Embracing the New Me (Anonymous)

I am a 36 year-old mom to 3 kids, each 2 years apart. Had my babies at 29, 31, 33 years of age. Before kinder, I weighed 130 lbs, and was very slim, due to genetics and regular exercise. Now, after 8 years, 3 kids, 4 pregancies (lost one in between) and a full time job, this is “me”. I’m now at 135 lbs, and am pretty proud at how close I’ve managed to get back down to ‘pre-pregnancy’ weight. It’s taken 6 months of focused exercising to get me to where I’m at, and know that another 6 months will see the last few pounds disappear too.

However, I must admit, I still don’t like the baby “bump”, but am learning to embrace my new shape. I have found much comfort in this site, and wanted to return the favor. I don’t even mind the stretch marks, I consider them my ‘war wounds’ and they remind me of my 3 wonderful pregnancies all of which I thoroughly enjoyed. Will I ever get my 29 year old body back? Likely not. But I will do my best to be my best. So far, I’m happy with the progress I’ve made but will continue to work towards attaining my true prepregnancy weight but am ok with the knowledge that it will take time. Slow and steady wins the race? For sure! I’m on my way …

Mama of Three Under Five (Anonymous)

I have three kids under age five.
I enjoy this site and believe that all mothers are united by that bond of knowing what only a mother knows- that you helped create this life with your flesh and bone – nurtured and grew it, protected and fed it, thrilled in its movements and spent sleepness nights with worry over one who would eventually reveal him/herself as an amazing little boy or girl. All mothers’ bodies are beautiful for this reason alone.
My first child, a daughter, was born 8 pounds, 15 oz., born two days early (vaginal delivery but with pitocin and epidural)… I had a small tear that didn’t heal well and that coupled with trouble breastfeeding caused me so much angst and pain! If only someone had told me that it does pass, it is worth it, and it did, and it was. I had a linea negra mark on my belly and I hoped it would stay, but as you can see from my pictures it vanished. I thought it was a beautiful “mother’s mark.” I think my swimming-pool-sized belly button suffices for that though. ;)
My second child, also a daughter, was born 8 pounds, 6 oz., induced one day after my due date. Things went so much more smoothly after this one. Breastfeeding was easier in general because I knew things would get easier, which they did. At about 6 weeks I developed mastitis once (my only time getting it), but with some good antibiotics the pain and fever were gone in hours. I also developed late-onset post-partum anxiety around 9 months, but that went away a few months later with time, patience, and meds. Both pregnancies themselves were uneventful in a good way… I was pretty active and didn’t have any morning sickness to speak of.
My third child, a boy, was born 9 pounds 6 oz., induced one day before his estimated due date. Another awesome, easy delivery (thank you epi!) and breastfeeding and everything else was the easiest yet. I haven’t had trouble eventually losing the 50 to 60 pounds I gained with each pregnancy because of breastfeeding I guess, and also just being tall and predisposed to slenderness. I don’t eat terribly but I don’t diet, and I’m active but I never “work out.” Having three kids keeps you busy in general. Heck, having one busy kid does that!
I’m finding motherhood a joyous if incredibly stressful journey, riddled with peaks of happiness and valleys of fear and occasional despair, all just the typical patchwork of mothering emotions for us all. I feel like I was a successful enough person before having kids, but boy, the experience of raising these children is my greatest triumph, and it so far surpasses anything in my past that those great adventures pale in comparison. In this, we mothers are all united, and I think we are all in on some great and wondrous little secret. ;)

~Your Age: 35
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 4.11, 3.2, 11 mos

What Happened to my Body (Texas)

i am 35 and have a 2 almost 3 yr old.i gained about 70 lbs with her.i was always a sexy full woman.i was a 10-12 now12-14.i hate my ugly body so much my wonderful hubby never gets to see me naked.i feel like Norbits wife(in the movie Norbit).when she goes to the pool and they ask her if she’s wearing bottoms and has to lift her belly…lol..i used to have great boobs, now they are still big but one nipple points down and the other one points wherever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my daughter is the love of my life i dont regret her . but what did she do to body!!!!!!!!!!!!i had a 10lbs baby and lost 20 right away and i have lost alot but now i have the “dunlap” belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what gives.i look awful naked..i wanna love it again…texas

When did it ever feel like my body? (Anonymous)

Thinking about it today, I never felt my body was mine. I have kept losing weight and putting it back on ever since I can remember. 2 years after postpartum I am about 75 kilos, and that’s much less than I was before. It feels more like my body today than it used to before I had my son. I guess motherhood has been very empowering, but I have only just started feeling my body is mine again recently. I don’t really look at my body in mirrors so this is a weird experience.

I am still breastfeeding my child and so I think of my breasts in a different light. After feeling they were there to attract, they’ve been drank out for nearly 2 years. At first it felt as if my body wasn’t mine at all, it was just performing all these things for my child. Today it feels like my breasts. They are used but it is my choice and they look a bit different from before. But that’s ok.

I really enjoyed reading the stories on the website. And I do find the women on it beautiful.

The Liberation of my Breasts (Amy)

When I was young I noticed breasts, mostly those that were perky and well-rounded. I had already been swayed by the world into thinking that there’s a sort of standard for the parts of a woman’s body that feed her young. As I grew into my teens and looked at my own mother’s breasts I saw those of a woman, and I didn’t like what I saw. I wanted mine to be perfect, perky, and round.

