Update (Anonymous)

Previous entries here and here.

im 24 in july – my amazing son will be 4.

I have posted 2 times previous to this… i still have my days where i get down on myself, but overall i know im beautiful as well as my shape of a mother :D

I started using trilastin stretch mark cream 2 months ago- i can no longer see the darker stretchmarks, and my silver stretchmarks are now smooth and lighter. which is a good thing for my confidence but they are still there reminding me everyday that i brought my son into this world. Now dont get me wrong i would LOVE to have a tummy tuck, i dont feel that i need to wear pregnancy results, when i have my loving little boy to remind me everyday.

i am DEFINATLY wearing a two piece this summer, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. :) im a PROUD mommy! here are some updated photos— laying down on my side, sitting up (you can see i have stretch marks inbetween my thighs as well), full frontal, butt (dimples and stretchmarks) and me after a workout.

Updated here and here.

Be Strong and Courageous (Anonymous)

My first daughter came when I was only 20 years old. I was newly married, working part time, and going to college full time. I gained 57 lbs. And it showed. My ballet body expanded everywhere it could. My legs, my hips, my breasts, and my stomach. I could not understand how people made it through pregnancy with little to no stretch marking. I was covered in huge “rips”. My breasts had never been perky, and whatever anti-gravity they had was destroyed when I went from a 32B to a 34F. But I did I lose all of the weight within a year.

My son was born 2 years later and he passed away (due to a severe medical condition) when he was only 9 weeks old. I miss him every day. My skin stretched further, despite not gaining as much weight. I said they were “his marks”. I lost all by 10lbs, but within 3 months of his death, I was unexpectedly pregnant again.
My second daughter arrived just a month after my son’s first anniversary. I stretched even further with her, even though I didn’t gain as much as the first time around. But like my first pregnancy, I lost it all within a year.

When my second daughter was about 15 months I became pregnant again, but lost the baby before 8 weeks. I was scarred; half of my children had died.

In the midst of moving overseas and the stress of liquidating our household, I became pregnant after just one period cycle. We were shocked and scared. But I had the nausea, the exhaustion, and I thought all was well. I shared with the world that we were expecting again right around 13 weeks.

At 15 weeks I began bleeding and made a trip to the ER. It was there that the doctors discovered my baby had stopped growing 8 weeks previously. I waited almost a week from the first visit before I miscarried. I began bleeding heavily at our church’s Christmas Eve service. We raced home so that I could be at home to miscarry.

I have lost 3 of my 5 children. My husband doesn’t want any more children. I am broken. I don’t feel I am finished. But I am scared out of my mind to try again.

And in the midst of all this – I gained 15lbs in the 15 weeks I carried the baby – and after 6 months have not lost a single pound. I fit into nothing. I hate the way I look.

HOWEVER….. I know that my scars, my sagging skin, my large and sagging breasts, my muffin top, and my misshapen belly button are marks of my children. With and without me, my children left me marked. I am learning to love the body I have and appreciate what it has given me.

~Age: 26
~Number of pregnancies and births: 5 pregnancies, 3 births, 2 living children.
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: Daughter1 – 5, Son – died at 9 weeks, would be 3 1/2, Daughter2 – 2, Miscarriage1 – August 2010, Miscarriage2 – December 2010. 5.5 months post partum.

My Twin Skin (Anonymous)

I’m trying to come to terms with my twin skin.

Before I got pregnant I was a little over my prefered weight at about 125 lbs. I gained almost 70 lbs during the pregancy, but most of it was swelling and of course two babies weight a lot too. After my boys were born I lost most of the weight in a couple of weeks, but after that I’ve been stuck at around 140 lbs. I don’t think my weight is so much of an issue, but I wish I could lose a few pounds.

What really bothers me is the way that the pregnancy has treated my body – I had small boobs before, and now after the breastfeeding they are a whole cup size smaller – and one sags and the other one doesn’t! My already big thighs and butt got even bigger (I think that is actually where most of the extra pounds are sitting) and of course my stomach, well it’s just not to describe!

I think I look absolutely terrible. But I feel like I also have to mention: I love my little boys to pieces and I don’t want to remember what it was like without them – and I know I could have gotten a lot more of stretchmarks and a bigger twin skin – but I wish I could have my old body back! Some days (most days) I am okay with it and just try to wear clothing that hides it, but some days (like today) I go on a bummer about it and want to feel sexy again.

~Age: 21
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 nearly full term twin pregnancy, 2 births
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 2 boys, 12 months old.

