And what a great article it is! Beautifully written, well balanced – thank you, Tinamarie!
You can read the article here.
And what a great article it is! Beautifully written, well balanced – thank you, Tinamarie!
You can read the article here.
Age: 28
Pregnancies: 4
Births: 4
Kids: 7, 6, 5, 3
My husband and I were in the military when we met on a hot summer day during a training exercise and we were both filthy, exhausted, sunburned and peeling; it was love at first sight. I was 19, not quite 20, when I went in for a check-up and was notified that I was pregnant. I just couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t ready for children yet. My not yet husband and I had only been together a few months! Still, it was exciting news. My mother, whom was at the appointment was excited and when we notified my grandmother (she was waiting in the lobby) she about fell of her chair she was laughing so hard. (Nice to know I have such a supportive family.) And my mother insisted that she call my father at work. So it worked out that my whole family actually new before the father of the brand new life that I now knew was growing in that soft secret place deep inside. The pregnancy went very well although I was frustrated that I gained 70 pounds (certainly not a good thing). In fact, it went so well that the only bad thing, besides the weight I gained, was the fact that I couldn’t have chocolate. I couldn’t even stand the smell of it! James Michael was born on a beautiful summer day during a partial eclipse after only 5 hours at the hospital. My mother wasn’t paying attention, and not realizing I was in labor, let me take one of my super hot baths and boy, did that give a powerful kick-start to everything. We were 20 miles from the hospital and my mother wasn’t sure we’d make it in time. The nurse didn’t even believe that James was going to be born as soon as he was and the isolet had been turned on less than an hour before his arrival. My father was also in the room when he arrived. He’d dropped in to say hi, everything got going and he kind of got shoved into a corner. My husband caught James and then he was taken over to the corner for them to check him out real quick. It was my father that got the first real good look at him and it was my father that handed him back to me. I thought it quite fitting that he handed his first grandchild to his first born (He had also delivered me; my mother’s only home birth).
Two days later, the family that now consisted of three journeyed home to settle into our new life. I quickly lost all my baby weight except for 5 pounds but that was still in acceptable parameters for the military so I was happy. If anything I looked better because I wasn’t such a stick anymore. James was only 8 months when our next little one was conceived which was a huge shock because we had planned on waiting a couple of years. This pregnancy didn’t go so well since I couldn’t keep anything down the first three months but I gained much less weight this time, only about 40 pounds. He was due December 8 but I was shooting for December 3 since that was my grandfathers birthday and whom this little one was being named for. Instead, I go into labor late on November 25. The contractions got progressively harder and were nothing I couldn’t handle but I was hoping it was just practice. Finally the morning of the 26 I accepted that I was in full labor and called my husband home from work so we could prepare for the 1 1/2 hour drive ahead of us. This was the day before Thanksgiving and the plan had been that I would pack everything the day after Thanksgiving to drive up to my parents. I would stay with them for the week until the baby arrived but this little one had other plans. I was supposed to be making my Bailey’s cheesecakes for the feast the next day, not laboring to bring a new life into the world! I dozed most of the drive to the hospital, only waking up during my contractions and it was the same at the hospital. I was actually only at the hospital approximately three hours before Charles Adryan arrived in the world. I caught him and he was only seconds old as I cuddled him next to me. He is the most precious gift ever received on a birthday. Yep. I turned 22 the day my little monkey arrived. He looked like a little orangutan with his spiky red hair and his little wrinkly face. We had so much to be be thankful for that year.
