My Body Before and After HBAC (Anonymous)

Previous post here.

I had my first child via C-section after a long traumatic labor when I was 21. I was told that my pelvis was misshapen, very small, and that I wouldn’t be able to birth a baby bigger than 6 lbs. Four years later, I birthed my second child into my own hands in a pool of water at home. (He was 8 lbs. 4 oz., by the way!) Cradling him as he left my body and entered this world was the most amazing experience of my life, and was worth all the stress, stigma, and emotional upheaval of working to achieve a vaginal birth after a C-section. I feel like I can do anything now. I am so proud of what my body did, and how it proved everyone wrong who told me I would never do this. The first picture is me at 39 weeks with my second pregnancy. The next two are me today at 1 month postpartum.

Updated here.

How Fast Things Change (Anonymous)

It’s amazing how fast your life can change. It can be a matter of minutes, hours, days, or like in my case a matter of 3 months. In may of 2005 I graduated high school, in June I turned 18, and in July I was married. Two weeks after I was married I found out we were pregnant. The first few weeks were fine, then I developed abnormal bleeding that required weekly visit to the hospital for blood work to make sure my HCG levels were rising normally. Around six weeks along, I had my first occurrence of morning sickness. To call it morning sickness is a joke, I had in morning, noon, and night; Everyday for three months. My fourth month the morning sickness vanished and in it’s place I had lots of energy. I felt great. The only problem I had now was family members assuring me, that since I had not gained what they thought was “normal” to be that far along, I should see my doctor to make sure I was still pregnant. They were not satisfied with the answer that I was visiting the doctor and received ultrasounds at all appointments. My sixth month I started having ringing in my ears , things would go black if I stood up to fast, and I was so swollen it was painful. My doctor didn’t think anything about this at first and it wasn’t until about 6 1/2 months that he noticed my blood pressure was abnormally high. I was admitted into the hospital and stayed for two weeks. I then convinced my doctor that with medicine and my husband by my side I would be more comfortable at home in my own bed. I was released with blood pressure med’s, orders to check my blood pressure 3 times a day, and complete bed rest. My doctor also explained to me at that time that I had protein build up in my urine and that my organs were not functioning the way they should anymore. He told me that to let the pregnancy progress any farther would be a danger to the baby and my health. I was scheduled for a cesarean that would come two weeks later. The day of the surgery/birth I was terrified. I was going to the hospital childless and pregnant and coming home not pregnant and with a child. The cesarean was one of the easiest things I had to deal with the whole pregnancy. I was taken back at 10 that morning and was up by 9 that night. At 6 the next morning I was walking around the hospital and could use the bathroom on my own. The nurses told me before that my daughter would probably be NICU. That was not the case, she came out small but healthy and screaming her arrival. When we were released 3 day later, the doctor told me she was in better health than me. I however was in denial about the weight from the pregnancy itself and having toxemia. I gained right at 100 lbs. I was shocked, to go from people saying they couldn’t believe I was pregnant to later being so swollen the nurses were giving me looks of pity. Two days after walking out of the hospital I had lost 50 lbs, and lost more slowly the following weeks…..I gained almost all of it back. I went from 130 lbs to 230 on delivery day, to and now I average around 165 -170 depending on the week of the month. I am not happy with it ( I still have a lot of body image issues!!!), but I am learning I can change it and accept myself at the same time ( I just tuck that loose skin in my jeans, LOL :P ). Here are pics of me now (standing up and laying down)2 years after, one around a month ( about 7 months along) before the delivery ( white shirt), and one at 4 weeks pregnant (red shirt). I have stretch marks from shoulders down, loose skin, and a beautiful daughter! When I first had my daughter I would think to myself, for all the stretch marks I have, my daughter has beautiful smooth baby soft skin. I think it was a even trade.

Lillian Grace (Anonymous)

i am a 21 year old mother & wife of a United States Marine, who is currently deployed to Iraq. for deployment number two!! Our Little blessing, Lillian Grace, was born three months into our first deployment together, and because i don’t have a constant (or – let’s be serious, ANY.) means of a man reassuring me, of how i look post-partum, i’ve come to find myself struggling recently with insecurity issues, because of how my body has changed so drastically since giving birth. i am slowly learning by excercise, books, and this wonderful website to embrace the new markings i’ve got from growing a tiny little peanut inside of me, but i have found it to be very hard very hard. i was in labor for 21 hours, and even after i had an epidural, i found the pressure of the baby moving down the birth canal, to be just as uncomfortable as the contractions! after 19 hours of labor, and restlessness, i was taken for an emergency C-section (which was the last thing i wanted!! goodbye abs!!) which turned out for the best. i now have a beautiful baby girl (who got to meet her daddy whenever she was a little over 4 months old!) who weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and i love every minute of being a mother. i am so happy to share my story, and read everyone else’s. thank you so much for helping me love my body again. God Bless America, and all those who serve at home, and abroad.

