16 Weeks Postpartum… Ugh! (Anonymous)

I love this site. Thank you all for your submissions! I come here all the time for encouragement and I thought it was time to submit my own pictures, so here goes nothing… The day I found out I was pregnant I weighed 129 pounds. At my last doctors appt (2 days before I went into labor) I weight in at 197! So I atleast weight 200 when I gave birth. I’m 4’11 so 200 lbs is a lot for any woman, but especially someone my height. I’m covered in stretchmarks from my just above my belly button down to my ankles. It’s disgusting. I had so many fluids pumped into me during labor (IVs and whatnot) that I was so swollen and all the stretchmarks you see on my legs and calves are from that. I didn’t have any there when I got to the hospital! I had stretchmarks before I got pregnant, but they were nothing compared to what I have now. Even my midwife would comment on how horrible they were when I’d go in for my appointments =) I know they will fade, but I’m not sure I will ever have the courage to wear shorts again, let alone a bathing suit! I was down to 170 lbs by 5 days postpartum. Today I weigh 165… I never expected all the weight to just fall off, but I seriously thought I would have lost more than 5 lbs in the last 3 1/2 months. I eat about half the amount of calories that I was eating while I was pregnant, and my weight will not bugde. Its extremely aggravating. And it really depresses me since everyone else I know that’s had babies recently were back to their prepregnacy sizes in a couple of weeks. I can only imagine what they must think of me. I hope that someday I will accept my body again. And I really hope that day comes soon!

Mum to 3 boys and 1 girl (Anonymous)

Original entry here.

I had my little girl 7 weeks ago today. She was born 1 day after her due date. I let the Dr. induce me after he said “she’s going to be big, over 8lbs” so he broke my water and put me on a pit drip and after 4hrs of labor our 9lb 21″ girl was here! I gained 40lbs and have lost 22 already, that’s just with breastfeeding though. I haven’t had the energy to workout yet. When I do get back into a routine I hope to lose another 20lbs to fit back into my old jeans. I didn’t get any new stretch marks and the old ones are fading again. It is hard to look in the mirror and feel sexy or beautiful but maybe that will come again in time. I’m just amazed once again at what a woman’s body can do! I feel so very blessed to be given the chance once again to be pregnant and deliver and now nurse a healthy new life! I spend so much time now trying to think of ways to teach my girl to love herself and her body no matter what it looks like and teach my boys to honor the women who may come into their lives. Thank you again Bonnie for creating this site for everyone!
1st pic 8 months pregnant, next pics 7 weeks postpartum, pic of newborn baby girl and last pic of nursing babe.

8.5 Months into Motherhood (Anonymous)

I found out I was pregnant just days before my 18th birthday. A senior in high school, I was 5’7″, 125 lbs. and comfortable in my body. My now-husband was just starting his first year of college, 5 hours away. Despite his frequent visits, my pregnancy was a long and lonely one. I was able to finish all my credits before I reached my third trimester, but being a pregnant high schooler still wasn’t easy. I sank into a depression and found consolation in various fried and/or sugary foods. I lost count of the pounds gained after 70. My daughter arrived just two weeks before my graduation ceremony and three months later I married my high school sweetheart. I love my husband and I love my daughter. Everyday I thank God just because they’re a part of my life. However, I look at my body and feel almost ashamed. My belly is riddled with lines and wrinkles. My hips are far wider than they were, adding even more emphasis to my flat butt. My husband adamantly insists that I am still beautiful (bless his heart), but I find it hard to see myself in that way. The thought of ever wearing a bikini again slightly horrifies me. I wish I could refer to my scars as “honor badges”, but I look down and all I see is a discolored and creviced belly. I hope to someday come to terms with my new body. I don’t expect to be slinking around in a bikini ever, but I’d like to at least feel beautiful for my husband, because that’s what he deserves. Soooo….I am posting these pictures here so I can hopefully achieve that goal. P.S. I’d like to mention that I am totally in awe of the other women posting on this website. They are my heroes.

