3 years and 3 months later… (Anonymous)

I had my first son in October 2007 by emergency cesarian and my daughter 17 months later by elective cesairan. I have now given up breastfeeding for one month and although I miss it I am pleased to have my body to myself. I fed each baby for over a year and had been continually pregnant or nursing for 3years and 2 months!!! I am really proud of myself.
My body does not have the youthful shape it did before babies but I like it. I am hoping a little life will go back into my breasts but I am pleased to say my stretch marks with a little tlc have faded to almost nothing. I was lucky to only put on 31lbs with my son and 12lbs with my daughter however I was unlucky in a way as it was due to the nausea and vommiting I get throughout pregnancy.
I feel I have given my children the best possible start in life and I feel proud.

~Age: 28
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2 c-sections, one elective one emergency
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: My children are 2 and 5 months and 12.5 months

Worth Every Pound and Every Mark (Apryl)

First of all, I would like to applaud this site. It is wonderful to see you celebrating the real beauty n a mother instead of criticizing the perceived flaws that so many of us think we have because we don’t match the air-brushed photos of the celebrity moms that have a personal trainer, personal chef, full time nanny, and entire crew of hair and makeup people to make them appear perfect. I also felt you ladies should see what a truly “plus-size” mom looks like, since most of the women calling themselves plus size are anything but.


I’ve never been happy with my body. I thought I was too skinny, because that is what my mother always told me.

When I got pregnant with my oldest, right around my 18th birthday, I was a petite and skinny little thing. 130 pounds, but very busty (D cup) already, so even at 5’3″ that was pretty thin. I had a fairly smooth and uncomplicated pregnancy although the father and I split up because he became abusive. I gained about 40 pounds. Then in January of 1999, I gave birth to a wonderful 7 lb 15.8 oz son. It was an easy birth, other than the fact that I hemorrhaged pretty severely.

I lost almost all of the weight pretty quickly. I actually liked the way I looked with that 5 extra pounds that didn’t want to go away. Then I got on the Depo-Provera birth control shot. My weight started to balloon almost immediately. I hated it. But it was convenient, so I stayed on it. My weight ended up around 185 pounds.

When my oldest was 2, I started dating a man who would become the father of my second child. He and my oldest bonded almost instantly. That was “Daddy” in my son’s eyes. So when we split up after a year and a half, he asked if he could stay involved (his biological father never was) so for the sake of my son, I said yes. About 2 weeks later, I discovered I was pregnant. Big surprise to say the least, as I was still on the Depo. We discussed things and realized we could never make things work as a couple, but for the sake of (both!) kids, we would try to be friendly. After another uncomplicated pregnancy, I gave birth to a beautiful 8 lb 12 oz boy. The only real trouble with that birth was that his head came out fine, then his shoulders got stuck. After a lot of straining, so much that I broke blood vessels all the way down into my chest, he was out.

Another year and a half passed. I dated some, but no one too seriously. Then one night when my ex had the boys, I went out dancing and met the man who would become my husband. We hit it off instantly. After almost a year together, we moved in together, and then a year after that, and St Patrick’s Day of 2006, we got married. He had 2 kids from his first marriage, an I had my 2, so we didn’t plan to have any more. Then in September of 2007, we found out we were pregnant. We were shocked but thrilled. Until a few days later, when I miscarried. This devastated me, and I realized I wanted another child. But over a year later, when my cycle still hadn’t returned to normal because of my miscarriage, my doctor put me on the pill too try to regulate my cycle. I was almost 29. Since I became a mother at such a young age, I told myself for years that 30 was my cut-off for having kids. So we didn’t expect any more. Then in the beginning of April of 2009, just before a trip my husband and I were planning to Las Vegas for a weekend, I started to realize I was feeling some pregnancy symptoms. I figured I would take a test just to be safe, so I would know if I could have some drinks on our mini-vacation.

IT WAS POSITIVE!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I was pregnant. I was also up to 290 pounds. However, I only gained 9 pounds with this pregnancy, and on December 2, 2009, I gave birth to a 8 lb 5.5 oz perfect baby boy. This delivery was a lot harder on me. Probably because I was so out of shape, but I couldn’t do it without drugs this time. After having contractions that were so painful that my whole body tremble like a seizure, plus some other unpleasantness, I finally agreed to an epidural. As soon as they placed it, my labor went by FAST. Within an hour of it being placed, after 3 pushes, my little man was out.

