Surprise Pregnancy & 3 Weeks Post Partum (Anonymous)

Age: 21
Pregnancies and Births: 1
Child: 3 weeks old

January 2011
Plans are moving along, Just ordered my wedding dress and invites, had a wonderful weekend away with my fiance. Next week, got confimation that everything was ordered. End of the week I didnt feel right. (Let the fun start) I took a pregnancy test and it was postitve! So many thoughts run through my mind, “not ready, cant do this, why now, not me, Im scared, I dont want this!” I was so scared I ened up calling an abortion help line. I felt a little better after talking with someone, but still unsure. That whole week I felt sick. I think it was the fact I just found out.

April 2011
A few months since find out I was pregnant, Im very happy. Going for my first ultrasound soon, and cant wait to finally see my baby. I found, besides drinking alot of water for my ultrasound and having to pee really bad, it was amazing! As the session was ending, the tech said there is a “third leg”. From being in awe of everything that was going on my responce to that was ” omg it has a deformity!!” Not thinking “IT’S A BOY!” :)

July 2011
So I was supposed to get married this month. But I ddint want to while being pregnant. I want to fit into my dress. So we are waiting until next july.

October 2011
My due date: Oct. 1st.
I went into false labor on the 1st. Ended up going into labor on the 3rd at 7:30am, got to the hospital at 9am. I was only 1-2cm dialated, I asked for demerol. Around noon I think the Dr. checked me and I was about 4cm. She broke my water(that was a wird feeling) Then they got me to walk to the delivery room, gave me some laughing gas. They checked me again I was about 6-7cm. I know I was in pain but I dont remember the pain… Then feeling the need to push they checked me again. I was ready to have this baby. It all went by so fast for me. The last feeling I remember is a burning feeling and… then our baby was here! Cant believe I did it. He was born at 3:01pm and 7lbs 6.8oz.

3 Weeks Post Partum
Im loving life!! I may be in need for sleep! But I wouldnt change a thing! I love our little boy! But looking at my body, it has taken some beating. I gained about 40 pounds… I have lots about 30 pounds since having my baby. There is days I feel down, looking they way I do since my body is changing again. When I do look at myself in the mirror I try to think about what I did, I created life. Im proud of what I was able to do, knowing there is women out there who would love to be able to give birth to a baby.

14 Months Postpartum After Second Birth (R)

Previous post here.

Name: R.
Age: 29
Number of births and pregnancies: 2 pregnancies, 2 births (both natural, vaginal)
Postpartum: 14 months since the youngest’s birth

I had my first child 2 1/2 years ago. I had laproscopic gall bladder removal surgery at 6 weeks postpartum.
At 11 months postpartum, I got pregnant with my second child. I am currently 14 months postpartum since the second child’s birth.

Ugly Obsession With Beauty (Anonymous)

I am a 26-year old African-American female who is half in love with her shape and half disgusted by it. Let me explain first why I am posting in a site for women with children and I have never been pregnant.

My body issues began when I turned 15. It was then that I developed perky breasts and curvy bottom half. Guys gave me attention, girls told me I was beautiful, it was cool. At that time, I was a staunch Christian, and for me, that meant that somewhere deep inside I felt my newly sexy body was innately shameful. So here I am with this new womanly body, that I am kind of in love with, but I’m also absolutely scared of the kind of attention that brings. Then I started modeling. I was in love with the attention, and the way photographs and photoshop and ad campaigns made me look better than I really did. I think I began to see myself as the woman in the commercials and airbrushed photos, instead of the girl with cellulite and (according to model’s standards) slightly saggy breasts.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a fascination with pregnancy. I am TERRIFIED and in awe of what birthing a child can do to a woman’s body. My mother can be very negative at times, and I can always remember her saying how pretty she was before she had kids. She warns that I will definitely gain weight and get stretch marks. She recently had a tummy tuck and breast lift. I have no idea why I have this obsession, but anyone who knows me will know this. This is why I know of this site. I’ve been categorically researching pregnancy since I was about 17. I’m now 26. My loving and supportive boyfriend can tell from the sound of my voice if I’ve been googling “fit pregnancy” or “how to avoid stretchmarks during pregnancy” or Facebooking friends who have had children and are sporting bikinis like three months later.

