Story of a Teen Mother (Anonymous)

Your Age: 19
Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies 1 birth.
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 4 years postpartum

I was 15 when I found out I was pregnant,I was scared and did not know what to do. My boyfriend was very supportive and together we decided to keep our baby. My dad was always working, my mother did not live with us at the time and my siblings were always so busy with their lives that somehow I managed to get by my first 6 months of pregnancy before they even suspected anything. I finally decided to let my father know that I was 6 months pregnant with a baby boy and that I had decided to keep him.He was surprised but overall very supportive of my decision. After telling my father I let everyone else know what was going on. My mother and sisters were very upset with me and my decision but they got over it quickly. They all tried to make my last few months of pregnancy pleasant.Then on a warm day in June my son was born , he changed our lives for the best.He is a joy and just what we needed in our family.Having him at a young age wasnt easy for us at all: money was always and issue and we had to give up our teenage lives and grow up fast. Unfortunatley I carelessly became pregnant twice after having our son. We decided we both werent ready for any more children and decided to have an abortion.We have learned from our past and make sure we do not get pregnant again.I have been using Nuvaring for 2 years now. I have since then graduated High School I plan on going to college in Fall, My boyfriend is in college and a year shy of getting his associates degree. and yes we are still together and do not plan to have any more children any time soon. I hope my story isnt to badly written and that it makes some sense & please ask questions or comment if youd like.

My husband calls me beautiful (Alyssa)

Age: 20
Pregnancies and Births: 1 pregnancy and 1 birth
The age of your child: A terrible two year old

I was married at 16, pregnant at 17 and gave birth to my handsome little 9lb 10oz baby boy when I was 18. Here I am now 20 years old, still happily married to the man I love but inside of me I feel ugly, worthless, and worst of all a failure as a mother. I had the perfect body, skinny waist, big perky natural breasts, a firm butt and killer legs. My husband is in the military and I gave new meaning to standing at attention when I would swing by work for whatever the reason may have been. Back then my husband called me stunning, beautiful, etc. He wanted a baby more than anything with me, and because of my stupidity on the honeymoon a month or so later I found out I was pregnant. When I took the test and saw it was positive I cried, not of happiness but of complete sadness, the same could not be said for my husband, I don’t think I had ever seen him so happy before. I had to go back home and finish high school so I spent my senior year pregnant, constantly ridiculed and such, thankfully I had enough credits to graduate early in January, I couldn’t stand the talk of prom and senior trip when all I could think about were the increasingly large stretch marks growing on my stomach. Needless to say I started out at 130lbs and the day I was admitted I was 200lbs. After an emergency C- section and almost losing my child I sit here today writing of my story. I haven’t lost all the weight it took me til now, 2 years later, to reach 145lbs and my husband still calls me beautiful. He doesn’t care about my stretch marks, or my overlap of extra skin and I wish when he says that to me that i really feel it. I do not blame my little boy anymore like I used to, but instead I beat myself up for allowing myself to fall so deep into this pit of self loathing. My husband is in Afghanistan right now, and told me today that even though he is thousands of miles away, my beauty can still be seen. I guess the point of this story was more to vent to those who I know have experienced and have gone, or are going through what I am. I just cannot seem to find myself to be beautiful like my husband sees, but I know that girl is in there somewhere wanting to come out again.

Continued Hatred of a “Beautiful Thing” (Anonymous)

Age: 19
Number of Pregnancies: 1
Number of Births: 1 amazing baby boy
(Almost) 6 months Postpartum

Let me start out by saying that I am so thankful to have found this website. I no longer feel completely alone in the way I look. Although I do still have my self-confidence issue, I know that others are feeling the same things as I am, and they are BEAUTIFUL women!

I found out I was pregnant just a few months before my eighteenth birthday. It was not a completely unplanned pregnancy, and although I was very shocked, I was overjoyed. Throughout my pregnancy I felt so beautiful despite my growing amounts of stretch marks. I had this beautiful belly and a beautiful baby boy growing inside of me. I truly felt the miracle of life.

On February 8th of 2010 I delivered my happy, healthy baby boy. He weighed 9lbs2oz and was 21.5inches long. It was love at first sight with my new baby. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same thing with my new body. When I looked down at my “bowl-full-of-jelly” stomach, I felt empty. Not just my stomach, but my self-esteem.

I now was full of stretch marks, and although I had a gorgeous baby to show for it, I hated my body, and I still do. I envy the women who have “come to terms” with their bodies, as they deserve to feel beautiful because they have done the most powerful thing a woman can do!! Giving life and then nourishing that life is amazing beyond words!

I know I should feel that way also, but when I look down at myself, all I see is disgusting stretch marks, a flabby tummy, saggy boobs (although I am still exclusively breastfeeding), and I can’t help but feel awful about it.

