This one’s for my daughters! (Sarah)

After years of believing that my belly had to be flat and washboard perfect, I finally came to terms with the fact that washboard isn’t normal. It’s not normal for women to look like that, especially after they’ve had children.

Bodies during and after pregnancy are beautiful! Embracing the Goddess Within has been a long time coming with me, but…I’m ready. I’ve always been so nervous about anyone seeing my belly, but…this one’s for my daughters, so…here goes.

I’m 39 years old. I’ve had 4 children. My first daughter was 18 years ago, via c-section. My next daughter was 15 years ago, and a VBAC. My son is 3 1/2, a VBAC, and my daughter just turned two years old (VBAC as well).

I am a breastfeeding mother, and have been nursing now for 3 1/2 years, tandemed for 10 months. I don’t think my boobs have gotten saggy at all. They’re a bit smaller than they were in my 20’s, but with breastfeeding, I finally have those sticky out nipples that I always wanted! No more flat ones for me. Bonus! :)

Age: 39
Years postpartum: 2
Ages of Children: 18, 15, 3, 2
Number of Pregnancies: 11 (7 miscarriages) Number of Births:4

Mommy Boobs (Amy)

Age: 36
Number of pregnancies and birth: 3/2
Age of children and how far postpartum: 6 years and 9 weeks

I love this site. I have two children, one six years old and one 9 weeks old. I am one of those ladies that gets my stomach back quickly but my babies have done a number on my boobs and rear end. How low can they go? That is the question I want answered. I officially have mommy boobs. Despite the need for a four hook, underwire, padded strap bra, I wouldn’t trade my mommy status for a perfect pair. Bless all the Moms, we are beautiful

Technical Problems

My stinkin’ router died. Or something. Feel free to curse it from afar. It deserves it. Until I can take it out in a field and go all Office Space all over it, posts here will be dependant on if and when I can find free wireless in a child friendly space. I can do some work on my phone and desktop computer so I will still around here and at Facebook.

Stupid technology.

UPDATE: All fixed. We got a new router. One that WORKS! It’s like magic!

Love Yourself Mama, Then Love Everything Else (Bryana)

Why is it, that as women, when we are at our best, we look into ourselves and label it the “worst”?
We never seem to realize how great we are until we fall below that bar that we have set so ridiculously high for ourselves!
It is sad to see, hear, and live. And all it seems to do is cause shame and the sense of unworthiness.
And why?
Because we are not a size 0? Because we have stretch marks here, there, and every where? Because we have that last inch or more of skin that has decided it has lost all elasticity and would rather droop down then suck back up and give us a smooth, T.V. worthy tummy? Because our once perky, teenage breasts now have that motherly sag?
Because we lose our cool and yell? Because once in a while we spend an extra 5 minutes in the shower just to avoid the inevitable screaming, crying, and fighting children? Because sometimes we skip on sweeping the floors because 4 times a day just seems like enough some days? Because after making breakfast, changing diapers, doing 6 loads of laundry, plugging your ears during screaming fits, not to mention trying to make something worthy of eating for dinner, we would rather just sit on the couch for a solid 5 minutes of silence? Because, yes, we do break down and instead of stopping the children from crying, we just join them?
And because we do all these things, and have the “imperfect” yet, perfectly beautiful bodies, we feel shame and unworthiness? When did the image of a mother’s body, no matter the age, go from a natural woman, stretch marked and sagged, to an air brushed, breast implanted, and stretch mark free woman?
I want to know, because the exact millisecond this took place, women lost their pride and self esteem, and all I want is for all the women and mommies out there, to have that back.
It saddens me to read of women that are ashamed and misplaced mentally, to read stories of women that are mentally, emotionally, and physically abused by husbands, family, and friends, because they are no longer beautiful, because their bodies have become “tainted” all because we have brought beautiful gifts from God into this world.
What is our world coming to?
Why are women only perfect in magazines, and then expected to portray that on a day to day basis, and if that is not possible, then we might as well cover head to toe so no one witnesses the damaged bodies?
I love myself, 20 lbs heavier, 10 lbs lighter, skin a little looser, skin a little darker, a few less stretch marks ago… this is who I am. And I hope you can love yourself too, because that is what we are meant to do: Love ourselves. If we can do that, than we can do anything.


Updated here.

Skinny, But Strong… My Way (Skye)

So, here I am again, this is my second post, my first is here.

Now that I’m 13 months post partum I feel the need to share with you all something that has been amazing for my body…
I didn’t say too much about my body in my first most so I will give you a bit of an overview now.
I grew up very very skinny till I hit 16, things suddenly popped out!! you know how that goes I’m sure:) and being the shy, self conscious girl that I was I fell into a downward spiral of bulimia/anorexia for the next 7 years, either starving for months on crazy diets or bingeing and purging all day long.