Why this irrational fear? I could get them, as it’s mainly a genetic trait (or so my scientific research says) but if I exercise and eat properly during my future pregnancy there is a chance I wouldn’t get them at all. I know in my mind that pregnancy doesn’t always mean your body will never be the same — but I have such high standards for myself that I don’t know what I will do if come out on the other side changed in a way that my mind sees as “ugly.”

My younger half-sister had a son a few years ago and her stomach was absolutely changed. She gained 70 pounds during her pregnancy (admittedly due to overeating and an unhealthy diet) and got bright red, violent (in my mind) stretch marks over her entire stomach. I will never forget the first time I saw them. I didn’t want to make a reaction and hurt my sister’s feelings, but the bright red marks gave me a sinking feeling to my stomach. “I would literally go insane if my stomach looked liked that”, I thought. Is this my fate? This is an odd coincidence because along with my fear/obsession with pregnancy comes dreadful fear of getting stretch marks.

A lot of this comes from my body type, which I know I will have forever, even if I tone up or slim down a little. I am a curvy, curvy chick. Period. Everybody tells me how lucky I am to have a big butt and hips as a Black woman, and that I should be proud to have the ideal Black woman’s frame — but I don’t feel that way. I don’t always like walking down the street and hearing men say, “Now that’s a big ass,” or being at the pool where a group of tourists gather around and laugh and point as if I cannot see them, or feeling like a sideshow attraction every time I wear tight pants — and almost ALL pants are tight pants on me. I like the attention sometimes, as you will see in one attached photograph (with the black dress.) It can be a beautiful thing to be curvy, but I have cellulite and unstoppable jiggling when I walk. I do work out and eat healthier than I have in probably my entire life ( currently weigh 125, my heaviest was 135), but I secretly envy white, slim supermodels. I admire the long, lean legs of Heidi Klum or the cute, discreet butt of a Victoria Secret model, or my roommate, or anyone else but me.

Sometimes when I’m in my room alone I put on clothes and stuff towels inside my shirt to look pregnant. It makes me feel good. I try different amounts of clothing to emulate the different months. I tell myself, “You better look like this when you are pregnant.” Does being curvy mean I will definitely gain a lot of weight during a pregnancy? If I look at the women in my family it does. Where does one draw the line between reality, fantasy, genetic determination, free will and vanity?

I want a child. I work with children everyday. I’m sorta stable. All that good stuff. But I’m scared of what I will do to myself emotionally if I don’t stay under X amount of weight or X inches or bounce back in X weeks.

These are completely candid thoughts. I have never shared much of this information with anyone, but I read this site every week and for some reason this seemed like the perfect place for my distorted, irrational, dark thoughts. If I offended anyone, I apologize. Just my honest thoughts.

*The picture in the light blue bikini is from 2004.
*The picture in the white bikini is from 2005.
*The picture in the black dress is from 2010.
*The pictures on the beach in the blue bikini are from 2011.

Deeper Than My Skin (Anonymous)

As I sit here now, needing to reach out to those who may understand, those who may be able to share guidance, I am 27 years old and 6 months pregnant with my third baby.

To put briefly what has led me to this point in the simplest way is this: I met my husband 3 years and 7 months ago, we have been married for 3 years and one month, we have a 2.7 year old son, we lost a baby boy at 19 weeks in january and just before our sons first birthday I discovered that my husband had been sneaking porn and when confronted he looked into my eyes and lied… again and again over the next year. This completely destroyed my trust in him and also my self worth. It has been a battle to open his eye’s to how disrespected I feel. Had he been open and honest about it things would have been very different. As it is now I am in a state of anxiety most days, our relationship is simply woeful.

All I want is to feel respected and truly loved… that’s not more than I deserve is it?