So now we were four. I quickly lost the baby weight, except for 5 pounds again; at this time I was 10 pounds heavier than when I first met my husband but I still looked great. Sure, I couldn’t wear girls size 16 anymore and my breasts weren’t quite as perky after nursing but I still had my flat tummy. And then came the news that my state was activating it’s National Guard and I went through the terrifying process of walling myself off as I tried to deal with the thought that I wouldn’t see my precious boys for at least a year and perhaps never again. My husband and I didn’t get along well at this time. He tried to deal with it in his own way but it only served to push me further away. It was on the last night we were together before I left for Texas that we conceived our eldest daughter. It was literally the only night she could have happened since my husband and I hadn’t had relations all month. After about a month in Texas for the training, it was time to get a bunch of nasty shots so they gave all the women a mandatory blood test to make sure they weren’t pregnant. These shots would have seriously harmed the fetus and it would have been best to abort. I was barely far enough along for them to catch the pregnancy and even then they weren’t sure. I had to wait at a holding facility over the weekend for them to do another test. It was positive and I was going home. This pregnancy did pretty well; I was slightly sick at the beginning but not like I was with Charles. I was at the peak of my health and I only gained just over 20 pounds. It was a cold spring day when the doc informed me that I had started dilating and I was confident after my experiences with my first two births that my daughter would arrive in less than two days. Two days later, still in the early stages of labor there was no baby. The doctor, knowing my history started getting concerned so he had me start coming in for ultrasounds every day trying to figure out why she wasn’t dropping down and engaging. It took a further five days for the tech to finally get it at the right angle and they realized that the cord was wrapped around the baby’s throat. That is when my world fell apart again. I had to have an emergency cesarean section. I had not prepared for this at all. I knew from the beginning that I never planned on having one and I really didn’t do much research at all so I wasn’t prepared mentally or physically. All I wanted to do was scream and break things and I didn’t want anyone near me. Instead I lay in the hospital feeling like I was dieing inside while my family surrounded me. My father had talked his boss into letting him come over because it was an emergency section and things could go wrong. Less than two hours after learning why my baby wasn’t yet in my arms, Meradydd Anne Roishin was here. My husband didn’t even have time to make it since he was at home 1 1/2 hours away so it was my mother holding my hand during the procedure. I don’t remember any of it but she says I cried the whole time. It didn’t help that no one thought to show my daughter to me at all. I could hear her crying but I didn’t know if everything was ok or if something was wrong. She was two hours old when they finally brought her to me. I went through about two weeks of depression. I refused to get out of bed, I didn’t wash, I only took care of Meradydd as necessary. I felt like I had been robbed. I had dreamed of a beautiful, birth where I could once again catch the tiny being that I had created when she was only seconds old and hold her as I had done Charles. Instead I had this ugly slash across my abdomen that symbolized everything that had gone wrong. I am so thankful for my grandmother. I was staying at her house until I recuperated enough to go home, which was taking longer than it should have due to my depression. She was an RN and it was she that snapped me out of the depression. She physically hauled me out of that bed and made me take a shower and made me start caring for Deedee (her name is pronounced Meradith but thanks to my father and due to the spelling she has been Deedee since she was only hours old.)
I finally took my my beautiful daughter home when she was three weeks old and now we were five. It took me a long time to accept what had happened. It didn’t help that the doc whom had performed the procedure butchered me and I had the nasty scare to remind me of my emotional pain every day. I was now 15 pounds heavier than when I met my husband but I was no longer in the military. My ETS was only a week after Deedee was born. I also didn’t have the flat tummy anymore. Now that those muscles had been cut, I had trouble doing sit-ups and the flab refused to go away. Now I was even more ashamed of my body because in addition to the stretch marks, saggy boobs, and extra weight, I had a flabby belly with an ugly scar across it. Then I got pregnant again when Deedee was only 6 months old. I wasn’t physically or emotionally ready to have another one and I just wanted to cry but she was on her way regardless. This pregnancy did very well and I only gained about 14 pounds. It was another beautiful summer day when Kathrynn Elizabeth Eveline arrived in the world by c-section. I wanted to try a vbac but since my insurance wouldn’t pay for one (they changed that policy only a year later) I had to have another section. This one I was totally prepared for as I had accepted early on that it would happen. Once again my mother held my hand (my husband literally turns green at the sight of blood) and she also physically restrained me from decking the woman that was giving me my epidural. The daft woman couldn’t place the needle right and she kept hitting nerves; I kneed the poor male nurse that was helping to brace me. She finally gets it in only to snag it with her sleeve and contaminate it so she had to start completely over. That was a completely different experience from my first section; that one I felt only a tiny pinch. My mother made sure that they brought Kathrynn over when she was just minutes old for me to see her because she knew how not seeing Deedee affected me. Because I was so prepared for this one, I didn’t feel robbed at all. I had this tiny, beautiful daughter and now our family was complete. I completely shocked the nurses by being out of bed only hours after the birth and going for a walk down the hall so my husband could help me shower. I was also thankful that the doctor that had performed this section cleaned up the extra tissue from my previous incision so it would make a much nicer scar. My tiny daughter was only hours old when she was christened Kitty and she’s still Kitty to this day. My father was holding her and called her kitty cat. James, whom was just turned 4 only a week previous said no, he didn’t want a kitten, he wanted a puppy.
