My Story (Amber)

I am Amber. I just turned 24 years old. I have been pregnant, and given birth three times. I had a midwife with all three pregnancies. I Now have three little boys. Gabriel, Isaac and Levi -ages (a few days away from) 5, 3 1/2 and just turned 2. That makes me 25 months PP. The first two were natural home births, but Levi, I delivered in a hospital because my water broke before I was in labor. They induced labor and I delivered him naturally. He was two weeks early and weighed 7 lbs even. Gabriel, my oldest was born a day before his due date and weighed 8 lbs 7oz. Isaac was two days before his due date and weighed 8lbs 4oz.

I am married to a wonderful man. He is a true blessing to me! I met him through family connections when I was nearly 18. (He was 24) We got married only 6 weeks after we met, one month before my 18th birthday. I got pregnant about 5 months later. My first child was born shortly after my 19th birthday. The second, 14 months later. 22 months after my second, came my third. Yes I am busy.

My family wasn’t planned. Really more a result of non-planning. I wasn’t against having children. I always knew I would be a mother. But I was rather passive about the whole thing and honestly, was in a mindset of “letting God decide” what He wanted my family to look like. That seems ridiculous to me now. I am on birth control now. -I have no regrets. Please don’t hear me saying that! God made me fertile. He is not going to be sitting there blocking my husbands semen because we can’t afford another kid and I am overwhelmed. If I have unprotected sex with my husband I AM deciding to have another baby… Not God! I am so grateful for my husband and I, blindly stepping into marriage, and foolishly reproducing because I love my family dearly. Although it was just that: blind and foolish, God was looking out for us, while we were making the decisions. I can’t blame God that it is hard. I don’t really know what I am doing in a lot of ways, but I do trust Him. And I trust that God can use all things together for good for those who love him. I am incalculably blessed with supportive family and friends, a loving husband who is a loving father to our children, Healthy children, and so much more. I wouldn’t trade it, BUT I wouldn’t exactly recommend following my example, either.

I had amazing “easy” pregnancies. I don’t like to talk about it much because of the hate filled glares I receive when I mention things like, “no morning sickness” or “30 lb weight gain during pregnancy with 20 of that gone after childbirth” or “4 hour labor, with 3 pushes” but I am grateful! Don’t worry, I pay for it now with three wild toddlers. And I guess I’m okay with the stretch marks. Of course, I was hoping I’d be in the 50 percent who didn’t get them. (My mother had 5 and doesn’t have a single mark.) But, its really not the most important thing in the world to have a smooth, youthful, tight stomach. My husband still thinks I’m hot.

Update (Amber)

Previous post here.

My third child is now 18 months old and is finally weaned and my breasts have shrunk down to their new size from here on out. Before my pregnancies, my weight was 155 lbs, after my 2nd child weaned my weight was 135 lbs, after the 3rd child weaned, my weight is now 137 lbs. My current BMI is 20, due to the lack of fat my body has left after breastfeeding all 3 of our children (1st: 13mos, 2nd: 15 mos, 3rd: 16 mos). I never tried to lose weight, I just ate healthy, exercised lightly, and took care of my babies naturally.

If you are lose all of your baby weight like I did (and then some), your body takes on another shape – mainly there is extra skin that no longer has fat to fill it and the skin has lost it’s elasticity to snap back into shape. I was wondering if I should get breast implants to fill the skin back out, but after learning that most implants cause major scar tissue and have to be replaced at least every 10 years for the rest of your life – I decided against a boob job. Afterall, the more I looked, the more I saw that this is NORMAL – this is what mothers look like!! Their breasts are saggy, flattened, there is extra skin and you know what – that is just fine because it is a type of beauty that can only be gained from having done an excellent job creating life, selflessly giving of yourself, and I am damn proud of it! I hope my photos will empower you to appreciate your body, however nature has made it, and not feel like you need to conform to the “standard of beauty” that is commercialized.

