5 Weeks PP, Almost There (Anonymous)

I’m a 24 yr old women who just had a beautiful baby boy on october 1st of this year via emergency c section due to fetal distress. My c section was very painful I never been in so much pain and I was a little sad I didn’t deliever vaginal. I’m five weeks pp and I must say my body is changing back very nicely. This is my first baby and first pregnancy so when I found out I was shocked but very happy! Here’s my story. In 2008 (april) I was 168 pounds standing about 5’7 I hated my body I hated my boobs which was a size 36DD my belly my face and cheeks my weight always ended up never in the places I wanted it to be. I was just tired of being thick so I set out on a journey to lose about 20 pounds and I ended up losing 60. I went from a 36 DD to a 32 B, a size 32 to a size 24 which is a zero. I hit my 60 pound goal in (june) of that year. I change the way I ate and live no fastfoods sodas or juices just healthy natural wholefoods (fruits and veggies) only chicken and fish. I started cooking and walking more and the weight just fell off I got down to 108 and was underweight and a little to thin so I started working out and put on weight really healthy as well as muscle. I had amazing abs/ small waist small arms nice long legs I just loved going shopping and putting on clothes I took my body for granted and didn’t apprecaite at all. The saying you don’t miss something until its gone. So when I got pregnant I was very sacred of getting big and getting a ton of strecth marks on my tummy (how vain) yes I know. Funny I didn’t get a single one on my tummy (mama mio) tummy rub which I believe worked cuz I had some strecth marks on my butt from puberty which I just knew was going to come on my tummy. I started googling post baby tummy and found this website and that gave me hope but also freaked me the hell out I must say ( the real life stories) but I continue to gained weight (healthy) and blossom as my baby and tummy started growing I cared but didn’t it was nothing I could physical do that could stop me from gaining weight or getting strecth marks I continue to walk a lot and enjoyed foods (cake) I love the way I looked in pregnancy.my belly was round, my breast were nice and ripe, my skin was amazing, my hair and nails grew I got complients from both sexes it was a great experience. I just thought like many women ur body would just snapped back (123 after birth)but it takes time. My mother told me her stomach went flat days after and she left the hospital looking like she never push out a baby. You can imagaine I started thinking that would happen to me boyyy was I wrong I gained about 25 pounds I went from 130 to 155 I left the hospital at 152 five days later still looking about five months preggers I was a little shocked at how my body looked I had huge breasts ( went from a 32B to a whopping 32F) they hurt like hell they were so swollen and very painful I couldn’t move cause I was in so much pain I was severly stopped up annother side of a c section when I did have a bowel movement it was so painful. I looked in the mirror and this is what I saw: a dark line running down my tummy thick thighs a soft very soft tummy that jiggle when I walked or move a fatter face and bigger arms. I said to myself how could this be? I gained the right amount of weight I already had a nice figure b4 baby why isn’t it looking back to how I use to? The answer is I just had a baby that’s how and it took time for me to gained the weight and it will take me time to lose it. I kept telling myself that but I just didn’t like my body I was only a couple of weeks pp (silly) I know but hey how you feel about yourself effects your life in every way and I worked so hard so I just didn’t want to let go of what I looked like just a few short months ago. I was just shocked my pre preggers jeans didn’t fit I had a tummy and leaking breasts ( I pump) no one told me this (its like the secret) to motherhood. No one told me that the weight takes time to come off so when I went for my two week post scar check up I weighed 142 pounds and looked very much like I did. My scar was healing I should have been happy but I wasn’t. I was a little upset (hormones) I started working out 2 weeks pp just walking and doing light excersises to help my abs regain strength which helped my skin attach back to the muscle. My body is amazing it helped grow my baby, this amazing little boyy who is so perfect (to me) my body may not be model thin or bikini ready but it will be. I haven’t been on the scale since but my six week pp appointment is coming up I’m happy cause I know I lost more weight I can see and feel the difference as soon as I’m in the clear I would love to start running a couple days out the week, I know my body will come back I try to have a postive out look I eat healthy and in small porportions I listen to my body when I need rest I rest (try 2) and most of all I’m enjoying my lil man I could hold him forever. Its not easy it takes time and work I’m like many people I like things to happen over night which is just not real. I now really apprecaite my body and all that it did/does for me, motherhood is such an amazing experience I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I kind of wish I would have truly enjoyed the weight gained and not got upset when the number on the scale went up (that’s one thing I would have changed) I wished I would have embraced it more. I know next time what to expect (I want more kids) and I’m going to enjoy it and welcome the weight gain as a sign that I’m something short of amazing. I included some pics the first three pics are me pre pregnancy, the second one is me preggers and the third two pics is me two weeks pp and the last three pics is me a five weeks pp!

