My name is Amber and I am 21, almost 22. I had a planned pregnancy after only one month of trying with my ex fiance. I had no idea my body was going to look the way that it does, but after reading the site and lurking, I see that I have a lot to be thankful for. Mothers are beautiful, only us women are capable of giving life and it still to this day amazes me, even after going through the process. Pregnancy was hard, broken rib near the end, no sleep, and little did I know I was really 3 weeks late (totally had the date off) and ended up giving a vaginal birth to a 9.5 pound baby. Had the worst postpartum healing with a 2nd degree tear.
I was only 120-125 pounds and 5’4. I used to think I was fat, and now looking back at my pictures.. I want to SMACK myself! I would give an arm and a leg to look like that again, but alas I don’t have that luxury.
With that said, 3 months breastfeeding and working out has done pretty well for me.
And I can’t complain, the birth was amazing. I was 5cm dilated (yup, first time mom) before I was even induced. In two hours I was 10cm dilated and ready to push :D 45 mins of pushing and Aiden was born at 332 pm on 8-20-08.
3 months later I was back down to 125. Yay! But still people apparently think I weigh more, I guess it’s the hips? And when I’m bloated I look like 16 weeks pregnant. My body and I have a love hate relationship. Right now it’s love, tomorrow most likely hate. My hips just need to return, if they will at all… I notice changes when I check every so often, but they still seem to be quite wide.
In the end, I have the most amazing baby boy I’ve ever seen and I am so in love with being a mommy. Even if there is no daddy.
Pics are as follows: Me pre preg, 3 of me 6 months post partum (as of feb 20th) and 2 of my son at almost 6 months.
AiM: x4N71554x
Feel free to contact me if you feel you want to be friends, or talk with another mommy. Or if you want to feel good about yourself etc. :)

you look great! i love the sleeping baby pic. sooo cute!
You look wonderful, no stretch marks or anything. I am completely jealous, it’s like you never had a baby^_^
Your son is so adorable, he has the cutest little face and amazing eyes!
I understand you’re insecurity issues are real, but come on! You look EXACTLY like your before! And your baby is an angel :)
Seriously, where are the after pics?
You are beautiful & so is he. My belly button ring hangs down like yours from the stretching, good to know I am not alone.
Like you I went back down to my pre-preg weight very quickly, and like you I still feel bigger in the hips! Those pregnancy hips get us teeny girls good. I feel like Jessican Rabbit/ Scarlett Johanson some days, and other days I feel like Raspucia Vladimor from Norbit lol.
This story was refresing. Thanks
Thank you!
you look amazing, you’re definitely one of the lucky ones that bounces back right away, looking as great as before. Your son is very adorable. Congrats on such a wonderful outlook as a single mom. your son is very lucky to have such a great mom.
You look fantastic! You don’t even look like you’ve HAD a baby!
Thanks guys, I did get a lot of stretch marks in the last month, just really hard to see in natural lighting.
you look great! and your amazing, i can’t believe that lil tummy of yours was carrying such a big boy! wow! xo
stretch marks that you can’t see probably are just your imagination! i wishhhh i looked like you after! your look just like you did before pregnancy. feel blessed!
you look great befor and after. im 23 and have a nearly 6 month old baby as well. i had a very flat tummy b4 and now i look bloted and not back to my befor weight yet. but like you have good days. you do look great and have recovered a lot quicker then me by the looks of it
um there are no after pics! you look awesome! and stretch marks fade..
Hehe I’m the same, except I don’t have any pics to look back on and want to smack myself. I have no pics of my prepregnancy body in a bikini…I was 5’7″ and 120-125…haha, so naive, wish I had some to look back on. I definitely look way pregnant after eating a big meal, it makes me giggle. I’ve still got 5 lbs to lose to prepregnancy. I hear side leg lifts are supposed to help with the hips.