Stretched, Marked, & Saggy at 18! (Kelsey)

Hi, My Name is Kelsey.. I was 16 when I found out I was pregnant.. This came as a big shock to my boyfriend and I. At The time we hadn’t been dating long, and we we’re just in high school after all! We decided to carry on with the pregnancy and Keep our son..Now named Noah.. He’s an almost 2 outgoing, amazing little guy!! We are married and have turned out to be quite successful. I am now almost 19 only don’t feel it.. My breasts are saggy and marked ( due to 1 year of breast feeding), I have a c-section scar, My sides, thighs and butt have been stretched and marked, and Overall I just don’t look like I Should! My self confidence has really been fading lately as summer comes and I see all the girls “my age” in there cute bikinis and short shorts, and this is when it really starts to hit me that I’m never going to look any different!! It’s starting to effect my relationship with my husband and just the way i interact with people in general.. I would love to get the self confidence back that i had when i was a young teenager.. I mean who wouldn’t ! I love my son to death, always have, always will.. I just hate the feeling of being so discusted when you look at yourself in the mirror.. I just don’t know where to turn????
I Found this website when my son was about 6 months old, and I am finally getting up the nerve to post my story.

NUMBER OF PREGNANCY’S: 1. Noah almost 2 years

1st picture My son Noah
2nd picture Myself Pre-Pregnancy
3rd picture Scarred Breasts
4th picture Postpartum body
5th picture stretch marks

PS: I want to thank you for your site.. I find it very empowering to women to see this.. While it hasn’t quite hit me yet, i’m hoping this step will help. Thank you

Take 2 – Still haven’t accepted my new body! (Anonymous)

I originally posted here when I was 6 weeks post-partum!

I’m now 21 weeks postpartum and my feelings are still pretty simillar! I have better days than others, very rarely, but they do occur! I just can’t accept that this is the body that I have to live with for the rest of my life! I can’t even see the point in exercising, toning up etc, as the stretchmarks will never go, they’ll always be there! I find it totally incomprehensible how a mother can look at their stretchmarks and call them badges of honour, I really can’t! The way I see it is that my skin is now ugly and scarred! But then a good day I’ll look at myself and think I am a mum, a very proud mum at that and why should I be ashamed, I am the way I am because of my beautiful boy, but then I’ll look at myself and can’t believe that it’s me!

I’ve become so jealous of mothers who go back to looking normal and just ask why me? Why am I scarred and they’re not!! It’s such an awful outlook, I should feel good for them mothers who are fortunate enough to get their pre-pregnancy body back, but I can’t and jealousy is such an evil feeling and I don’t like myself for feeling that way.

I still don’t undress infront of my partner and our sex life has dwindled dramatically – 6 times since having our child to be exact! The first time I hated it and after my partner sensed something was wrong, he asked me and I cried!!! Not exactly a turn on is it??? My partner, as always, assures me I’m sexy, but what’s sexy about having sex with a top on….??? He’s my partner of 5 1/2 years, yet the thought of getting unchanged in front of him just scares me, as I’m scared he’ll think ‘what am I doing with her?’ and then I’ll be alone! But the thought of being alone doesn’t fill me with complete dread, as then I won’t have to get initimate with anybody!

I honestly don’t think my partner knows the full extent of how I feel, I’m sick of going on about how much I hate myself!!

I’m actually considering saving for a boob tube, as my breasts are so saggy and empty, they’re gross and just make me shudder whenever I catch a glimpse of them in the mirror!!

I just cannot see me ever changing my opinion of myself and don’t even get me started on bikini season! We’re not going away this year because I just don’t want to wear a bikini and expose myself for everyone to see, especially in daylight! I guess it’s tankinis and swimsuits for me now – which is something I associate with old women, but hey….

On the plus side my baby boy gets more beautiful and whenever he smiles at me it fills me with so much joy and despite the fact that I despise my saggy breasts, belly and bum, as well as the stretchmarks on the thighs, belly, bum and backs of my knees, I wouldn’t change him for the world, in fact I’d go through it a thousand times over just so I can have him with me!!