Within a month, I was down almost 30 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.

I breastfed each baby, but not for as long as I wanted, due to infections in my body causing the milk to dry up not long after each was born. After it happened this time, I gained back 15 of the 30 I lost. But I am working on it.

However, even if I never lose another pound, I know that every stretch mark, every line, every pound is worth it. Because I have the 3 most perfect little boys (in my opinion at least) on the planet because of what my body went through to give them to me, and THAT is what makes me truly beautiful.

Age now – will be 30 in less than a month (great timing for my cut-off point)
Children’s ages – 11, 7, and 16 weeks
Number of pregnancies – 4 (possibly 5, I may have had a very early term miscarriage when I was 16, but never went to the doctor to confirm)

The pictures I am attaching (other than the ones with my boys) were all taken with my phone tonight, not the best quality. One is of my breasts, one is my breasts and belly form the side, one is my breasts and belly while sitting, on is with my belly lifted out of the way to show the stretchies on the skin on the front of my crotch. The others are the wonderful causes of my marks of honor. One with me, and one without.

Updated here.

The aftermath of sexual violence + the beginning of healing, part 2 (Anonymous)

About a year ago, six weeks after giving birth to my son, I posted my first entry.

It’s been a tough and fun year and yet again my body has changed a lot. I am still breastfeeding and that has helped me lose all my pregnancy weight, without any effort on my part. That was quite unexpected – I thought I’d really have to struggle to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. My breasts are softer and saggier than before the pregnancy and one is quite a bit larger than the other because my son prefers to feed from that side. When I lean forward, my stomach looks like it belongs to an old woman, with all the wrinkles and the lose skin (that doesn’t show in the pictures here, because I am standing straight). After the birth I thought that the skin on my stomach would “recover”, but I have now realized that it won’t. I tell myself that that simply comes with having a baby and it doesn’t bother me too much, but I am embarrassed when my husband sees it.

Sometimes my negative thoughts take over. Sometimes I still see my body as belonging to the rapists. Sometimes, when my son presses his sweet face against mine, I wonder if he would still love me if he knew that I have been raped by four men. And I wonder if I am worthy to be his mother – can someone as damaged as me be the mother of someone as pure, innocent and wonderful as my little boy? I try to console myself with the knowledge that even though I am far from pure, at least my love for him is. And I remind myself of the great things my body was able to do during childbirth and I remind myself that my breasts have nurished and are still nurishing this healthy and happy boy and I am thankful for that. It helps, because the negative thoughts don’t take over anymore as they used to before we had our son. My hope is that one day I will feel completely worthy as a mother, a woman, a person.

The pictures show my body one year post-partum.

Uneven Breasts (Proud Mom)

My baby boy is 7 months tomorrow, and I’m a 23 year old all proud battle scared mom… I’ve been 1 of the lucky ladies to not develop strech marks, but a single one right on top of my belly button, the problem I’ve had is that at least 4 months ago my baby won’t feed from the left breast for longer than 2 minutes, he just likes the right one, causing the uneven growth of the breasts, as you can see on the pics…. I will like to know if anybody else has had the same problem and if anybody has a solution for that, or else if they will get better after I finish breast feeding, I plan to do so until at least 1 year…
I will post as well some more pics on my c section scar

~Age: 23
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 pregancy & birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 7 months boy

Third Child, 3 Months PP (Anonymous)

I am 29 years old and had baby number three, three months ago. I gained 40-45 lbs. with each pregnancy, a lot of it going on my stomach. People always asked me if I was sure I wasn’t having twins. But I loved my big pregnant belly. I felt so full of life, even though it was exhausting and my back always hurt because it had to support my beautiful, full belly. I’m 5’7″ and started my motherhood journey weighing 135 lbs. and went to 180 lbs. I now weigh 150 lbs. With each birth, my skin has gotten more and more stretchy and wrinkly. I loved the way my boobs looked after the first two births–they filled up a lot. But this time, they are much more saggy (but they make plenty of milk!). And my right boob and aerola are bigger than the left. Sometimes I feel self-conscious, wondering if anyone else will notice that I am uneven. The skin on my legs, arms, and face have lost some elasticity, too. I guess that’s also a part of aging. With the stretchy skin, I thought that I had done something wrong or that something was wrong with my body. I’m glad to see it’s normal! I got red stretch marks on my butt and boobs during my first pregnancy, but they faded after a while and I don’t even notice them.

