hello my name is MJ i am 23 years old have a beautiful daughter who is 4 and a handsome son who is 2 and i am currently 25 weeks pg with baby #3!! i have looked at this site on and off for over a year and it has helped my self asteem and my marriage so much so i would like to say thank you to all of you who post your stories and your pics of your HOT bods!! ive decided to post my own pics cuz i am comfortable with my body now its not perfect (it never will be) but its growing a baby inside of it and thats pretty freakin cool…. i am doing really well this pg with walking and not eating everything in site lol!! i am 5′ 8″ and weighed 193 at the start of my pg and today i way 202 (25 weeks in) i deliverd my daughter at 206 and my son at 198 so this will be the heaviest ill ever be at the end of this pg i would like to get down to 155-165 after baby is born. My weight and stretch M’s use to bother me so much but my hubby is awesome and tells me i am beautiful and he doesnt care bout my S/M’s he loves me for me the women he married and the mother of his kids!! so i couldnt really ask for a sweeter man! i hope my pics can help another person realize they are beautiful and deserving of nothing less than a wonderful self asteem and self worth!!
My Fiancee Loves My Womanly Body – Update (Anonymous)
Original post here.
It has been almost 4 weeks. I am doing much better about tracking my foods and being realistic on what I want vs what I need. It is difficult but empowering when I say no to eating at 10 pm with my fiancé. He has been very supportive though and says he doesn’t really want me to
Lose weight but he will love me no matter how I look. It’s got to be a lifestyle change for me though or it won’t last. Now is the time to do it- I’m almost done with my bachelors degree, just bought my first home and don’t want to spend anymore time positioning my clothes each time I sit or stand. I have not lost any pounds yet but my mom noticed my tummy was looking more trim. The most difficult part for me Is exercise. I need motivation! I joined a challenge at work so i hope that will help. If I can get healthy again I can do anything. My goal is to be running my own office from home by the time my kids start school- I really want to be available for my fiancé and kids. Our world is so complicated when 2 people must work full time and come home to a messy house with groceries needing bought, supper still needing to be made and kids needing help with homework. It’s the way it is though. Anyways I’d love some encouragement from my fellow do- it-all and do it with a smile moms! Sorry about the grammar and typos- I’m using my itouch!
Five Babies in Eight Years (Anonymous)
Age – 28
Pregnancies – 13
Births – 5
Children’s ages – 9, 6, 3, 2, 1
15 months postpartum
I had my first four babies in the hospital with varying degrees of intervention. I was fortunate to avoid a c-section, even though I begged for one when the contractions were right on top of each other and hard to deal with. In between my babies I had numerous miscarriages. In 2009 I got pregnant with my fifth baby, completely unexpectedly. I decided that since I couldn’t plan my pregnancy, I was going to plan my birth … so I hired a midwife and had a homebirth.
I had my son on October 27, 2009. He was 8 days overdue and weighed 10lb 6oz. He was born after a literally painless 30 minute labor. If I had known how much better homebirth would be, I wouldn’t have waited so long to have one!
I weighed 225 pounds when my son was born. I lost most of the weight quickly (after all, the majority of it was him!) But then I was stuck at 205 for a long time. I started exercising and changing my eating habits in June 2010 and have lost 30 pounds. I weigh 175 and am 5’4″ tall. I still need to lose 25 pounds to be a healthy weight, but I feel like a goddess where I’m at. Part of me would love to have a tummy tuck but at the same time I feel like the stretch marks are almost a badge of honor, proof of what my body has done.
This might seem silly but the only part of my body that really truly bugs me is my upper arms. I feel like they are inordinately large for my frame. But I am working on them, slowly but surely. Hopefully they will be toned and pretty for the summer …. but if not, there’s always next summer.