In Love with Stretch Marks (Jesi)

Age: 19
Number of Pregnancies/Births: 2 (1 birth and currently 15 weeks with second)
Age of Children: 9 months; 15 weeks pregnant

I have a loving relationship with my stretch marks… They show that I have created a child and am currently creating another one. Sometimes I do long for that “normal” fit 19 year old body that I should have. But I wouldn’t trade my son or being pregnant again for the world.

With 2 pregnancies so close together (my son was 5 months when I got pregnant), my body is going through a major rollercoaster. I’m also still breastfeeding my 9 month old and I’m so blessed that my body is capable of caring for 2 children simultaneously.

I am 5’6 and the day before I gave birth to my son, I weighed in at 240. I got down to 203 when my son was 4 months old (yay breastfeeding!) but am now up to 215 again as I am 15 weeks along with my second baby.

I sympathize with all of the women out there that struggle with body issues and self-esteem. But always remember, you ARE eternally beautiful to the child that you gave life to. They won’t care how many stretch marks you have or how much you weigh.

Just to show the world how beautiful pregnancy, motherhood and even stretch marks can be, I always flaunt my mommy figure in a 2 piece :). In this photo I am 14+5 weeks pregnant and already have a belly..

Finny and the ‘Broids (Mel)

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little vain. It’s definitely not a quality I embrace, but still, it’s there.

As long as I can remember I have had body issues. Even when I was a scrawny, adolescent little girl, I remember wearing sweats or shorts over my leotard to my gymnastics classes. I would suck in in the mirror and see how long I could hold my stomach in. In middle school I was terrified of wearing a swimsuit during our school supervised trips to the pool. My next door neighbor and best friend was one of those girls who weighed 80 lbs dripping wet and her mom was so proud. She took us shopping for outfits to wear for the school talent show and I remember her praising her daughter for being so thin. I felt like a giant next to her.

The last few years I really came to terms with my body. I cut out processed food (with the exception of work goodies. Let’s not get crazy). I was running pretty regularly. I was happy with who I was and what I looked like. Then I found out I was pregnant.

It was not a surprise. We were trying. Still, I knew pregnancy would not be fun. Due to some pretty hefty fibroids my uterus started out the size of a four month pregnancy. Not so great on a vain girls ego. I was in constant pain and all of my old insecurities returned. I hated when people used the phrase eating for two. I cried at restaurants because I felt everything would go straight to the scale. I dreaded every doctors appointment due to the weigh in. Still, my baby boy grew and so did I. I measured ahead the whole time because of the ‘broids so my awesome ob didn’t put me through the torture of measuring the belly. One OB was so excited to see my large fibroids that he laughed out loud clapped his hands and exclaimed “You don’t see that everyday!”. Actually, I do. And if you don’t stfu I’m going to shove your stethoscope down your throat.

Did you have hot, young med students come to check out you super, cool growth? I did. Put my weight fears aside and inhaled a whole lotta Sonic after that appointment. I had 7 different creams for stretchmarks but despite a paltry 17lb weight gain they came.

I checked this site daily. I won’t lie, I looked for posts of girls who bounced back. I wanted hope that my body could be even close to what it was.

My little Phinny came six weeks early and was “The absolute healthiest 4 lb range baby he had ever seen” according to my pediatrician. My largest fibroid was so pronounced after I gave birth that my doctor joked I was going to scare all the nurses. I was surprised I didn’t care. In fact, I didn’t care about a lot of things. Sure I was rubbing cream on my belly, hoping the marks would fade, but I was ok. Giant boobs, those I hated. I nursed and pumped for a little over a year (never thought I could do it!) and then the boobs went away.

Here I am 14 months later and just now am I really starting to worry about my body. The days where I try on 3+ outfits out number the ones I don’t and I’m really wishing I had more time to go out for a run. Still. I may not be one of those you could never tell she was pregnant girls, but I’m pretty satisfied. Don’t ask me five minutes from now because I might change my mind.

1 pregnancy/birth
14 months

Fibroids/body issue

The Thoughts that Plague (Elizabeth Ashby)

age 22
2 pregnancies and children aged 3 1/2 and 10mnths

I had split up with my boyfriend 2 weeks before I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant with my first daughter. Before the pregnancy I had never been over 50kg in my life (I am 5ft 1in). I smoked 50cigarrettes a day, smoked a lot of pot and drank too much beer. After finding out I was pregnant I completely stopped pot and beer immediately but was only able to cut back to about 5 a day (max) cigarettes. Depending on how sick I was on any given day.

