3 Months PP Mother of 5 (Ellen)

Hi! My name is Ellen. I’m 28 years old and 3 months post c-section. I have had 5 kids in 6 years and had a tubal ligation done with the last one, which was my only c-section.

I’m 5’6 and used to be an athletic 160 lbs and right now I’m stuck at 200. I have major issues with my body now and am planning on having a mommy makeover next year.

The stretch marks are really bad in the light and my breasts, although bigger than they ever were are a bit droopy. My stomach isn’t as bad as it could be, but I don’t like the look of it either. My butt lost a lot of its roundness and my thighs are huge.

As much as I could complain, my children are worth it all. Plus whatever can’t be fixed on its own can be corrected with surgery. Yes, some of our bodies change immensely after having children, but it’s worth the miracle.

Changes (Anonymous)

My body is a blessing. Before now I wasn’t so sure. Ironically, though I had given birth 4 times vaginally (twice without meds) it took my emergency c-section to show me just how wonderful my body is. I’m not skinny, I haven’t been since my first pregnancy in high school, I have stretch marks and loose skin, cellulite, freckles and scars. I have carried seven people with in me. 5 made it earth side and 2 were called home. My body has given life and it has experienced terrible loss. The BMI index considers me over weight, and I’m ok with it. I have a scar now that is the biggest one on my body. The deepest. And it’s so beautiful. I can’t express to you just how in love with my scar that I am. I look at it and I know that we survived. We made it. No matter what I feel victorious in how I birthed my son. So please, c-section Mama’s, don’t think that because you didn’t give birth vaginally that you didn’t do something amazing. I’ve given birth just about every way that someone CAN give birth and I promise you, you’re all big damn heroes to me :) . You have that scar and your baby is here, it may not have been the birth you wanted, and next time you’re going to crush that VBAC if you go for it (I have faith in you) but please, in between now and then just remember that you’re beautiful, and that you’re no less of a woman because you had MAJOR surgery to get that baby here. Because from my experience, that takes as much of a birth warrior as squatting down and pushing baby out. <3 Age: 23 Number of pregnancies and births: 7 pregnancies 7 births 5 live births (4 mine one surro babe) number of children: 7, 3, 1 and 1 month [gallery ids="12108,12104,12105,12106,12107"]

4 Months After 5 Kids (Momma of 5)

I am soon to be 26 yrs old. I have had five pregnancies and five happy babies born in the last six years. I would never have changed having my kids so close together but having a baby every year didn’t give me a chance to lose much weight and tone up again between each pregnancy. Before kids I’ve always had a tight thin body with large perky boobs and was always proud of my body. I do have hope that I can tighten my tummy more than it is now but I’m still amazed looking back that I had 5 kids back to back and by body did its job growing and protecting each one, so I am so proud of my body. I was 138 lbs before my fifth pregnancy and I went up to 194 lbs at the end of the pregnancy. Now I am 149 lbs at four months post partum. Breastfeeding helps mentally that My body is still useful even if it doesn’t look the same.

Thanks for reading


I Want to Be Me Again (Desiree)

my name is desiree im 22 a mother of one amazing boy who is 14 months before baby I was 125 pounds which is curvy for my height a tiny 5 ft tall at full term I was 172 a year later im still bouncing between 140 and 145. my husband is the kindest most understanding person he “loves” my new mommy curves and I was “too skinny before ” but I feel disgusting I wear 2 girdles sometimes just to hide my bloated belly which is partially due to ulcerative colitis that was triggered by pregnancy I wish I could fix it but no amount of working out did anything to help and surgery is too drastic and expensive im thankful for my awesome son and and amazing hubby but I want to feel sexy again I loved my body before I just want to go back to that. my close friend has 4 kids and is a size 2 with barely a mark on her so I kinda expected the same with myself this site showed me everyone is different and im not alone in the struggle to be comfortable in my own skin again after baby thank you for that ?

Talk me out of plastic surgery. (Anonymous)

Age- 25
Number of Children-1, aged 3

I have a son that I love more than life itself. I always had body issues, despite being petite. I fluctuated between 100-110 lbs all through out high school. I was very self conscious of my boobs. The right one was (and still is) smaller than the left side. My nipples looked “puffy” unless I was cold. But they were a 34C and looked good in cute tops and had mass, if you know what I mean.