It’s now almost four years later and so much as happened. For a long time, I still hated my body. But the healing began when I met a very good friend. She’s one of those lovely hippy types that don’t shave and didn’t care how much of her breast people saw when she was feeding her son (he’s only a week older than Kitty). While I still shave, it was she that taught me to accept my body as it is and not care what others think; only what I think. I finally came to see that my body was not something to be ashamed of but to celebrate it’s unique shape because that was what nurtured my little ones. It was their tiny bodies that distorted things and their suckling that pulled at my breasts. I nursed Kitty for three and a half years; I only recently weaned her and I miss it already. So yeah. Here I am at 28 years old, sitting at 155 pounds (thirty five pounds heavier than pre-baby) that won’t come off, saggy uneven breasts, dumpy belly, and all. But my journey has made me who I am and I wouldn’t change it for the world. And my ugly scar? I have to go looking for it since it’s well hidden under my belly and even then I have to feel for it because it’s almost invisible. My husband says he actually prefers my body this way (not just because there’s more for him to grab) because it gave life to our children. It has been hard explaining to them the difference in their births. Recently my husband used an analogy to explain it. He said the boys came out the front door and the girls came out the front window. They all thought it quite funny. Our children all know about the birds and the bees. They know where babies come from. They have even seen videos of home births as well as a c-section. Nothing phased them. In fact, after the first birth they viewed I was poised to answer so many difficult questions but only one was asked. “Mom, why are babies born naked?” This is my life. I have a gorgeous, caring husband that wants me for who I am and I have four beautiful children that would not be here but for the sacrifices made. That is such empowerment. I can now look at my body with acceptance and pride. It’s pure bliss.
1 pregnancy 1 birth
4 1/2 months
Motherhood has changed me in so many ways, I start my journey as a young carefree 18 year old kid, and end as a mature young woman. I met my baby’s father when I was eighteen years old. I thought he was cute but of course love was the last thing on my mind I just wanted to have fun and the feeling was mutal with him. My life was perfect or so i thought I was working at the local grocery store had my own car, own apartment. But I was eighteen and ready to party, me and the father got along great every were we went, everybody talked about how great we were as a couple, how well we complimented each other. But we had a big addiction to partying and partying we did, and as we all know partying leads to trouble lots of trouble. There’s a darker side to partying the one nobody talks about, we were basically drinking every night and nibbling with perscription drugs and maryjuana. Now, we werent crackheads are anything like that but it could have lead to that. As a result my job sufferd and my school work, I started not showing up for work coming in late, being disrespectful to customers, ect. As you can geuss i was shortley fired and was not admitted to the nursing program. Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant, im not gonna lie to you the first thought thought that popped in to my head was “I can fix this” , I’ll just get an abortion. The father was admittedly against abortion and then reality struck i was pregnant this is a human being not just some kidney stone that can be removed. For the first week i just cried and cried i was in total shock and disbelif, how could this happen, i honestly thought I couldent get pregnant. I just thought other pregnant not me, boy was I wrong. Anyways my parents found out and they were shocked but very supportive which is a relief because I couldnt have done it without. I spent the majority of my pregnancy dreading the fact about how my life was over. I hated how big i was getting i cried my eyes out when I swall the dreaded stretch marks appear ALL over my body, i went from 136 pounds to a whooping 178 pounds. Looking back i should have spent my pregnancy being overjoyed at the miracle that was growing inside me but at the time i was not aware of how much love that miracle could bring. Little to say the pregnacy took a toll on our realtionship I was constantly crying and depressed i hated being pregnant I just kept telling myself once the baby gets here everything will get better. Despite the rough pregnancy me and the father fell in love and i can honstley say he is my soul mate and, there is no one else i would rather spend my life with. I started going into labor at 3 o’clock in the morining but I had no ideal what labor felt like. I remeber calling the nursing and telling her that i thought I had a UTI but the pain got worse about every ten minutes lol. Anyways, I called my mom and she was like I think your in labor hunny, So i called the baby’s father at work and told him he really didnt thinks I was in labor so he didnt bring the hospital bag. At 10:05 that night my angel was born, that was honesltly the happiest moment of my life. Me and the father had no ideal what we were getting ourselfs into, high on adrenaline, we naively instructed all the nurse’s to keep the baby in the room. As a result we got no sleep the whole time at the hospital. When I arrived home reality struck i was confused this thing i had carried around for nine monthes was a baby, and know so depended on me for everything. On top of all that I was trying to breastfreed long story short that only lasred about two weeks. The first month home was rough there was a lot off family conflict, and a lot of people trying to tell us what to do. Through it all we leaned on each other for support and stayed strong and we have a beautiful little girl to show for it. Today I am a much stronger person I lost all the wieght and pretty much look the same with a little bit of extra skin and stretch marks, but im okay with it because they represent my journey to womenhood. Without the stretch marks and extra skin i wouldent have been able to bring God’s most precious gift into this world. There is no greater gift then being a mother, and i would do it all a million times over, all the sleepless nights the wieght gain, depression, realtionship issues, stretch marks, to have my little girl. Sometimes i think women spend to much time looking at what they have lost and not what they have gained. Just think what if my body wasent able to bear a child, what if i never got the oppurtunity to meet my child, do you think you would be worried about the exess skin and stretch marks?. Just remeber that God has choosen you to be bleesed with the gift of motherhood.
