Happy women are willing to show the truth (Britney)

I got pregnant at a young age so already, at 16 besides the fact of being over whelmed about the pregnancy I got stretch marks about a week before I was to turn 9 months. So devastating I though. I was not prepared because I felt as if I’d done everything right, coco butter, lotions, exercise. I am 5’8″ at the time of delivery I weighed 149 pounds ,which is well with in my bmi. Now I am 23 and married and my husband thinks that my stomach is sexy, but that meant nothing until I though I was. And now I can truly say that I do.

Age: I am 23 years old

Number of pregnancies: I have had 2 pregnancies but only 1 birth

Age of child: my son is 6 years old

Reached My Goal (Susy)

I am a 21 yr old mother of an almost 3 month old baby we named William Christian. My husband and I always knew we wanted kids, so 6 months after our wedding we decided to start trying. We got pregnant quickly (3 cycles) and we were both thrilled. Unfortunately, at 5 weeks pregnant, we lost the baby. We were both devastated. After my loss, my cycles became very irregular. I almost completely stopped ovulating. My gyn put me on clomid. By the 5th cycle of it I was losing hope. I was becoming a very bitter person and all but hated every pregnant woman. But God had a plan for us because that cycle was our lucky one! I was scared because I was bleeding just like the first and even cramping, but the little bean held on! The bleeding didn’t stop til I was 8 weeks pregnant. The rest of my pregnancy was smooth sailing and I felt great.
At 39w1d I woke up having strange pains. Little did I know, I was in labour! A mere 3.5 hours later my beautiful boy was born in my kitchen, into my midwives hands and placed on my chest. He was 7lbs 6oz and 20.5 inches long. My homebirth was an empowering and beautiful experience that I will never forget.
Before I got pregnant I was in great shape. Working out every day and taking in very few calories. (Perhaps, too few?). I had gained 37 lbs with my pregnancy, eating whatever I
wanted. I only lost 8 lbs wit the birth, and another 8 in the few days following. After that it stopped dead. The remaining 21 lbs were up to me! Through breastfeeding, healthy eating, and slowly resuming my workout, I lost those pounds by 2.5 months PP. I’m currently 5’9 and 134.5 lbs.
My body isn’t quite what it used to be. I have some scarring where my belly ring used to be. My boobs are covered in stretch marks, but I thankfully didn’t get any on my belly.
I’m happy with my body. It’s ability to grow this child inside me, and somehow become half decent looking again.

Here are pictures of me:
2 of prepregnancy
18 weeks pregnant
35 weeks pregnant
39 weeks pregnant
1 day Postpartum
and 2.5months Postpartum

More Changes (Sarah)

Since I submitted my story and pictures all that time ago I have been pregnant another two times. The first of those was stillborn in the middle trimester and recovering some sense of my body not being broken is very hard! I’m now pregnant again (my 6th pregnancy) and not far off due.

So much has changed, and changes day to day, it’s hard to know where to begin. But right now, I’m so grateful for all of the good – even though I still have hyperemesis through my pregnancies, even after losing three children, after *everything*. My two girls are amazing (they are four and two years old respectively). I’m looking forward to tandem nursing. And I love this bump, stretch marks and all. :)

4 Babies, 1 Tummy Tuck (Danielle)

Previous entries here and here.

One year and one day after having my forth baby, I had a tummy tuck. Now I’ve participated in the past at how this site has made me feel liberated from the tone of how mothers should look after having babies. Well like some moms here I did get back to pre pregnancy weight will all my pregnancies quickly. The only problem I had was I had to tuck my skin in my pants too. I had muscle separation too. So 2 weeks ago I underwent a tummy tuck. It wasn’t easy. Actually the recovery was and is harder for me than than the 3 c-sections. But now I have a tight tummy and I still have faint stretchmarks that fall just under my belly button instead of all around it. I’m happy that I didn’t loose all of my strechmarks especially those that I had from my stillborn baby girl. I’m happy with my decision. The pictures that I submit show how I looked before my tummy tuck and after. Now I’m still healing and the rash that you see on my hips is actually a reaction to the medical tape they used under the binding, apparently I was allergic to it and we did not know it. But in time the scars & redness will fade and it will look much better.

14 mos PP – My Story (Anonymous)

2 pregnancies- 1 MC at 16 weeks – one healthy baby. 14 Months postpartum.