My body is beautiful to me and I now give loving thoughts to my imperfections because they are mine. I am feeling at peace with my body (especially after seeing this sight–it was so helpful in accepting myself). My opinion of myself is really the only one that matters, that is what affects how I feel. The days I have a harder time, that is when I know I need to do something nice for me. And I keep away from media that sends negative messages to me, especially when there is so much to enjoy in life. Thank you for this site!!!!!!!!!

Update (Jeanne)

Original entry here.

Since my initial submission I feel like I’ve been able to focus on the important thing- finished college, got a job, spend my time with my daughter and have dated here and there. I’ve accepted my body and while I don’t love it- I like it for it’s flaws and have been able to exercise and drop 15 lbs. I am satisfied with things now…though my boobs have sagged a little. my daughter’s almost a year old..how time flies….oh and I wanted to say how much I appreciated everyone’s kind words. It certainly made me feel a bit better.


Updated here.

Self hate? Why not celebrate! (Brittany)

4 months post-partum with second child, first child is 3yrs

My name is Brittany and I am a 24 year old mother of two. I have a 3 year old son and a 4month old baby girl. Like many women, I have struggled with body issues for a majority of my life. I have hated my body for almost as long as I can remember. My first and only real relationship is with the father of my two children, and we started dating when I was 17. My body issues cast a huge shadow over our entire relationship. Whenever we watched a movie, or went to the mall, I would be constantly seeking out gorgeous women, wondering if he was wishing that he was with them instead of me. And this was before I had kids, mind you!!! Pregnant with my first born at 20 was not planned, and I dealt with that stress by eating my way through the pregnancy. I went from 115lbs to 185, and have the stretch marks to match every pound I gained. I was naïve and depressed and didn’t take care of my body at all. After my son was born, I went from hating my body, to wishing that I had my old body back. I would look back at pictures taken prior to my pregnancy and wonder to myself, what was there to hate?? I had a beautiful, strong body and hated every inch of it!! And that is when I realized that, the problem doesn’t lie in what my body looks like, its all in my head. Even when I had a flat stomach, free of stretch marks, I didn’t like myself. It isn’t about having a perfect body, it’s about loving yourself. With my second pregnancy, I went from 122lbs to 155 and didn’t get any stretch marks the second time around. I will never have my pre-pregnancy body, but now that my body has given birth to 2 wonderful, smart, loving, hilarious children, I love it even more, regardless of what it looks like. My boyfriend calls my stretch marks my badges of honour and he is absolutely right. Every now and then my sister-in-law will make snide remarks about how her husband is so glad she never got a single stretch mark, and he would hate it if she did. It used to bother me, but now I know that without these scars, I would have nothing physical to remind me of the wonderful nine months I had with my babies inside me, depending on me for their very survival. After I made peace with my new body, I felt so liberated!!! I have more confidence now than I have ever had. Instead of crying over my new body, which I used to do, I love it even more for everything it went through to bring me my precious family. Never wearing a bikini again is a small price to pay for my children, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. If anyone ever has anything to say about my loose skin and stretch marks, that is their problem, not mine because I love every inch of who I am!! If I don’t show my daughter how to love herself, she might very well grow up with the same self esteem issues I had, and I am not going to let that happen! So lets celebrate who we are, and what we’ve been through, because we are all worthy of love!!

Due in 12 days! (First Time Mother)

I’m very close to giving birth to my firstborn, a girl. I was about 180 lbs at conception. That’s about 20 lbs heavier than my normal weight, and in a little bout of irony, I was dedicating my summer to exercise in an attempt to get back down to 160, when bam, I got pregnant and sick! extreme fatigue and nausea kept me plastered to the couch for the rest of the summer! and the only food i could enjoy was carbs! so no weight loss for me. i’m now up to 230, or 238 if you believe the scale at the midwife clinic instead of mine. Kinda funny, but i really believed that i could eat for two while pregnant. So i put on weight fast, and by month 7, the midwives advised me to re-think how much i was eating. since then i’ve stopped with the unlimited food intake and only gained a couple more pounds to finish off the pregnancy. it’s pretty shocking to look in the mirror and see this huge belly and huge breasts. i can’t remember when my breasts started sitting on the shelf of my belly. the lower half of my stomach resembles a dry and cracked riverbed of stretch marks. I was convinced for a long time that i wouldn’t get many stretch marks. wrong!! now they are appearing on my inner thighs too, which is a little disconcerting. I’m really looking forward to meeting this baby, but i’m pretty fearful of what my body will look like after birth. I’m not harboring any delusions that my jeans will magically fit right away, but I do really hope that breastfeeding is going to take care of a lot of this extra belly. i’ve also got high hopes that a jogging stroller plus a summer free from work will go a long way to giving me time to re-claim a body that i’m comfortable with.

i’m really curious to find out what this baby girl weighs, as i was almost 9 lbs at birth and my husband was almost 12 lbs!!! maybe this weight is all baby!

