Hi. Im the mother of two beautiful little girls who are 7 and 4. This is my body after two c-sections and a weight gain of about 50lbs during each pregnancy. Even though ive lost all the weight and then some, i feel so self conscious of my stomach. If people only new what was under my shirt. Just kidding. My babies were well worth it!!!

You look great! Despite the stretchmarks that every mom has… I have them!… your belly is so flat! And every mark is well worth it! And a reminder of our pregnancies! Thanks for your submission! ;)
I think you look fantastic! And such great skin colour
I also have 2 children and if I didn’t know better I’d think I was looking at a picture of my own stomach! I’m also self conscious about it but some stretchmarks and a bit of loose skin in return for all the love and joy our children bring to our lives.. I think we got a pretty good deal :)