I had intense migraines where I would not be able to move and my housemate would have to pour bits of water into my mouth to try to help me drink. I barely kept any food down the entire pregnancy and swelled out to 65kg.

I complained to my G.P about various problems I was having and he told me I was “a paranoid first time young mum”

I believed him.

At 6mnths I quit work because I was just too sick to continue and moved in with my mother. However as there was no room there as soon as my centrelink was approved I moved in with my ex-boyfriends parents.

When I was 36weeks gestation I woke up one morning at 5am surrounded in blood. I thought I had miscarried. I cleaned myself up as best I could and went and knocked on my ex’s parents bedroom door and asked his mom to drive me to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and after examining me and stabilizing me they informed me that we had probably arrived with around half an hour to spare for my life.

They performed an emergency c-section and my first beautiful daughter was born at 4 lb 2 oz.

When I asked why this had happened they said I had pre-eclampsia but not to worry it shouldn’t happen again.

My wound came open once about a month later and got infected but I gained control and it healed tho the skin for about 2 inches above never really stopped being sensitive.

My ex and I started out our new journey of parenthood fairly angry with each other and fought a lot. However slowly we started to become friends again and then one day we both admitted we were still in love. We got back together when she was 8months old.

I got back to 54kg just before her 1st birthday and proposed to him. He said yes.

We ummed and uhhed about wanting another child and then near her second birthday we decided we did.

We got my implanon rod taken out and 2months later I was pregnant.

The bleeding started at 5 weeks. The migraines, swelling and other issues started again.

This time I didn’t rest until we found a doctor who would look at my problems properly.

They found out I made extremely bad placenta (not very nutritional and clotted easily)

Also I was leaking the amniotic fluid but we were not aware because it was not leaking out of me. Just going into my body somewhere.

At 18weeks a doctor told me that there was a minuscule chance she would be survive and I should have an amniocenteses. I have normally always been against them but I was in so much shock I just agreed.

He put the needle in and it hurt like hell I could feel it wriggling inside me. He then said he’s missed the amniotic sac and would have to try again.

By this stage I was crying. He did it again and once again said he’d missed and wanted to do it again. It was all I could do to choke out “no” and when he tried to argue with me my sister who was with me stood firm for me. He backed off.

So of course I had gone through this horrible experience (my husband said I screamed in my sleep for two weeks afterwards) for no results.

At twenty weeks they told us that we should prepare for the worst. That we were not past the stage where she was a “legal human life’ and that cremation/burial were legally required and if we wanted a funeral.

The entire time they had been berating me for not getting more bedrest. All I could think was you look after my other daughter then!

At 24weeks I went into the hospital for another checkup (they were weekly) and my doctor said she was admitting me immediately as my blood pressure had sky rocketed and therefore the pre-eclampsia was back.

At 26weeks it went even higher, beyond fatal high and they said they were doing another c-section. They weren’t sure how soon. (I was now 73kgs)

My mother fiancé and I spent a horrific 24hours in a hospital birthing suite whilst listening to other women screaming while giving birth. They injected me with something and it felt like my veins were on fire for hours and hours. They kept inserting my catheter wrong but wouldn’t let me go to the toilet properly so I was in pain and discomfort and had to keep getting my gown and sheets changed. My poor mother and fiancé caught my attitude as I got more and more upset.

Finally they told us I was going in. we waited in the anesthetists room for half an hour before they told us it was on hold again. Back to the room we went.

A while later we were back again. They told me I should sit up for the epidural but I told them that for my first c-section I had almost knocked out the nurse leaning over me cuz my back had spasmed when they put the epidural in. He tried to put the epidural in 4 times with me lying down. Then 4 times sitting. He got it on the 8th try.

I was in immense pain the entire time with shooting pains between my hip and knee on my left side and pain all up and down my back. I was crying hard.

My fiance had just stood up to tell him no more when he said it was in. (I have since found out that it was a training doctor. Not happy!)

The surgery went well so to speak. I cried the whole way through, barely remembered her cry when she was out. Then I remember them saying they were going to have to put me under as I was too distraught.

I woke up in a kind of waiting room. My sister came to visit me and said my fiancé was upstairs with the baby. She was born 661g.

I finally got released about a week and a half later. It was extremely hard being in my room with other mums coming and going who had their babies.

