ever did but i dont regrete one minuet of it immediatly after that i got on birth control my mom warned me that she got pregnant while on the pill but i didnt listen i was my own person parents are stupid oooh boy was i wrong after being together one year and never missing a day on the pill i found out i was pregnant my parents were soooo happy his not soo happy his mom and dad and stepmom all told me to get an abortion this i going to mess up his life well i dont believe in abortions to many people in my family have had miscarriages and still births even babies born healthy later to die of sids i was a born mom i had always had the mother instinct no way i could ever give away a baby trough out my pregnancy i was treated badly by his family my parents told me not to worry about anything they woould pay for everything and we could live here we wouldnt have to get jobs just finish high school even with this support i remained depressed body image was very important to me i wasnt big at all but i felt huge i weighed 110 before and gained like 50 lbs i was really small untill a few weeks before she was born i had no stretch marks on my stomach which was the main thing i ws concerned about then the day she was bor everyone came to see her in the hospital ther was 20 or soo people crammed into one room so i was off to take a shower while in the shower i looked at my stomach hoping to be joyed with no stretch marks but oddly i was covered i fell to the ground of the shower balling i couldnt believe I got stretch marks on my stomach i was horrrified all i could do was cry after everything i had gone through to not get them all the lotion i lathered on that the smell made me throw up over i had used and no results i heard everyone in the room happy and cheerful and no one knew what i was going through then my baby started crying i snapped out of it and got out my baby is the mast important thing of all to me now 4 months later i am still horrified with my bady and i am planning on getting a huge tatoo over my belly i am ashamed of them how come some people get them and others dont and why did i have to be the some people how can people be ok with sagging skin and red marks all over their body i want my old body back dont get me wrong i would never take back the events in my life or my beautiful baby girl nothing in the word woulld get m to give her up but im oly 17 i shouldnt ook like this i should be pretty in a bikiny not covering myself in clothing can anyone give me advise on how i can feel better about myself here i am 6 months preggo

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