~Age: 29
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 preganancy – 1 birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: my son is 1 year and 4 month old today
My name is Rada, I am from Moldova and I am 29 years old. My baby boy – Karim – is 1year and 4 months old today. I got on your site accidentally, but I did not leave it until I read more than half of the stories of mom’s. Reading the messages I experienced different feelings, like sharing happiness of the women being mothers, compassion about them being worried and disappointed by their bodies. And I compared the situation with that of fighting a disease champagne – why to spend a lot of money and effort on treatment and not on preventing it.
I planned my pregnancy, I tried to do it in the best way I could – and I think I succeeded. I had a magnificent pregnancy, enjoyed every single day of it, I delivered my angel boy in my home in water, and I got my body almost as it was before I got pregnant. And I don’t think there is something magical in my body, I am convinced that this is due to hard work during the pregnancy. By hard work I mean – correct alimentation (which is completely different from what doctors advice us), a lot of physical activity – my day to day work plus special exercises for pregnant women, (regarding the physical activity unfortunately the doctors are misguiding pregnant women), and of course special exercises after the delivery. Of course, a sharp eye can see the changes in my body, I am still breastfeeding, so my breast will be a little bit different from how they were before. But I DON’T really care. Breastfeeding is the best thing I experienced, after the delivery. Breastfeeding brings me the most expensive and dear moments spent with my son. When I breastfeed the time stops, there is just me and my baby in the whole Universe – this is what I call happiness.
Like we see, the doctors play a great role in the disappointment that a woman faces after having the baby.
Here are coming with their offers the cosmetic companies – but the truth is that their remedies are TOTALLY useless. If there is an effect it is illusionary, for a short period. So, women better use natural remedies.
But, in the end I would like to say that a woman makes a great think by delivering a baby. And without a wise body this would not be possible. So I think that we must cherish our bodies, however they look like. Not the body attracts men in a woman’s life, it is her soul that shines from her yeas. It is her smile that captures the moment. A man that found his woman, the ONE, will thank God for every stretch on her body, for this means that his woman is a true woman, a one that brought him a baby. This is blessing.