age 33
one birth, 32 months ago
I love this photo because it’s a hot girl in a bikini and also shows my loose belly skin.
I’m surprised by how unselfconscious I feel about that part of me – I’m more inclined to touch it absentmindedly and enjoy how soft it is than to lament how it looks.
There’s nothing contradictory about how good I look and that I look like my body grew a baby.

I love it :D I am learning to see that I look good even if I wear some signs of motherhood.
You do look fabulous!!!!
I absolutely love your last sentence. And I agree, you look beautiful!
You are DEFINITELY a hot girl in a bikini! You seem to be a strong woman! I love your confidence! :)
Love it. I wish more women had your confidence. That last sentence? YES! You. Totally. Rock.
I love this post! I feel the same way about myself and my silky belly skin. I often find myself fondly rubbing my stomach and am never too shy to show it off!
The simplicity of your final statement is the essence of SOAM and the inner peace that I strive for. I love seeing photos of mothers like you who not only say they’ve achieved that peace, but whose very being radiates self-love.
I cannot tell you how much I LOVE your last statement! it gave me chills when I read it, and totally made me take my head out of my ass, thank you!
I gave birth to twins 8 months ago (8.8lbs and 8.15lbs) so yeah….my body stretched! I worked really hard at taking care of myself and staying positive, I promised myself that I would totally rock whatever stretch marks I got.
Amazingly, I ended up with very few marks and am really pleased with where my body is today but I had been a little worried about wearing bikini’s….would other people be grossed out? Would my husband be proud of me? Silly me – I am SO proud of myself, my body and my babies and hell yes I’ll be back in my bikinis!
woohoo! you look hot! love brown bathing suits. I dont even own a two peice anymore.
I love this. I have a 33 month old wild boy and I look quite a bit like this. Really good, but with a tummy that looks like it carried a giant baby (loose muscle I guess). My partner begs me to wear a bikini but I am so weird about it that I mostly refuse to wear a bathing suit at all. It thrills me to see you owning it!