My pictures are –

side of belly

All of the above is why I despise myself!

Updated here.

Update (vsmama)

Original entry here.

Hi! I have a goal to feel my sexiest before my son reaches three! And he does in a little over three weeks but I’m already in such a positive state of mind. I’m very confident and excited for my continuing progress. I have such a supportive partner who is putting all they have to help me reach my goals. I still eat as I please just in moderation. I’m not a dieter type, I love food too much to think of putting a restriction. =) I work out in my home 4 times a week for 30 mins. a day with just 3lb weights as my son plays with his toys. I am very happy with the results thus far and I’m beginning to be so proud of my mommy tummy!!! Thanks for everyone’s support!

pic 1: shirt on
pic 2: almost 3 yrs postpartum
pic 3: same
pic 4: same
pic 5: for fun, feeling a little sexier :)

Updated here.

This is me now! (Dadama)

I got married to the perfect man when i was 19 (young I know) soon after I got pregnant . my son was 6 months when I started working and he spend a lot of hours in a daycare luckily my husband got a better job and I stopped working when my son was almost 4 (I regret not spending all those years with my son , but I needed to work no questions ask ) Then when he turned 5 he was excited to start school… in March 2007 I miss my period and I knew I was pregnant again without trying!! lol I wanted to have only one kid and now I was pregnant and scare because my son didn’t want a baby brother or sister… my second son was born in november 2007 in april 2008 I find out I was pregnant again!!!!
OMG I cried so much I was on the pill how could this happen? I didn’t want more kids!! but I understood that God had a purpose with me and now He had a purpose with my baby… Mathew was born december 2008…
Now my babies are growing so fast that I miss them already it seems like it was yesterday when I got home with Mathew He is 16 months old now and a very active toddler and even when is not easy having two kids close in age my oldest helps a lot! He is a Proud big brother.
And about my body ugh .. I have my breast cover in stretch marks I have extra skin in my lower tummy and some days I wakeup ok with it and some others I don’t like it at all …
First pregnancy went from 98 pounds to 150 lost the weight in about one year
second pregnancy 100 to 149 lost some weight but since I was pregnant I couldn’t lose it all
third pregnancy… day of birth 160 pounds , today 110

~Your Age: 27
~Number of pregnancies and births: 3/3
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 8,2,1, 16 months pp

The Stripped Project

Gabrielle Loisel sent me a link to her blog awhile back and I was intrigued at the concept, but have not had a chance to look at it until tonight. It definitely lived up to its expectations! She has a similar intent as SOAM does – bringing reality into view for all to see – but her execution is a little different. The photos, of both men and women, are all taken by Gabrielle herself with absolutely no photoshopping or fancy lighting. The blog also includes an array of related articles and links to relevant stories we should all find very important.

So, check it out, but do take note that it includes nudity and you may consider it NSFW.

The Stripped Project

6 years after…I still feel a bit unconfident (Anonymous)

Age: 36
Number of pregnancies and births: 3 (sons)
Age of my children: 12 1/2 , almost 11 and 6

As you can read above I´m a mother of three. I received my first child at the age of 23, the second one at 25 and the little one when I was 30 years old.
My life is undergoing many changes at the moment ´cause my husband and I are going to separate.
For the last 14 years he was the only one to see my body with all the changes due to the three pregnancies.
Now…I´m starting a new life…and may be some day I´ll have a new partner …
and as you possibly can imagine I´m quite a little bit unconfident if someone else will love me…and the way I look…as a mother of three.
I´m quite satisfied with my weight. I´m a bit too skinny but I try my best to gain a few pounds.
I love my tummy …there are no stretchmarks and I think after 3 pregnancies it really looks fantastic…
what really makes me feel a bit insecure showing my body to someone new are my breasts, the way they look now.
They are so small …I really had nice breasts, well-shaped…a German C-Cup and now it´s only B…
and if I bend over they really look saggy and so empty…I hate that.
As long as I´m standing or sitting and do not move too much they look quite okay…but only then.
I thougt about plastical surgery…but I fear the health risks and wonder if I could live with fake breasts…it probably would feel different…kind of foreign body.
so…I think I have to learn to love them the way they look now…
and I hope I´ll find a new partner who loves me just the way I am and the way my body looks…´cause I think every woman wants to be admired by someone…

Loving Myself (Tarah)

I am 31
3 wonderful daughters!

