Mommy to a Princess (Amanda)

Age: 20
First baby
19 months pp

Hello :)
First, I wanted to say that I love this website. I think all of the mama’s on this website are absolutely beautiful!

Well, I started out at 5’1 and 110 lbs. I was only 17 years old when I became pregnant. I was scared to death but I thank god everyday that I have a beautiful little girl who absolutely adores me! Her daddy stood by me through everything, I couldn’t ask to have a better guy! I loved being pregnant, until week 26 when I was put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I gained 40 lbs while pregnant getting me up to 150 on the day I gave birth. I didn’t get any stretch marks until week 38. I remember putting a mirror underneath my HUGE belly & seeing all of the bright red stretch marks! Considering I put special lotion on my belly 3 times a day to prevent them, I was horrified.
On October 25, 2007 my beautiful little girl entered the world weighing 7lbs even. During the first 3 months I tried to ignore the fact that I was 130 lbs. I soon started to go on the treadmill every single day & by 6 months pp I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. My stretch marks faded completly but I still wasn’t happy with my weight. By 9 months pp I got myself down to 87lbs at 5’1! I admit, I ate nothing and excercised much more than I probably should have, but I liked the way I looked. By my daughters first birthday I started to gain a little bit of weight back and by 15 months pp I was back up to 110 lbs! I have been eating healthy this time and walking every day with my daughter. I am now at 100 lbs and completely happy with myself.
I love spending every single second of my life with my daughter. She puts a permanent smile on my face! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat :)

first pic: 1 month pp
second pic: 19 months pp
third pic: me & my daughter
fourth pic: my princess

9 Weeks Postpartum (Kara)

I had my son on my 19th birthday, and it wasn’t planned.
My blood pressure dropped severely low after I got the epidural. I’m not sure
if this caused by son’s heart rate to drop, too. Because of this, I had to have an
emergency c-section. The cord was wrapped around his neck, head, and chest. Thank
God for modern medicine! His name is Gabriel.

Age: 19
# of pregnancies & births: 1
9 weeks postpartum

Update (Kerry)

Original entry here.

age: 18
1 pregnancy, 1 birth
1 month PP
I posted about a month ago. I was expecting my child on the 9th of April… Well he came! April 7th, at 10:50pm weighing 8lbs 4oz and measured 21.5″ long! We planned a home water birth. We barely had time to make the water part work because he came so fast, but it was just what we wanted, and more! In my earlier post I had shared my fears about my coming PP body and how this website was helping me get over them, not in the way that I wouldn’t look different, but that my body would be something to embrace instead of loath. I prepared myself for the worst, maybe if I hadn’t already been learning to embrace my body I would have still been upset and disappointed with my body. What I DIDN’T expect was to have the opposite reaction! Instead of just accepting my post baby body I actually love it! I have curves now, my belly and sides are still riddled with stretch marks, but they are barely visible, and my tummy skin is soft as can be. Im still about 30 pounds from my starting weight at 130something (I think, we dont own a scale) but I dont ever want to get that skinny again, this body is too enviable in my eyes! When I delivered my son, Levi, I was 196lbs, so to be down to 160 already is quite encouraging, but I have no problem if I platau here and dont loose anymore for months! Maybe I lost so much because I’m breastfeeding, but who knows.. Just wanted to share my utter joy with all the ladies on here!
1st: 3 hours before Levi was born
2nd: bringing our son into the world
3rd: 1 day pp
4th: 1 week pp
5th: 1 week pp
6th: 2 weeks pp
7th: 3 1/2 weeks pp
8th: 3 1/2 weeks pp
9th: my little treasure

Updated here and here.

Still Trying to Adjust (Emily)

Age 19- Mother of One Beautiful13 month old boy Aleckzander

I was 17 When I found out I was pregnant. My fiance now my husband and I had decided that we were ready to start our lives regardless of what anyone thought even though a lot of people thought we were crazy we were just living our dreams and running on faith and love. I married my amazing husband in December of 2007, and our son was Born April 12, 2008. This had to be the best day of our lives! Aleckz defiantly gave us a run for our money. I went into labor officially at Midnight on April 12, all though I later found out that I had been having contractions since about 10 o clock the previous morning! At 10 am the Dr’s told me it was time to push 4 hours went by and sure enough with the help of a vacuum my beautiful son was born weighing in at 6 lbs 4 oz and 19 in long. He was immediately taken to the NICU because they said he wasn’t breathing right. I got to see him 4 hours later. He was perfect. That night they had to put in a feeding tube because he wouldn’t eat but he ripped it out. My little man sure was a fighter.
Now at 13 months he is full of life, running around, laughing, and making everyone he meets ogle over his beautiful blue eyes, blond hair, and bright smile. I am reminded daily when I look in the mirror that my body may not be perfect but my son is =) I went from weighing 145 too on the day of labor 198 I’m done to one 160 but still not happy with my body, the stretch marks alone remind me of the battle that’s ahead of me =) All in All, I would take the stretch marks over anything to see my son Smile every single Day. He is the love of my life and the stretch marks remind me of the battle that he came from =)