Today he told me that he is ‘not into me’ anymore, that he loves me and wont leave me but just ‘isnt into me’. It felt like a knife through my heart. I use to be everything to him, and now I just feel like a train wreck, a mess of a person with emotions that are all over the place and uncontrollable. On the outside you would not think that I had such low self-esteem, such desperate thoughts and that some days I wish I simply didn’t exist… people on the street come to tell me how beautiful I am, but this makes no difference to the deep hurt that is basically eating away my sense of self. I feel like a shell of a person with nothing to offer. I have no friends, no one to turn to when desperation finds me crying on the floor. My husband does’nt comfort me, he doesn’t want to anymore…

I have come to realise that it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, if your partner isn’t attracted to the inner you your screwed. I cant love myself, I don’t feel beautiful and I feel so guilty for the effects this all has on our son and my little one who I know feels everything that I feel.

This pregnancy means so much to me, I was desperate after loosing our little boy to feel ‘full’ again. I do feel so blessed to be pregnant and am enjoying crocheting nappy covers and planning another homebirth etc But in this moment I’m hurting and am struggling. I imagined that being pregnant again would have my husband and I reconnect, that he would view me in a new light and all would be well… wishful thinking. I hope so much that I have a more positive view of myself by the time labour arrives, feeling this pathetic will have such a terrible effect on giving birth and bonding.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you look like or how ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ you may think yourself to be after having a child, all that truly matters is the way you feel about yourself and having your partner appreciate, respect and love you for you. If the way I felt on the inside showed on the outside I would not be getting compliments. I feel like a hideous person. I feel that something is so wrong with me that I cant even let myself befriend anyone.

I feel that my outside appearance is a lie. I will attach a couple of photo’s of me taken a couple of weeks ago and a before pic… If I was to be honest about the way I look then I would say I have very little to complain about, as with any woman there are things I would change, such as the cellulite on my thighs, my breasts that are completely covered in stretch marks (I’m not exaggerating!) and my hereditary double chin from my great granny… but to feel adored, respected and wanted for the person I am inside would mean so very much more.

Update – Uterine Prolapse (Tosha)

Previous post here.

23 years old 2 pregnancies 2 births (boys 2 &4) 2 years postpartum

I have finally learned to accept my body as it is. It has brought 2 healthy happy little boys into my life & I wouldn’t trade them for the best body in the world. I’m tired of wasting my life worrying about how my body looks. My husband loves me & tells me I’m sexy everyday. Some days are better than others but if I ever get the money I’m going to get a tummy tuck & some boobs!! I am 5’7 currently 123 & range from size 1 to 5. Once again thanks to Bonnie & all you wonderful ladies who share your stories & photos!

Bulimic and Breastfeeding (Linda)

First off I want to say that I am overjoyed that I found this website, it has already helped me to start the healing process.

Secondly, please forgive me as I have a lot to say and this post may be all over the place, hopefully at the end I can tie it all together.

My Story

I have had issues with body image since I was an adolescent. I was the chunky one for some time, but things came to a head in my late teens early twenties. I have been an over-exerciser (worked out for four hours straight once and passed out from dehydration and exhaustion) serial dieter and pill popper and at the age of 21 I FINALLY got to under 130 lbs and was a size two, WOOHOOO!!! That did not last very long because what I had to do to get there was everything but natural and healthy, and eventually the pounds came back on. I am 5 feet two-three inches (depending on the day) and I currently weigh 172 lbs. I began purging in my late teens, I can no longer remember how I got started but I have been battling it ever since. Through much introspection I have labeled the ED my crutch. Sometimes I can go months without it, but I always know that it is in the closet ready for me to pull out whenever I feel I need it and lately I have needed it every day. I have three beautiful girls, a three year old and twin 3 month olds. With my first I went through post partum which I battled on my own and eventually came out of. I don’t think I am dealing with post partum this time around but I am battling that old demon of mine, horrible body image.