I was hopeful when I got pregnant that maybe both boobs would finally look the same and that maybe my nipples would be more erect. I guess I was hoping that having a baby would “fix” them. After breast feeding for six months, I quickly learned that having a baby wasn’t going to make them look any better. They shrunk and shrunk and shrunk, and what I was left with was the skin of 34D breasts without the volume. They sag big time now. My nipples are back to being sort of puffy when I’m warm, only getting erect when I’m cold.

I have the option to get breast augmentation. It’s something my husband and I have talked about a lot. He doesn’t care whether I do it or not. He’s concerned that it won’t actually solve the issue.
I don’t even know why it bothers me so much. I am thankful that I was able to nurse for six months. The boobs served their purpose and nourished my child. But I feel self conscious when my husband touches them. I know he still enjoys touching them but to me, they’ve lost their sensual qualities and I’d rather he touch me somewhere else, anywhere else, but not my boobs.

I can’t decide what to do. We aren’t going to have more children, so it’s not like I have to worry about future breastfeeding being affected. I’m trying to ignore society’s idea of what breasts should look like and really look into my heart over this decision.

It’s been really hard on me, and I’ve struggled with it for a while. I want to look more like the 17 year old me, because she really had it good. She was fun and carefree with hardly any responsibilities. Now I look at myself naked and I match how I feel. Tired, stressed, aging. There’s never enough time to do what I wish I could do for myself and it’s depressing.

If I got the surgery, it would be modest. I would like to a 34C again and just have mass and volume in my breasts again. I’m not interested in having boobs that don’t even move because they’re so overdone. I know I should be looking at the bigger picture, how it’s not going to matter in the slightest when I’m 80… but could I have more confidence now? How great would it be if I could pull off my shirt in front of my husband and let him touch them, and enjoy it, instead of sneaking around trying to cover up when I’m changing or getting out of the shower?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. I am really on the fence about it right now. Thank you for reading my story!

First pic is me warm and hunched over.
Second pic is me cold and standing up.

Not Happy With My Breasts (K)

Number of pregnancies: 4
Live births: One 5.5 year old (and one on the way!)
22 Weeks Pregnant in photos
Breastfed for 19 months

I had my daughter when I was 20-before that I had nice perky and full breasts, a nice stomach and a butt I was happy with. I always had cellulite, which did always bother me, but until I had a postpartum body, that was my only insecurity. When I come onto this site, I look at the photos of mothers who have great bodies and complain about them, and I only wish I could find a body (or boobs in general) that looked as bad as mine, to make myself feel normal. My breasts are sagged much more than those who post on this site. My nipples aren’t always as big, as they have expanded since I am pregnant, but they were never matching-at least not after I gave birth to my daughter, over 5 years ago. My stomach is a road map of stretch marks, and while I know it’s not attractive, i can live with that. My breasts are my issue. They don’t even sit right in 99% of all bras which makes me self-conscious about wearing shirts that show even a tiny crack of cleavage.

I decided that I should submit my body photos to the site to 1: show women their bodies are not bad at all, and 2: in case someone does have breasts like mine, to let them know they are not alone. Maybe I will update again after I have baby # 2…

Thanks so much for reading my story!

25 And I Hate My Body (Anonymous)

I have been feeling so depressed. I’m 25 and I hate my body. I’ve had one child. She just turned 4. I just thought after 4 years I would look better and I don’t. I have exercised and watched what I eat and I’m down to 139 lbs but I don’t look it. All of the weight was lost everywhere BUT my midsection. It makes me feel deformed or something! And the awful stretch marks just make it even worse. My husband tells me that I shouldn’t wear a bikini because other people may make fun of me (but he says he doesn’t mind me in a bikini). That makes me feel even worse and obviously he does mind or he wouldn’t say that. Am I the only woman with such an out of proportion body?

After Two Babies Under 22 (Anonymous)

Two births have taken a toll on my body. My breasts have sagged and the skin on my abdomen has stretched. I plan to have these things fixed as soon as I have my last child (3 to 5 years from now) but for now, I feel hideous. I can’t have comfortable sex with my husband, I am extremely insecure and jealous (I never used to be) and although once a glowing beacon of happiness, I have become a bitter person. My friends and family don’t recognize who I have become and I’ve pushed people away and still do on a daily basis. I hate how much this body has affected me. Although the blessings it has given me are priceless and will be cherished always, I can’t help but feel the pain of not being able to look at my body in the mirror. I wish it could all go back to normal but basking in the joys of being a mother comes with a price.

~Number of pregnancies and births:2
~The age of my children: 4 and 1 1/2