I’ve been working out consistently for the past year. I try to stay on track with a healthy diet most of the time, but I do admit at times I fall off the wagon! When I delivered my son in Oct. 2009 I weighed in at 183. I now bounce between 148 and 152. I would like to lose 10-15 more pounds, but I guess I am just stuck with the “mummy tummy” unless I go the tummy tuck route. Some days I look in the mirror and think I look pretty good for having had two babies…other days, not so much. As you can see in my pics, my stomach is in pretty good shape until you get to my belly buttion, then things get a little rounder than I’d like them to be. I do have stretch marks, but they are very faded and can only be seen up close. I would love to get ride of the “love handles” but I am pretty sure losing more body fat is the only thing that will take care of those! I also am not happy with my thighs. It seems like no amount of exercise has done anything to firm the top of my legs, and I feel like this may be as good as it gets. I know I am not the only one out there struggling with body image issues. Thanks to everyone who has posted on SOAM…you all are amazing women!
~Your Age: 27
~Number of pregnancies and births:2 pregnancies, 2 births
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 5 years and 2 1/2 years
Previous submissions here and here.
Age: 19
First pregnancy/birth: 1 year pp
Thats what my 5 year old nephew says about my belly button. It bothered me immensely the first time he said it, then the more I thought of it a little chuckle escaped.. how many people can say it looks like their button is frowning? That short sentence pretty much sums up my whole postpartum journey thus far; denial, anger, mortification, acceptance, appreciation, and enjoyment! If you asked me a year ago if I ever thought I’d enjoy my body again I’d have given you a very quick and convincing, “NO!” I was very depressed about my body, I compared myself with every single female I saw, childless or mother; and in my eyes they all looked better than me. Every time someone complimented me or told me I was looking great I was sure they were lying, there’s no way I could look great.
Over this past year I have changed a lot, but its more my attitude than my body. My breasts are shrunken and saggy, yet I cherish the memories they give me.. my son kneading and tugging on them as he nurses and in those moments I’m the only thing in the world he cares about. The right side of my belly has far more stretchmarks than the left, and every time I look down I remember having his back pushed up tight on that side of me for the entire pregnancy. The stretchmarks from the top of my breasts to my calves remind me how strong my body is and I marvel in the fact that I was privileged enough to grow another human being inside me and it never ceases to amaze me how a body can morph to accommodate that baby. I don’t think my body is better or worse than any other mom out there, we each have our own stories and our bodies illustrate that individuality. What fun would it be if we all fit the same mold??
I finally started working out around the new year, before that I had felt hopeless. It’s helped boost my confidence, energy and moods so much! I’ve lost 55 of the 60lbs I gained during my pregnancy so far. I hope to lose 5 or so more and continue to get in better shape. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this site for helping me see what really matters, I firmly believe I would still loathe my body had I not found SOAM.
Picture 1: 1 yr pp full body shot
Picture 2: 1 yr pp close up of the “frowny face” button and strechmarks
Picture 3: 1 yr pp side
Pitcure 4: Levi 1 yr old!
Updated here.
I LOVE art. I enjoy looking at sculpture, abstract oils, photography, so on and so on. But, after a while, I began to be board with the way artists and even the media displayed the female form. The over exuberant breast augmentations and air-brushed porcelain skin – even Dove’s attempts of showing women in various forms – began to both me. ALL of these women – at a spectrum of ages and weights – were still PERFECT. Yet, THESE were the images of women that I am surrounded by. Is THIS what we all strive to achieve? An over-processed figure? A carbon-copy size 2, cup size DD, and hair flowing to our waits… I guess I don’t fit the mold.
Under these layers of skin, I could still see that former version of myself. The shimmer of that woman I used to be still existed. And, with my two children screaming in the background, I was determined to find her again and merge her with the woman who I now could see in the mirror. So, I began to eat better, became more active, and lost weight. I did feel better about myself and happier with that figure that stared back at me in the mirror. I FELT beautiful even if I didn’t fit the art world’s and media’s definition.
