Facts: 3 pregnancies, 2 children, 1 cesarean. 2 1/2 years postpartum. Age 27.
Story: I first posted to The Shape of a Mother in an entry in April 2008 entitled “Never Been More Proud“.
I wanted to update because I talked about in that entry how proud I was of my body for the 2 miracles it created, and while that was true and still is true today, back then I really did not like my reflection in the mirror too much. It wasn’t long after that submission that I started working on my outward appearance…not for anyone else, but for MYSELF. To feel better about MYSELF.
And since then I have lost about 60 lbs! There are still some things I would like to work on and my body still definitely looks like a mother’s body, saggy stomach and all. But, I feel better about myself and my body now at this moment in my life than I have in years. No, it’s not perfect, but perfection is an illusion. All I want is to feel the best I can physically and mentally and have good self esteem so that I can raise my children to be happy with their bodies and feel good about themselves. And that is what I have accomplished since my last submission. I feel so good about myself now and am finally, for the first time in a long time, happy with what I see in the mirror. It’s still a work in progress, but as of right now, I feel great. :)
I tried to re-create the same image as in my last submission for comparison.

WOW! What a remarkable transformation on the outside and I am sure, inside as well. This is a very neat idea for a photo progression. You son looks like he grown up fast, as they do. You are a beautiful woman.
You look fantastic! Congratulations on losing the weight and doin it for yourself.
Congrats! You look great and Im so glad you posted an update! You’ve given me hope that I can lose weight as well, now if only I can get motivated! lol. Keep up the good work and work it girl, you look FABULOUS!
Congratulations, you look awesome! I love your statement ‘perfection is an illusion’, I’ll make it my new motto :)
Both photos are incredible! You look amazing! Besides, your baby’s grown up so soon!
That’s life, isn’t it?
I love the picture. and that is great u are feelin better bout ur self
I loved both pics but I must say you are even more sexy! Great job mama you look fantastic!!!! Your story inspried me so thank you!
You look great! I love this picture. Great job on losing 60 lbs!!! Your baby looks beautiful and healthy- and breastfed!
Thank you for being so brave, and for the update and I like the title of your post. It definitely fits.
Good for you! The hard work certainly paid off and most importantly you feel great! :)
Looking good mama!!!
Wow, huge change! You must be really proud!
HOLY COW!!! You look amazing! You have lost so much weight! Oh I love that you did a comparison shot in almost exactly the same pose! Fantastic! :D
Wow, what a super cool picture. I love it. Your babe has grown so much and you truly are smaller. I’m 6 weeks pp with our second child and I have to keep telling myself this is only temporary; my body will slim down with time.
Oh my goodness.. your pictures are beautiful… BOTH of them…
kudos to you! Your original posted picture mirrors my body now…however, your new pic is great, and I hope someday to be successful at that as well! (waiting for blood pregnancy test results for baby #4 right now) Anyway, I gained 20 with my first (he is 15 now) 15 with my second (she is 13 now) and 30 with #3. I was 200 in 19995 and now in 2009 I am 270…very depressing!