I hate this new body, and I hate the way I look. I used to love shopping, now going in to a store just depresses me as I know I will never find anything that will fit me, and now I have to try to hide this flabby tummy, arms, thighs, and hips. Also, being 19, I would love to wear shorts and even ANY swimsuit, but I barely have the confidence to do that.

I am covered in stretch marks from my breasts to my calves (and everywhere in between!), but I think (with help from all of you beautiful women), that I am VERY slowly starting to realize that this new body is not a burden, but the miracle that continues to give my child nourishment and life.

Thank you, ladies! You are all beautiful!!

Trying to come to terms with my new body. (Vi’s Mama)

I had my daughter when i was sixteen. Before my pregnancy i was a mere 95 Ibs. I wore a size 32 B. I didn’t appreciate my body at all. During my pregnancy i used lotion, vitamin E oil, Shea Butter…I bought pretty much every “stretch mark” cream available, but none of it seemed to work. At one point during my pregnancy it literally looked like tigers had scratched my breasts to shreds. They were covered in thick angry red lines. I was so embarrassed by my body. I remember when i was eight months pregnant i was lifting my backpack up in the school hallway and a classmate happened to see the stretch marks surrounding my belly button. She looked at me in disgust and said “God, i hope that doesn’t happen to me if i get pregnant.” During my pregnancy with Vi i developed a herniated belly button. After she was born i had it corrected, but the surgery left a scar underneath my belly button. I breast fed Vi until she was eight months old and began biting. I absolutely loved the experience, but it’s been really hard for me to accept my saggy breasts. I am now eighteen and my daughter is 15 months, a lot of my stretch marks have faded, but i still feel too uncomfortable to wear a bathing suit in public. I hear my friends complain about their unscathed bodies and it drives me crazy. I am so grateful for this site. After reading some of the entries i have finally begun to feel pride about my scars. I gave birth naturally to a beautiful 6 Ib, 14 ounce baby. She is my world and i would give up a flat stomach and perky breasts for her any day!! Sincerely, Vi’s Mama.

Updated here.

21 pregnant with # 3 (Anonymous)

I got pregnant with my first child when I was 16yrs. old I honestly thought I would be one of the girls who didn’t gain much weight, or would be all baby but I was so wrong. I’m 5’2 and when I got pregnant with my daughter I was 135 but by the end of the pregnancy I had ballooned to 175 I had my daughter on May 2, 2006 by emergency c-section and she weighed in at 6lbs 10oz. and 20inc. long. She was my world and I still held on to the hope that I would shrink down but I struggled with weight problems after that.

By March 2007 my weight had only gone down to 165 I then found out that I was pregnant again but shortly after finding out I miscarried and I was devastated, I believe within a couple weeks my weight went down to about 155.

In May 2007 I hadn’t got a period since miscarrying and I took a home pregnancy test and got a positive, I had gotten pregnant about the first time that I had sex after miscarrying and this baby was definitely a blessing in disguise, I had my son on January 4, 2008 weighing 8lbs 7oz. and 20inc long. My weight at the end of the pregnancy with my son was 190lbs and within 2wks I was down to 170lbs. But again I had problems keeping my weight down.

In Oct. 2009 I weighed about 180lbs. and in December I weighed 187lbs. In January I went through a break up with my kids father and I believe I lost about 15lbs from January to March when I got back with my kids father. On May 4, 2010 I found out I was pregnant again I was 18wks my weight was 177 and at my 20wk appointment my weight was at 175, but at 24wks my weight was back up to 186lbs. I’ am now 25wks 5days and want this baby to be healthy but I can’t help but feel sad about gaining weight!!

The first 3 pictures are of me back in October so I was about 21mos PP from my son. And the last is me at 25wks 1day pregnant with baby #3

You may also choose to include:
~Number of pregnancies and births:4pregnancies/ 2births (sofar)
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: DD 4yrs, DS 2yrs, 25wks 5days pregnant with #3

Updated here.

Mommy to a Flower (Meghan)

Age: 18
Number of pregnancies and births: 1
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 6 months pp, 6 months old

I was 180lbs when I found out I was pregnant . I was trying to lose weight, but having a hard time .
Throughout my pregnancy I gained 40lbs and some stretchmarks . After my daughter was born, I breastfed her, and lost all my pregnancy weight in the first week. After that, I have not been able to lose any more .

Its been 6 months, and I often find myself depressed about the way I look . I see other women, and wish I looked more like them. I am still breastfeeding, and trying to excersize as much as possible . My boyfriend always tells me he thinks I am sexy and doesnt want me to change a thing . I wish I felt the same way about myself .

The first two pictures are from my pregnancy, and the last two are 5 months pp .