Three Boys (Ashley)

I’m a 26 yr old mother too soon to be three boys. I weighted 96lbs before I got pregnant at 19 and I’m 4’11. I gained 55lbs with my first son Corbyn who is 6 now and he weighted 7lbs 9 oz and was 20 3/4 in long. After him it took a year but I lost down to 92lbs I didn’t work out it just came off from working and from stress and yes I had skin hanging and stretch marks that stayed from the middle of my calf’s to the top of my breasts and yes everywhere in between there even to my crotch. I had my second son Jake at 24 who now is 2 I weighted 102lbs when I got pregnant with him and gained 44lbs with him he weighted 6lbs 11oz and was 21 3/4 in long. I only lost 20 pounds from his pregnancy and everything was still left from the first pregnancy meaning stretch marks and skin. They both were vaginal deliveries and I have noticed the damage it has made too my body but you know what I wouldn’t change any of it and really the only thing that bothers me every now and again is the extra skin only because its hard to find jeans. I love my boys and its all worth it even the sagging breast :) I’m now 34 weeks pregnant with my third boy and I have gained 20lbs so far due to GD I probably would have gained more but I’m on the GD diet and don’t want to take insulin so I’m sticking too it :) Ladies there is no shame in the way our bodies look we are mothers and that is a beautiful gift some women would give anything to look like us just to have the beautiful baby that comes with it remember that !!!

Pride and Struggle with Self Image (Heather)

Age: 22

Hello. My name is Heather. I am a very proud mommy of 3 beautiful kids. My children are 2 1/2, 17 months and 6 months. I have been pregnant 5 times in the past three years, but have lost 3 angel babies. One pregnancy was twins.

I first got pregnant at 19..on my birthday, can you believe that? Talk about a birthday present! I first gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, then came two magnificently adorable baby girls. People always tell me that I should know the meaning of birth control BUT I was on birth control when I got pregnant. Lol. I am just a very fertile girl! And my husband has 2x’s the sperm count than a normal man. I would NEVER change a thing. These are my blessings, they are my life.

Before getting pregnant I was 150lbs and a size 5/7. After all my pregnancies I was 240 pounds. Since giving birth to my last baby six months ago I have lost 100+ pounds and now weight 130 pounds and am a size 7/9. My hips have not shrunk back and I doubt they ever will. I can’t get over how saggy and wrinkly my stomach is. When I look at it and touch and pull it feels like the skin of my grandmother. Sometimes I cry because I hate my body so much, and then there are times I carry myself with pride because of what my body has done-given me beautiful children.

With my last child I have Pre-Eclampsia that got me induced at 38 weeks. During labor it progressed to Eclampsia, and my reflexes were a +5…I nearly knocked the doctor out when he did the test on my knees. I got my epidural and then I got put on magensium to help control the Eclampsia. From there my BP went from 170/150 to 50/30…I almost died. I could literally feel the life draining from my body. I had 2 doctors and 3 midwives in my room for hours. Right when my BP dropped no doctors were in my room, and I could hear nurses yelling at the doctors, “Can’t you hear that?!?! Shouldn’t someone be in there?!?”
Not long after I gave birth to my daughter…3 pushes and she was in my arms! :) I did it! We both came out fine. :)

I still relive that birth experience, I see it as a joy instead of a near tragedy! I am one blessed momma!

Sorry for the tangent, I’ve just never told my story before. I am a young, newly single mother of 3 children and I am overall happy. Except for the bouts of severe depression over my body.

Number of pregnancies: 5
Number of births: 3
Ages: 2 1/2, 17m, 6m….I am 6 months postpartum


Age: 29
# of pregnancies: 3
Age of children: 10, 6, 4

There are a few things I have learned these past 10 years about motherhood:
#1. Creating life is the one experience that brings us the closest to God yet can make a women feel the most disconnected from herself.
#2. Things don’t always go the way we hope or plan.
#3. What bothers you at 20 will change when your 25.
#4. There is attraction in flaws and beauty from ashes, intrigue in scars.

I have 3 wonderful children, my 1st pregnancy 10 years ago was EASY! I was 18 going on 19 and felt great, my birth went quick and smooth, it was a vaginal birth, 7 hours of labor and done, lost the weight fast and absolutely no signs on my body (other than being bustier) that I had given birth… I have always been a scrawny girl, small hips and breasts and super thin waist. After my 1st I went back to exactly that. My 2nd pregnancy was tougher, it was 4 years later… I had my little girl 9 weeks early by csection and felt like a failure! Not only did I feel like I let her down for having her early, but I had to have her cut out surgically- needless to say my birth plan went out the window…this pregnancy I got some stretch marks on my hips and breasts and one on my right abdomen… But again I bounced back quick, the marks faded, you couldn’t even hardly see my c/s scar… Then came #3, he was not planned, but perfect! And he was such a great pregnancy, I went to term without any intervention, 2nd c section… I did not breast feed my 3rd, gained the most with him… Took me about a year to get down to my goal weight, but I managed to hang onto bigger breasts :) which was a plus, I have some loose skin on my abdomen, my abs are no longer “defined”, I have a small hernia in my belly button, previous stretch marks etched a little deeper, my nipples are more oval than circles, I have a “Lip” above my c/s scar which I HATE but it won’t go away no matter what I try, I am still petite but I have some curvier breasts and hips (which I happen to like and my husband says my curves drive him crazy)… Some days I feel super confident and sexy and others I feel insecure and wish I could change some things… But no matter what, those three little people were worth it… Every line, every soft spot, every dimple, every sag connects to a place in my heart :) each day I love myself more and more, I am in better shape than before I ever had kids, I eat healthy, workout 5 days a week and love how my body feels womanly :) bring on my 30s I am ready!!

