I am a young 20 year old mother and wife! My son is now 10 and a half months old almost reaching his first birthday coming up in april on the 25th! I am so proud to be a mother and even though it would be amazing to have my prepregnancy body again, I would never trade it back if it werent for my little boy Aiden. He is the light of my life and he is what makes up my world as well as my husband. I dont know what I would do without my little family and I am very blessed to have both of them. I had a rough pregnancy with my son (my first and only pregnancy) as I had contractions on and off ever since I was 7 weeks pregnant. The contractions became more and more frequent as my pregnancy progressed and they were always very scary. I took myself to the hospital numerous times always scared that my son was going to be delivered that day! My son held on tight until his gestation was 39 weeks! I was on bedrest every since I was 7 months pregnant which made it difficult as I was still a senior in highschool. Luckily I had a tutor come to my home to help me finish up my credits so I could graduate which I did 3 weeks after my son was born. We had come a long way and are very glad we are where we are now. I gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy due to inactivity and eating everything in sight. I lost 52 pounds and need to lose another 18 pounds to get back to my prepregnancy weight. At this given moment though we again are both going through yet another trial in life as my son was just diagnosed with silent acid reflux. The doctors or I didnt even have a clue of him ever having acid reflux as he had no signs of it. That is why it is called silent. instead of him throwing up, his food was constantly going up and down his esophogus making it raw and painful to eat. This had gone on for almost 5 months with him not eating! We just thought he wouldnt eat until finally the doc ordered him to go to the feeding team to be evaluated. Finally it is all figured out and he is now eating with his special recipe of very concentrated formula plus a calorie booster and a food thickener. he is doing great and I can tell he is already gaining weight and he finally has a full tummy! Here are my pics, the first one is when I was 2 months pregnant, the 2nd is when I was 8 months pregnant, the 3rd and 4th pics are my stomach 10 and a half months postpartum and the last one is a recent one of me and my little boy on my 20th bday! Thanks to everyone and their kind words!
Before Pregnancy
Update at 7 Months PP (Jessica)
I’m writing to update my previous post at a few weeks postpartum back in August/September 2008. I am now 7 months postpartum and (very) slowly coming to terms with my “new” body. The lines are fading in color, but the texture, I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to! My husband assures me that I am more beautiful now, and I pray that someday I believe even an ounce of that statement. My sweet girl has her first tooth, is crawling, and is still breastfeeding (which has taken a huge toll on my once perky breasts!) Here is a before and current photo of my belly and a shot of my little angel Natalie.

Updated here.
7 Months Postpartum (Anonymous)
I was very unhappy with my body before and rather depressed about it, i never thought i’d look any better and i didn’t like taking showers because i had to see myself naked. Now i am ok with my body i am eating right and working at getting closer to my old body though i know it will never be the same, i gained 44lbs while i was pregnant and have lost 31lbs now at 151lbs, i may never have my flat tummy back but if its stayed the way it is today i wouldn’t have a problem with that my little girl is worth all the mommy marks life could have thrown at me. Pics are pre pregnancy, 5 1/2 weeks PP, and me today.
21 Years Old, 38 Weeks Pregnant, 1st Baby Boy (Anonymous)
I am 21 years old and pregnant with my first (unplanned) baby. A precious little boy, due any day now. I am currently 38 weeks along and still haven’t accepted the pregnant “mommy body” that everyone speaks so fondly of. I have had a healthy pregnancy and surprising still no stretch marks. (Believe me, I am not trying to brag.) I feel like a grease monkey some days at the amount of oils and lotions I apply to prevent them. I am worried that after he is born my body will never look the same again. I plan on breastfeeding, and have heard that can help get rid of baby pounds fast. My prepregnant weight was 130 at 5’7” and I am currently weighing 185. My husband isn’t that much more than me. I used to have such amazingly strong self confidence, and now its hard and sometimes impossible without tears to get undressed in front of my husband. I wonder how he sees my giant body as well, even though he says I am beautiful, it doesn’t seem to sink in. Last week I found myself wearing a pair of his sweatpants so I would be comfy. I cried harder than I ever have knowing how big I have gotten. Where did my self esteem go? How do I ever find that confidence again? Will I ever have an amazing body again? *Pictures are of prepregnant body (swimsuit last summer) and currently at 38 weeks.

5 months pp and very happy with my body (Anonymous)
I gained about 26 pounds during my pregnancy and now 5 months pp I’ve lost most of the weight. All I have left to lose is my little belly pouch then a bit of toning. And I probably wouldn’t have been able to do it so quickly if it weren’t for my gym membership!! lol
2 Weeks Postpartum, Mother at 19 (Anonymous)
I had my first son two weeks ago, a week before my 19th birthday. I was so worried about what my body would be like postpartum because I took quite a bit of pride in my body before the pregnancy. Now I realize that it really doesn’t matter as much now that I’ve had my son, and I’m proud of what my body is capable of and of the beautiful healthy baby boy it created. I do have my moments of insecurity and I feel far less desirable than before, but I’m working on getting back into shape. My fiance assures me that I look great still, but of course I sometimes don’t believe him (I’m such a girl sometimes…) Attached are pictures of me before pregnancy, during, and after, and a couple of my son Raiden of course =)