I had my first child when I was 19. Always overweight and insecure with myself, my first pregnancy did not help. I gained quite a bit more weight. The father of my child would abuse me regularly. Never leaving bruises on the outside, just on my heart. I was in labor over 24 hours with her. A C-section was performed and they realized her cord was around her neck twice. If I had pushed I would have killed her. Scarred and alone I raised her for 2 years with only the help of my family. I rushed into a marriage when she was 2, convinced that no one would love a fat 21 yr old single mom. I then got pregant with my second daughter. More wieght gain, more unhappiness. Another C-section, compounding the scarring. It was a lonely time for me compounded by the fact that both my father and grandmother died suddenly. Feeling utterly alone and worthless, divorced with 2 children by 2 different men, I fell into a horrible depression. Then I met my current husband. He never hesitated to tell me I was beautiful, that my girls are beautiful. He loves me no matter what I weigh or how bad my body is scarred. I got pregnant again with my third daughter. Again, more weight, worse stretch marks. My husband never once said a negative word about my body. He is the first man I ever let touch my belly who wasn’t a doctor. At first it was strange, never in all my life had a man ever held me and loved me and my big stretch mark covered belly. He would rub my belly and talk to our daughter, sing to her sometimes even. When she was born had no choice but to have another C-section. I was lucky enough to have the same doctor for all three deliveries. He told me that I will never have a flat bikini belly. I should just give up, and realize I will always want to cover it. When I gave birth to my last child I weighed over 200 lbs. I hated my body no matter how much my husband said I was beautiful. Now my youngest is almost 2, and I have taken charge of my body. I’m not ashamed of my belly or my scars. I made a promise to myself to take care of my body better. I now have lost 45 lbs. which is good, but I have lost the mentality that my worth is measured by my “beauty”. I love myself now, and love my husband more for never making me feel bad about myself. I am lucky enough to be in a community of people who love me for me, not my body. Who cherish the stretch marks and celebrate women in all forms! Thank you to my wonderful extended family!! Thank you for this site to show others what a mother’s body really looks like! Mostly though, thank you to my wonderful husband, for loving me and my body no matter what!!

A Mother’s Day Post

I had hoped to write a deeply meaningful post to share with you today. I was going to talk about growing older and gaining wisdom and the power that comes with age and with motherhood. I was going to say how our bodies are a reflection of all the internal changes that happen when we become mothers, and how that is a beautiful thing. But the fact is that I am not in any place to write anything clear tonight. Instead I will share some photos we took today. A few weeks ago I had to lift my eight-year-old to see something on a high shelf; I didn’t expect to be able to hold her long but my hips surprised me and I was able to have a sweet moment with my girlie a little longer than I thought. This mama body I have here is stronger than I realized. And so is yours. So take a moment today to love it, to discover how the beauty and wisdom of motherhood are reflected in your belly or breasts or hips or your heart. Happy Mother’s Day to each of you.

Skinny Moms, I have a Problem with You (Amanda)

Okay, let me get more specific here. Skinny moms that tell other women that you have a flat belly a month or two after giving birth to your second child because you have to chase child number 1 around. I have a problem with you. Big time.

Can you please just be honest with the rest of us, and admit that you have amazing genes? Because I don’t believe you. Not one bit.

This morning, I headed to my baby’s library class, and a mom with a two year old and a two month old came for the first time. Her stomach was flat. Like, this baby just appeared at the end of the marathon I ran and here we are flat. I asked how old the baby was not because of the moms stomach but because he was little and cute. When she answered “Two months,” the librarian who is probably in her 50s and has a slight mom belly despite being rather thin for her age and frame remarked, “Two months, and you look like that? That is ridiculously unfair.” The rest of us were thinking it as we awkwardly avoided glancing at each other’s or our own bellies. Then, the skinny mom flatly responded, “Oh, well, I chase her around so that’s what has me looking so good again.” And I had to hold my mouth not to scream. “BULL SHIT, I don’t believe you.” I mean, really, ladies, you know who you are. Chasing a two year old for two months is not what gives you washboard abs after baby number 2.