~Age: 26
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: almost to 40 weeks.

2 1/2 Years Later- Anonymous

Age: 21

A couple months after I turned 18 I found out I was pregnant. Since my boyfriend lived in California and I was so young, I was very nervous. Having my daughter changed my entire life around. I become responsible, mature and learned how to put my daughter’s needs in front of my own. My boyfriend (now fiance) became such a great dad and having her made our relationship so much stronger. However I have had trouble accepting the changes my body have gone through due to pregnancy. When I got pregnant I was 140lbs, and at 5’2, is slightly overweight. I struggled with an eating problems since I was 11, but pregnancy forced to me to learn to eat when I was hungry and choose nutritious food. I ate so healthy that I only gained 10lbs during my entire pregnancy. My doctor was not concerned at all because my baby was growing great and I was a healthy weight. I had a easy and fast labor and delivery and brought my daughter home a couple days later. I was so stressed from being a new mom, and breastfeeding, that I lost weight really quickly. 2 weeks after I delivered I was down to 128lbs and then a month later I was 118. I quit breastfeeding when my daughter was 2 months and my weight loss slowed. I now weigh 113 lbs 2 years later. I got stretch marks when I gained a little weight during puberty but I was surprised when stretch marks showed up darker in my first couple months of pregnancy- since I only gained a couple pounds and didn’t show until about 5 months. Once I gave birth I discovered a couple more stretch marks on my lower belly. My breasts, however, went from a C to a double D, got stretch marks all over them and when I quit breastfeeding I was left with soft, saggy, stretched out breasts. My stomach went pretty flat fast, but my stretch marks have not faded so well. I hated my breasts so much that I got a breast augmentation in November. I LOVE my breasts now, but still feel self conscious about my stretch marks. I plan on losing about 10 more lbs, but will have to wait to save up some $$ until I can get laser treatment to fade them. When it comes down to it, I would have a million stretch marks for my daughter :) She is my angel and my saving grace. I love her more than anything and I love spending each day watching her grow. Ladies: don’t worry about you bodies so much after birth, just focus on being healthy and the amazing ability we have to bring life into the world!

Updated here.

My thoughts, fears, and joys of being a mother (Stacy)

Age: 26
# of pregnancies and births: 5 pregnancies (currently pregnant), 2 births
My children are 6 and 2, and I am 10 weeks pregnant with my third child

I became pregnant for the first time at 19 years old. It seemed like the MOST horrible time for it to happen. I was not in a great relationship, and when my son was 6 months old, I married his father. I wanted the complete family, even if that meant marrying someone I was sure I wasn’t completely in love with.

Needless to say, after the pot shots from him about the way my post baby body looked, not being able to have friends, and other verbal and emotional abuse, and finding out he was neglecting my son while I was at work, I left. And I left with a severe complex about my body. I called my mother and she came the next day and picked up all of mine and my sons things, and I left.

Almost a year later, I re-connected with a friend I wasn’t allowed to speak to while I was married, because he was a male. Later on, we started dating. He was so good with my son, and my son loved having a role model. We were married 2 years later. I had two miscarriages before getting pregnant with my daughter, but she was so worth the wait! I now have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids, but I still have this overwhelming urge to cry when I see myself naked in the mirror. My husband says I am beautiful and he is still very much attracted to me, but if I am not happy with myself I should do what I can to try and change it. He has offered to work out with me. Now I am 10 weeks pregnant with our third and last baby, so I have to wait to start a vigorous workout routine.

I know that I should be proud of what I have done, but I can’t help thinking I shouldn’t look like this at 26 years old. I am so proud of my kids, but I am not proud of what I look like. I don’t show my stomach, I wear a bra all the time to keep my breasts up where they are supposed to be, and when I change my clothes, it’s a chore to find something I think looks right on me. I don’t wear a bikini, and I am so uncomfortable in my own skin I get nervous when I am with my husband in bed. I have tried to think differently, but I’m not sure how to fix this.