An exact month after she was born we got married. A small ceremony with only immediate family and friends at my in-laws house. All up including the celebrant was $1000. (Australian). (I was very proud of that since we do struggle financially but still didn’t want a registry wedding)

When she was 4 ½ months old they finally released her. On oxygen. At 8mnths she came off it during the day then at 9mnths she came off it completely. So it’s still early days but it looks good. She has chronic lung disease and we will have to watch out for so many things throughout her life and have so many doctors appointments but she’s made it.

I am now 77kgs and although I have not increased in weight since our wedding I have not been able to loose any either. I walk and eat well. My wound has come open 3 times so it’s a constant battle.

I have been diagnosed with chronic depression dating back to when I was 13 from having an emotionally abusive relationship with one member of my family. I have been able to battle it with an amazing medication although we are still trying to get a councilor for me that I can afford (the only one we had didn’t want to talk to me because she didn’t think she could help me she claimed).

We have been told that we shouldn’t have any more children. They said the same things would happen and even if they baby survived I very likely wouldn’t.

I am slowly getting better with my image of myself (my husband is amazing) but I still definitely have my down days so I come on the shape of a mother and it helps me lift myself back up.

My thanks to every single person who has helped me in my life and everyone who has posted on here for helping me be a better me.

first photo: before my pregnancies getting ready for work.
Second Photo: when my first daughter was about 11mnths
Third photo: me in my wedding dress and my eldest daughter
Last three photos: me today.

The Ups and Downs (Anonymous)

Births: 4
PP: 130
Full Term: 196
Postpardum: 130
Divorce: 164

Well, I am a proud mom of four kids. I have one girl 11, and three boys 9,7,3. I was able to lose the weight with each kid and after my fourth I was able to get back to my PP weight. However, I got a divorce over 2 years ago and put on almost 40 pounds. I have struggled for a while to get it off and although I am dating a wonderful man who is very loving I still feel pretty bummed about my body. I hate the stretch marks and I hate the loose skin. I am commited to losing the weight now and working out, I just am now almost 32 years old and it takes a lot longer than I remembered. Anyway, I saw this site and have found it inspiring to see and read the stories.

Happy… This is Who I Am (Bryana)

Previous posts here, here, and here.

I’ve written on here many times before. Each time a progress report or a pep talk. Each time has been therapeutic and refreshing; taking a few minutes to reflect solely on myself and my feelings of myself. It’s not often we take time to acknowledge ourselves as women, not just mothers. But this time for me, it’s about the acceptance and happiness with myself. Now that is refreshing.

As I approach the 2 year mark since my daughter’s birth and the 2 year mark of the last birth I will experience, I no longer feel empty or alone. For the last 18 months or so I have had a feeling of loss. I
felt like I was cheating myself. I am 23, nearly 24, and my fiancée and I have decided that our 2 beautiful
and healthy children are enough to fill our lives. The decision to stick to our 2 children was never something that bothered me. After a long talk with God and my fiancée we knew that the children we had were the only children we would be having. Not only financially or mentally motivated, but medically as well, we knew our decision was the right one. All the doctors I had seen had advised me not to have any more children. It could be detrimental. Why would I risk leaving my 2 children to possibly add a 3rd? It didn’t seem right to me. So my husband went in and got his vasectomy. The feeling of emptiness or loss came from knowing I would never feel that kick in my ribs again, or the excitement of hearing the heart beat, or finding out the sex. I feel I took my daughters pregnancy for granted. I never really took the time to relish in it, to realize the miracle taking place. Maybe I was just feeling guilty. I still don’t know, but those feeling have faded and no longer haunt me. Watching all my friends bring children into this world brings me so much happiness and joy now, rather than a little envy. That’s when I knew my feelings were fading and acceptance was taking place.

Today, nearly a month away from the 2 year PP mark, I am finally happy and completely accepting of myself, my life, and all the blessings I am granted each and every day. I absolutely love my body, stretch marks and flabby skin included! My body seemed broken for a while. Previously written about, my body could not hold any weight. I was losing weight faster than I could say “Stop!” and no one could figure it out. But finally, my body has found its balance. I stay steady at 110lbs, I rarely have headaches any more, and I can eat a healthy balanced diet without fearing the outcome. If I want chips, then I’ll eat them. I’m not afraid of my body any more, and that is such an amazing feeling.

I have begun to see my body as a place where miracles took place. Why should I be ashamed of the marks that were left by a miracle? All they are is proof of where a miracle was born. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Many women who happen to not be blessed with having children, or being able to carry a child to term, yearn and beg for a mark to show. A stretch mark to many are ugly, but to others it is such a beautiful thing. To me, they are beautiful.