Thinking back at how paranoid I was pre-baby, im amazed that i have accepted my new body as much as i have. I know it doesn’t look so bad, and i should wear my mommy body and each and every stretch mark with pride, but at times its hard, as im sure many mothers know. When I got pregnant at 19, I was 124 lbs and 5’4″, I gained a total of 60 lbs and had a beautiful baby girl weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz, and 21 1/4 inches long. I look in the mirror and see the body that fought to keep my daughter alive during my long and difficult pregnancy, a body that went through 2 days of mild labor and 21 hrs of hard labor with 2 hrs of pushing. A body that is perfectly imperfect. Now, 14 mos later i weigh 114 lbs, not due to diet and exercise, but because ive been a bit sick, but i want to encourage those of you who are unhappy with your weight, don’t give up hope, and you are all beautiful.
Although I am sometimes disgusted with my stretchmarks and the extra skin that used to be a perfect flat tummy, I am not ashamed of how I look, it is a badge, a badge that shows the strength, patience, and love it takes to create and grow something so beautiful and precious.

32 1/2 Weeks Pregnant with Twins (Anonymous)

This is me last week, 32 and a half weeks pregnant with identical boys. This is my 6th pregnancy, we lost our first two, and I’ve carried 3 so far to term. These will be our fourth and fifth children. I’ve not had stretch marks before, and my belly pretty much went back to normal after the first two, and was just a bit less flat after my third. I’m afraid of what I’ll look like after this, but proud of my giant belly so far. I can’t wait to see how big is is in four more weeks, and to meet my boys!

Missing my baby boy, and expecting my second (Shannon)

Before I ever had children I was 5’2″ and 105-110 lbs. I got pregnant with my first (Connor) when I was 19. I got stretchmarks everywhere possible! We had no idea that Connor was going to be born with any issues. He was born emergency c-section at 37 weeks. Right when he came out the doctors knew something was wrong. Connor was not breathing well, and he looked “different”. He was taken to the neonatal ICU at Children’s Hospital just hours after birth. He spent a month in the NICU (I was there every day by his side reading to him and holding him). He had to have a trach placed to breath and a g-tube placed to get nutrition. I was lucky to have an amazing fiance (now husband), who was absolutely wonderful with Connor! Connor did well for a while (lots of hospitalizations, but nothing longer than a week at a time), then when he was about 13-14 months he started running fevers all the time. They would get as high as 105.5 and nothing other than IV meds would bring them down. After running countless tests the doctors called them “central fevers”, a neurological problem. Connor was 19 months old when he passed away in his sleep at home. His heart could not handle the fevers any longer. He was and is the most amazing boy I have ever known, and I miss and love him so much. Who would have thought that a baby would be my hero. He was the happiest child I have ever met! He smiled all the time! I will never regret choosing to stay home full time with Connor. I used to say that when I was done having children I would have a tummy tuck…not anymore. I want to keep these stretch marks that my angel baby gave me. I found out I was pregnant again just 3 1/2 months after Connor went to heaven. It was very unplanned, and too soon for me. But my husband and I figure that Connor had us get pregnant with his little brother when he was ready. I am now 31 weeks along, and being followed by high risk pregnancy doctors very closely. As of now, Liam (baby number 2) looks good. I will never have the body that I used to have…but who else can say that they carried a saint?

In labor with Connor

Connor after birth, before Children’s Hospital arrived

January 2008

September 2007

November 2007

Valentine’s Day 2009 – 31 weeks pregnant

Liam at 22 weeks

Updated here, here, here, here and here.

My daughter, Ashlyn (Anonymous)

My husband and I had been trying for our first child for more than six months when we finally found out we were expecting. My husband was gone for training when I found out. Five weeks into the pregnancy I started bleeding heavily and rushed to the ER. My husband was still away at training so a few of his co-workers went with me. The doctors couldn’t find a reason for the bleeding, they said I had a terrible UTI though. They did an ultrasound and couldn’t see the baby, so I was diagnosed as having a threatened miscarriage and sent home with UTI meds. The next week I had a follow up with my doctor and given another ultrasound and more UTI meds since my UTI was still there. The ultrasound was beautiful, there was my little baby, so small but still so gorgeous. My baby was alive and well, and I cried I was so happy. My husband came home two weeks later and everything was progressing great.

