Previous post here.
I had my first child via C-section after a long traumatic labor when I was 21. I was told that my pelvis was misshapen, very small, and that I wouldn’t be able to birth a baby bigger than 6 lbs. Four years later, I birthed my second child into my own hands in a pool of water at home. (He was 8 lbs. 4 oz., by the way!) Cradling him as he left my body and entered this world was the most amazing experience of my life, and was worth all the stress, stigma, and emotional upheaval of working to achieve a vaginal birth after a C-section. I feel like I can do anything now. I am so proud of what my body did, and how it proved everyone wrong who told me I would never do this. The first picture is me at 39 weeks with my second pregnancy. The next two are me today at 1 month postpartum.

Updated here.
i’m so proud of you, mama! you knew you could do it & you showed all those who tried to tell you otherwise. congratulations.
you are inspirational in achieving your HBAC!
I cannot believe your only 1 month pp and look so good! You can see your gonna snap back!
You are AWESOME!
You are amazing! How inspirational! And you look beautiful. I adore that pregnancy photo. It’s so gorgeous!
i have really been hoping to deliver vaginally this time but my doctors are still telling me it is not possible or safe to deliver vbac with twins….you are an inspiration and maybe i will be blessed with an experience like yours….congratulations and you look amazing mama
Wow! That is amazing and such an encouragement to be to try a VBAC. Your body looks amazing. You have a lot to be proud of.
~*Congrats*~ on your HBAC :D What an awesome acheivement!!!
You look great for one month PP!
I too had a similar experience. I had my first at 20 via c-section and was told my pelvis was too small that I could never fit anything bigger than 6lbs out of me. I had a VBAC with my son and he was 7lbs 9ozs. You look great and Congrats on your VBAC.
you have such even, smooth skin
you look great
Wow! you look great!
and what a beautiful baby belly.
what a gorgeous preggo picture and an even more gorgeous after preggo pic! you look amazing.
I hope I can tell the exact same story for my next time around. Congratulations.
3 lovely pics. You should always be proud.
Your pictures are beautiful, your skin is amazing and you have the most beatiful breasts and nipples. Your body looks as though your face is very serene and content. Well done for persevering.
what beautiful pics, and what an inspiration your story was!! just a couple weeks after seeing you, i shared the joy of an HBAC. my son was a section for CPD in 05, weighing 9 lbs 8 oz. on october 25 08, i gave birth to my daughter in my dining room surrounded by awesome midwives and friends; she weighed 8 lbs 12 oz. she took 5 hours from start to finish to get out of my body!!! your pictures are truly beautiful and your courage in sharing your HBAC story will inspire many, as it did me!!
Amazing!! Cheers
you are just lovely, your skin,breasts and nipples are just perfect. Happy for you that you had the birth experience you wanted.
terribly jealous that you still have such a “shapely” figure after kids! you should be proud always; you look AMAZING!