When I met my now husband (he was hitching a ride!!) I had finally come to a healthy happy balance and was basically a veggie loving mungbean worshipper!!
3 months later I was wondering why my boobs were getting bigger… haha! we were surprised and happy though, it was all happening so fast, we were living together out in the rainforest and about a month earlier I had asked him to marry me! some things are just meant to be.

I was constantly nauseous and tired for the first 3 months, a never ending hangover. I went from health nut to having ice-cream for breakfast. My weight started at about 52kg/114 lbs, I’m 5’5 tall, and I went up to 58kg/128 lbs in the first 3 months.. I was very curvy:)

We married when I was 12 weeks along and about a 2 week later we moved across the country to be with my family for support.
Slowly my appetite disappeared as my last few months of pregnancy were in the height of summer, I weighed 63 kg/139 lbs at 41 weeks.

So, as I wrote in my first post, I had a magnificent home water birth, completely drug free despite excruciating back labour due to having a sway back.. I still feel so proud that I birthed my baby myself, I took him from the water and absorbed every last drop of beauty in that experience.

In the last few months of pregnancy I did a lot of research on natural birth etc and happened to stumble across a whole new view of parenting, part of which is wearing your baby… so, I bought a ring sling and a stretchy hemp wrap and oh how I love them! I have never used a pram, I don’t use playpens or things that hold, swing or bounce… instead I carry my baby boy where ever we go, shopping, bush walking,hanging washing, dancing, vacuuming, doing dishes, cooking, in the shower etc etc… he is always with me viewing the world from my perspective, he is involved in my interactions, learning language, gesture and movement and I have the pleasure of observing him grow..
Not only is it wonderful for him but the changes I have seen in my body are amazing!! I have never been so strong before, as my son grew so did my strength, I am now 46kg/101 lbs and my son is 12kg/26.5 lbs, so you can imagine what kind of a workout I get when I go for a 4km walk:)
The idea that you need to leave your precious one in the care of someone else or at child care so you can trudge of the the gym is, in my view, ridiculous! Seriously, put your bub in a sling, wrap, mei tai, whatever and go for a walk, better yet, dance around the house! you will feel it, trust me and your little one will LOVE it!

I’m not saying this will change stretch marks or bounce our boobs back to their former position, what I am saying is keep your baby where they belong, in your arms, and create a strong body while doing it.. think about it, how could it not have a positive impact on your body?
I honestly believe this is how nature intended it to be, just like breast feeding contracts your uterus, it just makes sense, don’t you think?

Now, I know there are going to be those who are defensive about what I have written here, just as many were about a previous post about flat bellied mums, I have posted this only to give a new perspective as I haven’t read any other posts about the positive effects of wearing your baby and well, I feel so strongly about it that I just had to share…

The proof is in the pudding, so to speak… so here are some pic’s of me.

12 months pp swimming with my son
13 months pp sitting under a tree
13 months pp strong arms

I Absolutely Loathe My Stomach (Toby)

I have been trying to come to terms with my pp tummy for 5 years. I am only 24 but I feel like I am trapped in the body of an 80 year old woman. I am 5’7 and 150 lbs. I have two beautiful children ages 5 and 1. I work out at the gym regularly with only success of losing fat, I am still left with extra skin no matter what I do. It seems the more fat I lose, the more saggy I get. I guess this is just especially touchy for me because I work at a gym, and I have always been athletic but my goals are so unattainable right now. It is hard to see my friends (whom are also mothers) walk out of child birth unharmed, we work out together and while they have beautiful abs I have a layer of saggy squish hanging out on top of mine. I have stretch marks all over my love handles, inner thighs, and stomach. They are mostly where I have extra skin, and I would mind having those chopped off along with my extra skin. My love handles have grown tremendously throughout my pregnancies and it seems as if the squish is there to stay too. I won’t even get to my breasts, but they are just as bad as my stomach…described as..empty bags of sand I suppose. Some days I feel better about my body than others but there are days of all time lows as well. Seeing all of the other women on here does make me feel better about my situation, but only until I look in the mirror again. (And ohhh how those gym mirrors can be decieving!) Is it wrong to just want to go to a surgeon and get everything repaired to the way it was before? I hate my body :-( My children are my world, I would never take them back. I just wish I could fix myself! My husband is extremely supportive and says I am beautiful no matter what, my body has damaged my mind so much that I don’t take anything he says to heart, I just reply with a monotone “thanks, babe.” I plan on getting a tummy tuck and breast lift when I reach my goal weight (130) and when I hit the lottery. lol. Okay, thank goodness for financing… I try so hard to look past the vanity of it all and appreciate and embrace my body the way a mother should, but for me the reality is that I will not be completely healed inside and out until I am happy with my body. I’m sorry if I sounded like I’m throwing a big pity party, it’s just one of those days. Reading all of your stories has made me feel more thankful than I have been lately. Thank you all.


