I haven’t felt anywhere near beautiful since I had my son almost 4 months ago. I was never planning on having kids right now, and my boyfriend and I were really surprised 2 days after last Thanksgiving. He was upset and didn’t want to have the baby, but I could never imagine getting rid of a life that never even began. I don’t regret a thing and I love my son more than anything in the world. However I am very unhappy with myself. Before I was pregnant I was 5’4 and 115 lbs..I shot up to 169 and delivered a 8lbs 6 oz 21 1/2 inch baby boy via c-section after being in labor for almost 3 days. I’m having a tough time accepting my body. It’s even harder when I have a mother who makes comments such as “Wow, you must be eating well, you looked like you’ve gained more weight”. I’m terribly uncomfortable with my stomach and this new found muffin top, mommy’s apron, and stretch marks I have. My thighs are even covered in deep stretch marks. I’ll never wear shorts or a bikini again. I even got the stretch marks on my arms! Every time I go out I try to cover my stomach as much as possible. I hate how much it bulges out when I sit down. All my tattoos are ruined as well. I sometimes think I might need some kind of therapy, because no matter how many people tell me I look okay, I don’t think so at all…I feel so horrible :( Before I was pregnant I was a model and was very into how I looked. Perhaps this might be my payback for being a tad bit vain. At one point I would cry almost every day over my body. I try to tell myself its a badge of honor and so on, but it doesn’t work. I have a lot of respect for the moms out there who do accept their bodies.