At nine weeks and five days we heard the heartbeat for the first time, my husband and I both started crying. We thought the worst was behind us. We moved to a different state the following week, and didn’t get to see my new doctor until week 15 of the pregnancy. At week 15 I started realizing something wasn’t quite right with my belly. It wasn’t perfectly round like all of the belly pictures I was seeing online. I brushed it off though, thinking it was just me worrying for no reason. About this time I also noticed some of what I thought was urine leaking out when I laughed and sneezed. I thought this was normal as well so I never mentioned it to my doctors. Week 21 rolled around and I was sent to a clinic to get my gender ultrasound and to make sure the baby was measuring correctly. This is only the second time I had had an ultrasound during my entire pregnancy. I had a bad feeling that day as we waited to be called back, but I still brushed it off. The instant the woman put that wand on my belly I knew something terrible had happened to my baby. I looked at the screen and started crying as she asked me questions, “How far along are you again?” “Have you been leaking anything?” There was nothing on the screen, she couldn’t make out any part of my baby. There was no amniotic fluid at all. We ran out of there as soon as we could and went straight to the hospital, where we told our doctors what had happened. They got a copy of the ultrasound a few hours later and made an appointment for me to see a perinatologist the next day.

We met the two specialist doctors the next day and had a very thourough ultrasound. The doctors had no idea what was going on. They confirmed that my baby had kidneys, and a bladder, but they did not know why I had no amniotic fluid. They then told me I would develop an infection that could kill the baby or me if I continued with the pregnancy. They then asked me if I wanted to abort it or miscarry on my own. I told them they were insane and I would try to save my baby. They said if I made it to 24 weeks they would admit me into the hospital and try to save the baby.

At 24 weeks I was admitted and there I stayed for the next 10 and a half weeks. I had daily non-stress tests and weekly ultrasounds. I was on bedrest the whole time. At week 33 we finally found out what we were having, a girl. My husband and I were so happy. We decided on a name, Ashlyn. Her midddle name was to be Nancy, after my husbands monther who passed away from colon cancer in 2001. At week 34 the docotrs thought it would be best to induce labor because her lungs were as developed as they could be. I got the steroid shots and prepared myself as best I could. At this point the doctors all thought my baby was a miracle baby, having survived this long having no infection with my water being broken for so long. We thought we were beating the odds.

On June 7th at 9:41 PM my daughter was born after only four pushes. She weighed 4 lbs 6 oz. and was 17 and 1/2 inches long. She had the cord wrapped twice around her neck but her heartbeat never showed any signs of distress, she had a strong heart. As she came out my husband said she gave this cute little grimace, as if to say, “What am I doing out here, it’s cold!” She did not cry, because she couldn’t, her lungs were very underdeveloped. I did not see her as they rushed her away to the NICU. A few hours later I was finally allowed to see her, I was wheeled up to her and all I could see of her face through the mess of tubes and wires was her little butt-chin. It was poking up as if to say, “Look at me I have daddy’s chin mommy!”

The doctor explained to us the severity of her lung development, as he spoke we looked at her and her little chest was working so hard to breathe over the venitlator. The doctor laughed and said she was a fighter and she did not want that machine to breathe for her, she wanted to do it on her own. We had to leave after that and go back to the maternity ward, they promised I could see her in the morning. After I got back into my hospital bed the nurse came in to help me use the restroom, and as I slid off the bed to get up I felt this huge gush and I looked down and I was bleeding terribly. I made it to the bathroom and it just kept getting worse. I was hemorrhaging. I felt very very dizzy as I sat there so the nurse had to call others in to help. After about ten minutes the bleeding was under control and I couldn’t believe all that actually happened. I fell asleep that night hopeful that my daughter would make it. We had come this far God wouldn’t take her now, right?

In the morning we called the NICU to see if we could see our daughter. They said yes and we walked down there. We rang the buzzer to be allowed inside and they told us we couldn’t see her. We weren’t that worried because maybe they were just busy, we thought she was ok. Fifteen minutes later the NICU doctors came to our room with terrible news. They said this morning they noticed she hadn’t wet her diaper so they tried to do a catheter on her but got nothing. So they did an ultrasound and found out why. She had no kidneys. They said there was nothing they could do for her and we had no choice but to let her go. We were speechless. We had no idea she had no kidneys. The doctors pointed them out on every weekly ultrasound, how could they all of a sudden not be there? We went up to the NICU and had her baptized. They removed her from her vent and pumped her manually for a minute in my arms so I could hold her alive. As they removed the pump from her mouth I heard her make one small gurgle, that was it. She was so beautiful. I had waited so long to see her and I couldn’t believe how gorgeous she was. She felt so wonderful in my arms, so heavy and perfect. She had my round nose, her daddy’s dimpled chin and stern forhead. She had my ears, and her hands were so huge, just like her mommy and daddy’s. I held her for a while, then gave her to my husband. We took tons of pictures of her, we couldn’t get enough. I held her again one more time before the nurse asked me for her, she needed a sample of her blood to do some tests with. I kissed her goodbye on her forehead and daddy did as well. We miss her everyday and I wish things had turned out differently. It turns out what we were looking at on her ultrasound was not her kidneys, it was her adrenal glands. She had fooled all of her doctors. The two specialist doctors that had taken care of Ashlyn and me the whole time in the hospital came by and talked to us about it. They said they were completely fooled by her, they thought she did have kidneys and felt so bad that they didn’t catch it earlier. After the autopsy it was determined she had a form of Potter’s Syndrome. Bilateral Renal Agenesis. Thanks for listening to my story.