A Miracle Baby and Learning to Accept My Body (Amber)
My name is Amber and I am 21, almost 22. I had a planned pregnancy after only one month of trying with my ex fiance. I had no idea my body was going to look the way that it does, but after reading the site and lurking, I see that I have a lot to be thankful for. Mothers are beautiful, only us women are capable of giving life and it still to this day amazes me, even after going through the process. Pregnancy was hard, broken rib near the end, no sleep, and little did I know I was really 3 weeks late (totally had the date off) and ended up giving a vaginal birth to a 9.5 pound baby. Had the worst postpartum healing with a 2nd degree tear.
I was only 120-125 pounds and 5’4. I used to think I was fat, and now looking back at my pictures.. I want to SMACK myself! I would give an arm and a leg to look like that again, but alas I don’t have that luxury.
With that said, 3 months breastfeeding and working out has done pretty well for me.
And I can’t complain, the birth was amazing. I was 5cm dilated (yup, first time mom) before I was even induced. In two hours I was 10cm dilated and ready to push :D 45 mins of pushing and Aiden was born at 332 pm on 8-20-08.
3 months later I was back down to 125. Yay! But still people apparently think I weigh more, I guess it’s the hips? And when I’m bloated I look like 16 weeks pregnant. My body and I have a love hate relationship. Right now it’s love, tomorrow most likely hate. My hips just need to return, if they will at all… I notice changes when I check every so often, but they still seem to be quite wide.
In the end, I have the most amazing baby boy I’ve ever seen and I am so in love with being a mommy. Even if there is no daddy.
Pics are as follows: Me pre preg, 3 of me 6 months post partum (as of feb 20th) and 2 of my son at almost 6 months.
Myspace: Myspace.com/ayame
Facebook: ayame87@gmail.com
AiM: x4N71554x
Feel free to contact me if you feel you want to be friends, or talk with another mommy. Or if you want to feel good about yourself etc. :)

Trying to Accept My Body Really Hard (Roxy)
will i ever look better??? thats all I keep asking myself im 21yrs old and i had my first baby girl on Nov 16 2008. I got married at 18 and we decide to try having a baby in 08 and in March I finally saw the two pink lines we were soooo exited I thought I was dreaming. So my pregnancy was great I didn’t gain any weight i was in my ideal 125 until my 8th month dam that month i started gaining 2 to 3lbs a week thats when I got my stretch marks as they appear I got more depressed my eating habits where the same, it was so sad seeing my body getting all these red lines that where so itchy. I had my baby girl two weeks early she was perfectly healthy thanks GOD, she weight 6 pounds and 13oz and measure 19inches. In my 38 weeks i weight 164 my entire body has stretch marks hips, breast, belly, legs. I also had back damage because my belly was so heavy and my breast have grown so huge its horrible. But now im just trying to loose all that weigh because my body I feel that is huge including my face, I want to do exercises but for some reason I just wont do them I feel like I don’t have self esteem. I cry every time I look at my naked body because I feel like its my fault I should take better care of my self and I feel too depressed because im so lonely, I have my husband and my baby but I have no friends and all my family member are in other country.
Im posting a pic of me 1month before my pregnancy, at my 7months, 38 weeks,1month pp and my daughter.
Updated here.
I’m Only 18 – Wife & Mom, 4 Weeks PP (Anonymous)
Hello! I became pregnant @ 17, married my husband after we turned 18, and gave birth to a gorgeous 9lb 6 ounce baby vaginally. 36 hours of labor, and 3 hours of pushing, he was sunny side up, and they had to cut me. :(
I’m now coming to terms with this new body, all the new stretch marks on my tummy. I’m 5’11 and have never been tiny obviously. I was 170 pounds before pregnancy, and maxed out at the end at a wopping 218 pounds. I carried him pretty well, in my back. I didn’t get big or stretch marks til the end of my 8th month. I have a love/hate relationship with my body right now. To me when I look in the mirror I think I look pretty good for just having a kid, but then I start to look at the stretch marks, or where my perfect legs were before, now replaced with larger than before thighs and calves. Chubbier arms, and back fat.
Ahh! Being like this at being 18 sucks, but looking over this site has helped me cope so much!
And of course having my little baby, theres nothing better than having him suckle and hearing his little coos and seeing him smile.
My husband has not yet met his son because he is in the airforce at technical school and wont be home til march. He actually had to leave during my labor to go back after christmas break. I’ve sent him pictures and he compliments me all the time but I’m still nervous for our reunion.
I haven’t yet weighed myself which I think is a good thing. Thank you for everybody who has posted, it has helped me so much!
27 yo, 3 Months PP (Anonymous)
I’m excited to finally share my story after reading this website for a couple years. I’m 27 years old and this is my first baby. My pre-pregnancy weight was 125 lbs. I gained 35 lbs with pregnancy. Now 12 weeks pp, I’m down to 130 lbs. I didn’t get any stretch marks. Honestly, I ate pretty crappy throughout my pregnancy. As for exercise, I did yoga a few times a week prior to being pregnant, but quit exercising once I got pregnant. However, with my job I was walking and on my feet a lot. I’m also breastfeeding exclusively. I attribute it all to genetics (thanks mom!), considering I haven’t put forth any effort to lose the weight. I delivered a beautiful, healthy 7 lb 10 oz baby girl after 18 hours of labor. Sadly, I’ve always had a poor body image. I was very nervous about what pregnancy would do to me physically, especially after seeing some of the pictures on this site. Overall though, I’m proud of my body and what it’s done for me. Here are the pics. My body looks crooked because I’ve got mild scoliosis, and my right boob is bigger than the left.
Blue undies: 6 weeks pregnant
Pink undies: 40 weeks pregnant
Green undies: 12 weeks postpartum