5 week PP, hating my body (Anonymous)

Pre-pregnancy weight: 169
Labor Weight: 210
Weight now: 200

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid. I was 240 in my sophmore year of high school and just last year I got down to my weight of 157. I wasn’t too happy there, but I was content and felt like I looked great. I met my husband and I gained love pounds. So when I got pregnant I was 169. I lost 20 pounds my first and second trimesters, and then gained it all back when I got to my third. I got a beautiful baby girl now, but now it just looks like I never even had a baby. I just look plain old fat. I’m having the toughest time getting back on a healthy diet and exercise plan. My husband says I’m still attractive to him, but I just hate myself and how I look. I know I have a beautiful baby girl that makes it all worth it, but I can’t help to hate myself for it.

First 3 pictures are of me 5 week PP and my last picture is of me pre-pregnancy

~Age: 19
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1/1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5 week PP

Accepting my NEW “mother” body (Lizz)

This is my Labor Story and I would like to share it.
My EDD was Nov. 23rd, 2009

Nov 24th, 2009 I went in at 8AM for a regular check up.
Dr. Wong stripped my membranes and 5 minutes later I started cramping.
I told her about how I have been itchy for a few weeks, and she seemed concerned and told me to go head to L&D for an Induction.

I went home took a shower and grabbed my bags and headed to L&D. They gave me a room, and hooked me up. We found out I was already having contractions 3-5 minutes apart. They kept asking me if I wanted the epidural, and I told them NO, I dont need it. I was there all day.

Around 7PM I was dilated at around 4cm. So the doctor gave me the epidural so I can rest at night, and he also broke my water after. All night I was up, I was so excited to meet Sofia. But During the night I started getting a fever and shaking. I had caught an infection, due to breaking my water early and not progressing fast enough.

Around 3AM I was at 7cm. Around 5AM I was at around 9cm. And then again at 7AM, still at 9cm.
And thats when the doctor said if we dont go anywhere within the next hour or so, we might have to do an emergency c-section. 8 AM still at 9cm. Doctor called for an emergency c-section due to the infection that can get to Sofia.

They got everything ready, numb my body….and made me take a shot of some weird nasty stuff =(.
I’m in the O.R shaking still, feeling cold.

My husband got to come in the room and so they began. While working with my body, I started feeling sick and puked =(. Moments later Doctors told hubby to get ready and meet little Miss Sofia Roxanne.

And his eyes watered, thats when I knew how much he loves us both.
Welcome Miss Sofia Roxanne On November 25th,2009 at 0908AM, 7lbs 4oz and 19.5 inches.

~Your Age: 19
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5 months old

Plus Sized Mummu

2pregnancies, 2 births, 2 boys.
13 months pp.
22 yrs old.

I was told from about 16 that I would never fall pregnant, due to scarring on my uterus and falopian tubes from PCOS. Id had my period since I was 13, and was producing 3-4 eggs per month, but none of them would implant, thats what the doctor had told me.
At 17, fresh out of highschool I found myself pregnant. I weighed 98kgs when I fell pregnant and was a size 16 jeans, 16 D bra. After leaving an abusive relationship, going into early labour and suffering through preaclampsia, gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, I was induced 2 weeks after my due date. 3 hours of very easy labour later I delivered a beautiful baby boy, 7 pound 9. I weighed 110kgs
I met mhy now husband in highschool, when we were 14, but we never stayed together long enough t fall in love. I saw him in July 2007, when my son was 8 months old, and we fell in love. He moved in 3 weeks later, and we got engaged in december of that year. We got married in August of 2008, and after struggling to fall pregnant, we found out we were expecting on our wedding day! I weighed 135 kgs the day we got married. The weight gain was due to my PCOS getting worse, and the medcation.
In April, 2 weeks after my due date, I travelled 900kms by myself to the only hospital in my state that will deliver women with a BMI of 41 or over. I was induced, and 12hrs of hard labour and one shot of morphine later, I had held the most beautiful baby boy in my arms for a split second before the doctors took him away because he wasnt breathing. I rang my husband 5 minutes later to tell him our baby wasnt breathing, that he was slipping away from us, and when he answered, our baby screamed for the first time! So daddy got to hear hos first breath. He is aour little miracle baby, and though he was nearly taken from us again at 8 months old when he choked, he is here with us still, and 13 months old. He was born 9pound 8. I weighed 116kgs a week PP, but quickly put the weight back on when I went on the pill. Im not 127.9kgs, and following a calorie controlled diet and exercise regime. This is my body, and while I dont love it, I am not ashamed! I am proud and greatful that I got to experience something I techinocally never should have!

19 years old, 5 months post partum (Ashley)

Before I got pregnant I was a slim 135 pounds, at 5’7″. I felt my greatest and was so happy that I could shop and wear just about anything, all the way down to a bikini in the summer. I got pregnant in March and gained a total for 55 pounds! I got so many stretch marks, and extra weight around my hips that i’m finding impossible to get off. I had to have a C-section the day of my due date, so that’s another scar that I will have for the rest of my life. However, I am not looking at the scars as a bad thing. From all this I have a GORGEOUS baby boy and my fiance doesn’t love me any less than before, actually, I think he likes the extra junk in my trunk ;o)

~Age: 19
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5 months