I know all the reasons why this disease is not healthy and why I should stop. I know it doesn’t actually help me lose weight but on the contrary can add weight but that hasn’t stopped me. The reason is I don’t think I am ready to give up my crutch. I am EBFing my twins and plan to do so for a while, however I know I am damaging myself with my purging and possibly affecting my milk. I don’t want my girls to ever deal with what I am going through and I want to be healthy for them if not myself. Im not sure if it is the stress that triggered my ED but it has come back with a vengeance. Since I am nursing I am not able to get away much so I eat as my version of downtime, I eat to distract myself, I eat because I am bored, I just eat. And what’s funny (or not) is that I often don’t even enjoy it. I don’t know what to do. But I have been working out and TRYING to eat right and the scale mocks me, I see this stomach with this butt looking pooch in front and it pisses me off and makes me sad. I have no waist to speak off (always had this problem now its ten times worse) and I can’t fit any of my clothes and I…..

I’m sorry, I know I am rambling. I will stop here and hope that what I wrote made some type of since. I have so much more to share but maybe this is not the outlet for it. I just want to love myself as much as I love my children!!!
~Your Age: 31
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2 pregnancies, 3 children
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 months pp

Pic in red dress is me about 11 months pp with my first. Pic of my 3 month old twins. Pic of my three girls.

An Everyday Battle (Grace)

Age: 21
Postpartum: 21 months
Number of pregnancies: 1

Everyday my mind changes about my body. One day I will be fine and the next day I’m angry. I have a beautiful baby girl whose 21 months old. Shes happy, healthy, and she knows her momma loves her. I gave birth Jan 4th 2010, via c-section at 6:47pm. She was 9lbs 3.5oz. I gained 36 pounds and manged to lose it all but 5 pounds within 2 months of having her. But, between then and now, Ive gained an extra 15. I look back at pictures and it just makes me sad. How can my fiance love me and I look like this? And he has just gotten better looking… I am lucky, because I believe he loves my body more today than when he met me. But, I don’t. I work out 5 days a week. I run about 2 miles and have managed to lose about 9 pounds but I see no difference. I am on a mission to love myself again, to be healthier and happier. My fiance deserves it, and so does my daughter. The pictures included, are me about 3 months before getting pregnant, and what my stomach looks like now.

Apparently Delusional (Megan)

I am a 28 year old mother of two. I had my second daughter a year ago and my other daughter is 7 years old. I feel so horrible about myself and my body. I am 5’6″ and supposed to be 150 pounds and a size 4-6. I’m still a size 9/10 about 175 pounds and I am gross. Absolutely gross. My body bounced back relatively quickly after I had my first daughter. Plus I was smoking and working full-time in fast food. I’ve been a stay at home mom now pretty much for the past six months and before that I was in school. I have lost about 50 pounds since I had my 2nd but its just not acceptable. My legs and stomach are flabby and gross. My breasts are saggy and nasty. My face even looks different. I look older.

My husband looks about 23 years old with his damn baby face. He used to be a little overweight but since his new job hes back to looking studly again. I feel like a nasty old fat cougar with him. As if people at the store look at us and say, “look at that good looking guy with those beautiful children. What is he doing with that ugly fat girl?” It is devastating and maddening. People think nasty things like that. its the hard core truth about this stupid world.

Today I just told him in a text that I don’t want to have sex anymore. I am too embarrassed. Why should I put him in a situation where he has to pretend to think someones attractive. He apparently doesn’t look at porn anymore but he FINALLY realized that it hurt my feelings because of my own body image. But ya know who am I to deny a man’s rights of looking at something beautiful and sexy while I am such an ugly disgusting fat pig? I don’t think he would cheat on me but I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted too. I mean REALLY who wants this. Poor guy,he must feel so guilty for having to lie when he tells me I’m beautiful and all he wants is me. I’m too depressed to excersise. I walk a lot and people say I am looking really good. But I know they are just lying to make me feel better and because they don’t want me to starve myself like I had in the past. I love my children but I hate my life and who I am. And I feel so bad for my husband and all the people in the world who are subjected to looking at me.

The pic in the dark blue dress is new and the body pics are as well. the one of me and my husband dancing are from when I was thin and sexy.