Updated here.

One Day at a Time (Lu Ella)

The hardest part of dealing with my postpartum body? For me is the bipolar-ness of it all. I gained 52 pounds while pregnant with my daughter, and about half the time I am comparing the body I have now to the one I most recently inhabited: one that was 9 months pregnant. During this half of the time I feel fantastic! Thin, and beautiful, and sexy, and limber, etc. etc. The other 50% of the time I am comparing the body I have now to the one I had most of my life: a professional modern dancer who was always fit, shapely, and pretty damn skinny. This half of the time I feel fat, and flabby, and stretch marked, and out of shape, and stiff, and old, and about as un-sexy as you can get. I yo-yo back and forth between these states of mind multiple times each day. I’m only 3 months pp now, and trying my best to take life, and my new body, one day at time. Mostly, I try to concentrate on my beautiful baby…

~Your Age: 25
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 pregnancy, 1 birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 months

First photo: right after my positive pregnancy test
Second Photo: 39 weeks pregnant
Third photo: my beautiful daughter (3 days old)
Fourth photo: 3 months postpartum.
Fifth photo: 3 months postpartum.

Looking at My Future With Fear (Anonymous)

My age: 31
Number of pregnancies: 2
Age of my child: 18 months
31 weeks with second pregnancy

I had made it to the ripe age of 28 without giving the though of having children the time of day. Then my husband broached the subject after his younger brother celebrated the arrival of his second child. I won’t lie, I was cautious about the idea, my body being my main concern. After years of dealing with depression and various eating disorders I was finally at a place where things seemed okay. I had found a sport I loved, long distance trail running, and I had maintained a healthy weight for three years, something I had never dreamed of. Of course I had the idea that I, unlike many women, would be able to control every aspect of my pregnancy and come out of everything much the same as I went in. This proved to be my greatest folly. I had a bit of a struggle getting pregnant, which became my ultimate goal for months, if not my obsession. Being a perfectionist I constantly fight with having control over everything, and doing everything to the ninth degree.

When my doctor started making plans for my husband and I to see a fertility specialist I found out I was pregnant. My joy was short lived when I was placed on bed rest 5 days later with spotting and cramps. I was told that my body was threatening to miscarry and the best I could do was to keep my feet up and wait. Wait, me? The first thought in my head was, when can I get back to the gym. Of course I was horribly concerned about the baby, but old habits die hard and my weight was also at the forefront of my concerns. I made it to nine weeks and was sent back to work after a second ultrasound confirmed that all was well. Then at 18 weeks I was pulled off work again and put on modified bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. Talk about losing control. My emotions were up and down due to the pregnancy, my own depression and the fear I had for my child. I managed to eat pretty healthy for the majority of the pregnancy and gained 40 lbs which I was not overly happy with, but I carried quite well. In the end my son arrived 2 days past my due date, apparently he came to the conclusion that it was rather comfy in Mommy’s tummy. I had a difficult labour which lasted 30 hours and ended in an emergency c section due to my son’s position. I was not upset about not having a natural labor ( at the time ) and was happy to have three days in the hospital with the nurses to show me the ropes. I healed really well and enjoyed nursing my son for 13 months. During my 12 months post partum I was not surprised to find out that I had PPD, but what I was surprised about was how difficult it is to be a Mother. My husband is a sub contractor and thus he has to put in long hours when the work is there, mostly to compensate for the slow season in his trade. Fortunately the recession has not affected him too much, unfortunately this means my husband is rarely home. Time to myself and help with my son has become a luxury. None of my friends have or want children and I have had to limit my interactions with my Mom due to some lines that have been crossed on her part. Daycare has been annexed by our paediatrician because of the number of times my son came home sick and the severity with which the illnesses would affect him. It was during one of his colds 7 months ago that I became sick as well and found out I was pregnant. I must have conceived within days of his first birthday which seemed like a miracle after my attempts to get pregnant the first time. I wound up taking 4 pregnancy tests at home and then seeing my GP for a test before I went in to see my obstetrician. When I found out I was pregnant I had only just grown comfortable with my son’s routine and had found time to workout and take care of myself. I was upset that I still had 10 lbs to lose and a lot of toning to do but I thought I would be able to maintain what ground I had gained. Then the morning sickness hit, I had never dealt with this in my first pregnancy and most definitely not to the degree where I had to be placed on medication. I was one of those women who found that eating helped calm the sickness, and that’s when the scary weight gain started. At this time I also seemed to become ill every time my son came home with something, which was approximately every two weeks. I am now 8 months pregnant and have gained 40 lbs in addition to the 10 extra pounds I started with. I fear seeing my doctor and stepping on the scale, which humiliates and saddens me. I should love going in for my appointments, as I did with my first son, there is nothing like hearing your child’s heart beat. I am overextended, exhausted and have little patience for my 18 month old, who is a bundle of little boy energy. I hate myself and the future I see for myself. I feel as though I can barely manage with one child and dealing with two seems impossible. It has taken forever to get my son to sleep nine hours a day, I don’t know when I am going to rest with two kids under the age of two, let alone when I am going to be able to put some focus back on myself. It seems as though I have a target on my back when it comes to other people’s opinions. I hate being judged within a glance or based on someone else’s preconceived notions. My doctors blasé comments about my weight gain and the lack of support I am receiving from my family and friends seems to be making matters worse. If people knew about the dramatic changes that have happened within my family life the last two years I don’t think they would be so quick to believe that they could do better. I am truly at the end of my rope. Sometimes I hate being a Mom and resent my family. I worry about failing as a parent, most especially in the ways that my parents failed me. I feel so detached from the baby I am carry now, because everything I have is being spent on my son.