~Your Age: 22
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 weeks pp

I am a 22 year old mother of 2 girls. The oldest is turning 2 in June and the younger is 3 weeks old. My body changed a lot with both pregnancies. The first time around I only got stretch marks on my hips and avoided them entirely on my belly. I began at 125 lbs and gained 36 lb. She was born at 40w1d. It took me 13 months to get down to 132 at which point I got pregnant with my second daughter. I gained 37 lbs with her and got more stretch marks. At 11 days pp (last time I weighed myself) I weighed 150 so lost about 14 lbs so far. I’m not overly worried about losing the weight. I hope to lose more by breastfeeding and eliminating junk food and just taking the kids out for walks. I had a hard time accepting my body after my first daughter but over time I have learned to love it for what it did. If I had to choose to have my kids or my old body back, I would choose my kids. I know my husband loves me and says he finds my body more attractive than before because of the fact that he watched it transform to bring life into the world. I won’t be wearing a bikini anytime soon but in no way am I ashamed of my body. I have many reasons to be happy, 2 of which are my sweet little miracles! The first picture is me at 9 weeks pregnant before I starting showing with my second daughter to see what I looked like after my first pregnancy. The second picture is me at 40 weeks pregnant with my second. The rest are of my belly at 2 weeks pp.

Updated here and here.

Trying to Accept It (Anonymous)

~Age: 25
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 children…2 1/2 months post partum

Honestly, if I knew what my body would look like after having kids, I never would have had any. I had my first when I was 18. For some reason I thought I was fat and disgusting. I hated my body. And then I got pregnant…and ballooned 50 pounds. It took 2 years to drop 40 of those pounds. I was so miserable with myself for so long I stayed out of pictures as much as I could. By the time my second baby came around I had gained 20 pounds on my own thanks to a husband who encouraged me to eat whatever made me happy. I only gained 25 pounds this time, but it still put me up to the same weight as with my first. Then it was only a year later when I became pregnant with my third child. I had just started to really work at losing the weight and had managed about 5 pounds when I found out. I gained 40 pounds, putting me at my highest weight of my entire life. Before kids I was a size 9. My waist was 31″…30″ on a good day, and I was 150-155 pounds. By the end of my third pregnancy I was 220. After the first week or so I dropped 20 pounds and was in a size 16.

I know it’s only been 2 1/2 months, plus I’m breastfeeding so I can’t do any major dieting, and with three kids, there’s only so much time for exercise, but I just can’t stand myself. There are times when I look in the mirror and I just want to cry. I figure if I can get to 160, it’ll be a happy healthy weight. Although I’d like to be 150 again…I’m not a teenager anymore and I do realize it’s probably not a realistic goal…I could barely maintain that weight back then. Regardless, I just hate myself. There have been times when I take all the mirrors down so I don’t have to look at myself. I have two little girls and I know I need to have a better self esteem so they’re not troubled by the same body issues as I am, but it’s so hard. I try to accept my new body, and work as best I can to improve it. And my husband tells me I’m beautiful and sexy. But I don’t believe him. I can’t believe him. All I see is fat, sagging, and cellulite.

Hard Work 14 Months PP (Elissa)

Original entries here and here.

24 years old
1 Child-14 months old
Gained-61 Pounds

Weight before pregnancy-137
Weight at the end of pregnancy-198
Weight 14 months PP-139

Clothing size before pregnancy
Pants size 9
Bra size 36 C…Sometimes D

After pregnancy
Pants size 3 and 5’s
Shirts medium
Bra size 36 D…

I am now doing P90X after losing all my weight I decided I needed to get fit. My 61 year old mother was on a walk with my daughter and me…I couldn’t make it up a hill and she wanted to keep going. I decided I needed to get healthy, even though I lost my weight I was out of shape and P90X is completely reshaping my body and my curves are coming back…No matter how much I worked out before I was preggo I was NEVER able to achieve abs or tone my arms and after two weeks that is possible now…It really is an AMAZING workout and for only an hour a day!!! Eating healthy and working out is a hard change but it’s easy when you are doing it for your child! My previous entries will tell you how I lost the weight and I check my stories from time to time to see if anyone is asking for advice…It wasn’t easy and it was discouraging at times but you push yourself and remember that you want to stay fit, happy and healthy for your child and that is what keeps me focused. Breastfeeding also helped…I am trying to wean as she is 14mo old but the girl has a mind of her own!!! Every single time she had a growth spurt and wanted to feed a lot I would lose weight and my stomach would suck up. I hope my story helps mommies because it really did work for me and I know it wont work for others as well but it’s worth a try!…:)

Picture 1-Before I got pregnant
Picture 2- During pregnancy
Picture 3- After I had my daughter
Picture 4-14mo PP
Picture 5-Day before P90X (Left) Day 6 of P90X (Right)
Picture 6-Day 10 of P90x