Learning to Be (Anonymous)

My story starts in high school when I first started (unknowingly) with anorexia for a couple years. Fast forward to age 21. I got pregnant with my first. I was a healthy weight and honestly didn’t think about weight at that point in my life. I had a healthy baby girl that I had at home. I was happy and ate A LOT! I gained about 20lbs between my first and my second daughter. When I was 25 I was pregnant with my second daughter. Again, it was a beautiful homebirth. She was 10 pounds and did a number to my body! I got a lot of stretch marks but I was ok with it for the most part. At this point I thought I was done having my kids. I had 2 amazing daughters. After my second was born all I did was eat! My weight skyrocketed to 170lbs! I had gotten family vacation pictures back and realized just how heavy and out of shape I was so I decided to do something about it. I dieted. I was good at it! I lived at the gym and counted every morsel of calories that went in to my mouth. In that time I divorced my husband and kept on losing, and losing and losing….. another bout with anorexia. I thought I had in under control but no matter how thin I got I always felt I could be thinner. About 4 years after I divorced I reconnected with an old friend and we fell in love. He is an amazing man. I was upfront from the beginning that I struggled with anorexia and he supported me no questions asked. We were married a year later and in that time I had gotten very sick. I could barely walk and function as human. I was not the mother I wanted to be. My wedding day I weighed a mere 100lbs and I’m 5’10”. I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to walk down the aisle I was so weak. Not only did I vow to love my husband through richer or poorer, I vowed to be there in sickness and in health and I promised I would get healthy again. The week after my honeymoon I did just that. It was the worst, hardest experience of my life. I gained 40lbs in just 1.5 months. Over the course of the next 6 months I gained another 10. I was miserable and depressed but in that time we realized something, we wanted a baby of our own. 3 days after deciding we were pregnant. It was a miracle because doctors weren’t sure if I could have kids again. 9 months and 30lbs later we had a 8lb 12oz baby girl at home.

I’ve been struggling with old habits. I’m trying to lose the baby weight the healthy way. I struggle with body image. By 8 weeks I had lost all the baby weight (30lbs) and now at 13 weeks postpartum I am 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I still feel like I have a ways to go but I am learning acceptance and love for my body. It’s got stretch marks and my belly is a pile of loose skin. My boobs are huge and uncomfortable and my butt is nothing but cellulite but you know what? I’m ok with it. I have a loving husband and 3 amazingly beautiful daughters. I have been blessed in this life. I have lived through anorexia and I can now be a positive role model for my girls.

Pregnancy is a trip and what it does to your body is an even bigger trip but it’s a small price to pay for what you get out of it!

Age: 36
Number of births: 3 homebirths
Age of children: 14, 10, 3 months

1st picture: after 2 pregnancies anorexic but still kind of healthy
2nd picure: 9 months pregnant with 3rd daughter
3rd picture: 13 weeks postpartum

3 Months After 3rd Child (Kristin)

Previous entries here, here and here.

I have posted here after i had my first child and again after my second. I have since then had another baby. I am going to be 24 in a few months, My first is my son who is 3.5 years old now, My daughter is 2 years old and my youngest is also a girl who is 3 months old. I usually start my weight around 105-115lbs, and by the time i deliver i am around 138-140lbs. My 3rd child was born in April weighing 8lbs 5oz’s, she was heavier then my first daughter who was 7lbs 15ozs, but ligher then my son who was 8lbs 9ozs. My weight right now at 3 months postpartum is 115lbs(i’m 5foot4), which i am happy with on most days, my goal weight is anywhere between 110-115lbs.. Things have been good here, I have my days where i am depressed about my body but i try not to let it get me down, tho it can be hard on some days. I have to contunie telling myself that i look good after having 3 kids, some days i believe it, other days i dont. My husband is always saying i am beautiful and sexy, thats all i should care about, as long as he finds me sexy that should be good enough right? but i cant help how i feel some days. I am getting better i think on my body image but i still have hard days, but i need to get over it, i have 3 beautiful kids and a loving husband. And i need to raise my girls to love themselfs no matter what, and for my son to know this is how mommies look..they may have marks but they are beautiful:)

