Smokin’ Hot (Katie)

Smokin’ Hot! (Katie)

Age: 36
Pregnancies/births: 11/3 (8 miscarriages)
Ages of children: 4.5, 2, 2 weeks

My son is two weeks old today, and as I was about to get in the shower (yay, shower!), I saw myself in the mirror and thought, I am smokin’ hot! I should submit pics to SOAM! So I got my eyepod and took a couple of pics. Don’t think I don’t have stretch marks; I just don’t have any from pregnancy, which given my losses, makes me sad. All 3 of my children were born by spontaneous, unmedicated vaginal birth. The scar on my belly is from the burst appendix I had at 20.

Photos are my henna belly at 37w4d and front and side views 2 weeks postpartum.

Second Pregnancy, Trying to Avoid the Mistakes – Update (Anonymous)

Previous entry here.

My age: 25
Number of pregnancies and births: 3 pregnancies, 1 birth
I have a 2 year old son and I am currently 23 weeks pregnant.

Technically this is my third pregnancy since the second one ended after 9 weeks in a miscarriage, but I refer to it as my second pregnancy because it’s the second baby I’m gonna have.
After my miscarriage in July 2012 I became pregnant again immediately and I am currently 23 weeks along.
Everything is looking perfect this time and at the last ultrasound we were told that we are having another boy! I know this is a horrible thing to say, but at the first moment I was a little bit disappointed, somehow I had thought that it was a girl this time. Fortunately these negative feelings vanished and I can honestly look forward to welcoming this little boy in our lives!

With this pregnancy I started showing very early and I am wearing maternity clothes since I’ve been 12 weeks along. As I wrote in my last entry, it took me a long time to accept the changes my body went through with the first pregnancy, so I do my best to not become as huge as I did the last time. You can call me shallow or vain and I know that there are many things way more important than my physical appearance, but I also know how unhappy I become if I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin.

I don’t go to the gym as often as I want to, only once or twice a week, because I work, I study and I have a 2 yr old to take care of.
I try to eat healthy most times, but I developed an immense sweet tooth with this pregnancy and sometimes I give in to my cravings.
I have gained 4kgs (nearly 9lbs) so far, which is more than I wanted to have at this point but still better than in my first pregnancy.
I have bought maternity jeans in the smallest size available and aim to wear them till the end.
And I also use every cream, lotion and oil I can find although I know that probably doesn’t help anything.

So although I know that chances are not very good since I already got stretchmarks with my rather small first pregnancy bump, I’m still hoping and working for a body that I can feel fine with postpartum.

#1: only 11 weeks along!
#2 – #4: 23 weeks (the last one is not very good, I included it because the stretchmarks are really obvious here)
All stretchmarks from first pregnancy.

My Story (Anonymous)

The birth of my son (first child)is by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love him more that I thought possible to love someone.

However, my postpartum body… Not so much. I was 22 years old when I got pregnant and I gave birth at 23 years old. I gained a total of 56 lbs. while pregnant. I was very active while I was pregnant. I knew my body would be different, but I naively thought it would bounce back quickly because I worked out up until a week and a half before I gave birth. My son is 5 months old now and I am close to my pre- pregnancy weight. I still actively work out. 3 1/2 months postpartum I was 10 lbs shy of my pre pregnancy weight. I was also successful in completing a P.O.W.E.R. Test for a police department in my area. This is the physical agility test all prospective police officers must pass.

I know I should look at that as an accomplishment, but when I look at myself in the mirror, I am disgusted. The stretch marks do not bother me so much, it is more so that I see myself as being fat. I can fit into all my skirts and dresses perfectly due to the higher waist line, but my hips never completely moved back so I will probably never be back in my jeans…has anyone else had this problem???not to mention, the loose skin…

Ashamed of my body, love the outcome! (Tiffany)

Although I’ve always been a little on the thick side, I never imagined myself being the size I am now and being so ashamed of myself! My partner is very supportive and says she loves my body either way, I’m just very unhappy in it! I gained 60+ pounds while pregnant and now my stomach hangs! I just feel so disgusting! How can I lose this baby weight?

19/1 child/ 3 months old/ 3 months postpartum/natural birth
First one is pre pregnancy, last two is 3 months postpartum. Final picture is my beautiful babyboy

My Stretch Mark Journey (Toni)

Age: 25
Number of pregnancies and births: 1 pregnancy/ 1 birth
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5 months pp

Original post here.

Last time I posted I was 32 weeks pregnant and I was just starting to get my first stretch marks. I honestly cried hysterically when I found them, but decided to put all of my negative emotions aside and tried to focus on the fact that I was soon going to be a mummy. By 39 weeks I had put on 13 kilograms (approx 28pounds), which I was absolutely ok with and a lot of people would tell me that I was carrying small for my gestation (they were all just trying to be nice, I’m sure). I had plenty of stretch marks on the day I gave birth (39+3 weeks) but after my labour and meeting my beautiful daughter, they were the least of my concern.