Breast Envy (Kerry)
1 pregnancy/birth 20 months pp
Age 20
34b to 42 D to 34b
So I posted at 1 year postpartum and was pretty sure I would not post again until I was pregnant or pp with my second child, (we are going to start trying in the fall!) but I’ve been having some insecurities with my breasts lately, which I never thought would happen, so I came here for support. I never thought I would care what my breasts looked like because to me they were simply for nourishing my children and up till a few months ago I didn’t care what they looked like. Before I got pregnant they were small but I didn’t care. I never wore a bra and loved how perky they were. Now if I don’t wear a bra I feel 60. I do not hide them, nor am I ashamed, but I’d just like to know there are more momma’s out there with “droopy” breasts like mine. I am still breast feeding and they are smaller than they were before I got pregnant! I am a little apprehensive about what they will look like after baby #2, or even 3. Did any of you experience this? Will there even be any boob left? lol I just bought my first push-up bras ever last week! When I stand sideways you see rib cage and a little bulge of skin with a nipple on it.I’ve gone from a 34b prebaby to 42d early days nursing to 34b after 20 months and still nursing. I have also lost 70lbs since having my son, after gaining 60 so I’m sure not having much extra body fat adds to the lack of breasts. A friend of mine got breast implants, and she is now “happy with her body” I feel sad that she wasn’t happy with her body before, but I also feel hypocritical that sometimes I envy her for having perky boobs again. But I guess it is all part of the journey. I know my insecurities may seem so trivial to some of you, but I’ve been through a lot with my body, and love it and appreciate it, but sometimes I still feel like I’m the only young mom out there like this! Don’t we all? I just want the silence to end! I’m putting my SOAM bumper sticker on this week!
“start a trend, love your body” prepregnancy
other picture 20 months pp-20 years old
Almost 3 years pp update (Natalia)
Previous entry here.
Age: 21
Number of pregnancies and births: 2 pregnancies, one birth
This is just a quick update from a previous post. I can’t stop visiting this site. It has opened my eyes just as much as my son has. I’m now almost 3 years post partum. I actually gained a little weight from my previous post and my breasts have gotten just a little bigger. The weight gain has been from poor eating habits, but I’m fine with where I’m at, not worried really. I’m dating a wonderful man and marriage is in the air. We’ve talked about building a larger family, which I’m excited for :-) This is the body I am enjoying for now, and as it changes more later in life, I honestly can’t wait to see what happens. The stretch marks have definitely faded, and the loose skin has tightened a bit. I’m sure if I actually gave a darn about exercising I could ‘tighten’ a bit more. But overall, I’m happy with everything I have :-) especially the two great men in my life who have accepted me in every possible way. This site is amazing and I hope it’s still here when have more kids. Mommies, don’t forget, we are all in this together. And I appreciate every post and picture on here. I wish I could meet you all :-)
First 5 pics are me now.
Next 2 pics are my son Ronin Lee
Last pic is me and my fiance
One Year and 60 Pounds Down (Jess)
Original entry here.
20 Years Old
1 Year PP
Pre Pregnancy 124
End Of Pregnancy 194
Currnetly 135
This has been the fastest year of my life… I’ll be honest… I thought i would be in better shape by now… Some days I think I’m looking pretty good and with a little toning maybe even hot someday… Other days I could just cry… I see the wrinkly texture left on my belly from the enormous amount of weight I gained and the stretch marks and it just seems hopeless…
I haven’t lost much weight since my last post… but I’m going to really start working on it… Bathing suit season starts in about 5 months and if I could make it down below 120 I would be in heaven. That seems like a reasonable goal… but we’ll see how that goes… To be honest after working a full time job and taking care of a baby who I believe will be entering into his terrible twos verrry early the last thing i really feel like doing is exercising… but I don’t feel like i have the right to complain if I can’t at least try…
It’s just so hard seeing these other girls my age with babies who are back down to 100 pounds within a month… my prepregnancy jeans still wont go up past my thighs… I think the thing i’m moost afraid of though is that I wont ever be able to love myself unless I look like I just walked off of the Victorias Secret runway… and let’s be honest… thats never going to happen… I’ve noticed it’s alot easier to love myself on days that I keep the tv on cartoons and dont leave the house lol…. The world can be such a negative place…
This has been such a hard road… not just physically all the changes my body has went through but emotionally too… I know my relationship with my sons father will never be great as long as I can’t love my body.. He get’s mad at me if i try to keep my shirt on or cover my stomach when we’re getting intimate… So he can’t be that grossed out by me right? It’s just hard knowing that some of his exes actually had the body of an actress or model… I think he loves me though…
Hopefully I can continue to grow and be more accepting of my body after what all it’s been through… and hopefully on my next post I’ll be sending in pictures of myself rocking a bikini this summer… which is something i have never had the confidence to do…
Fourth Baby, Mixed Feelings (Elizabeth)
I am 28 weeks pregnant with my forth child, I never thought I would have a forth child. I met a man a year ago who I really fell for after being alone for 2 and a half years after a bad relationship.I was even going to marry him last September. A few weeks after I found out I was pregnant I called off the wedding. I had a gut feeling something was not right. He was not making sense sometimes and I felt like he was hiding something. I just found out two weeks ago that everything this man had ever told me was a lie. We have had no contact since. I don’t mind raising another child on my own, I have done pretty well with the three I have. I am concerned because this is the second time in a row that I became involved with a bad person. I feel like I should have learned. I am also concerned about my children not having fathers. My first two children were with my ex husband, who is terminally ill. he was diagnosed a year ago with colon cancer, which has since spread to his liver and lungs. It’s one of the scariest things I have ever dealt with, and we are taking it one day at a time. My children starting spending half their time with him this school year, and I miss them terribly when they aren’t here, but I know they want to be with him, and he deserves to see them as much as possible. My 3rd baby’s father was accused of molesting his step daughter from a pervious marriage, and I felt like I had no choice but to ask for supervised visitation, but he stopped going when she was 11 months old so she doesn’t know him. She is now three. I don’t know what is going to happen with the baby I am carrying and her father. He is a pathological liar, his other 2 children are being taken away, he is mentally unstable and I am scared of him.. I am still in shcok and very hurt and confused, but I have three beautiful children to keep me going. I feel very blessed for them.