All you ladies are beautiful, i wish one day we would all feel it. Thanks again Bonnie

1st pic(pink top/jeans)34weeks pregnant with my 3rd, 2nd pic(with brown dress)40 weeks with 3rd child. 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th-3months postpartum. 8th pic-My baby girl 3 months. 9th pic-My other 2 babies with Daddy :)

My Amazing Weird Body (Anonymous)

Hi! Your website is so wonderful- thank you for encouraging moms to appreciate and accept the bodies God gave them and their amazing ability to give birth to His precious children! I am the proud mommy to four beautiful boys! I’m posting today becasue I’ve not yet seen anyone on the site that has my same umm, er.. ‘unusual’ shape. I hope my pictures will help those ‘skinny girls with a tiny pooch’ appreciate what they have! And the meatier ones realized they’re not alone. My oldest (now 7) was a vag delivery at 9 lbs. 2 oz.; then came twins (emergency c-section) at 3 lbs. 7 oz. and 5 lbs. 13 oz. and the baby just turned a year in May (another c-section) 7 lbs. 2 oz.! Yes, I am chubby, saggy, have TONS of stretch marks, an ugly apron of fat and my butt is, well..weird and beyond description! LOL! But, my family is so worth it. I just have to do my best everyday to keep telling myself I am an amazing creature! I gave life to FOUR people with this body. And I realized (thanks to this website) that I have nice boobs! They made milk and sustained life for all of my boys- and they still look ok- not too shabby! Ladies- you are all wonderful and beautiful! Be proud of your uniqueness and love yourselves :)

Site Newbie, 2 Years PP (Lisa J)

My Age: 38
Number of pregnancies and births: 3 Pregnancies, 3 Births
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 8, 5, and 2.

Hi everyone,
I’m a newbie to the site. After reading many of your amazing stories, I feel compelled to introduce myself and share my story.

My name is Lisa, and I am a 38 year-old mother of three wonderful children (8, 5, and 2). I was never what you might consider to be skinny prior to my pregnancies, but I was quite fit and had very nice curves. Like everyone else here, my pregnancies significantly transformed my body.

After my last child, I took a long, hard look at myself and decided to try to regain my pre-pregnancy form (to the best of my abilities). I was about 80 pounds over-weight and slowly began to lose some weight.
I am very fortunate to be married to a wonderful man who was so supportive in helping me achieve my goals. He helped to motivate me when I was down and wanted to quit dieting, and served as a shoulder to cry on when I was down. I want to say that I love you Scott, and am so thankful to have you in my life.
While my stomach, butt, thighs, and boobs are bigger and not as firm as they used to be, I have finally reached a point where I feel pretty good about my appearance again. All in all, I think that I look pretty good. I am attaching some pictures below, so please be kind.

I hope others may gain strength from my experience, and know that you can get to where you want to be with hard work and patience. I strongly encourage all of you to take as many pictures as possible of yourself along your journey. In retrospect, I did not take as many pictures of myself as I probably should have. Those that I did take served as motivation for me and were extremely helpful in helping me see weight loss results.

Bearing It (Christina Plant)

My last entry was about where my heart is and how our physical flaws should not prevent us from celebrating who we are on the inside. I showed photos of myself from a couple of different races and my shorts fit so that the stretched hanging skin was not visible. When I wrote that entry, I had run several race distances: 5k, 15k, 10 miler, 20k, and half marathon.

I am proud to be a mother of three sons. I am proud to say that I worked hard to regain confidence in my physical appearance and in my athletic capabilities. (Actually, I had no athletic capabilities before I was a mother- but that is another story.) I earned my position at every starting line with my own drive and determination. This year (the year that I turn 36) I decided I was ready to raise the bar. Did you ever just get the feeling that even though something seemed nearly impossible that you could do it? When something within you that you can’t describe steadfastly believes that you can?

I began training for my first marathon in February of this year. For those who do not know, a marathon is 26.2 miles long. Any other race that is not 26.2 miles is NOT a marathon. Only 1% of the population ever completes a marathon. I used to say I would never do it. But this year, something made me certain that I could. I know a few people who have completed a marathon. They are not better or stronger or more capable than me. If they could train hard and get it done, then there was no sensible reason to say that I could not. I was on fire for this goal. I knew it was going to be difficult and feel impossible at some points but I also know something about myself: if I want it enough, I will get it. (And I am not better or stronger or more capable than anyone else who aspires to a goal. If you want it- whatever “it” might be, start working. If you don’t stop working even when it sucks, then you will get it.) Wishing for, wondering, thinking about or planning is not the same as WORKING to get it. Once I stopped all that and started working, unsurprisingly, I got results.