Today I stand at 4’11” tall. I am 110lbs and healthy… finally! I am comfortable in my own skin. I love myself. In a month and a half, July 2nd, I will be married, living in a new amazing house, and beginning new memories to last a life time. My daughter will be 2, and my son nearly 5 ½ ! He will be starting grade 1 in a new school with new friends. I will watch them run in the back yard, much like a miniature jungle for kids. I will watch them celebrate each other and holidays. That for me is what life is all about. That for me is beautiful.

I don’t believe I will post again. I find closure in this post. However I will continue to read the amazing stories on this website, and continue to help you all find peace within yourselves.

I have posted picture. They are of me today, May 20, 2011. This is me happy and proud of who I am!

Tired of Feeling Ashamed (Elizabeth)

Previous post here.

I have submitted entries to shape of a mother from my 3rd and 4th pregnancies. Today I felt I need to do this again. I feel horrible about my body today. Yesterday I got into an argument with my youngest child’s father. this is part of an e-mail he sent me;

“Did that guy you were seeing see you naked yet? Cannot blame you for wanting to wait. Don’t wanna scare him off. Better keep your bra on though. After how much they sagged before I cannot imagine how bad they look now. Although they might be full of milk at the moment and temporarily okay. Better hook him now quick before you stop cause its gonna be bad. I don’t remember your body looking good. You forget you had to beg me for sex. I only did to shut you up. Lol. What I remember was a twenty nine year old with the body of at least a forty year old. And I saw a forty year old once and she had three kids and her body was much better. You did not look too bad with your clothes on but… lol. Just sayin. Plus now you got that chunky look. Not my thing. Out of every woman I have seen naked that had kids you have one of the worst bodies I have ever seen. How many have you seen?”

I included what he said to me, because of how much it hurts me to hear the father of my child say these things to me. I wonder if anyone else has been told these things by someone they were once very close to, and how to deal with the hurt. I know my flaws, I had confided in that man about them in the past because I used to trust him. I know what he is saying about how I look is pretty much the truth. I am not blind. I just wish I didn’t care anymore.

I want to be able to say that I am proud of my body for growing and feeding 4 beautiful, healthy babies, and mean it. I want to say that I feel so blessed to have these children that I don’t care what my body looks like at all. I want to feel happy about it, and lucky, and I want to stop being self conscious and ashamed, and sad when I see my self in the mirror after a shower, or if I ever become intimate with someone again. But I don’t see it happening. I was in good shape before this pregnancy but was too sick to exercise during, and I have not started back up, I know that might help my feelings a little, but exercise cannot change some things. wide hips I have always had and stretched out skin. I am most ashamed of my breasts, I have breastfed for over 4 years of my life and counting. I should feel lucky to have had that opportunity and the bonding with my children. I don’t see myself ever spending money on plastic surgery. Even though I want to, I would feel too guilty to spend money on something like that. And I would feel like a fake. I have never really liked my body, never felt comfortable in my skin, even as a child. One thing I always hated was the scar below my belly button from when I was an infant. I never hated the way I look more than I do now. It is definitely amplified after 4 children and being talked to like that by more than one of my exes. Why do I feel so embarrassed about how I look? How can I get over this so I can spend that time on thinking about how awesome my kids are instead of how bad I look? Feeling this way just adds guilt to my shame.

~Your Age: 30 years old
~Number of pregnancies and births: 6 pregnancies and 4 births
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 14 yrs old, 11 yrs old, 3 yrs old, and 2 months old today :) (2 months postpartum)

Want Another Baby, But Worried About Body Image After (Laura)

Age 28
Pregnancies: 2
Births: 2 ages 8 and 6

I had both my kids by the time i was 21 years old. My son is 8 and my daughter is 6. After having my daughter I was so worried about getting pregnant again and I hated the way my body looked with all my stretch marks. They are all the way down to the back of my legs and haven’t faded much even after all these years. I only gained 30 pounds with each pregnancy. I decided at age 21 to have my tubes tied. I’m 28 now and I really regret having the surgery done. I am seriously considering having a tubal reversal done so maybe I can have another child by the time i am 30. I am just really worried about what I will look like after a 3rd pregnancy and if I will have a harder time getting my body back being older now. Right now I am not happy with my body and my goal would be to lose another 20 pounds before having another baby. I don’t know if I think I look worse than I really do. It’s the stretch marks that really kill me!