hi! my name is Kourtni. I am 18 years old, and currently 34 weeks pregnant. I am trying to prepare myself for what my body will look like after i give birth, but it is hard. I have been overweight most of my life, so I never really got to show off. And now i think I will never get the chance =(. I guess bikinis just aren’t for me. But I know I will work hard to get the body that I want ( or close to it) after my little girl is born. I love my baby belly and wouldn’t change it for the world!

One UnHot Mama. C-Sections & Stretch marks! -Yuckk (Anonymous)

First Pregnancyy.

I had been dating my boyfriend
for 2 months before I got pregnant.
(Bad.. i know)

I was 17 years old.
& I was never confident
with my body. Now.. Id give
anything for the body I once had.
Id walk around naked everywhere!!!

The first pic was (of course..)
BEFORE I got pregnant.
I was about.. 190 pounds.
&yeah. Ima big girl. Im 5’9.

The others are today.
8 weeks pp. 216lbs.- can barely squeeze my thighs in a 14.
&& i look horrible.

Before pregnancy i was 190-size 12.
When I had my c-section I was
250.. yeah.

I had pregnancy induced hypertension.
so I blew up!!

I think I might have
ppd. My relationship
with my boyfriend
has basically gone
to shit.
Have any of you had
stretch marks & a flap
like this.. then lost them?
I really need some support?
Im taking care of my son -8lb.8oz.20in.-
by myself. My self conficence is so low.
But yeah.

If anything i hope this
makes the ladies with
hardley noticable stretch
marks feel better! =D

I don’t feel beautiful anymore!… (Anonymous)

First off I’d like to say how amazing this site is. After browsing through everyone’s story and pictures, I’ve realized what real women look like, and that im not the only one going through this stage of not feeling beautiful.

I have a wonderful supporting boyfriend that I have been with for over 2 years. Each and every day he tells me how attractive I am, how beautiful ive always been and that im even more beautiful now. But some how I cant bring myself to believe him.I think if I dont feel this way about myself than why would he. Hes my boyfriend and I know he wouldnt want to hurt my feelings, thats why I think he gives me all these complements.

When my boyfriend and I started dating I was 5″7 115lbs, and I absolutely loved my body. Around that same time I was going through alot of family troubles and I gained 15 lbs throughout the year I was with him..I told myself I can deal with being 5″7 and 130lbs.. I was still very confidant and loved the way I looked.

Then 9 months ago I found out that I was 15 weeks pregnant, at only 18 years old..I will be 19 on May 4th,even being a young adult I had people look down on me because I am so young and having a baby.. I had no idea that I was pregnant, I didnt gain weight, I didnt have any symptons that I could be pregnant. Then all of a sudden my periods started going all different, so I went to get checked out. When I found out I was pregnant , I was very scared and happy all at the same time. I never really thought about how my body was going to change because I had more important things to worry about.

I am now 40 Weeks + 2, my due date was on April 22nd,2009. So really I can have this baby any day now. The pregnancy has been great, ive had no problems. I actually liked being pregnant, up until 8 months. I had no stretch marks , and i didnt gain that much weight.I felt great, I had tons of energy. Because I didnt have any stretch marks tell I was 8months pregnant I didnt think id get them at all..So I didnt always put cream and oil on, and that was a huge mistake, my stretch marks are now disgusting. I now weigh close to 190lbs.

I know that my stomach,butt,thighs and overall my whole body will never look the same again. I will try my hardest to look the best I can after this pregnancy, because I know I will never feel good about myself again if my body looks the way it does now.

I have attached a few pictures of before I was 8 months pregnant, 8months pregnant and now. I will update what I look like after I give birth. Whenever this baby decides to come lol..

Still Trying to Cope (Victoria)

Im 19 and im still coming to terms that my body changed. I gave birth 21months ago and I thought my body would go back to normal like when my mother gave birth to me but no that didn’t happen. I wasn’t skinny before but a normal weight for my body I just thought that it would be the same but no. My partner tells me i shouldn’t care or worry he loves me no matter what and has told me my tummy has gone down more
But its what i feel.