Why do women lie to each other? Is it purposeful or is it just that hard to accept you are one of the lucky ones? And you don’t count if it took you more than two months to get your body back.

I remember when I found out I was pregnant and woman after woman told me to pick up cocoa butter or vitamin E or olive oil or skinny butterfly juice (I made that one up) or whatever it was that they slathered on their belly while pregnant that caused them to come out the other end with no stretch marks. I remember reading article after article that said some things could make stretch marks worse like too rapid of weight gain, but if you are destined to get them, all the cocoa butter in the world won’t stop them. And I religiously rubbed Burt’s Bees Mama Bee cream all over my body. Even my toes. Just in case. And my husband would try to gently comment that it smelled gross, but I didn’t care. I watched the grease soak through my bra, my shirt, the pregnancy pants panel that covered my whole belly, and I sat there so optimistic that the more grease seeping through the less likely stretch marks were on their way.

I begged my OB at the time for a secret. I wouldn’t tell anyone, if she just told me how to not get stretch marks. She bluntly replied, “If there was a cream that prevented stretch marks, do you think I’d be here? I’d be somewhere else selling it.” And so, after months of wasting money and time, one day, my first stretch mark began to appear. I convinced myself that it took mine longer to appear than most women who had serious stretch marks appeared. But I lied. They came in, and while they aren’t as bad as some. They’re still here.

I remember heading to my midwife’s office five weeks postpartum, and I’d already lost 28 pounds just from breastfeeding, but my belly looked five months pregnant. She okayed me to start working out when my body felt okay, and she warned me that my abs had separated during pregnancy. So my back would start to hurt more and more if I didn’t start doing abs to try to bring the muscles back together. That was back when I was sleeping 3 hours total in a 24 hour period because my baby and I were having so much trouble breastfeeding.

I went home and tried to do a sit up, and I damn near died it hurt so much. Then, later, I tried to run on the treadmill, and I thought my lady parts were going to fall out.

So I didn’t run for a long time, and when I finally started moving again, I stuck to walking. I worked my way up to crunches with two 5-lb weights, and while my stomach is nowhere near flat, 9 months out, I don’t look quite as pregnant as I once did. Most days I proudly show my husband and son the almost abs I’m getting back. You know the ones you can see surrounded by my mom bulge? And I usually feel great about my body, but some days, I hide my stomach behind my backpack when I’m in a group of people so that people don’t look at my belly for too long.

~Age: 30
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1/1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 9 months

So insecure about my body! Trying to accept it, but it’s not easy! (Anonymous)

4 months postpartum
4 pregnancies, 3 births(1 miscarriage) (I have a 5 year old, a 3 year old and a 4 month old)

I was 17 when I became pregnant with my first child and I weighed 100 pounds. I was tiny. When I delivered him I weighed in at 140 pounds. By the time he was 3 months old, I was back down to 100 pounds. I didn’t do anything, I just dropped the weight like that. When I got pregnant with my daughter when my son had just turned 1, I assumed I would be the same way again. I gained a lot of weight with her. I delivered her by emergency c-section at 165 pounds. I have never really lost the weight since then. I got down to 155 pounds, but that’s it. My stomach hangs over the c-section scar and I hate it. No matter what I do, it won’t go away. Right after my daughter turned 2, I got pregnant again. At 13 weeks, I miscarried. Got pregnant again about 2 months later and delivered my second daughter in December. I only gained 15 pounds with that pregnancy, weighing in at 170 when I delivered her. I am breastfeeding her, and I lost all the pregnancy weight within 2 weeks…was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 155. But I just can’t get under that, it seems. I guess it could be worse. I just don’t feel pretty anymore. I used to be so tiny and now I can’t wear any cute clothes because my stomach hangs out and looks gross. I just want to be able to accept the way I look :-(