Postpartum Beauty (Anonymous)

From the time I was 13 years old, and experienced my first stretch mark on my suddenly grown breasts, I have been ashamed of my body. I was a chubby teenager who would hide my body under large sweatshirts and jeans even in the dead of summer so that no one could see my rolls and marks. My body was an obsession, I tried everything I could to change it. I was ridiculously insecure and eventually dieted down to a size 6 by my late teens. Needless to say when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter in Sept of 2007 I immediately began to worry how I would change, whether I would ever get my body “back”. My mother has never had a stretch mark in her life, not one during pregnancy and in her mid 50s somehow her breasts were perkier than mine were pre-pregnancy! It added fuel to my fire. All the insecurities of my teen years swelled up just as powerful as ever. I obsessed about the 50 pounds I gained, the stretch marks during the final weeks of pregnancy, my breasts becoming saggy and whether my husband would ever look at me the same way again. When my daughter was born in June of 2008, every pregnancy ache and pain became a distant memory. I realized I would have gained 90 pounds and had stretch marks on every inch of me if I had to in order to bring her into this world. My breasts are less perky, my stomach less tight, I have stretch marks that weren’t there before, and I still have 10 pounds to lose but I feel more beautiful today than before motherhood, happily my husband vehemently agrees. I grew her inside me and continue to nourish her with my body; it’s the greatest honor I have ever known. Well done all you gorgeous Mommys, you are truly incredible women. I am constantly moved by the pictures and submissions by the brave women on this site. Be confident in yourselves, you are more beautiful than you know.

PS – Postpartum 21 & 25 Years Later (Anonymous)

Previous entry here.

The wonderful comments from all the young mums have really boosted me. I felt good about my body after my babies were born. But hit my later years and now I hate what I see nude in the mirror. I don’t have stretch marks, nor cellulite, so I am lucky, but all those with stretchmarks – they will fade in time – it is early days yet. Just enjoy your babies and also ensure you have a little time for you to be you. Also give yourself time to be not just a mum, but a whole and sexy woman who is her own person. Sometimes you can do little to change your body but keep fit and healthy and make the most of yourself. Thank you to everyone who has commented positively about my body – it has meant a lot to me.

Updated here.

Unexpected C-Section (Anonymous)

I am 34 yrs old, my son, my first and only and here are some pics of mine 40 weeks pregnant and 8 days post partum…. This was my first pregnancy. I was planning for a vaginal birth from the beginning but by week 40 the doc realized that it wont be possible due to cord problems so there i was planning a csection for the following day. i was really scared of the operation and worried about my shape after the op. well, after i got to hold my son it all seemed meaningless. i was happy relaxed and laid back. i spent only one day in bed, which i believe helped the healing of my c-scar. and pregnancy was kind to me. no strech marks (almond oil) and my belly is getting smaller every day… i think that is thanks to breastfeeding… i have a few stretch marks on my breasts but i feel like my son is worth it all. he is so lovable and cute :)

9 Months Pregnant With 3rd Baby (Anonymous)

This is me today, i am 37 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby. I do have quite a few stretch marks and bulges in places that i hate. I have battled with eating disorders and gaining weight with this pregnancy has been a mental struggle with me. I think the only thing i like about being pregnant this time is my stomach isn’t all lose and flabby like it was when i wasn’t pregnant. I do have quite a bit of extra skin that i hate and no amount of weight loss will get rid of it.

I may not be beautiful anymore, but my son is (Anonymous)

I’ll admit, it’s hard to look in the mirror these days. I use to be beautiful. I was vain too… I liked the way people treated me because of it. These days, I feel frumpy. I feel like an alien in my own body. Sex with my husband is not what it use to be. It’s hard to be sexy when you don’t feel like you are! I’m embarrassed for him to see me naked. I think that god took away my beauty to give it to my son. He’s perfect. He’s healthy, strong, and absolutely amazing. I think I am a selfish mom because I wish I still felt that way about myself :( shouldn’t a perfect baby feel worth it? I wish it felt worth it like everyone says. But it doesn’t :(

Comfortable in my skin (Southern Mama)

Im a 29 yr old mother of a 2 yr old and a 10 month old. I gained 50 lbs with my first baby who was 9 lbs. With my second baby I gained 70 lbs, geez, she was 8lbs 4oz. Both c-sections. I ate anything and everything in sight when I was pregnant with my babies. I was big, round, and jolly! Im pretty happy with my body. I did lose all the weight easily, but I still have some stretch marks which bother me alot. Mostly on one hip and some light ones on my stomach. Im still breastfeeding, so the breasts that I do have will be gone once I stop. I will miss having full breasts. Seeing all the beautiful pictures and reading all the courageous stories on this site makes me proud to be a mom!