Before becoming a mother my breasts weren’t “perfect” since perfect was an image that I could not maintain – it was outside of my body, it was outside of me. They were small, round (at least from what I remember), and I had the standard breast that was larger than the other. “Rocket tits” were among the comments I received about my protruding nipples.

During my first breastfeeds I noticed the love that flowed through my body into my daughter and I had a new found love for my breasts – a circle of love completion. Oh – so that’s what they’re for! It all came together.

And then I had two more children and my breasts waxed and waned as they got smaller and larger, and more stretched out. I really connected with a Momma blogger’s post about “can I sling them over my shoulder to feed the baby in the backseat!”

When I went through a divorce recently I realized I had some serious negativity towards the way my breasts looked. As much as I *tried* to love them I was afraid of how they would be perceived by others – specifically a man. (I knew darned well my children didn’t care!)

So I chose to finally walked through the fear. At age 32, almost three years postpartum from the youngest who is still nursing, and with three children, I bare my beautiful breasts to the world. I love them. I love me.

Thank you to The Shape of a Mother for providing the platform you do that allows women to liberate themselves from body hatred.


Updated here.

Lopsided Breasts and Hernia (Jay-Jay)

In the first pictures I was 31 years old and 10 months postpartum. My breasts are anyways uneven but they looked particularly funny after a one-sided breastfeeding. You can see my deformed bellybutton in the background. I didn’t know what the large lump under the skin an inch above my bellybutton was, but thanks to comments on this site, I went to the doctor and it turned out to indeed be a hernia! (Thank you!!) A year later I had it surgically fixed. I was told it was a “pregnancy hernia,” in that my baby was very big and my muscles were excessively weakened by the pregnancy. The doctor told me if I had worn a belt in the end of my pregnancy to give my tummy extra support, and if I hadn’t lifted so much after the birth, then I could have avoided it. I consider my new scar as part of my pregnancy wounds along with the lopsided breasts and stretch marks and saggy skin. I don’t mind because I know that almost every woman I pass in the street has marks of her own hidden just under her shirt.

Two Years On (Ruth)

I’m 32 (today!) and my son (my first and so far only child) is just about to turn two.

I put on four stone with my pregnancy, and despite various diets (and full-term breastfeeding) I have still not managed to lose it all. I’m starting to come to terms with the idea that this might just be my body now. My stomach is riddled with stretch marks which are now silvery in tone. They’re on my hips, too. It’s really wobbly and flabby and I’ve stopped wearing anything with a tight waistband. At the same time, however, I do feel more “feminine” than before. Maybe it’s because I prefer dresses now, as they skim over the flab and are more comfortable. I’m not sure I wanted to feel “feminine” particularly, but it’s happened, and I can’t say I mind too much.

I’m now at the stage where I’m wondering whether to try to lose more weight, or to come to terms with my body the way it is.

What do you think?


Baby Belly 7 Months PP (AnneMarie)

I’m 31 and my 3rd baby daughter is now 7 months old and gorgeous of course :), my first daughter weighed 9lbs 9oz, my second 10lb 6, and my last 7 lb which is tiny for me. i got some stretch from my first pregnancy just on my belly, but my second i got loads all over my belly, when i was in labour the pressure of pushing her out made my body swell and i got stretch marks on the back of my knees, when my milk came in my breasts went from a b cup to at least a dd cup and then i had stretch marks on my breasts underneath as well as on top!! i dint get any new marks with my last pregnancy but my skin is even more saggy now. im thinking about a tummy tuck as it uncomfortable and i feel ugly and ashamed of my stomach which is a shame as when i look at the women on here that feel the same as me i think they look fine even though they may look like me??? All the women on here are beautiful :)

Mum to 3 boys and 1 girl (Anonymous)

Original entry here.

I had my little girl 7 weeks ago today. She was born 1 day after her due date. I let the Dr. induce me after he said “she’s going to be big, over 8lbs” so he broke my water and put me on a pit drip and after 4hrs of labor our 9lb 21″ girl was here! I gained 40lbs and have lost 22 already, that’s just with breastfeeding though. I haven’t had the energy to workout yet. When I do get back into a routine I hope to lose another 20lbs to fit back into my old jeans. I didn’t get any new stretch marks and the old ones are fading again. It is hard to look in the mirror and feel sexy or beautiful but maybe that will come again in time. I’m just amazed once again at what a woman’s body can do! I feel so very blessed to be given the chance once again to be pregnant and deliver and now nurse a healthy new life! I spend so much time now trying to think of ways to teach my girl to love herself and her body no matter what it looks like and teach my boys to honor the women who may come into their lives. Thank you again Bonnie for creating this site for everyone!
1st pic 8 months pregnant, next pics 7 weeks postpartum, pic of newborn baby girl and last pic of nursing babe.

Loving my mama body! (Anonymous)

I’m a 40 year old mom of a beautiful 5 year old son, his dad accepts and loves my body as it is, and worships me in the most loving way. I was 35 at the time of my son’s birth and gained 50 pounds! I avoided the stretchmarks completely by slathering myself 5 times a day with belly butter, but only lost about 25 of that in the last 5 years. I wouldn’t mind fitting back into those skinny jeans from when I was a size 6, but I’m a happy mama at size 12. I eat healthy, do yoga, and breastfed my son until he was 4. We’ve been attachment parents and loved co-sleeping, and our son is very confident and well adjusted. This photo was taken by my wonderful mama friend, Jude Mooney. She does great pregnancy photos, and I’m thrilled I had her do these for me. My pregnancy journal is on www.spiralmuse.com