So, I turned the camera on myself and posted some of the pictures. I wanted to show my imperfections in an artistic light. My skin looks like it hangs on a woman well over twice my age, my breasts no longer retain their youthful bounce, and I have two scars to proudly show that both of my children did emerge from me. The reactions were mixed from viewers, family, and friends. Most couldn’t believe that I posted the pictures. But, I still FEEL beautiful and am not ashamed of my current form.
Have I merged my former self with my current person? I think that I have been her all along. I am so much more comfortable with my figure than I was ten years ago – although, I will probably NEVER wear a two-piece swimming suit again. It was just a matter of seeing through the shell …
Some artists HAVE shown women’s imperfections. In Leda Atomica, Salvador Dali painted his wife in all her imPERFECTions later in her life. Other artists have and still do explore the idea of how women’s bodies had changed during childbirth. Granted, I do realize that these will be the exceptions versus the norms, but the fact that these areas of our beings are explored brings some hope.
My websites are
I am 22 years old and have 2 children under the age of 2! I got pregnant with my first child when I was 20 years old, other than getting stretchmarks, I had never really though about how having a baby would change my body. I figured I was still young, and everything would bounce back to normal….boy was I wrong!! 9 months and 60 lbs. later I gave birth to a healthy 8lb. 4oz. beautiful baby girl. Despite having used cocoa butter for stretchmarks throughout My pregnancy, I was shocked to look in the mirror for the first time after giving Birth, and see the changes that had taken place. Not only was my tummy covered in stretchmarks, but my skin was rippley and sagging I also had stretchmarks on the backs of my legs, and side of my breasts. I thought for sure there must be somthing wrong… I am only 20 years old and my body should NOT look like this. throughout the months after my daughter was born, I tried hard to be accepting of my “new” body, but it was hard. In june of 2009, i was surprised to discover that I was pregnant again. I was not to thrilled at the thought of more stretchmarks, and feared that my body would be even worse after the next baby. I tried to eat healthier with my second pregnancy, and even lost wait the first few months due to morning sickness, so I only gained 20 pounds with my second pregnancy.
In January 2010 my baby boy arrived by cesarean.
right now I am 3 months post partum. Although I still have stretchmarks, most of them have faded, other than a few that I got from my secod pregnancy. I am surprised to say that I actually feel better about my body right now than I did after my first pregnancy. My skin is still sagging, and rippley in some places, and I have this horrible flap of skin that hangs over my pants, but I am still working on accepting my new body because, if I didnt have the body I have now, I wouldnt have my beautiful babies, and I wouldnt change that for the world! I have attatched pictures of me at 3 months post partum :)
Age~ 23
Pregnancy/births ~ 1 Pregnancy,1 birth
Postpartum- 7 months
I had just started dating my little guys dad six months before we found out we were expecting. It was a great moment for me and I’m sure him as well.
Before I met his dad I was in a long term relationship for 5 years with a different man and had planned on marrying him and having children with him, but it just never worked, I met Landon’s dad when I was working with him and we started dating. Everything about our first six months went fast, we moved in together a month after we started dating, six months later we found out we were having a baby.
The pregnancy was so easy we had nothing but good news the whole time, we decided we didn’t want to find out the sex and waited. It was hard for me I really wanted to know.
We went to every checkup and they all went well,I did start having some trouble with my sciatic nerve and I leaked a little of my fluid(nothing to worry about). Everything was perfect and I was so in love with the dad and baby. My parents and doctor were worried about after the baby if I could handle it emotionally because I have Bipolar, but had learned to cope with it and was even medication free for over 3 years so I wasn’t worried, but they were trying to look out for me you know parents.
I was nearing the end of my pregnancy and I was stating to get excited, I had my Birth Plan ready and the OB loved it and wanted to follow the plan as best he could, which made us so happy. My due date was Monday, July 13th, 2009 and when that was a week away the OB decided to book an ultra sound for Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 just in case I was late and I was. So when the 15th can I was so excited to see the baby at least that way so I could be sure everything was ok. The OB wanted to see the position of the baby so he could make a plan for that.