My Story (Amber)

I am Amber. I just turned 24 years old. I have been pregnant, and given birth three times. I had a midwife with all three pregnancies. I Now have three little boys. Gabriel, Isaac and Levi -ages (a few days away from) 5, 3 1/2 and just turned 2. That makes me 25 months PP. The first two were natural home births, but Levi, I delivered in a hospital because my water broke before I was in labor. They induced labor and I delivered him naturally. He was two weeks early and weighed 7 lbs even. Gabriel, my oldest was born a day before his due date and weighed 8 lbs 7oz. Isaac was two days before his due date and weighed 8lbs 4oz.

I am married to a wonderful man. He is a true blessing to me! I met him through family connections when I was nearly 18. (He was 24) We got married only 6 weeks after we met, one month before my 18th birthday. I got pregnant about 5 months later. My first child was born shortly after my 19th birthday. The second, 14 months later. 22 months after my second, came my third. Yes I am busy.

My family wasn’t planned. Really more a result of non-planning. I wasn’t against having children. I always knew I would be a mother. But I was rather passive about the whole thing and honestly, was in a mindset of “letting God decide” what He wanted my family to look like. That seems ridiculous to me now. I am on birth control now. -I have no regrets. Please don’t hear me saying that! God made me fertile. He is not going to be sitting there blocking my husbands semen because we can’t afford another kid and I am overwhelmed. If I have unprotected sex with my husband I AM deciding to have another baby… Not God! I am so grateful for my husband and I, blindly stepping into marriage, and foolishly reproducing because I love my family dearly. Although it was just that: blind and foolish, God was looking out for us, while we were making the decisions. I can’t blame God that it is hard. I don’t really know what I am doing in a lot of ways, but I do trust Him. And I trust that God can use all things together for good for those who love him. I am incalculably blessed with supportive family and friends, a loving husband who is a loving father to our children, Healthy children, and so much more. I wouldn’t trade it, BUT I wouldn’t exactly recommend following my example, either.

I had amazing “easy” pregnancies. I don’t like to talk about it much because of the hate filled glares I receive when I mention things like, “no morning sickness” or “30 lb weight gain during pregnancy with 20 of that gone after childbirth” or “4 hour labor, with 3 pushes” but I am grateful! Don’t worry, I pay for it now with three wild toddlers. And I guess I’m okay with the stretch marks. Of course, I was hoping I’d be in the 50 percent who didn’t get them. (My mother had 5 and doesn’t have a single mark.) But, its really not the most important thing in the world to have a smooth, youthful, tight stomach. My husband still thinks I’m hot.

I’m sexier now as a mom of two! (Ana Nelson)

my names Ana I’m 21 years old. At 16 I had my first daughter and being that I was so young all my “friends” did not have stretch marks, had perky breasts and did not have well undereye circles. So I felt ugly. I remember before my 1st pregnancy I was 135 pounds. At 5’3″. After I was 195! I could not belive the monster I had become. Strechmarks and flabby here and there and nasty boobs. I didn’t even know how my husband even tried for another. My self-esteem was to the grounds! I was so ashamed. But we decided to have another baby. Me, being selfish didn’t want to cuz I didn’t want to get anymore disgusting. But at the age of 19 my husband and I had our second baby. Before that pregnancy I stayed at 160 and got up to 189. Same thing all over again. EXCEPT one day I remember talking to a girl she was 23 and she was complaining about the SAME things I had. Except I didn’t want to be 23 and still complain. Just hearing her made me mad. To me she was saying she was ashamed at her daughter! And that’s when I caught myself! “wow, all this time that’s what I sounded like?” my first daughter is 3 my second turns 1 and I decided to stop being a cry baby and love every single mark I had! I started working out, changed my eating habit and with the 2 years I breastfed the girls it started shedding. 7 months later. I’m 121 pounds, I might not have a model body but I tell you what? My body NOW is stronger, better looking, than before I had my first daughter! I love my kids and for them I made a change in my health. My mommy body surprises me over and over again! I AM SEXIER NOW AS A MOTHER OF 2! :)

~Age: 21
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies, 2 births
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: #1 is 3 #2 is 1