Fifty Nude Women

Someone recently sent me the link to this film. Intrigued, I bought myself a copy and watched it last night. (To sound cliche) I laughed, I cried (or nearly so)… I was uplifted. It’s beautiful. It’s necessary. Every woman – heck, every man! – needs to see this movie. If you have the chance at all, please buy yourself a copy.

Word of Retouching (shared by a reader)

I had come across a couple of these sites a long time ago when the site was new, but an alert reader sent me some links with a TON of retouching websites. She’s written

I found some exciting and disturbing news the other day. First off, I know some ladies already knew this but when you actually see it you can’t believe it. i found these websites on photo retouching from models to cars, or anything. Its amazing what they edit (airbrush) out. They take out what I think personally makes a human, human. Ladies you just have to see this. I knew they airbrushed models, but when you see how far they take it you can’t help but think there never was anything wrong with you. It’s almost sickening to feel that I have been comparing my skin and flaws to that of a computer-generated model. And then you can’t help but wonder if anything you see is real anymore! Secondly, Ladies embrace your stretch marks like never before because I found out that a lot of celebrities undergo c-sections almost 2 weeks earlier than the due date just to avoid stretch marks that seem to come most at that time. These women put their children at risk, just so they can look good afterwards. That is the most vain and cynical thing I have ever heard. Someone put it quite nicely, “motherhood is a sacrifice, and if a person isnt willing to make that sacrifice then they dont need to have children.” Women with or without stretch marks, but had your baby when it was necessary for the baby and not your selfishness, you are brave and courageous. It’s these people who go to extreme lengths and put their child at risk who are the cowards. They are too ashamed to look like a mother. It’s so sad!

Click here and here to see more.

FTR, I have not looked at every single photo myself – yet. :)

Beauty Vs. Industry

A friend sent me a link to an article about this new FaceBook group. It was started by a Canadian high schooler who is clearly wise beyond her years. She encourages other girls to find the beauty in themselves no matter what the beauty industry wants us to think. The group is full of photos with text all over them where the girls share everything from what body parts they love to their silliest habits to their inner emotions. It’s pure art and pure inspiration.


Mothering the Mother

Karly over at First Ourselves has a great new series going on Mondays called Mothering the Mother. Last week she wrote:

Would we ever say the things that we say to ourselves to a friend, or loved one: You’re a terrible mother. You’re a fat cow. You’re a piece of crap. You can’t do anything right.

Let’s try this instead: let’s view ourselves through the eyes of love. You’re a wonderful mother. You have a beautiful, curvy body. You’re beloved, divinely created. You do so much right.

That really hits home with me. I have spent the last year or so learning to treat myself with respect and it has made an amazing difference in who I am today versus who I was only a year ago. It’s amazing how much the language I use with myself effects my self esteem. Years ago, when my daughter was old enough to begin to really hear me and imitate me, I was no longer able to accuse myself of being fat or ugly lest she hear me. And you know? I feel prettier these days than ever before.

If Karly’s words spoke to you as well, check out her ongoing series here each Monday.