My journey was a very rough one. I had 3 miscarriages while my friends continued to have babies with no problems. I finally had a viable pregnancy, and I couldnt wait to look pregnant! I even blew out my belly to see what I would look like…LOL. As the months got further I *blossomed* into a beautiful belly…stretch marks and all. I had a rough birth experience as well. I had to be induced due to high blood pressure and then emergency c-section 19 hours later after it spiked to 197/105. Here are some of my Pg photos and my after belly shots as well. I got pg 4 months after my daughter was born so I will have more photos in July and August! The first picture is at 18 weeks, and the second was is 39 weeks 2 days.(the day I got induced.) The next 2 pictures are my after shots…5 days PP. The alst one is my 25 27 week pg belly again with my second.

Congrats on your new baby and another pregnancy!
thanks for your story and congratulations on both pregnancies. I hope this one goes smoothly for you.
ur first belly looks really cute n i cant stop myself too showing like that..LOLZ
also i hope ur second pregnancy goes well too..take good care