16 Weeks PP, 2nd Baby, 38 Years Old (Anonymous)

This site has made me feel so much better about my post-baby body. I haven’t struggled as much with body issues after baby #2 although I still have 15 pounds to go and haven’t lost any weight since my 1 week checkup despite breastfeeding-baby is now 4 months old. I don’t personally experience much in the way of weight loss with breastfeeding-if anything it seems the opposite. I weighed 148 at my checkup and have been 151 since a month pp-I gained 28 lbs.. I tried working out for a while but I just was absolutely exhausted. I know I’ll get there eventually and I know that the weight will come off eventually-even if it takes longer at 38 than it did at 33. 9 months on, 9 months off has been true for me. The thing I’m having a hard time with is that we’ll be visiting my husband’s family abroad in about 10 weeks, and I know nothing much will change in that time and they’re very critical. I’m trying to just let it go and focus on my joy in my baby because I struggled so much to get her here: 4 miscarriages, a blood disorder I had to take daily injections for, gestational diabetes and a c-section due to concern over irregular (and life-threatening) attachment of the cord to the placenta. We are lucky. She is healthy. I wish I was not so hung up on losing this 15 pounds already. Everytime I eat anything my inlaws will cluck at me, I know it. I want to be a good role model to my daughters and not buy into the body facism we live under. First pic is my belly 2 weeks prior to delivery. the rest of my photos: 1 week pre-delivery 5 months preggo 3.5 months postpartum 4 months postpartum.

My Miracle Baby (Anonymous)

I started college in the fall of 2007 where I met my wonderful fiance and my life was going really great. I started dating him in August of 2007 and became pregnant in September. I panicked and sought out to my roommates to figure out what to do. One of them suggested to take vitamin c every hour because it supposedly caused a woman to miscarry. I was so very desperate and so unprepared that I decided to do it. I ended up losing the baby and I never told anyone else besides those girls about that experience. I was devastated, but quickly got back to doing well in school and trying my best to abstain from sex. I was hurting so much inside that it made me physically ill thinking about what I had done. I didn’t understand why on earth I would do something like that to an innocent being. It proved to be one of the many challenges that semester. I ended up getting mono, and my boyfriend broke up with me which was more than I could handle. About two weeks later, we got back together and everything seemed fine. Our relationship had a pretty rocky start and by february 2008, I was pregnant again. I was thinking of the horrible decision I had made before and I promised myself not to ever do something like that again. I decided to keep my baby and my fiance stood by my side every step of the way. It was not easy, but I was determined to get through it. I had a huge support system from my family, my fiance, and my fiance’s family. I was 140lbs when I got pregnant and the day before I had my daughter I was 187. I had never weighed that much in my entire life. I missed being 140lbs because that was the time when I felt amazing about myself! I want that back so badly!

I was due November 14, 2008 with my daughter, but had her October 9th due to complications with toxemia. My b/p was 160/110 and the protein level of my urine reached 7,000 from 1,200 three days prior. I couldn’t believe it! I was 34weeks 6days when she was born. She weighed 4lbs 13ounces and was 18in long. She was in the NICU for 13 days before I got to bring her home. It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. I spent every day in the hospital with her and held her for as long as I could. I didn’t even get to see her until 2 days postpartum. I cried when I was discharged and I could not bring my little baby home with me.

I think back to my miscarriage and while I feel the deepest regret for what I had done, I can’t help but feel thankful too that if I had gone through with the first pregnancy, then I would not have my beautiful baby girl.

She is now a healthy 2 month old. She is the most amazing person in the world and I love her so much.

Funny story about her name…I LOVE Jon and Kate Plus 8, and I was so drugged up(heavy meds after a c-section lol!!) when the birth recorder came by to get her name that I named my daughter after 2 of Jon and Kate Gosselin’s kids…Madelyn Alexis Faith.

Well, Madelyn was picked out waaay before I saw the show so that is okay :)

I do not have any belly pictures on this computer, but I do have some pre-pregnancy pictures, hospital pictures, and some pictures of Madelyn!