Just to give you a brief run down of my labour- I was registered to give Birth in the ‘Birth Centre’. This area has a natural birth mentality and they don’t offer drugs for pain relief, they instead have a bath for water births and assist you through breathing etc. So my only ‘plan’ was for my labour to be as unassisted as possible. After 5 hours of pushing, my contractions stopped and my baby’s heart rate had increased, she was also stuck sideways and not moving down, so they decided to intervene. Vacuum failed 3 times and I was moved in for an emergency c-sec. By this time however, she had moved too far down, so they decided on the use of forceps even though there was risk of brain damage and facial disfigurement because of her being an in incorrect position for vaginal delivery. She was born at 4:58pm on August 4th 2012 and taken to Special Care for respiratory issues and a Hematoma.

Approximately 4 days after giving birth, I had lost the 13 kgs and I was absolutely fine with my post baby body- I was honestly just happy to finally have my baby out of Special Care and be given the all clear by the Pediatricians! It wasn’t until about 7 or 8 weeks post partum that I realised my stretch marks were getting WORSE. I didn’t think it was possible and thought they were suppose to fade, but each day they were getting higher and redder as my tummy retracted! I was horrified. By 3 1/2 months pp, the stretch marks started to fade slightly on their own and although I was still upset by them, I knew they would continue to get better. At 4 months pp I started applying Strivectin SD cream twice daily, as I had read an article on how great it was for stretch marks and found some on sale discounted by 80%. I have been using this cream now for 3 weeks and I think the results are AMAZING! The marks are definitely still there, but they no longer feel deep and they’ve faded to a silvery white so quickly.

If you are worried about your stretch marks, I promise you THEY WILL GET BETTER! To put things into perspective, the most important thing is the beautiful little human you have created is happy and healthy. So as hard as it is, if you are pregnant, don’t focus on what the outside of your tummy looks like, and just enjoy what’s happening on the inside. And once you have your precious little treasure in your arms, spend as much time loving your miracle and loving your body for creating them!

Thanks for reading. Toni Xox

37 weeks pregnant
7 weeks pp (very red stretchies)
3 mths pp (yellow pants)
now 5 mths pp (pink shorts)

First Time Mommy (Mrs. Roussell)

Age: 23
Number of Children:1 4wks Pp

Im so glad I found this website!! I was 124lb 5″1 before I got pregnant..I loved my body and so did my husband which why I got pregnant lol…I was 160lbs and gave birth at 39wks.. Only one of my friends (age 23) has kids (2 girls) and only one immediate family members has 1 son, so I looked at them to see what my body would look like after having my friend and I was pregnant at the same time.. we were 3 months apart.. 2 weeks after she had her daughter she looked like a freaking model!!!!! Big booty, nice boobs and a FLAT tummy!!! My family member is 3 yrs pp so I looked at her body since we are related I assumed my body would look similar after I had my son WRONG!! She looked like a thicker Model!!! Im so insecure about my body.. I wear big shirts and sweats around the house and refuse to let my husband touch my stomach no mater how many times he calls me beautiful or sexy I just dont see it…and the media doesn’t help..I see moms on tv and they look great example Heidi klum (i swear that women is a pure freak of nature lol) but needless to say seeing the images on this website has bought my self confidence from a 1 to a strong 2.5 lol but I so happy this website exist for moms to share :-)

1st picture: before pregnancy
2nd 9 months pregnant
3rd 3 weeks pp
4th and 5th 4 weeks pp.

Updated here.

Feeling Happy With My Post-Baby Bod (Hannah)

22 years old, one pregnancy and one birth via emergency c section.
6 week old baby boy :)

This is just a short story of my birth as the pictures I want women to see then to show how a real 22 year old average body is and no one is perfect so just enjoy your baby and be happy!

I went into hospital because I was 10 days over and my body just wouldn’t go into labour, I had over ten membrane sweeps and three gels put in.. I only dilated half a centimetre by that point.. On the 14 day overdue I was took down to the labour ward and put on the drip I was in labour for 15 hours the highest dosage until I finally had my last check and I had only dilated 2cm I literally felt like he’d never ever come out I just knew I would need a c section so I agreed to get the epidural and a few hours later was wheeled down to the theatre for my emergency c section.. 11.30am on 13.12.2012 my little boy was born!

The day after his birth I was able to get up and have a shower.. My first glance at my body after having a baby took out scared me but I took a peek.. Omg I still looked 9 months pregnant!

I’m glad my belly has sort of gone back to normal I’m still in the same sized clothes I’ve always been in but I just have a over hang which I hate I can’t wait to exercise as my weight loss is just breastfeeding and I’ve stuffed myself on choccy because its Christmas time!

I just want women to know, love your body your stretch marks.. Every girl has them even without a baby!