~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 pregnancy
~The age of your child: 21 months

Photo 1 is me today.
Photo 2 is me pregnant.
Photo 3 the last day I was pregnant.
Photo 4 My pride and joy. Daughter.

Updated here.

Coping with my body, a year after having baby number 1 (Anonymous)

When I was 18 I found out I was pregnant. It was probably the scariest moment in my life so far, I knew I would keep the baby but I had no idea how to raise a child, I was still one myself. The fear turned into joy the moment I felt the first little kick from my baby, when I was 18 weeks pregnant on a flight across the country. From that moment on I was excited, my boyfriend who was 23 at the time took a little bit longer to accept the idea but eventually became happy with the idea he was going to be a daddy. I found out when I was 20 weeks along that I was going to have a girl. I had never really given much thought to having babies before, but I always knew if I were to have a baby, I wanted a girl so it was a very pleasant surprise when the ultrasound tech told me, its a girl. She printed out pictures for us and we went to the nearest baby store and bought our baby her first little pink outfit. My pregnancy went very well, I had no complications at all and felt fantastic almost the entire time, no morning sickness or anything not even any cravings! I didnt get stretch marks until I was 40 weeks pregnant. I was actually very upset when I saw the first ones in the mirror, and they kept coming. I had used cocoa butter for he first 37 weeks and then stopped because my mother told me her stretchmarks appeared when she was 30 weeks so I thought I was safe-WRONG. I only got stretchmarks on my belly though so I guess Im lucky that way. My birth went well, I was 42 weeks and had to be induced so I got the epidural fairly fast so I was only in pain for an hour maybe. 28 minutes of pushing and my beautiful little girl was looking me in the eyes. My first thought was “wow, she can really scream”. I was scared, but I have never felt happier in my life, I felt relief that the pregnancy was over (going 2 weeks overdue gets very uncomfortable) and I was sp happy to finally hold my 7 pound 12 ounce baby girl. I was 110 pounds pre pregnancy and at the very end I was 151. I lost 20 of it in the hospital, so going home I looked a lot smaller than I did when I went in. 6 weeks after I thought I was doing great but it seems like I have not gotten any smaller or in any better shape since the 6 week PP mark. I weigh 115 pounds but I still feel a lot bigger than I did pre baby. I have love handels that make my body look muffin like in any pair of jeans I wear. The only thing that did not change on my body was my breasts, they stayed almost the same as pre pregnancy. I notice they arent quite as perky but my boyfriend doesnt notice a difference. I feel so bad around all my other 20 year old friends who are in great shape and can wear tight clothes and not worry though. My daughter is worth every extra pound and all my stretchmarks, but I still wish I looked better. I have other friends who had children around the time I had mine and they look way better than I do, and its a little upsetting. My stretchmarks have faded but they are still very noticable.
Im glad this site exists, so women can share their stories and feelings. I have a hard time talking to people about how I feel about my body because I dont want to seem like Im complaining or fishing for compliments. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I look forward to reading yours too.


3 1/2 Years Postpartum with Second Baby (Monique)

name: monique
Age:24, had first baby at 16 and second at 20
Children: 2 little girls 6 and 3 almost 3 and a half years post parterm

First off i found this site along time ago but didnt ever think i would get the guts to send anything. but i now love my body just the way it is.

I got pregnant at 16 with my first daughter who is now 6 and amazing i had her at 17 after a really short pregnancy she was born at 33 weeks and weighed only 5 lbs but looking at her now you would never guess the bean pole was ever a preemie. i was a size 3 when i got pregnant with her and after words shrunk to a zero from breast feeding i was fortunate with her to get only one stretch mark that wasn’t even noticeable. i got pregnant at 20 with my second daughter and had a horrible pregnancy plagued with kidney problems and other health problem i was in the icu for almost a month while pregnant and they thought they would have to deliver her at 26 weeks via c section but i wouldn’t allow that. i ballooned while pregnant with her gaining 75 lbs on my very little body i did carry her to term as a matter of fact two weeks later then term but i wasn’t so lucky on losing the weight that time i lost only like 30 lbs and my husband did nothing but criticize my weight and all the stretch marks i got. but 3 years late im done all the pregnancy weight and now im at what i weighed when i got pregnant with my first daughter. granet i lost all the weight because i was going through a divorce but i am now in a healthy relationship and my boyfriend loves my body extra skin and stretch marks and all he tells me i should be proud of them because i have two beautiful and healthy daughters and i am proud. i hope to have more kids someday and even if i get more stretch marks i will still love my body no matter what. thank you for this site it helped a lot in accepting me the way i am.