The night before the Ultra sound I seemed to have to pee a lot, but since I was over due I figured that was normal, but I was wrong it turns out my water broke and was leaking slowly and only when I had the urge to pee. The doctor sent me to the hospital and said by tomorrow you will meet the baby and we were so excited until we got there and they hooked me up to the monitor and I was in full labour and didn’t even feel the contractions I was told they were bad. I thought it was ok maybe it wouldn’t hurt like everyone said it would. They also noticed that everything wasn’t ok with the baby every contraction made the heart rate drop so they moved me to a room and said the doctor will be in, in just a min, he got there and did an internal and I had not dilated even one cm. Turns out my hips were fused together (reason I couldn’t feel anything) so he wanted a c-section(not what I wanted) but we did one and Landon was born at 8:58pm just in time to still share the same b-day as my brother.
They took him and finished with me. I met him almost 2 hours later and he was so cute and big 8 14.
But the next morning they said he had jaundice and need the NICU he was there for 3 days and had a feeding tube, so I had to pump and go to the NICU every 3 hours do they could force feed him 50 ml. nothing was going the way we planned, we finally left the hospital 5 days after he was born.
I hate my new body I was never tiny or skinny, but this is as big as I have ever been. Strange part is I only gained 15 pounds while pregnant. Now I sag everywhere and and the scar i know will fade but until then I don’t like looking in the mirror.
Black shirt 10 weeks pregnant, Dress and phone 40 weeks pregnant, front view of 7months pp, 2 scar views and side view all 7 months pp
This is an update to my March 2007 post.
I am 25 years old. I got pregnant with my daughter just 2 months after my previous post. My little girl is now 2, and my son is 3. I lost all of the weight from her. I am just 10lbs heavier than before we conceived my son. That 10lbs is just hanging around my midsection. Literally…hanging. The stretchmarks don’t bother me so much anymore, they’ve faded quite a bit. I just hate the saggy skin. I look at pictures of myself before I got pregnant, when I thought I was just sooooo fat. I often think to myself “Wow, I wish I was that ‘fat’ again!!”.
My boobs have unfortunately always been that large (36F at last fitting before kids). They grew consistently for 5 years in my late teens. I was horrified that they would just grow and grow throughout my pregnancy. Luckily they didn’t! I’m researching breast reduction at the moment and if our insurance will pay for the procedure. I have 3 vertebrae in my back that have no cartilage left between them.
I had a little devil tattoo on my lower tummy that I thought was adorable at 16. Well after 2 kids, he’s now permanently giving himself a BJ (see picture). These pics are 2yrs postpartum.
I became pregnant and the age of 19 years old. Before I was pregnant, I was quite thin. I always had body image insecurities either way. Looking back at those photos, I find myself asking how I could have ever been displeased with my body pre-pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant, I was 128 lbs. By the day of my induction, I was 198 lbs. Throughout my third trimester of my pregnancy, I often got asked if I was having twins. No, just one baby. One very large baby. My baby was born at 9 lbs 13 oz via cesarean section.
Although I was large, I was told numerous times that because I chose to exclusively breastfeed my child, that the weight would come off faster. Much to my dismay, the opposite was true. I was only able to breastfeed for a few months before my baby boy went on a nursing strike. I then exclusively pumped breastmilk until my baby was 6.5 months old. After I weaned myself from the pump, and thanks to the warmer weather and more walking, I finally started to get comments that I looked thinner. It wasn’t until I quit breastfeeding that I was able to lose weight. Right now I am at 160.5 lbs, 7 months post-partum. I’m running some, doing some ab workouts, but only when I can squeeze it in around taking care of my son.
But still, those comments about me looking thinner are made when my body is hid by clothing. My stretch marks cover my entire stomach, hips, thighs, and calves. My stomach doesn’t pouch out as much, but instead it went south. I have plenty of loose skin. To top it off, I have the c-section overhang.
Getting used to my new body is hard at times. I do truly really struggle sometimes. I don’t love my son any less; he was absolutely worth every stretch mark, every lb, and all the extra loose skin. I was so hopeful that because I was tiny before, that I’d loose the weight quickly. I was so hopeful that breastfeeding would help me lose the weight quickly, as everyone promised. But it didn’t. And although I still plan to exercise and try to be healthy, I know I need to learn to be comfortable with my body, knowing it looks the way it does know because it created my child. I’m not there yet, but I do have some good days. I may not be young and “hot”, but I am beautiful and my body is amazing for the sole reason that it created, housed, and gave birth to life.
I’m attaching an 8 weeks photo, 40 weeks pregnant photo,two 6 weeks post-partum photos(white sports bra), a few 7 months PP photos(pink bra and shorts), and a photo of the wonderful little life that is the reason for these photos