The first picture is me 16 weeks pregnant as I didn’t have one of my belly not pregnant! The second is me 41 weeks pregnant, the third is 2 weeks after my c section, the fourth is me 4 weeks after and the fifth is me today 6 weeks post c section! xx

Isabelle, I love you! (Anonymous)

Number of pregnancies 4 (2) miscarriages (2)abortions

Please don’t judge me I have made mistakes just as any human being in the world ! I am 22 years old I was 17 when I had my first pregnancy I lived with my bf we were both in nursing school in Mexico and very happy for the little boy that was coming I miscarried on my 18th birthday of may 2008 was 3 months. I was grieving so much that I wanted to replace that baby I got pregnant in august and in October that year I came back to los Angeles to have my baby here the doctors couldn’t find a heartbeat so they performed a d&e. I was deveatated and became greatly depressed . I started to just focused on my school and a few months later of the following year I started a relationship with my childhood neighbor we dated for 1 year and a half and that’s when I became pregnant again I was so happy I was finally gonna have a baby , unil I told him I was pregnant he changed completely …I found out he had cheated on me all along with 10 other girls and I had contracted chlamydia from him I was devestated once again he told me he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby and he wasn’t gonna help me that if I had the baby he was gonnamake my life miserable . I was petrified !! I cried everyday throughout my whole pregnancy I had no ones support my dad was against me having a baby at all at this young age . So I in January 2011 I was 17 weeks pregnant I had my first abortion. And I never saw him again ! I became even more depressed started drinking so much even started doing drugs . Later that year I started working in a convalescent home as a nurse assistant with the elderly and I found peace and happiness there I felt better being around them and taking care of them . In march 2012 I met what I believed was my soul mate . In April the following month I was pregnant again with a little girl that I named Isabelle I was extremely happy I would finally have a baby in my arms what I always dreamed of being a wife and a mother . The happiness didn’t last long me and isabelles father were living together …I found out he had been hiding from me that he was still legally married. I contacted the wife by looking through his phone and of course she said she too was pregnant . He changed completely with me I couldn’t trust him again everyday with him and his mother was a living hell for me . Arguing everyday until I couldn’t take it anymore I was 3 months pregnant when we got seperated . I felt lonely scared with no jib no one to help me but him but it was too late he said he didnt wanna be with me anymore he even started saying that my baby was not his it broke my heart . He prefered his family to our daughter and I . I begged him to work things out between us he said it was too late that he was going back to his wife . I was confused I felt betrayed I felt like trash I thought why bring this little girl into the world only to suffer how would I explain this to her when she got older ? So with my heart shattered into a million pieces I went to planned parenthood I was 20 weeks …it took me that long to decide if I wanted to do it or not. On Sept 5 of 2012 they stopped isabelles heart on Sep 6 they put me to sleep and took her out that day I felt like I died with her . I will never be the same again . I miss her so much . I regret so much I have nightmares about it.I cry everyday . I tried hurting my self . No one understands what I feel all this guilt I feel ! I would do anything to have her back in my belly kicking me waking me up at night’s . Her kicks were the most beautiful ..memorable moments of my life . I have started going to church I confessed and god knows I regret it . I only hope he grants me the wish of being a mother if not all I want is to be with isabellee and my other babies …what has happened to me is a living hell and I don’t wish it upon anyone . Thank u for reading .

Mommy Belly (Brittany)

I had my son on November 4th 2009. I love him to death but I am so depressed over what has happened to my stomach. I was underweight when I got pregnant. At 19 and 5’5 I was 119. For Atleast the last year I have been stuck at 127-133. I just can’t seem to shake of this extra weight and skin and it makes me want to cry everyday. I can look skinny in a shirt but when sitting or bendig over I get the rolls and I can’t stand I’m sure you think that someone who hates their body would workout. Well I don’t so I hope that is my only down fall. I cut out as much sugar as possible (besides sweetener in my coffee every couple days or the occasional treat) and I started speed walking/jogging Atleast 30 minutes a day but no change yet. I tried doing insanity for a week over the summer but it was too insanely (haha) hot in California for such activities if you don’t want to blast the Ac. I am newly engaged to a wonderful man and even though he says he thinks I’m perfect I can’t help but feel even worse about my body because I think he deserves someone with a flat stomach that doesn’t sag when I do anything but stand or lay down :(

Fit Mommy of Two (Janessa)

I am 27 years old and the proud mother of two sons, ages 1 and 3. They are 19 months apart so my body didn’t have much time to recover before getting pregnant the second time. I have always been into fitness but my weight did fluctuat during my pregnancy. My last pregnancy really stretched the skin on my lower abdomen and I hate my stomach. I obsess over it but I came to the conclusion that my skin is stretched out and no amount of exercise will fix it- I would need a tummy tuck. But then I look at my progress and I am pleased with everything except for the extra skin. I don’t know if it is worth getting a tummy tuck but I am tired of hiding my stomach that I work so hard for under clothes. I can’t wear a bikini because my stomach looks like an old women’s stomach. Am I being too vain? I just want to feel sexy and be sexy for my husband. He adores me and is not concerned with it but I am. I would love to hear some responses from other mothers regarding my situation. Thank you so much in advance.


Janessa (Fit Mommy of 2)