I ran my first marathon in Lake Placid, NY (that’s right- Adironacks!) on June 12, 2011. I ran the whole thing (with the exception of a few steep downhill portions) and finished strong. Every mile was dedicated to someone I loved and that is what kept me going for 26.2 miles of rolling hills. The runners that surrounded me were such an inspiration. Every person that steps out to the start impresses me. I don’t care if you finish in 3 hours or 8 hours. Everyone has a reason for why they are there that goes deeper than the actual physical run. What an honor to stand among all of these bold determined people and begin this grueling but glorious journey together.

All types of people run. It’s fascinating and liberating to see that sheer will and determination has no standard shape or size even for this extreme distance. If you want it, get it, right? Don’t wait until your belly is perfectly flat. Don’t wait until your arms are toned. Don’t wait until you are a size 4. You’ll always find some other flaw anyway so celebrate who you are inside AND outside now. This was part of the reason I decided to run a marathon- I wanted my body to do something amazing. I wanted to feel what it is like to believe and endure and keep moving (literally) toward my goal even when it seems impossible and even when I didn’t want to keep going. To believe beyond reason when the only reason to believe is to show yourself that you can- that you will- if you want to enough.

During this race, I noticed something. There were very few who were not lean or aesthetically ideal who stripped down for the sake of comfort. I tend to take the “when in Rome do as the Romans do” stance on things, so I did not shed my top layer. This was mainly because I was wearing new shorts that seemed to ride lower than I’m used to and I didn’t want to be self conscious of the stretched skin on my stomach while I was running. I was hot. Then it down poured for 40 minutes and I was soaked to the bone. But I ran in a soaking wet shirt instead of bearing it in my sports bra and shorts like so many others did.

What if I didn’t care? What if the others who weren’t “perfect” didn’t care either? What if we showed the world and the media that we are happy with who we are and that we don’t need to hide or alter our bodies to feel amazing and alive? Why do I care? I’m a mother. I’m proud of what my body has accomplished and I’m happy to tell any woman that I love my body even though I am flawed from pregnancy and I am always willing to show her if she doesn’t believe me. I actually thought about this for awhile I was running and wondered how I could change this. How could we all change it and remove the silly notion that women’s bodies are better when artificially modified? Am I the only one that thinks it’s silly to wear a bra that pushes your breast up to your neck? Wouldn’t it be frightening if your boobs were really that high? Wouldn’t it be tiresome to have to hold your baby up to them while nursing?

Anyway, I crossed the finish line and was overjoyed and beyond proud. This was the moment that I spent months training for. This was what running over 400 miles during training was all about. No one did this but me. So I had to do something even more amazing. I registered for another marathon just two weeks after this one. I wanted to qualify for a Marathon Maniacs membership and one way to do that is to run two marathons in 16 days or less.

I found myself in Pennypack Park in Philadelphia, Pa two short weeks later struggling through the same distance. It was much hotter (mid 80’s) and I was literally drenched in sweat by mile 9. I saw the same trend- the lean, tight-bodied, and young stripped down so as to be more comfortable in the heat. The chubby, old, and disproportionate tended to stay covered, with rare exception. I had already decided that I would strip down too. Who else was out there running their second marathon (ever) just two weeks after their first? Who else among these runners raised on a diet of ramen noodles, rice, and canned vegetables who barely passed phys ed and never dared to participate in school sports? Who else had three children and was in the best shape of their life just as these children are entering adolescence?

So I did what I should’ve done in Lake Placid. I took my top layer off. I purposefully wore the same shorts that were too low to hide my lower abdomen. AND I purposefully wore a sports bra that had no padding/enhancement/etc. If I don’t fearlessly do this, what am I saying to myself? That I’m not good enough? Why? Because I didn’t see the purpose of having a surgeon implant sacks of saline into my chest? Because I believe it’s illogical to have a surgeon carve out the skin that stretched during of the precious time that I carried my sons? I need to mull over the previous paragraph again if any part of me believes that I’m not good enough. No one needs to hide. Yes we should all strive to improve. Better yet- strive to do something amazing. Something that amazes you. Something you have always wanted to accomplish or something you never thought that you could do. Work your ass off. Do not give up. Take all the time that you need. But for goodness sakes, do not hide. If you love who you are and who you strive to become, please do not hide what is inside or outside. Bear it. And be grateful and proud. Who’s with me?