3 Months After 10lb 10oz Baby (Berni)

I’m 18,I live in London England with boyfriend of 2.5 years. I recently had my first baby, a boy I named Caden. I had a traumatic labour, I had an emergeny c section, after my baby became distressed. He had opened his bowels whilst still in the womb and swallowed the poo. He didn’t breath for 4 min after he was born and he was whisked off to intensive care. Caden spent a week in SCBU. If this wasn’t bad enough the staff would rude and not vert helpful. I was never told if he was going to be OK, when we were likely go home, if he proggressed. On day two I was offered the chance to hold him and I hesitated (I was scared because all the tubes wires etc) the nurse made it very clear she thought I was an awful mother. Caden made a rapid recovery pulling out his breathing tubes and refusing to have them put back in the nurses relised he was breathing by himself.After that he never looked back and everyday got better until day 8 we were allowed home. I’m 5’8 and put on about 50 lbs during my pregnancy ( 10lb 10 oz was Caden lol) I lost about 43 pounds by the tim e he was 3 weeks old. However I’ve been left with a saggy tummy and stretchmarks.I also breastfed for the first 3 weeks and now my boobs are saggy and empty. Sometimes I’m ok with this but other days it upsets me. I completed my A levels when my son was 2 weeks old and plan to go to uni to study Fashion journalism next year but don’t know if I’ll feel comfortable around loads of fashionistas with my new mummy body. I also dabbled in modelling before I had my son and think thats another reason I find it hard to accept my new body. But I know my body did a great thing by carying my 10lb 10 oz beautiful boy.But I won’t be wearing a bikini anytime soon!! ( I think the pics don’t show the true extent of the damage – it looks better in pic(not sure why) )

Updated here, here, and here.

22 year old mother of triplets (Kelley)

Hi, my name is Kelley and I had triplets at age 20. Yes, they were natural, and No, they do not run in my family. Anyway, that was a year and a half ago, I am now 22, and I struggle everyday to accept my body the way it is. I love my sons, but I’m not going to lie, I feel so unattractive sometimes…

Triplets and a C-Section…

PP Belly 5 Mo After twins (Anonymous)

I am a 23 yr old new mum of twins. I carried my kiddos to 36 weeks and delivered 6.8. baby girl and 5.9 baby boy. I went from 158 lbs to 222 lbs on D day. I had a vertical cut C section and spent 2 days in the hospital. Accepting my new body is still something I am dealing with because I often compare myself to other women my age. I keep trying to remember that I don’t lead the average life of a 23 yr old. I am married and have been for 3 years and my pregnancy was very much planned. I thought I might have had a little bit better after body but I am still working. I am not going to lie, I envy stars like J-LO and Julia Roberts who seem to be able to display top notch bodies after twins. But I still think I did something kind of amazing …growing two humans and all.

Proud of this site (Anonymous)

I just found this site via a link and am amazed and in awe of all the mothers who have posted especially with pictures. I will have to find pictures to post since so many of the younger mothers have questions about how it looks. Well I’m now almost 43 years old now, had my first child via emergency c-section at 26 and my second at age 39 via c-section not by choice but hosptial and insurance “once a c-section always a c-section” policy. I’ve since had a laboring miscarriage at 41 years of age and another earlier this year. All pregnancies regarless of the duration or outcome change our bodies. We look in the mirror and lament the changes instead of looking into the adoring faces of our children – and we mothers are the center of their world.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Belly Photos (Anonymous)

I gained 33 pounds during my pregnancy and have lost almost all of it at 8 weeks post partum. I still have what looks like a 4 or 5 month pregnant belly (and don’t fit into my pre-pregnancy pants), with a dark linea negra and stretch marks around and under my belly button and on my hips… I’m still getting used to my new body and hope that the linea negra fades and that with exercise the belly continues to get smaller. I had a c-section (14 staples) and am pleased with how the incision is healing.

12 Months Postpartum (After 2 cesareans/girls) (Anonymous)

I was originally told I could not have any children. One thing I could never accept. After 7 years of trying, I finally succeeded in falling pregnant naturally (2004). My first little girl was born exactly 8pounds via caeser because she was breech. I developed pre-eclampsia with this one and managed to put on a successful (?) 28kg!!! I started at a comfortable 57kg. I again fell pregnant in 2006 with my second girl who was born 7 pound. This time round I was very, very sick. In/out of hospital. Went into labour at 26 weeks and for 3 days off/on laboured. Thankfully both girls came at 38 weeks. They were and are both very healthy. I put on 4kg (yes, only 4kg) with my 2nd. After a week post partum, I was 69kg. However!! Like my first, the angel was no angel. I seeked refuge all things sugary and fattening…. ate packets and packets of chocolate biscuits!!! Put on weight (more than I weight full term) … I am almost happy to say that I am on the road to slimming down… I am hovering over 68-69kg and would like to lose another 8kg. This site is a wonderful tool in showing other mum’s that it is ok to have stretch marks, to have saggy breasts, less than perfectly smooth skin on your tummy… you are, after all, the creator and carrier of life. You have been given the cherished role of all…. I try to live by saying “my body is evidence of the miracle of my girls”. Good luck everyone…. xo