The new body that my son gave me (“Anonymous”)

Age: 18
1 pregnancy, 1 birth
6 weeks postpartum
Teen mom

Me and my sons father were together for 8 months when I knew he was the one I wanted to spend my life with, despite our age difference (I was 16 he was 21) we were madly in love with each other. He never pressured me into doing anything that I wasn’t comfortable with. When I was good and ready, I chose for him to be the one I gave my love to. We used protection maybe 5 times and after that it was just very uncomfortable and painful I never got use to them (condoms). My parents and his parents have a good history together practically best friends but one day when I didn’t come home, I was kicked out of my home, but he was there with open arms as were his parents. Our parents talked and even though it was hard my mother let her last baby leave the nest. Me and my parents are very close and we have unconditional endless love for each other. Ok back to us…we lived with his parents for a short time and then moved into a place of our own. We had unprotected sex for a whole year until we decided to have a baby :) January of 2009 I took 3 pregnancy test and all three were positive, we were both so happy and overwhelmed we didn’t hesitate to spread the news. Both our parents were filled with joy and supported us all the way. I delivered a beautiful baby boy September 2009, I had a great delivery with no complications what so ever. I had no idea what it felt to be a mother until they brought my little man and I held him for the first time, it was love at first site yet again. Before I was pregnant I weighed 150 pounds I’m 5’9 so I didn’t look bad at all but for the whole year that me and my boyfriend lived together I went from 150 to 185 :( sad i know. I still didn’t look so bad and I actually liked the way I looked at 185, for the first time I was actually kinda curvy. The day of delivery I weighed over 250 pounds I wasn’t so surprised since I ate everything in site when I was pregnant. I left the hospital probably about 15 pounds lighter and with a belly full of stretch marks, today I’m 6 weeks postpartum and 200 pounds so I lost a couple pounds yay :) I thank this site for helping me cope with my new body, us women have such a special power, we bring breathing, crying, kicking, screaming life into this world and we should be proud. Here are a few pictures of me before pregnancy during and after. I’ve also included a picture of my uneven boobs that look awful but I would go through this all over again just to see my beautiful son every day. Thank you every one and god bless :)

8 Months PP and love my new body! (Elissa)

My story starts off with trying for 3 years to have a child with my husband and when I finally gave up I had concieved, YAY! I started my weight at 5’6″ 136 pounds. I was a 36-C and had a beautiful body… I had morning sickness until I was 7 months pregnant, EVERY SINGLE DAY! I had very good weight gain until I hit 6 months and and all the sudden I exploded. I can tell you how depressing that can be when people constantly tell you how beautiful you are and how amazing your body is. The attention just wasn’t there anymore and I think all of us can agree that when we took our clothes off and saw our hips, legs, tummy, arms, chins, cheeks and even our toes get bigger it was just depressing! I mostly want to tell you my story because I want everyone to know that it can be done, it’s hard but it can be done…

I had a hard pregnancy being sick for 7 months and then after that was all over I had horrible contractions that kept me from being very active by the time I was finished with my morning sickness. I started having pains in my lower stomach and come to find out I was going into preterm labor. That is a very scary thing to have to go through and they suggested I stay in bed for 5 weeks, untill I hit the 37 week point. They did an ultrasound and told me that either I hid my baby well or she was very small…I had a thought in my head even though no one told me to do so but figured if they were telling me earlier in my pregnancy that the more I gained the bigger the baby would be. So I ATE AND ATE AND ATE AND ATE hoping that if my baby arrived early she would have some extra weight on her. My daughter was born at 38 weeks and 3 days via emergency c-section. She was an extremely healthy, beautiful, alert 7 pound 10.8 oz baby girl…before we went in I had weighed an amazing 196 pounds I lost 17 pounds at her birth and I stayed at 178 pounds for about 6 weeks. I decided this wasn’t working for me and I WAS going to lose the weight because I had a bunch of skinny sisters joking around with me calling me fatty because that’s just the kind of family we are. I wanted to prove to them I could do it and I started to eat healthy, I cut out all liquids other than water. Juice was my big problem, I never realized how many calories were in a cup of juice and I had literally been drinking 92 oz a day. Breastfeeding was making me thirsty!!! If I couldn’t eat and I forgot to eat due to hacing to feed the baby, change the baby, give the baby my full attention I stopped losing weight…You have to eat in order to lose your baby weight. I use to forget to eat before I had her and I would drop weight like crazy but now I have to make an effort to eat 3 small healthy meals a day with two healthy snacks in order to lose anything. My daughter loves to go on walks, it’s her “alone time” and that doesn’t bother me because I get some what of a workout doing it. I am not a fanatic about working out and I do it now to get my muscle tone back, but it’s about 10-15 minutes a day lifting 5 pounds weights and strapping the 5 pounds to my legs and doing leg lifts.