Who am I? What have I become?

first picture: 7 months before my first pregnancy
second picture: 4 days after I found out I was pregnant, 5 weeks pregnant, I had to put on weight to help get pregnant
I have no post partum picture as I refused to be photographed
last 4 pictures: me as of today 31 weeks pregnant with second child

Updated here.

I Wish I Would Have Known (Khanna)

~Your Age: 23
~Number of pregnancies and births:1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 7 months

~Pre-pregancy weight- 113 pds
~Weight gained during pregnancy- 35 pds
~Post- pregnancy weight- 106 pds

I had my twin boys at 38 weeks they were 6 lb 7 oz and 6 lb 2 oz, 12 pounds of baby!!. I am 5’7 and gained 35 lbs with the pregnancy totaling to 149 and because I had been so thin my entire life couldn’t stand the weight I gained even though it was all just in my belly.

After I gave birth to my twin boys I suffered through postpartum depression and just four months before I gave birth I found out that my boyfriend at the time of 3 years that I was hoping to marry had another relationship with another woman for the entire duration of our relationship. So now I’m a single mother, I’m alone and I didn’t realize to the extent that my body would change. I wish someone in my entire life would’ve told me that this is what you will look like once you have a child. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my boys but I wish I would’ve been mentally prepared.

My friends and family think I’m crazy because I lost all of the pre-pregnancy weight and they say of course you don’t even look like I had a baby or when they do see me with a bathing suit on: Well you look good for having twins.. I want to look good because I look good not because I had a baby. I feel people don’t understand that losing weight is entirely different from the integrity of your skin (the wrinkles and stretch marks). Some days I feel really positive and say that it’ll change and it’ll get better. On other days like now..lol, I feel like who would want me now, I’m damaged goods mentally and physically from a previous relationship and can’t help but think when guys compliment me on my fully clothed body that I’m deceiving them because I have wrinkles in my tummy. I feel totally closed off to any sort of relationship because of how I look.

I never really cared about the stretch marks and just wanted my old tummy back with my old belly button which is an outie now and was an innie-outie before. The stretch marks are gradually fading away remarkably. I have put myself on a workout plan and have given myself until the twins are two to fully recover. Hopefully my esteem will come back and I’ll just focus on being strong for my boys, and raising them. Men have no idea what we women go through I wonder what they’d looked like after having a baby…lol

Flames (Heather)

I am a 37 yo mama of two children. I have been pregnant 3 times: one miscarriage, one natural birth in the hospital, and one home birth. My children are now 14 and 11 years old. I paint my stretch marks every Halloween as flames to honor the power of my body and the love I feel for my children! They have changed me body, mind, and soul.


Happy on the Outside (DeAnna)

I am the mother of 2 gorgeous children. I am 22 years old. I had my daughter at age 19. I always had a very cute figure so the sudden change my body took after having my daughter left me in a horrible postpartum depression. I had horrible stretch marks covering my stomach. I started working out & eventually got the baby weight off in about a year, but the stretch marks kept me down. I ended up having the laser removal which didnt remove the marks but certainly made them less noticeable. I was finally back to a good confident attitude & was back in my bikini and loving myself again! Then 2 years later I got married to a wonderful man & we had our son Sept 27, 2010. I gained about 15 more pounds with him than I did my daughter which has now resulted in more stretch marks and baggy, saggy skin. I ended up with a emergency c section and now am left with this dreaded post c section pooch. I was so happy to find this website to see Im not alone. I know Im only about 5 weeks postpartum, but Im still pretty hard on myself. I plan to work out and get the weight off, but Im just having a really hard time with my self confidence. Right before I gave birth to my son I caught my husband talking to his ex wife behind my back which really hurt me. Now, with that in the back of my head, my confidence level is at a all time low and Im so paranoid since I feel like I look digusting he will think the same and cheat on me. We are trying to work through our issues and although things are better I still beat myself up on the inside. I refuse to let him see me naked. He dosent understand why I run and hide in the bathroom to change clothes and I always lock the door even to shower. I just cant bare to let him see me like this. I seem to be a very happy person on the outside, but I am so depressed when it comes down to it. I love my children and I wouldnt give them up for the most perfect body in the world, but I have to figure out how to accept my body. Like I mentioned before with time, working out, & this website I know I can get there eventually & its good to know Im not alone.

