my age is 17 and my name is Marissa
one pregnancy, one birth
my daughter, Lily, is 7 months
Hi, my name is Marissa and i am 7 months pp with my first child, Lily. I am a teen mother and the past year has been a life changing experience! I met her dad during my sophmore year and we were good friends for about 4 months. We both have never been in a serious relationship and fell in love with eachother quickly. After two months of dating, we got pregnant. I had sex because i thought he wanted to and that what all my friends did. Were both shocked since we used a condom except during or a few days after my period.We felt completely stupid, since we both recieve good grades and never partied or anything. No one ever had a sex talk with me and our school promote no-sex at all and i had no idea it was possible even if you were n your period. I only thought you were fertile 2 weeks after a period so we had unprotected sex thinking it was alright. I know i was wrong, and i learned sooo much about babies and sex during my pregnancy. Im kind of angry at my parents and school for not teaching us about birth control and how pregnany happens so easily. But over all, it was our fault. We did the deed. I hid my pregnancy for about 5 months from my family and friends. I was in denial and kept thinking maybe i wasnt pregnant, and if i was, i will simply get an abortion. My boyfriend and I were very lost and afraid and we desided to tell his mom last year on valentines day and she FREAKED. She told us abortion was the only way and i had to tell my mom. I did the next day and she cried. My boyfriend and I left to go out to eat while my mom told my angry step dad, who didnt talk to me for months. My boyfriend started to cry when i described abortion to him when we were out, i was so far along that i felt her kicking and we both knew that life was growing in me. My mom then took me to plannedparenthood the next day where they told me that no one will perform an aboriton since i was only 16 and so far along. That was fine by me because the more i thought about it, i couldnt do it. But my bf family thought adoption was our only option, but my mom was very supportive on what choice i wanted to make. She told me, if theres a will theres a way, and so i thought that i can do this. I desided to keep the baby and my boyfriend wasnt to happy but he said he loved me and i knew what i wanted more than anything. I was’nt strong enough for adoption and i was happy with the choice i made since mine and his family bacame VERY supportive! I gave birth in July, me 16 and my bf 17.He, his mom, my mom, and my sister wathed me give birth after 17 hours of difficult labor. His family, and mine, fell in Love with Lily right away. and so did I. I knew i can do this! For the months i was pregnant, i was online alot and read soo much about babies so i was kinda prepared to what to expect. It was a rough few months since i had difficult breast feeding. I breast fed for five months and she is so wonderfull! She is a very happy baby and very outgoing! She has been hitting her milestones early and has been doing great. Nick, my boyfriend, is still with me and we have been doing very well. Lily is a daddys girl and i love it how i have such a wonderull, loving supportive boyfriend, friends and family. I still go to school and im in my junior year. We both are still on the Honor Roll and im taking a course to get my STNA by this summer. =] I love Nick and Lily so much and im glad i was able to do this.
These pics are of my belly, 7 months pp. I am 5 ft4 and was 130 pounds before i got pregnant. I was 186 when i gave birth, igained 86 pounds! But being 7 months pp, i am now 150 pounds. and still trying to lose weight. I have body image issues, even though Nick loves my jelly belly.
Updated here.