I want to tell you that I have lost 56 pounds and my daughter will be 8 months tomorrow. My breast due to breastfeeding are still bigger than they would have been but that will go away when I am done. I encourage those of you that can to breastfeed because not only is it the best thing for your child but it burns 500 calories a day. I don’t care what people say it does or it doesn’t…When my daughter would go through her growth spurts I would lose a ton of weight and my uterus would shrink a lot. Every month I made an extra effort not to give into my period cravings and every month during that time I dropped 5 pounds. I have not lost weight like other women do, a pound a week, no…It takes me a whole month of eating well and waiting for my period to come and go to drop the 5 pounds and within that week, every day I will drop a pound a day. I also can tell you I had a horrible csection scar and it is fading drastically with the cream I cover it in over night…It’s from bath and body works it is called, “Lay it on thick” I did not get a ton of stretch marks but I did get some and the ones I got I put this cream on and it took them away, you can barely see them. I also used it while I was pregnant and I believe that is the reason I didn’t get any of them. I hope this story helps others who are sturggling because I was there. It’s taken me 8 long months of eating right to come this close. I still have 5 pounds left and while I realize my body will never be as tight as it was I love every minute of what I’ve got. My body carried a life and was able to create a life that has made mine so much better. For all you mothers who don’t know what you’ve done, you are amazing and you’re beautiful no matter what! Good luck to everyone and congrats on the lives that you’ve created!!

I hope you all enjoy the pictures, as you can see through them I got to be quite big and now I’m back to the old me, so don’t get down, it will come off, for some of you easily for others like me, it will take a little bit of work but you can do it!

Updated here and here.

PCOS and Me (Brittany)

I found out a year ago now that I have PCOS. Since kindergarten I have been “mothering” everyone. I have always dreamed about being a mom and I feel that is what I was born to do. But with the PCOS and being addicted to junk food I just dont know how Im going to be able to accomplish that task. Ive tried a lot to get myself motivated to lose the weight, ive even put newborn shoes on my wall. I just ache all the time, my muscles ache, my back…everything aches. Four years ago I went through something that really broke me. I still havent gotten over it and I think my fear of losing the weight way outweighs my need for a child. at least right now. That sounds horrible but Im so scared to be smaller. Im scared to look good. I dont even know if im able to have children. I think I just need the support of someone who understands what im going through. This site has often inspired me to be ok with my body, but now that I know it might hurt my chances of being a mother…its hard to accept myself the way I am. I dont see myself as others do. I know this is a site for pregnant woman and mothers but seeing the support given really inspired me to write in. Thank you.

These Pictures were taken Today 10/22/2009

Updated here.

Twins and one on the way … my body’s journey! (Nicole)

At last I found a person whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and our engagement was made even more special a week later when we found out I was pregnant, then special again when I found out it was twins :)

My twin pregnancy went beautifully, the girls had to come in the world a little earlier due to pre-eclampsia and stayed in hospital with some difficulties for 4wks but now things are near perfect ;)

Now with 20mth old twins I am expecting my next bubba, due in 5weeks time.

Here are the pictures of my body’s journey so far in motherhood!

Age: 24
Number of pregnancies: 2
Number of births: 3
Age of Children: 20mth twins & one on the way
Due Date: 24th Nov 09

Engaged, Lost and Saggy… (Autumn)

Hi My name is autumn I am 19 and a mom of a 8 month old son, I also among those of you is a teen mom, I found out I was 2 months Pregnant on my 18th birthday and Had my son a couple months shy of my 19th birthday, I am engaged to my sons father but I still HATE my stomach I feel like he dont want me anymore and im just there because of my strechmarks and my stomach and other areas, I had to have a emergency c-section so I have a scar thats Ugly, I Hate the way I feel and I wanted to post this and see what your comments on my stomach, is it like yours? am I the only one that stomach looks like mine? My strechmarks have faded some they were bad, I gained 75 pounds when I was pregnant, and he weighted 9.5, I went from a size 1 to a size 7 can someone help me? How can I loose it? Is there any hope for me?

