I’m a 40 year old mom of a beautiful 5 year old son, his dad accepts and loves my body as it is, and worships me in the most loving way. I was 35 at the time of my son’s birth and gained 50 pounds! I avoided the stretchmarks completely by slathering myself 5 times a day with belly butter, but only lost about 25 of that in the last 5 years. I wouldn’t mind fitting back into those skinny jeans from when I was a size 6, but I’m a happy mama at size 12. I eat healthy, do yoga, and breastfed my son until he was 4. We’ve been attachment parents and loved co-sleeping, and our son is very confident and well adjusted. This photo was taken by my wonderful mama friend, Jude Mooney. She does great pregnancy photos, and I’m thrilled I had her do these for me. My pregnancy journal is on www.spiralmuse.com

Go MAMA!!! I’m happy to know that I’m not the only co-sleeper around. Its sad that something so beautiful is so rare today. I currently have my 6yr old and my 1yr old sleeping with us. Your picture is beautiful, your beautiful.
breastfeeding until age 4??????
Actually, the worldwide average age to wean a child is 4 years old. It sounds so strange to us in Western society, but it’s quite normal and healthy to breastfeed for that long. :)
How did you manage to breastfeed till 4. What tips can you offer as i would love to be able to BF for that long. much appreciated
Your photo is beautiful. I too would love to hear how you managed to breastfeed until 4! I have heard of other mothers doing it, but haven’t heard much about the practical day to day. How many times a day, are they still actually getting milk out, etc.
There are a couple of comments I have left as yet unpublished for this entry because they are, I feel, less than supportive. I welcome an open discussion on breastfeeding an older child – and it doesn’t have to be all positive comments, although it does have to be gentle and tactful – but I do not feel this is the place for debate. Tomorrow I will post some information about nursing older children and will happily open the entry up for questions and comments. Tonight I am too, too tired.
Beautiful post! I think it’s fabulous and natural nursing a 4-year-old. As Bonnie mentioned, the worldwide weaning age is four – and when you think about it, North America would bring that average WAY down. Good for you! You look amazing and your little one is one lucky child!
Amazing photo and story. I breastfed my daughter for 18months before she self weaned, my goal was whatever was right for her. Way to go mama!!!
Oh you look beautiful! I love this photograph. I love that you’re forty. And I love that you breastfed four years. I’m 2 years 3 months into my breastfeeding journey. :D
My Daughter is 3 and a half and still breastfeeds morning and night, sometimes we joke that she’ll stop when she gets married. At times I can get a bit tired of it. Her brothers (now 14 and 12) both gave up before 3. I wouldn’t know how to begin to wean so my answer to questions of how to keep breastfeeding would be how to stop? It seems to be all down to what is working for all the people involved, both young and old. I don’t think I could sleep without sharing the bed, I know it’s only for a short time so I relish it. I had about 10 years of lovely cuddles from my oldest, he’s a teenager now and often answers with grunts but sometimes I get a lovely conversation or a nice hug to remind me of years past. My second was much more of a leave me alone to sleep but even he had a phase of joining us for a cuddle in the middle of the night at around 8 years. Now we have a baby girl, she’s totally spoilt for cuddles from all 4 of us. As for my body – I’m 42 and my family all love it – it’s quite soft and cuddly, I try to ignore it and get on with things.
Beautiful picture of mother and child. Perfect in monotone. Serene yogic pose. luv u and I am rushing to spiralmuse. See u there.
YAY MOMMA! CO-sleeping rocks! and its so awesome that you kept breastfeeding until the age of 4.. im gunna assume you let him decide when to wean! WOOT!
great picture you look amazing!!!