I love all of my children with all of my heart. I want what is best for them. I feel like I would like to meet a nice man someday, but I have terrible luck in that department, and I am scared to take anymore chances for a long time. I am already very self conscious about my body from carrying 4 babies, and from being psychologically abused by my ex. I feel like I better just stay away from men, and enjoy my kids while they are with me, I know they grow so fast, my oldest is almost 14.
I like photography and I took this photo myself with my cameras self timer. I like this picture, the lighting is flattering and it made me feel a little better about myself. I wanted to share it, I love this site. I have posted 2 times before but the posts have been lost.

Updated here.
Already Shaped Like a Mother (Anonymous)
First off let me say that my story is quite unusual. I’m 22 and I have never been pregnant, and I don’t plan on trying any time soon. However, I’ve always had body issues, and for some strange reason I found this site and got hooked. Many of you women are complaining about your saggy breasts and stretch marks AFTER having children, but I have never been pregnant and I have saggy breast and stretch marks already! I have never, ever been overweight (and I’m about 5’8” and I’ve been about 150 lbs for the last 10 years.) Although it is very, very hard, I’m actually learning to love my breasts and I want to encourage you mothers to be happy that you ever had perky breasts (unlike me ;-) and that your breasts can still be beautiful even if they’re saggy. I’ll probably post on here one day when I actually do have children, and hopefully I will be able to cope with my then, even saggier breasts.
– I know the quality of the pictures is not the best, but you get the point.
– In case your wondering, I’m African American, one breast is larger than the other, and my breasts are very light in color compared to my body (I have no idea why that is).
My Fiancee Loves My Womanly Body (Anonymous)
Some days I feel like a beautiful Greek statue. I am 5’2″ and 190 lbs. I am afraid to lose wt bc I like being soft but I need to get down to 145 for my health and confidence. I am the mother of Irish twins and they are 10 mos apart. I got stretch marks everywhere and sometimes they bother me and sometimes they dont. They have faded a lot but my tummy overhang bothers me and I did not have a c section. I have worked hard me and my fiancé work opposite shifts full time and go to school full time but we know it will be worth it for our family. We should all just aim to be well and healthy and educated and not worry about keeping up with the jones or glamour magazine. Ps I love that I have dimples in my bum and my cheeks on my face! Side note I am a licensed massage therapist working in womens wellness and plan to incorporate this site into my work with new moms. I am 23.
Updated here.
6 Weeks Postppartum, 6 Kids Later (Anonymous)
Age 24 years old
Number of pregnancies: 6
I’m 6 weeks postpartum and this is how my body look like 6 kids later prepregnancy weight was 147 now I’m 171 pounds I’m very slowly losing the weight and I’m hoping i can go back to use my prepregnancy jeans and feel better about my body, my belly hangs and i have stretch marks and cellulite everywhere but i have 6 kids i guess all i can do now if work out and see how my body looks in a couple of months. I don’t want or expect to look like a model but i will more happy if i can lose all this weight of me and would love to tone up my body some more. thanks for looking.
First picture its my 6 weeks old baby boy
second and third pic its my body 6 weeks postpartum