I am 19 yr of age
1st pregnancy and 1st child
and my son is 8 months old as of now.

The first picture is before I had My son
The second is when I was 9 months pregnant
and the Last ones are 8 months after haveing him

Updated here.

You don’t know what you have until it’s gone… (Kimberly)

Age: 21
Pregnancies: 1
Births: 1
3 1/2 Months PP

I became pregnant with my daughter less than a month and a half into my relationship with my, now, husband. As much of a shock as it was, it by all means was a position we put ourselves in. We were careless with our intimacy. It took a few weeks to come to the conclusion that we would continue our lives, but we would be bringing a life into this world with our own lives. My pregnancy was easy to say the least. During the first 5 months I had pretty severe morning sickness, that resulted in me losing 13 pounds my first trimester. Once I was out of the woods of the morning sickness, though, I felt that everything had started coming together. I didn’t have stretch marks, I got comments all the time about that “pregnancy glow”, my husband and I had a regular, AMAZING sex life, and I felt absolutely beautiful. However, later down the road that sex life slowed down. It became almost non-existent, and it wasn’t because MY sex drive wasn’t there. I started feeling unattractive to him, unwanted, and unsexy. I felt like I had to fish for compliments, and even when I got the result I wanted, it just didn’t feel as satisfying as I wished it to be. My last month and a half I grew large, and started developing stretch marks on my hips, stomach, and thighs. All in all, my stretch marks are nothing compared to circumstances other women have. However, I can’t help shake the thought that I still despised my late pregnancy body. I was in pain, I was exhausted and sleeping all the time, and had to leave work earlier than initially planned, suggested by my OBGYN. My husband and I were still not intimate, but now it was because of my large belly and how uncomfortable it was for me.
I went into labor on June 15th of this year, at nearly 5am. Throughout the day I dealt with mild contractions, but they progressively became more intense and unignorable. We went into the hospital around 1am on the 16th. My labor continued very slowly. They had me walking for hours to help me dilate. At 11am I was given a small dose of inducer to help, and within that same hour I was given my epidural. That was the worst part of my entire pregnancy. Due to severe lumbar scoliosis from my adolescence, my vertebrate were closer together than they normally should be. They had a hard time finding the right nerve, and also getting it in place correctly. It took them over an hour to get the correct placement, and they had to re-do the insertion of the spinal needle 4 times until it was right. After that, I was fanastic. I was giggly, happy, talkative. Around 5pm that day I decided I was ready to push. I was still in the same, euphoric mood, cracking jokes in between my contractions and pushing, laughing, and making conversation with everyone who was helping me. At 5:28pm and after over 36 hours of labor, a 7lb 10ounce, 19.5 inch long beautiful baby girl arrived. She was immediately put on my chest to nurse. And to make the situation even more memorable, my husband became teary eyed, which is not something I had ever seen in his eyes before.
The first two weeks home were miserable. I felt like I was doing everything wrong. My husband works nights at his job, and also needs to travel to Seattle, 4 hours away, nearly 1-2 weeks per month. It just so happens that the first trip they require him to make is the first week our newborn, and first child, is home. I cried, and cried, and cried. I didn’t understand why I was so unhappy. I missed my husband, wished for HIS help, and felt as if it would never get any better. Since then, it has done a complete turn around. Once my milk came in, life was much easier for all of us. I have adjusted to being a stay at home mom, as well as taking nearly full responsibilty for maintaining our daughter’s well-being while he is working at night or sleeping during the day. I absolutely LOVE my life as her mother and his wife. I have such an amazing thing in front of me, and I completely recognize every ounce of it.
However, my personal battle is this: my self confidence has been shot through the window, and I don’t know how to regain it. I, by NO means, resent my daughter for the changes my body made to accompany her development. I would rather have my body as it is now, than not have her in my life. I have never been a very confident person, however, I am at my lowest point in the longest time. I realize I am not as bad off as I nearly FEEL. But the way I feel doesn’t change just because I really am not as bad as it seems in my head. It’s hard for me to look at my body, I never spend the time getting myself “pretty” anymore. It’s funny how before I was pregnant, I didn’t like my body. I look at the very few pictures I DO have of my body from before, and I resent myself for not being confident then and realizing what an amazing figure I had. I know my body change can be easily obtained with excercise and eating well, which is my plan. I just don’t know how to raise my self esteem. I feel disgusting, I hate seeing my body, let alone my husband seeing my body. I wish I believed him every time he calls me beautiful. I believe it on some days, but I don’t on more occassions. I want to FEEL like the beautiful woman and mother that I am. I just don’t know how. I realize all of it is in my head. I have days where I feel confidence, it just doesn’t happen very often.