age: 22
births: 2…1 vaginal 1 c section
childrens age: 2 & 1 month

Five Years Postpartum (Stephanie)

age 33
1 pregnancy

I really loved this website when I came across it. It is great to see what real moms look like not what the media makes up feel like we should look like. I gained 40 pounds with my son but have since lost all the extra weight but my body will never be the same. Even though I weigh less then I did before I had him I now have a little belly and loose skin on my stomach as well as a nice c-section scar and strech marks from breasts to my inner thighs. My breasts are quite a bit saggier then prepregnancy as well but whenever I look in the mirror and don’t like what I see I try to remember what a great thing I got to go along with all my new imperfections.


Accepting My Body After Baby (Sarah)

`Age: 24
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2 pregnancies, 1 birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum are you: 11 months post partum

I last posted on here when I was 6months PP.

Since my last post, I gained 1.5kg (3.3pounds)… then managed to lose 9kg (19.84pounds) (I lost 6kg )13.2pounds) in a month with the help of duramine, and the other 3kg (6.6pounds) fell off in the month after after and it has stayed off completely in the months since). I’m back at 169kg (152pounds) and down to an Australian size 10-12 (US 6-8) and I’m pretty happy with that… I’d love to lose another 6-9kg, but I don’t think it’s going to happen and I’m not that eager to starve myself, I just wanted to get back into a healthy weight range, which I am now. I’m still not that keen on the squishy, stretched and scarred skin which adorns my belly, but I’ve accepted it at least, and I’m not going to betting into a bikini again, but might brave a tankini this summer :)

I also got engaged in July, my fiance Dave proposed on stage at a concert for one of my favourite Australian country bands, The McClymonts, and the ring he gave me was his Nanna’s engagement ring… the video of the proposal is on youtube.

My baby boy is growing into a happy, healthy, handsome little man who sleeps through the night most nights, he’s just gorgeous with his blonde hair, blue eyes and dimples, and he is absolutely my entire world.

I go to sleep every night in the arms of the man I love, and wake in the morning to a smile from a baby boy who makes the sun look dull in comparisan… so I figure I’ve not got much of a right to complain too much about the things that aren’t perfect in my life, because I’ve got it pretty darn good :)

The first 3 photos were taken earlier today, the fourth is of my baby Kevin in late September, the 5th is me 2 weeks ago side on and the 6th is before I lost the weight with my fiance and Kevin on the night that Dave proposed

I Feel I Will Never be Satisfied With My Body (Anonymous)

After having my first child at age 16 eventually i got back down to my pre pregnancy weight and had a body i loved and felt beautiful in, but now that i have givin birth 2 more times in the last two years i think i have done permenent damage, i just feel i will never be happy with my body unless it looks like it did when i weighed 98 lbs…i just wish i could be thankful for the body i have! the picture is from when i was 10 weeks postpartum

age: 23
number of births: 3
age of children: 7- 22mos -4mos

Shape of a Loss (Nicole)

First entry here.

In a parallel universe, I am just weeks away from the birth of my second child. I am more confident about the impending labour than the first time around, but a bit nervous too. I am even more nervous about managing life with two kids under two! I am unpacking, washing and folding the baby clothes, setting up the bassinet. Buying breast pads. Feeling uncomfortable and tired, but loving watching my stretched belly squirm and writhe as I imagine where those little feet lodged under my ribs will one day run.

In this universe, my belly harbours no mystery. It is full of nothing more exciting than my lunch. My breasts are empty, although I wear a nursing bra from which I feel obligated to get my money’s worth, despite my son weaning himself four months ago. The only evidence that things could be different is a yellow card in a drawer with my medical records, the last entry reading “11 weeks amenorrhea. PV bleeding. USS 4/5/10 – IU pregnancy no FHR. CRL only 4.9mm and gest sac 15.6. P/V – Cx closed. Bleeding minimum. Adv: Conservative management.”

And these photos, taken weekly from when my doctor confirmed my pregnancy, to the day before I started bleeding and we found out that for more than a month, there had been no baby anymore.

I am a mother of two. I just only have one to show for it.