Happy New Year!

I read this article today about a woman who discovered that what she had perceived as overweight turned out to be just exactly who she is (and not overweight at all). It really moved me to read about her inner transformation and her decision to embrace herself and buy new clothes instead of her usual January-diet-up-and-down-cycle. How beautiful, to be able to discover that maybe you already are, well, beautiful.

Do you have a similar cycle? Have you made resolutions or plans to lose weight this year? How about loving yourself? Has that played into your New Year’s goals at all?

To be clear, I absolutely always support a healthy lifestyle. Eating whole foods with a large produce base, and moving your body regularly is a solid foundation for everything else to follow. Living healthfully allows you to feel better physically and emotionally. But I feel strongly that learning to love yourself is equally as important and, sometimes, must be accomplished before the rest can begin to follow. And the fact is that I have met many women who, for various health reasons (thyroid, food intolerances, adrenal issues, hormonal issues, etc) simply cannot lose the weight no matter how healthy they are. I’ve also met women on the other end of the spectrum – who are underweight and cannot gain enough no matter how they try – their struggles aren’t any less just because they happen to look, at first glance, more socially acceptable. Should woman, over- or underweight, have anything less than love for their bodies, just because they don’t happen to meet some number on a doctor’s chart? Hell no! They should love their bellies and breasts and legs and hips no matter what size they are. Because we are all beautiful. Period.

Working on this website has been such a blessing in so many ways. I get to see such beautiful people every day. I get to read about their struggles and their joys. I get to watch them love themselves. And they inspire me. I had already begun my journey to love myself wholly by the time I started this site, but I cannot believe I ever would have come this far without each of you. I hope I can return the favor.

Over the past year we had some incredible stories shared here. Colleen wrote about making peace with her cesarean and the scar that came with it. Lisa took a moment to ponder what she would say to a friend in her position – this is, in fact, one of my own personal tricks for being loving to myself. Mary wrote an incredible account of her feelings toward her body – beginning in the midst of hatred and coming into appreciation and respect. Emily realized how incredible a mother’s body is and promised to never forget. Proudmama touched readers’ hearts by comparing her body to a well-loved home full of warmth and memories. Eden shared what has become one of my favorite photographs ever. And that is just a drop in the bucket of the stories shared here. The pain, the joy, the emotional growth. I want to thank all of you – writers, readers, supporters. You are beautiful women. I mean that.

So. What resolutions are you making now? I hope that loving yourself, physically and mentally is on that list. Or moving further down that road, or sharing the message of love to others you know. Whatever applies to you. Because, you deserve it, our daughters (and sons!) deserve it, and together we can kick this self-hatred crap right out of womanhood altogether.

Happy New Year!

Own Your Beauty: Creativity

Karen’s post went up yesterday talking about how important creativity is to owning your beauty. It’s an excellent post; I found myself nodding along the whole way through. Creativity isn’t something out of your reach – it’s something you already do every day, and something that truly enhances the soul the more you intentionally practice it (am I’m not talking just about making “art”). Go, read it. Be inspired. Make a vision board – I know I will (and I will probably post about it on my personal blog).

Also, did you know Karen’s book has been released? Check it out, it’s beautiful and, frankly, I think would make a perfect gift for any woman.

Grand Opening: SOAM Zazzle!


Thanks to the mamas who posed for me a few weeks ago, I was able to create some items for a Zazzle store to help support the site. At this moment I have some shirts, a bag, mugs and a bumper sticker up. I will keep adding over the next few weeks so let me know what items you fancy and what sorts of things you might like to see written on them. Right now the shirts and bag say, “A mother’s body is always beautiful,” and the mugs say, “You are beautiful.”

Right now Zazzle has free shipping on orders over $50 until the end of the year. Holiday shopping, anyone?


Click here to go to the store!

Happy Thanksgiving!

41 weeks

Here in the US we are preparing to stuff ourselves silly with turkey and stuffing and gravy. The day gives us a chance, pilgrims and American folktales aside, to remember to be thankful for all that we have. Which is a lot. The fact that you are reading this implies that you have a computer, or at least access to one, and that indicates a certain level of riches. I assume that you have clean water, a warm shelter, access to information and the freedom to make changes in your life, at least to some degree. That’s pretty lucky. I also assume that you have eyes with which to see this (or ears to hear it read to you), and a mind with which you can consider things. How blessed you are!

I don’t believe it’s productive to brush superficial feelings under the carpet, but I do think it’s wise to see them balanced with all we do have. So today, and for the future, I hope, I ask that while you work on making peace with how you look physically, you also remember to consider all your body does for you. Awhile back, I posted this link on our Facebook page and I think it’s appropriate to share it again today. Thank your body. It works hard for you. It’s not perfect – maybe not inside or out – but you are alive, and hopefully more healthy than not.

Happy Thanksgiving, you beautiful mamas!

12 Steps of Letting Go of Perfectionism – Own Your Beauty

Brene Brown has shared her 12 steps to letting go of perfectionism with BlogHer’s Own Your Beauty. As usual, the woman is full of wisdom. Steps three and 12, particularly, spoke to me. Number three, because it’s something I’ve done myself over the years with incredible results, and number 12 because it is something that directly relates to this website:

Practice self-compassion. We need to be kind and tender with ourselves. Most of us talk to ourselves in ways we would NEVER consider talking to other people. We are critical instead of kind. We are judgmental instead of loving. Perfectionism is ultimately a struggle for worthiness and there’s no better place to start than remembering that our imperfections and vulnerabilities connect us to each other and to our humanity.

You should aim to speak to yourself the way you would lovingly speak to a friend. Or the way your friends lovingly speak to you. You deserve the same respect you would afford to anyone else. Allow yourself to be loved.

Now, go forth and embrace good-enough-ness.

Not the Perfect Coach – Own Your Beauty

“I left the first session feeling pretty confident that they liked me because I wasn’t the Perfect Coach … I was just Coach Caitlin.”

This month, Caitlin talks about working with young girls through a program that teaches fitness as well as self esteem. An inspirational story – and a program I’m considering looking into for my daughter now that I’ve heard of it! Read the article here.

Local Get Together

belly line up

On Sunday several local moms met me in a park to allow me to photograph their bellies for various uses, including a Zazzle.com store which I hope to open by next week.

It’s always so great to meet people through SOAM. I probably have some form of social anxiety disorder, and if not, I certainly have a lot of social anxieties – I’m extremely shy and nervous meeting new people. But I felt very much at ease with the beautiful mamas who showed up. We sat around a bench under pine trees in the warm sun and just talked – about birth, about bodies, about blogging, about our children. Once everyone had arrived, we wandered over to a place where the trees provided a lovely backdrop and I took the pictures.

Thank you, every one of you, for showing up and for allowing me to use your images to help SOAM. It will, I hope, help the whole world.

There Are No Flaws

Karen’s first post on this month’s theme of Imperfection went up this week. She spoke with author Katherine Center about beauty and her book, Everyone is Beautiful. I’ve only read the title (so far, that is – my copy has been shipped, but not yet arrived) and I already know I’ll like it. As an aside, I did grab a copy of another book of Katherine’s called Get Lucky which sort of begins with a website a little bit like SOAM – although far more like 007 Breasts – and I found that really damn cool.

Anyway, go check out Karen’s post – it’ll lift your day and probably your life. I’m going to participate in her homework – a month of self portraits – I hope to see you over at BlogHer’s new Flickr group!