-Picture 1 is when I initially found out I was pregnant
-Picture 2 is around 35 weeks, the last picture I felt comfortable taking in my last trimester
-Picture 3 is just from a few days ago, 3 1/2 months PP
-Picture 4 is of my beautiful daughter, Makenna Jaylene

27 weeks pregnant (Justine)

My body has been though alot in this past year, Dec 19th 2008 i found out i was pregnant i started to gain weight right away and knew it something wasnt right i wasnt suppost to have a gut at a month and a half!!, at 6 weeks i went in and there were 2 tiny little heartbeats on the screen, we were having twins!! we were so excited but 4 weeks later i had heavy bleeding and clotting and miscarried the babies, after i lost the twins the weight i put on just never went away, Charlie took it really hard and said he didnt want to try for any more kids for a few more years, i went back on my nuvaring and we started used spermicide to prevent another pregnancy, but April of 2009 i my period didnt come, and took a test and it came up saying “pregnant” i couldnt believe it to be honest,It wasnt the right time, it was right before charlie deployed and we honestly were at the verge of calling it quits, My (ex)husband Charlie wanted me to have a abortion and since i wouldnt we have decided to get divorced and are now legally seperated and the divorce will be final in november, he wants nothing to do with his daughter. But back to this pregnancy, I had severe hyperemesis for the first 5 months of my pregnancy i was admitted 4 times, had over 40 IVs in, at my worst i was down 27 lbs from my prepregnancy weight, i was taking about 15 pills a day just to be able to fuction. But at 23 weeks along the hyperemesis just went away, and i have gained 20 lbs since, (still down 7 from pregnancy weight) but my daughter is a healthy baby girl and is due december 19th, which is the one year mark from when i found out i was pregnant with her siblings, its pretty bittersweet that her due date marks that day. i have 2 light purple stretch marks and my timer has popped, my breasts went from a 32DD to now a 32G so i think about 5 lbs of my weight gain is in my boobs,they have gotten quiet saggy since i found out i was pregnant i was scheuduled to get a breast reduction in june and that is on standby until i stop breastfeeding, but it will still be done!

~Your Age: 19
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2nd pregnancy, 2 angel babies and 1 still in the womb

on my photos first one is prepregnancy, second is 21 weeks suffering from hyperemesis, 3rd and 4th are at 27 weeks pregnant.

From size 0 to 5 (Nancy)

Age : 26
Pregnancy : 1
Children : A daughter, ChloƩ

I learned about this website from a close friend to which I confided my body changes during and after pregnancy. I was relieved to see others with the same problems as me but I figured I’d be back in shape in no time so I didn’t worry too much over it. Here I am, 7 months later, posting my very own story !

I used to be one of those lucky girls who never went on a diet, I could eat whatever I wanted and my weight had been a mere 105 pounds for the last 5 years. I inherited this fantastic body from my mother and she always said to me that for her 2 pregnancies, she put on about 25 pounds and a week after she was back in her old size 25 jeans. I always jokingly told my husband how lucky he was to have a wife that could snap back into shape so we could have lots and lots of kids !

However it went very different for me. I gained 25 pounds in the first 6 months of my pregnancy, which was pretty standard. At 7 months I was put on bed rest and stopped working because I had strong contractions every day and was in and out of the hospital a few times. I ended up gaining another 40 pounds in only 3 months. So me, that was used to be 105 pounds, I was now carrying 165 pounds. On top of that I had oedema so bad you couldn’t even see my ankles. My baby finally arrived at 42 weeks after me being inducted ans a c-section (the irony !!!).

