I am the mother of four children (6, 5, 2, and 5 months), and I am very happy with my body. I used to hate it, as it isn’t (never has been) “perfect”. My husband was instrumental in the change of my negative body image. From our first night together he has made me feel gorgeous every day. I am one lucky girl! I think that without his constant attention/appreciation for my body, I would not have been nearly as happy with my body post-baby as I am. Needless to say, I have the standard stretch marks, sagging skin and breasts. But having created four amazing children with the love of my life, I consider every inch of my ‘imperfections’ something wonderful that I wouldn’t change for anything.

You are very beautiful. It sounds as though you have a lovely husband as well – congratulations!
You truly are beautiful. I agree that it does help immensely when your husband thinks so as well. My husband is like yours and tells me every day how beautiful I am. Some days I believe it like you do and other days, well, not so much.
You look so great and so happy!!!
i look JUST like you :)
And i’ve only had TWO kids.
I agree ..having husband who loves your body just the way it is and for who you are is awsome!!
Your beautiful :)
I love the look on your face. You look so happy and proud of yourself! :o)
I loved this post!
I love your pics, you’re just there, ya know. You aren’t trying to impress anyone or be something you aren’t, and the grin is great. You belong in the “hot mama’s club” kudos to you! I have five and you and I look VERY similar. Congrats on taking care of yourself!! Keep up the good work, your kids will love and respet you for it!
love your pics – great to see a beautiful happy face amongst all these fab pics of the gorgeous mamabodies! we are all beautiful just the way we are.