Now I’ve been trying to cope with the aftermath and I feel like my body went trough a war. All I can say is that I now understand what it feels like to be insecure, to suck a tummy in public and dress in medium or large. It takes strong women to be confident in any shape or size, for those out there, I applaud you. You know, I don’t want to sound like I complaint because I know that some women would love to be my actual size, but I think the point for a lot of women is the gap between how were before and how hey are now. For me the road to being confident in my new size has just started.

Pre-pregnancy weight : 105 lbs – size 0
End-of pregnancy weight : 165 lbs
7 months post-pregnancy weight : 130 lbs – size 5

Missing my darling daughter, 15.5 weeks postpartum (Jillyn)

I have been meaning to take pictures and post on here for quite a while now, but with so much going on, i just haven’t found the inner strength or time.

When i was 20 weeks pregnant with our first child we had our first ultrasound and they found that i didn’t have any amniotic fluid. So a week later i finally had another ultrasound and the specialist fount that our baby had cysts in both their kidneys. He then told us our baby would not live. My husband and i were both devastated, but we decided to continue with the pregnancy and cherish every moment we had left with our child.

When i was about 28.5 weeks pregnant i ended up going to the ER for sever pain in my back. It turned out my kidney was inflamed and my growing uterus was causing it. They told me the only way to solve the problem would be to have our baby. The next day was my husbands college graduation and 2 days after that we were moving so we didn’t induce right away. After we were moved we set up an induction date for 2 weeks later because our 2 year wedding anniversary was going to be a week after we had moved.

They started the induction May 25th 2009 at 8pm when i was 32 weeks pregnant. On May 27th, 2009 at 5:17pm we gave birth to our daughter, Grace Carpi. She was so tiny, so perfect and angelic. The had been a frank breech so her little bum was all bruised, but other than that, she was just amazing. She weighed 2 lbs 14 oz and was 16 inches long. After she was born she tried to take a breath, she tried 6-8 times in the 10 minutes after she was born. But sadly, her lungs were not developed at all, so 10-15 minutes after she was born, she slipped away from us. She never let out a cry, never opened her eyes. The doctor has tried to tell us that she was a stillbirth, but after talking to other professionals and reading medical journals, we feel that our daughter indeed was alive and we will continue to fight for our right of a birth certificate.

I am 5’5″ and was 178 lbs before i was pregnant. I weighed 210-215 at the end of my pregnancy and now, 15.5 weeks postpartum i weigh 204-207 lbs. Because of my depression i feel it will take me a while go get down to my pre-pregnancy weight and even longer to get to my healthy weight (about 130-140 lbs). I got my first stretch mark at either 7w or 11w (i can’t remember) on my inner thigh. I got the ones on my stomach when i was 25 weeks pregnant. I also got more stretch marks on my hips and on my breasts. I went up a cup size during pregnancy, from a B to a C.

The last 15 and 1/2 weeks have been quite an emotional time for my husband and i. Not only did he just graduate from college, we moved, had our wedding adversary, gave birth to our daughter, buried our daughter, had my 22nd birthday, my husband left for orientation for a new job, we had a memorial for our daughter, went to talk to a panel of people at the hospital about receiving a birth certificate, and my husband left for 4 weeks of training for work. And during all of that we were and are still grieving the loss of our little girl. Some say we shouldn’t be a sad because we knew that she was going to die, but that doesn’t matter to us. We still lost our daughter, she still is not with us and we will miss her forever.

I am posting pictures of me before my pregnancy, at 28w 3d, at 32w (with Henna Tattoo from blessing way), pictures of Grace, and then pictures of me 15.5w postpartum and a picture of my first and worst stretch mark on my leg.

Updated here.

Confidence took a blow! (Lizzy)

Number of pregnancies:1
7 months post partum

Im from South africa,im 5″2 and pre pregnancy weight was 110lbs.
I loved my body.

Then April 2008 i fell pregnant with my first baby,a girl.My body changed but i didnt get stretchmarks,which im very gratefull for,i grew alot,my tummy was huge.
I gained 33 lbs and im currently 139lbs,which im not happy bout.When i look at myself in mirrors i start to bawl.

Theres just no time to exercise now.My husband loves the way i look.

But i dont.I love my daughther to bits though.
How can i make myself feel better bout myself?

Its amazing knowing my girl grew inside me,but cant accept the way i look.

The first pic is me 8 weeks pregnant(its says pre pregnancy but i didnt have a pp pic so i just use this one)

Second one is me 37 weeks pregnant

Third and fourth one is me 7 months pp